Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

Unread post by MR. Q »

Smother Match
Win by Smother KO only
Hentai is allowed

Ivan's walking in his funeral. The redhead slumped, slowly walking like a zombie into the backstage as the roaring crowd echoed just around the opening. It was like a funeral march at this point.

As to why he is like this? It's because he got roped into a match against a heavyweight. His first official match against a heavyweight wrestler in LAW.

Which is bad.

Ivan's a true believer of weight class division rules. Lightweight should fight lightweights and heavyweights against heavyweights. Naturally, LAW threw that rules out of the window, his dignity following suite. He got a fair share of unfair matches against him with some lighter division himself so he isn't one talk.

Yet he dreaded when it's his time to be put in these unfair matches. Memories of his time on the pit came to surface, fight against men who are far older and bigger than him. It was a bad time for him.

It now his turn here in LAW.

With a gulp, he ignored everything as he walked into the ring.

He ignored the announcer.

He ignored the crowd.

He just went to his corner and waited.

For his execution.

"I'm gonna die." He whimpered, dreading what kind of muscle woman of a behemoth would com out of the backstage.
Last edited by MR. Q on Sun Feb 23, 2025 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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When it came to the heavyweights of LAW, there were without a doubt plenty of imposing women among them. Bodybuilders, weightlifters, sumo wrestlers, and titans that would make anyone do a double-take if they saw them on the street. There was plenty of reason for Ivan to be concerned by the thought of facing one of them, especially if the experience would prove new to him. But the match would wait for no one - and now that he was in the ring, it was only a matter of time before his opponent arrived.

"Standing at 6'0, weighing 180 pounds, from Tokyo, Japan!! SAYAAAAAA MATOU!!"

The ring announcer called for Ivan's opponent...and nothing came.

The seconds ticked by. There was no sign of anyone at the top of the entrance ramp. A few murmurs went through the stands; some fans asked themselves if there was a mistake, or if they were being set up for a surprise entrance. Either way, it couldn't have done many favors for Ivan, who was left there waiting for the moment his opponent would finally enter, and he would see her in the flesh. Until then, he could only guess what sort of foe he'd be up against.

After a while, the ring crew finally got fed up with waiting, and one stagehand peered behind the curtain, whispering something. Only a moment after that, a voice called out.

At that point, Ivan's opponent arrived...and, rather than the confident, threatening mountain of muscle he had been expecting, he was greeted by a high school girl running down the aisle in a panic, her face pale and her heaving bosom bouncing so hard she had to hug her arm against it to keep it still. "Sorry!! Sorry, everyone!" she called to the people she passed. "I swear I won't do it again, I sw-" At that point, she was cut off when, in her hurry to explain herself, she didn't see where she was going and ran right into the ring apron, which let out a loud clang as she was thrown off her feet and into the floor.

"OW-!" Saya winced, rubbing her head with a groan before she picked herself up and climbed through the ropes. There, she looked up at Ivan and flashed an awkward smile, waving to him. "Hi-! I'm Saya! Soooo so sorry if I kept you waiting, really, I mean it!" She bowed her head, just to make sure he knew she meant it. "I just couldn't find my gym bag and I had to look around all over for it and I didn't realize they had called me! Uh, we can still have a good match, right?" She chuckled nervously - hopefully she hadn't blown her big moment!
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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Ivan blinked at Saya multiple times, unable to comprehend her youthful appearance before him. That was NOT part of the deal. The whole point of his match today was to be mercilessly squished by someone of considerable size. Not... this.

"I'm gonna kill him." Ivan stared blankly ahead, imagining ways how to kill a midget. He almost died out of heart attack and might probably have a stroke because of this stunt pulled at him.

Ivan facepalmed, embarrassed on why he fell for something so simple. He was an idiot. Peeking through the gaps of his fingers, he observed his opponent.

Very young, beautiful and sexy.

Not to mention big.

