Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Fresh on the heels of running into Catalina last week...

Standard Rules
One Fall
Victory Condition: Pinfall, Submission, or KO
Katsumi Oshiro
Katsumi hasn't had many rematches since joining LAW. It came up only once or twice, and each one felt like it had quite a bit on the line; especially her rematch against Sienna Smith. This event feels very different, however; there's nothing on the line other than pride. But it wasn't difficult to to convince the management to book her against Catalina again. All she had to do was convince them that she wanted to tear into her and prove the last time was a fluke.

The real reason? Sure, there's some level of truth to that claim, but this match is just a pretense to get the other girl in the ring with her again. Not to beat her up, not to make her look bad so she looks good in contrast. No, tonight is about fun with her opponent. It's playtime. The audience matters less, the referee matters less, she's just itching to get her hands on the cute girl who seems to admire her. It makes her heart feel lighter.

That doesn't mean she won't have some extra fun on the side, though. She hinted to her shorter 'foe' that she may do a little something-something, after all.

Tonight, she's foregoing her jacket and shades. She wants to feel the full wash of the arena air, the pressure of the cacophonous voices, the hard bass pulse of her music all against her skin. She wants all eyes on her, from luxurious hair to gold-tipped boots, taking her in. It's purely self-indulgent, but that's part of the fun tonight. Catalina got the dramatic reveal last time. This time, she wants her eyes on her right from the start.

At least, she's pretty sure she's into her. She'll be paying extra close attention to how she behaves towards her tonight.

The lights in the arena dims down low. The audience falls into an eager silence, anticipating what they understand to be a grudge match. Last time, they saw Catalina pin Katsumi to the mat. Will it be a repeat of the perky girl conquering the punk?
The music hits.
Purple and green laser lights begin firing off rhythmically around the stage and ramp. And when the music hits its instrumental crescendo, the Punk Princess rushes out into the open and freezes, arms raised high into the air, back arched, and smiling radiantly as she's met with a mixture of cheers and boos. But she doesn't care. The attention, no matter the reaction, is what she's always craved on a deep level. She takes a couple twirling steps, graceful, silky hair tossed; the final pose sees a shower of cold purple sparks spraying at either end of the stage.

"Making her way to the ring!," begins the announcer. "Standing at a height of 5'7", and weighing in at 124 lbs.! The Punk Princess! KATSUMIIIII! OOOOSHIIROOO!"

The audience quickly notes a curious addition, however! She's carrying a microphone!

Her strut to the ring is its typical confident, even arrogant flair, hips asway, free hand propped at her bare waist. She trots up the steps at the ring's corner, crosses the apron, and back-tilts over the top rope to smoothly roll over and into the ring. Then the microphone is raised...

"Alright, alright! Cut it!"

Her music suddenly cuts off.

"Tonight's match is happening for one reason, and one reason only! To set the record straight!" She points her free hand towards the entrance. "Because, last time, I got distracted! That's right, you heard me! I admit it!"

She pauses to let the cheers and boos rain in. Some enjoy the shenanigans. Others find her terribly arrogant. She enjoys both. But for now, she's putting on a haughty little sneer.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talkin' about!" Most of the audience is, rather predictably, concluding she means that her opponent's cute. She got distracted checking her out. But then, "It took me off-balance realizing oompa-fucking-loompas come from Argentina!"

The audience's reaction intensifies, some with laughter, some with harder booing and disappointment. Katsumi meets it all with an innocent, but exaggerated shrug!

"But not tonight! Tonight, I'm here to make something clear! I'm the greatest Kat in the business! Bar none! And I'm gonna break that pretty little gaijin in front of all of you!"

She points to the entrance ramp again. "You hear me, Vicente!? How about you Oompa-Loompa-Doompity-Do us all a favor and get out here, and take your beating!"
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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Catalina hummed softly as she rolled her neck in preparation, a bright smile on her face as she did so. Tonight was a big night in her book. A major rematch against someone she quite liked in the form of Katsumi Oshiro.

Aside from similar names and jet black hair the two were pretty radically different from one another in personality and background, but that's what made the rocker interesting to Catalina. Likewise their first bout was dynamic, fast paced and entirely everything Catalina was looking for in wrestling, so with that bout having been her start in LAW she was hoping for this one to be the start of an even better chapter!

Walking cheerily through the halls of the backstage area towards the entrance area Cat would turn and perk her ears up, catching Katsumi's pre match promo of sorts. "Hm?" Cat hummed to herself, a bit surprised at the rather aggressive stance that the woman was taking given that she had believed them to be on fairly good terms with one another.

But on the other hand she didn't really sense a lot of genuine hostility. Or at least she liked to think so and give Katsumi the benefit of the doubt, it just felt somewhat like... a facade. Whatever the case, Catalina made sure to grab a mic as her music hit
Coming out all smiles Catalina would wave and pose for the fans for a bit as her music played around her accompanied by the cheers before she gestured for her music to be cut off as she raised the mic to her lips. "Katsumiiiiiii. Why are you being so mean before our match?" Catalina said with a faux pout on her face before smiling slyly. "If its just that you're trying to motivate me to beat you silly and pin you even firmer than before you didn't need to do that, I was already plenty motivated as is." She said alluding to their past conversation and Kat's.. appreciation for the pin.

