It spoke to the bond and mutual respect between Queen Cake and The Circus Cat that Jasmine could seek Tracy's blessing for her new "Dommy Mommy Jasmine" moniker. After all, who better to endorse such a title than Mama Tracy Canon, herself?! Not just because Tracy was one of the foundational LAW wrestlers with her own brand of "Mommy" energy, but also because of the bond the two of them shared and fostered throughout this contest!
Even if it took the very last bit of energy the luchadora had, Jasmine earned the nickname! And by imposing her Queenly wrestling and striking skill all over Tracy in a very commanding fashion, Queen Cake also earned herself a very delirious and borderline unconscious SWAT Cat! Much like Tracy, Jasmine had a habit of letting herself get caught up in the moment and in her feelings. The fans and the commentators remarked on how cute it was to see the queenly vixen gush over the thought of carrying on her quest to make human thrones out of those she smothered under the new and alluring banner of "Dommy Mommy Jasmine"! It wasn't until Jasmine instinctively let go of Tracy's legs to emote and express herself that it occurred to her to check back on the state of the luchadora she was utterly squashing at this point!
"....." The only sound that came from Tracy's limp, curvy, KO'd form was the sound of her legs hitting the thin mats at ringside, alerting Dommy Mommy Jasmine to the fact that she had The Circus Cat on a silver platter here! That the tag gold was just heartbeats away from the Queens' grasp!
Jasmine got up, relieving the tension and the pressure she was putting in Tracy's masked head with her big, thicc rear! She called out to Canon, but of course, there was no response from Tracy! There was a range of reactions from the fans, of course! Seeing perhaps LAW's most iconic tag team at the end of their rope and at the end of their tag title run! Queen Cake didn't even mean to knock Tracy out at this point! Tracy had simply endured too much!
Aurora's grip in her shared embrace with Melony tightened inadvertently! Kat put her headset down at the commentary team's desk. This match was over. At this point, The SWAT Cats were lucky the official didn't put an end to his contest via referee stoppage!
But the coup de grace had yet to come! A smother match needed to end with a smother hold, after all! And who would be more keenly aware of that then the Sovereign Rulers of Smothering, themselves?!
"Mmm...blepghff" Delirious, unintelligible noises left the luchadora's lips when Jasmine shook her awake.
Tracy's eyes fluttered for a moment. There was no cognizance behind her eyes, no perception of what was going on in the world around her! The Tracy everyone knew would normally show all sorts of life and resistance in this type of situation! But when Jasmine shushed her and put her dainty finger on The SWAT Cat's lips, Tracy complied! Her lips curled into a tiny smile. She closed her eyes. Even when Jasmine spoke in a sultry, sexy tone and rubbed in the fact that she joined the short, exclusive list of LAW wrestlers that KO'd The Circus Cat, Tracy remained silent and coddled like a good girl for Dommy Mommy!
What came next would come as a shock for everyone following along with the match! Maybe even to Melony Peaches! Jasmine stood proudly and announced that we were all in the precipice of perhaps even more greatness and more developments in the wrestling world than we all realized! For not only were we seeing the birth of Dommy Mommy Jasmine! Not only were we about to see the beginning of a new era in tag team wrestling under The Booty Queens! But we were also witnessing the beginning of the Kiss My Cake Kingdom!
The finer points of the kingdom were to be revealed later on sometime after this match. But what we knew for sure right her and right now was that Queen Jasmine C. Cake was about to make a royal subject out of Circus Cat Tracy Canon! Jasmine would induct Tracy as an official citizen of her domain in the most Jasmine way possible! By making Tracy kiss her bomb booty before smothering her to sleep on live television in the middle of the most important match of the luchadora's career!
Jasmine produced a stick of lipstick from deep between her voluminous bosom! She casually walked over to Tracy and generously applied the orange lipstick to The Circus Cat's lips!
