Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

Unread post by Bare »

Vesper breathed in a shuddering breath as he felt the woman close in around his member, something that only motivated him to pump in and out of her at an increased pace, her own moans and gasps of pleasure and pain guiding him into what he should do next, what was working and what wasn't, and he was determined to only do what worked.

Lifting his head from her chest he would reach up with one hand to grab her hair and gently tug her head back as he continued to pump into her. "Hah... all that tough talk... and you melt so quick.. hah.. you must really like this huh?" He asked her mockingly, all while matching her pace, driving himself as deep into her as he would with the fabric of their clothing still in the way, but damn if it still didn't feel great.

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Re: Clipping Wings: Vesper Donelle vs Zypherus

Unread post by MR. Q »

"Mmph!" Zypherus' protesting whine morphs into a needy moan as Vesper pulls her head back, forcing her to arch her spine and present herself even more fully to his relentless thrusts. The harsh tug on her hair only heightens her sensitivity, sending tingles down her scalp to mingle with the searing pleasure in her loins.

A flush spreads across her cheeks, and her breath comes in ragged gasps as she meets his mocking taunt with a defiant glare. Even as her legs clamp down greedily around him, she manages to hiss, "You wish it was me melting... You're the one losing control here!"

Despite her brave words, however, Zypherus can't hide the tremors wracking her body, or the desperate clutch of her thighs around Vesper's hips as she tries to invite him deeper.

The Q
And his piggyban- I mean his Boyz Thread Request/Roster


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