"I even wore a speacial outfit similar to yours just for the occasion cause I thought you'd like it but oh well." Cat said with a shrug as she made it to the ring and hopped onto the apron, pausing for a moment as she raised the mic to her lips again. "Do you at least think I look good?" Cat asked, doing a little twirl and everything to show off the black attire, very deliberately teasing her opponent before she leaped over the ropes into the ring and calmly walked towards her opponent.

"Also... Oompa Loompa? Really, you couldn't make a comparison that's a little cuter? Like a elf? I'd take being compared to a elf." Cat said before giggling softly, finally cracking from how funny her little return promo to Kat was, and knowing she'd probably be making the Japanese girl lose it as a result.

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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Katsumi is an weird girl. A quirky quacker. An odd duckie. She loves riling up an audience, riling up her opponent, getting things heated and intense, and tends to assume her opponent knows what's up. Which is often not the case! No matter how many times she discovers her opponent is actually hurt by her bullying behavior, it's always the same. In the ring, she's a predator. The opponent is the prey. The audience loves to see it. She loves to give it to them, and embraces their cheers and jeers equally.

Catalina isn't any different in that regard! She's the prey. But she happens to be prey that Katsumi likes. Despite the dehumanizing way of looking at it, there's no genuine malice for Catalina. Maybe a little eagerness to save face by pinning her tonight, but no genuine, heartfelt vendetta. And if she found she hurt her tonight, she'd be devastated. Of course, that's after the fact. Because Katsumi's an in-ring predator. And kind'a dumb about these things.

She turns her face aside to the crowd, smirking patiently as Catalina responds. When the shorter girl approaches her, she tilts her head to look down at her. She does look good. And she believes she probably did pick a black and gold outfit to match her. It's adorable and endearing, and she does look good in it. But she can't let her know that - or rather, she can't let the audience know that. In her mind, surely Catalina's in-the-know!

Katsumi makes a grand display of looking her over, which conveniently enough, 'masks' the fact that she is, in fact, checking her out from head to boot and back up again. Her microphone raises, and she gives her hair a quick, aloof toss.

"It's a B. Eh, B-plus."

The audience boos!

"Oh, shaddup!," she snaps to them. "She wants to be an Elf! An Elf! The lamest creature in all fantasy! Shit, I bet she can't even bake cookies!"

Because of course the most legitimate form of Elf is Keebler.

"But let's be real! A girl her size?" She pivots again to Catalina, motioning with a hand. "Gnome at best! Or do you have hairy feet? Because I'd also allow Hobbit. But lemme tell you something, Master Frodo." She approaches Catalina again. "You're a long-ass way from the Shire. Ain't nothin' but monsters here."

And in true villainous form, Katsumi abruptly ends their tirade by thrusting a surprise toe-kick aimed to collide with Catalina's exposed stomach!
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Mon Feb 03, 2025 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Entering the ring fully and approaching her opponent while listening Catalina would make an exaggerated shocked expression at the girl's grade of her outfit for this match. "Por que? I picked it just for you.. dios Mio so picky.." Catalina said playfully while shaking her head, knowing from Katsumi's tone that she probably wasn't being actually serious, just as she was sure the woman probably wasn't being serious about the other mythological comparisons she was making.

"For the record I actually make amazing cookies, and I have smooth, well taken care of feet, if you're so curious about them I can show you later you pervertida." She said with another wink, casually and playfully batting aside Katsumi's tough talk before handing the mic to the referee who passed it on outside the ring to the crew workers.

Diverting her full attention to Katsumi.. Only to eat a surprise toe kick from the girl! "Ugh!" Catalina groaned out in pain, forced back a step... Before gritting her teeth and diving in, past Katsumi, turning and grabbing the girl around her thighs as she fell, turning as she did so to try and pay Katsumi back with a roll up pin!

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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Katsumi had expected the kick to stun her a moment! To make her pause, so she could lead right in with the violence! But that seems to've not been the case, as Catalina is suddenly moving forward and tumbling past her attempt to grab onto her. Instead, her leg is snagged and the Punk Princess quickly rolls over her figure to wind up bunched over onto her shoulders.

The referee-girl is already at a bit of a startle, and seeing the pin only adds more to her fluster! She starts to move forward to try to count it, then realizes the match hasn't officially started yet! "Aaa!" She waves an arm to signal the bell.


And then she's throwing herself down to the mat, slapping a palm to the canvas. "One!"