The scene that ensued was quite sensual! Tracy's eyes were only half open. Her mouth opened just enough to see her front teeth whilst Jasmine held her head. This shot and angle of Tracy's face was perhaps the most submissive she had ever looked in a match or anywhere! Jasmine got her all dolled up and ready for what was to come!
"Mph...mfnf..." Tracy was still completely out of it! Her unintelligible dribble became muffled underneath Jasmine's monumental booty as The Mighty Monarch got low to squat right above the luchadora's face!
Jasmine skillfully reached behind and pulled Tracy's face closer to her bum as she hovered, forcing Tracy to kiss her backside, formally taking Tracy in as a subject and as a member of the KMCK! And to the tune of much applause from the fans throughout the arena! Something that Tracy would smile and blush about later on once she watched the match back and later and realized all that had happened! For now, though, The Circus Cat was a sitting duck, primed and ready for Jasmine to put her away!
After the induction ceremony of sorts finally wrapped up and the applause died down, Jasmine called for the finale! Another signature move in Jasmine's arsenal (miraculously, despite the absolute drubbing she was putting Tracy through, she had yet to use all of them!). A finishing smother hold that she dubbed her Chocolate Chamber!
Sporting her brand new orange kiss mark from Tracy on her backside, The Queen once again took control! Jasmine was able to manipulate a ragdoll Tracy with tremendous ease! She carried herself with a level of confidence, poise, and class that communicated her love and respect for her opponents as well as her desire to win in style! She carried herself like a royal that had graduated from princess to queen! As she secured Tracy's wrists and set her up for the move, Jasmine carried herself like a woman who had a match to win!
"......" After being yanked up off the floor, Tracy sat on her heels in a kneeling position! She was listless and vulnerable before the night of Jasmine's dark, plump backside! The luchadora was made to kneel to the rear that was just moments away from smothering the titles away from her team!
This time, Jasmine didn't just her attack, she full-on narrated the closing moments of this match! And she did so in a boastful, confident way that only she could!
Jasmine declared that Tracy was about to be done in by LAW's Best Booty! She pulled Tracy's wrists forward to force the luchadora's masked face between her ginormous glutes! Jasmine reveled in the moment! The Queen screamed her excitement to the heavens and vibrated her hips in a way that only wedged Tracy's face deeper between her cheeks! It was all too clear just how much pleasure Jasmine derived from this moment! Despite the peaks and valleys both teams experienced during this epic title match, these final moments must have been a fever dream for the challengers, particularly for Jasmine! Tracy was out right away! The Circus Cat put up no resistance, no fight! A mix of cheers and shocks ran through the arena as this formality of a smother was ridden out by Jasmine for all it was worth! Jasmine enjoyed it so immensely that it took nearly a minute or so for the referee to peer her head between the ropes from inside the ring and speak up! But what the striped shirt girl calling the match had to say came as a complete shock!
"U-um....e-excuse me?" The petite ref raised her index finger.
"Miss....err...Queen've got to do that inside the ring. Inside. Not at ringside...." She said nervously. A brief, almost deadpan silence followed for just a couple seconds before she continued.
"I meant to bring it up earlier....but you looked like you were having so much fun...."
"Phew!" A knowing sigh left Aurora's lips as she brought her hand to her chest.
Of course, there they were again. Those darned technicalities! And the very last bastion of hope for a very passed-out Tracy at the moment!
"I'm sorry I didn't mention it earlier." Estrella turned toward Melony's and Jasmine's general direction, though she avoided the contact and blushed.
Of course, this was something The SWAT Cats were keenly aware of the entire time. They were tried and true pro wrestling enthusiasts and the end of the day. Each member of the masked cat trio had seen their fair share of an array of different match stipulations, smother included. But the age-old adage always rang out in their minds. One of the basic tenets of wrestling "You can win your matches INSIDE the ring" and that extended to Smother Tag Elimination Matches for the LAW World Tag Team Championships!!!!
The crowd was working overtime tonight when it came to riding this emotional roller coaster! Especially in light of the ref's call here! It seemed that the formality of smothering Tracy out would need a repeat performance, this time in the middle of the ring if Jasmine wanted to close this thing out for real and become a champion alongside her fellow smother Queen!
