Stretching the Cobra: Ciara Ward vs Tara Jaeger

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Stretching the Cobra: Ciara Ward vs Tara Jaeger

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Ciara clenched her fist and slammed it only the steel steps as she started rising back up. Not wanting Tara to take control of the match again Ciara did so quickly only for her opponent's boots to drill into her back and slam her against the steps stomach first! "NGGHHHH" Ciara grunted as the steps forced the air from her lungs before he collapsed to her knees and remained bent over the steps wincing slightly in pain!


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Re: Stretching the Cobra: Ciara Ward vs Tara Jaeger

Unread post by Bare »

Rushing towards Ciara at full speed and leaping up she went for a dropkick right to the woman's back that her crashing into the steel steps! Falling onto her back before rolling onto her feet she would get up and smirk widely at the sight before her. "Hah... not so tough now eh?" Tara asked tauntingly while walking forward to grab Ciara by the hair and pull her up to her feet before turning and moving to push Ciara back in the ring! If done successfully then Tara would hop onto the ring apron, grabbing the ropes and vaulting over, intending to come crashing down on Ciara's back with a springboard frog splash!

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Stretching the Cobra: Ciara Ward vs Tara Jaeger

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Ciara clenched her fist in pain as she remained bent over the steel steps, letting out a groan like growl as Tara approached her from behind and taunted her. The Chicago Cobra grimaced as her hair was grabbed and she was forced up to her feet and thrown back inside of the ring. "Damn it, get up!" Ciara thought to herself, planting her hands on the canvas, attempting to push back up, not noticing where her opponent was until she came crashing down onto her back! Ciara was sent back onto the canvas, flattened out under her opponent's weight as Tara began to fight her way back into the match!


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Re: Stretching the Cobra: Ciara Ward vs Tara Jaeger

Unread post by Bare »

Finally bringing her opponent back into the ring and following soon after with a vault over the ropes to come crashing into the woman's back Tara would get off her opponent and to her feet, raising a hand to the air, much to the boos and jeers of the crowd in response. Strutting away from her opponent towards the corner Tara would turn and set her sights on Ciara, waiting for the woman to rise back up to a kneeling position.

The moment that she was Tara would dash forward, raising her leg up as she neared intending to bring her knee smashing into Ciara's face for her finisher move the Bolt Burst! If it connected then Tara would drop down right on top of Ciara's body, hooking her leg and insuring her hands were away from the ropes to go for a pinfall attempt!

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