That's as far as it gets before Katsumi's powerful legs thrust out to dislodge the pin. Twisting into a quick and clean backroll, Katsumi ends on her feet - only to immediately pop up into the air and thrust both boots out in hopes of colliding with Catalina's torso in a sudden, explosive dropkick!
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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Ouch, ok yeah Katsumi was not willing to be as friendly as last time as far as how the match went today compared to their last bout with the woman. Still despite the kick Catalina wouldn't be put down so easily, diving towards her opponent and grabbing her leg to pull her down for a roll up pin on Katsumi! Naturally it didn't do much beyond a simple one count, but that was fine by Catalina since it would disrupt her opponent's actions and make her use up some energy.

As such the moment she rolled back to her feet after being thrown off from the kick out Catalina would get up and run towards her opponent, leaping up as she neared and lifting her legs up to try and deliver a dropkick to either a standing or still seated Kat! What she wasn't expecting though was for Katsumi to have had enough sense to get up and leap right towards her with a dropkick as well, both girls' having the same idea which would lead to a mid air collision!

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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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And the explosive start to the match seems to come to an end as both sets of legs bash into each other in a double dropkick. Katsumi hits the mat in tandem with Catalina, wincing at the sudden throb in her limbs.

With a snarl, she sits up, briefly nursing the right knee. Peering across to Catalina, she marks her position, tucks her legs, and promptly dives at her, unwilling to surrender the opening salvo! Not only for tactical purposes and having something to lose tonight, but because it helps get across what she intended from the outset. She's the ruffian. Catalina's the good girl. In order to make that clear in the magical, terribly fun way professional wrestling permits, she has to start effectively bullying her.

This was something missing in their previous encounter. Catalina was disarmingly cute and friendly. But now, having already wrestled her and talked to her, she feels pretty comfortable just going for it. Confident Catalina will understand! Though it's perhaps a bit foolish, given the ferocity with which she's attacking her now; a typical problem the Punk Princess runs into with relationships in the ring.

The way with which she's attacking Catalina doesn't really help, at that! If she can bear the smaller girl down against the mat, she quickly grabs a fistful of her hair to raise her head and begins raining down forearm strike after forearm strike against her temple! No doubt the referee isn't going to stand for that!
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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Having the same idea as Katsumi evidently the two girls would end up crashing into each other before both collapsed down to the mat. 'Crap.' Cat thought, especially as she looked up only to see Katsumi right back on top of her already! 'Double crap!' Cat thought to herself, admittedly a bit surprised at how outright aggressive Katsumi was right now.

Which admittedly made sense for how she normally presented herself, but still thinking it and experiencing it was a whole other thing. Raising her arms up as some means of defense against the blows Catalina would grunt and wince softly before throwing her legs up, trying to hook them over Katsumi's arms before using her legs to pull her down and to the mat, sitting up simultaneously as she did so, trying to reverse into a roll up pin!

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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Despite the aggression and violence, Katsumi is wearing a bright, beautiful, if slightly manic smile. Pearly white, downright tooth-pingingly radiant, brilliant emerald eyes focused down on the girl whose face she's raining blow after blow against, the Punk Princess is loving this moment. She's has a lot riding on this, and it's always nagging at the back of her mind, but this is her element. This is her home. And she's getting to share that with someone she likes, someone she kind of enjoys. The thought that this may seem extreme or barbaric to the other girl doesn't even cross her mind. To her, there's no way Catalina wouldn't think she's cool for totally dominating her in their rematch. She likes her, after all!


Suddenly, legs hook her shoulders and that expression shifts to one of surprise before she's rolled up. "Ah!"

With Katsumi's legs kicking in the air, the referee drops beside the pair to begin the pinfall!



Katsumi's legs thrust out to disrupt the balance and roll them right back over, except with the punkette now seated on Catalina's stomach and her arms hooking her legs. Ipso-facto, her legs would now rest over the Argentinian girl's shoulders in a reverse of the reverse pin!
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Re: Wrestlers Are Weird - Katsumi Oshiro vs. Catalina Vicente Rematch

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Katsumi was definitely approaching this match far more aggressively than before. Catalina wasn't entirely sure why, maybe it was just that she was taking her more seriously than before, or she had a bad day. Whatever the case was Cat wasn't willing to dwell on it, not when she currently has fist after fist raining down on her and coming up with a way to stop it was significantly more important.

Raising her legs up and hooking them over Katsumi's shoulders she would manage to pull the girl down and onto the mat with a roll up, both stopping the onslaught and granting her the first pin attempt of the match, one that went to the two count! Naturally though such a thing wouldn't be enough to stop Katsumi who lifted her own legs up, catching Catalina and pulling her down into a roll up reversal of her won! "Aie!" Catalina gasped out, legs waving for a moment as the ref went down to count!



Before it could go any further however Catalina would do a near perfect imitation of what her opponent had done just a moment ago, shifting her weight while pulling down with her legs to pull Katsumi back down and resettle into the initial roll up pin that she had just a second ago, the ref getting back up and dropping down to check if Katsumi's shoulders were on the mat before restarting the count!

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