What are they feeding these kids nowadays?!

Only plus is that she is clumsy if her early moment wasn't an act. He actually almost felt bad on what's gonna happen in this match.


"No problem, just...let me process my midlife crisis before the ring bells."

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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Saya was still catching her breath as she stood in the ring in front of Ivan. One thing was for sure - the redheaded fighter had certainly been caught off-guard by Saya's example. But not quite in the way he had been expecting to. If anything, he was most surprised by just how unprepared and non-threatening Saya truly was - even now, she was facing him with a coy, awkward smile, hoping that she hadn't embarrassed herself too much with her entrance. This was...definitely not what he signed up for, for better or worse.

Saya didn't quite understand what Ivan said next. "Ahh..? What do you-" she began - but there was no time for idle talk now. Now that the two of them were in the ring, the timekeeper had no intentions of letting things run on any longer than they had to, after Saya's delays.


Soon enough, the bell rang, and Saya knew she had to be ready! Letting out a gasp, she jumped back into a stance, bending at the knees and raising her hands. "R-Right-! Okay! I'm gonna do my best!" With the match underway, Saya would make her first move, closing in toward Ivan with her hands extended as she reached for his shoulders to enter a lockup. Once she was there, however, she'd shove her chest up against his as hard as she could, hoping to batter him backward with the sheer force her body could bring behind it!
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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Ivan watched the bell go off, signaling the start of their match, as if he wasn't paying attention earlier anyway.

When Saya lunged forward, trying to grab his shoulder and shove her chest into his, Ivan's eyes wide in alarm as he found himself being pushed back by the taller and heavier girl.

"Oh shit!"

Locking up to her own shoulders, his heel dug on the canvas as he tries to stop her from pushing him. It proved ineffective of course. Huffing, Ivan decided to switch tactics.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he spun them around as such her back will hit the ropes first before his. Allowing him some breathing room and to mount a counterattack.

Starting with knee to the gut.

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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Saya might have been inexperienced as far as wrestling went - and, really, as far as being a functioning human being went - but she did have a few things going for her. She was nothing if not considerably well-endowed, she had keijo training on her side, and she was the daughter of Yuna Matou, a woman who had made a name for herself through leveraging her size and weight advantage against her opponents. She could do the same thing here - it wasn't like it took a considerable amount of strategic thought. Which, if anything, made it work even better for her.

Sure enough, against the sheer weight of Saya's body, Ivan was steered back against the ropes! The heavyweight smiled to herself as he staggered backward - this, she thought, as proof that she had him under control! However, Ivan wasn't done just yet - he would make that known well enough when he spun around, such that Saya's back would hit the ropes before he did! The girl let out a gasp then - he had struck with such speed, she hadn't even seen the reversal coming! Before she knew it, he kicked up his leg to slam a knee into her gut, causing her to cough and wheeze as she doubled over forward!

Clearly, Saya had underestimated just what her opponent had up his sleeve. But she knew how to adapt to the situation, too! Gritting her teeth, she reached out forward to grab for Ivan's head, and pull it forward to bury it into her cleavage! If this was a smother match, she'd step up to the plate!
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Re: Ivan Ramirez VS Saya Matou

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Ivan grunted, feeling Saya's ample breasts engulf his face as she tried to use her cleavage as a weapon against him. Her grip on his head was surprisingly strong despite her smaller stature. He tried to wriggle free but she held firm.


Despite being smothered, Ivan's mind was racing. He needed to think fast. This tactic was meant to leave him disoriented and weakened, but Ivan had an idea.

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her thighs, digging his fingers into her soft flesh. Then, with a sudden burst of strength, he yanked Saya down towards the mat, aiming to slam her back-first onto the canvas.

If successful, the impact would jar Saya loose, allowing Ivan to break free from her cleavage-smother attempt. And while she was momentarily stunned, he could strike another blow, gaining the upper hand in this mismatched bout.

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