Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza's strike connected clean, much to the adulation of the crowd in attendance. The dancing passion felt the match move in slow motion as her hair moved with the strike and the British aristocrat landed on the balls of her feet after landing the strike, Deku however was made of tougher stuff than his frame might expect and the dancing passion would find that his blow was a success and it sent Eliza staggering backwards a bit as she clutched her midriff.

Clearly this would be an issue, in a fight against a guy Eliza frequently relied on her speed and agility to outpace her opponent however Deku seemed able to at least keep pace with her.

Deciding on a new approach Eliza entered her classic ballet stance, then swiftly moved to sway her hips and spin in place and become a swift blur of red and black. Letting her dancing moves be on full display as a way to hopefully confuse her opponent on wherein the next blow might emerge from, only to then swiftly leap forward and shoot out her right knee intent on trying to crash it right into Deku's jaw to send him crashing to the mat!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Deku panted slightly after managing to push Eliza back a bit with his return kick to her. Truthfully the both of them were on even footing so far. As far as fighting skills and damage taken.

Neither had gotten a clear cut advantage just yet, but ultimately that wouldn't win Deku the match, he had to find some way of getting around Eliza's defense and- His train of thought was cut off as Eliza did something strange. Starting to spin about like a ballerina in a way that was difficult for his eyes to track with how foreign it was.

"What are- UGH!" Before he had a chance to question it he got taken down by a hard knee to the face! Dropping to the mat as a result and holding his skull Deku would try and push himself back up, clearly dazed but knowing that staying still was a death sentence before his more experienced foe. Turning around he would try and send a desperate punch in her direction but it was more instinct than thought and more than a little easy to see coming.

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza knew that her strikes were works of art and many in the crowd would often snap moments of every single blow that the dancing passion connected with, Eliza took pride in her craft however she knew the issue that she could run into. Namely being a slave to form, being overtly focused on linear strikes that a crafty opponent could pick up on. Which was why Eliza would always ensure that she mixed in her dancing steps to beguile her opponent and make her blows harder to predict, so when the dice rolled in her favour as they did here it left the enemy reeling! Deku was in for several lessons in this by the time the bout concluded if Eliza was to have her way.

The dancing passion swiftly recovered from her strike and saw that Deku was actually scrambling to attack, impressive actually as the vast majority of men Eliza struck with a blow like that would be crumpled to the mat. Eliza would rush in but noticed Deku swinging out a punch, no doubt fuelled by desperation. The British dancer would grunt as she blocked the hit as her momentum stopped, she'd try to grab Deku's arm and perform a sort of.....tango dance with him it seemed however briefly before attempting to hip toss him to the mat!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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'Damn that kick really hurt.' Deku thought to himself, still reeling from Eliza's dance like attack yet still trying to insure that his opponent didn't continue to get further ahead of him. As such he sent a rather desperate punch in Eliza's direction as she came in, hoping he could catch her off guard. Unfortunately however that wouldn't be the case as she blocked the blow, worse yet she was still holding onto his appendage.

'Oh crap.' Deku thought to himself as he was then taken for a ride with Eliza, being spun about with her! "Whoaaaa!" Deku yelled as he was pulled along on unsteady feet before he was launched, right through the air and came crashing back down to the mat in a heap! "Ugh..." He groaned out in response, laying there in a mix of dizzy confusion from the spin and dazed from the impact, but this time he wasn't rising back up right away!

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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Eliza's leg strikes were as earlier mentioned works of art in and of themselves, but her dancing skills were also top notch and she had been seeking ways to further incorporate her ability to dance with someone into her arsenal. The dancing passion lived up to her moniker in more ways than one with her using the momentum of her opponent to tango with them before leading into the hip toss, letting physics do the rest.

Afterwards Eliza took a couple of steps back, mostly from the jolting of Deku hitting the mat. The British aristocrat however wasn't going to be trying to rest on her laurels however. It was time to change her tempo once again, take things a bit slower as it were. Eliza would try to slip behind Deku and then dart forward, her right arm ready to cinch around the greenette's neck and attempt a dragon sleeper.

Eliza gave a quiet huff as she shuffled to her opponent, a look of determination on her features. Deku certainly felt different from her usual male foes, he had heart for sure and he was able to contend with her speed. It would be scary to most yet to Eliza this thought merely encouraged her to continue to fight at her utmost!
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Re: Eliza Harenwood vs Deku - Step Ahead

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Deku was more than a bit stunned after Eliza's unorthodox offense. Dropped hard on his head after taking a powerful kick that left him utterly weakened. Trying to pick himself up he would be cut off by the dancer dropping down behind him and wrapping his neck in a tight dragon sleeper submission!

"Ngh!" Deku grunted out, reaching out and praying at Eliza's arm, trying to pull at it but it was tight. 'Shit.. she's good technically too on top of striking.' He thought to himself, not being able to help comparing himself to Eliza somewhat. Still not wanting to back down though he would pull his arm up before driving it backwards to try and slam elbows into his opponent's sides!

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