The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
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Re: The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
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- dddybee
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Re: The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
Background Music
But what Melony didn't know, was that Jasmine would also introduce and make Tracy the first official member of her Kiss My Cake Kingdom! Jasmine of course had pitched the thought of the KMCK to Melony in the past. With the queen of Nectarine Nation humoring and entertaining the idea, after having Jasmine promise to conduct her KMCK affairs with a degree of tact. But Jasmine hadn't told Melony she planned to introduce the Kingdom in this match, because Jasmine hadn't "planned" it at all. Rather, as with many decisions Jasmine made, the Mighty Monarch had just opted to follow her heart and do this on a whim!
Melony was afraid that Tracy (and perhaps the SWAT Cats in general) would take offense to this. But surprisingly, Tracy was void of defiance! The Circus Cat was either just too tired, genuinely submissive to Jasmine's powerful Dommy Mommy aura, or likely both! Whatever the reason, Jasmine relished in it! And when the time came for Jasmine's Chocolate Chamber, Melony opted to embrace her joy, thinking it only proper for her to cheer on her best friend's finishing move! "Woooo! Way-to-go Jazzy! Do both of our nations proud!" Melony chipred, waving with one hand, while keeping Aurora cuddled in the other!
Jasmine's tongue hung out as she let out a very gleeful and aroused sigh, upon feeling Tracy quickly pass out between her beautiful butt-cheeks. But she'd enjoy the feeling of the smother a little while longer, waiting for the referee to call it off and declare Tracy eliminated. However, when the ref eventually spoke up, she actually had something else to say! This smother K.O wouldn't count as an official elimination, unless Jasmine did so INSIDE the ring!
Jasmine starred at the ref with a blank expression, blinking a few times as she did so. She instinctively released her grip on Tracy's wrists. But thanks to how deep the cat's face had been wedged between those glutes, there was a delay in the time it took for gravity to take over, allowing Tracy's body to eventually pop out of those extra thicc cheeks. After Tracy hit the floor, Jasmine would speak up. "You've gotta be fudging kidding me..." Jasmine grumbled.
"Shoot! HOW...could that slip my mind...?" Melony said as she facepalmed, before Aurora apologized for not saying anything sooner. "No worries. Given the circumstances, it makes perfect sense you Cats would opt to passively exploit our ignorance, since it gives you more hope that your team will retain." Melony sighed in a blunt yet sincere tone. Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Aurora for a moment, but her expression softened when the Galaxy Cat blushed and avoided eye contact. Jasmine herself let out an empathetic sigh, understanding where the SWAT Cats were coming from.
As champions, it would have been extremely upright of them to remind their challengers of this technicality, especially when it became clear Jasmine was committed to besting Tracy right where they were. But not doing so was certainly forgivable. And ultimately, both Booty Queens decided to take responsibility for failing to keep this rule in mind. That didn't mean Queen Cake wouldn't protest at all though! She just opted to direct her annoyance towards the referee instead of Aurora. "YEAH. I RECALL THAT NOW. BUT LIKE. DOES THAT REALLY MATTER. LIKE. AT ALL?" Jasmine grumbled, prompting Melony to speak up.
"Umm... Jazzy. Perhaps it would be best to just comply, and quickly end this with a simple facesit in the ring. You know, before Tracy wakes up again..." Queen Peaches suggested, with a tone of mild concern in her voice. Despite Tracy's beaten, battered, and unconscious state, Melony was still cautious by nature. "Wakes up and does WHAT exactly?" Jasmine asked, before raising and kissing one of her impressive biceps. "Mwah!~" She literally flexed over the Circus Cat's limp, lifeless frame! "Trace IS a BOSS, yes. But THIS final boss has run out of HP!"
"...Well, I suppose you got me there. Haha. Now that I really think about it, even IF Tracy wakes up, she'd still need to be able to FIGHT. And even IF she's able to fight, she'd still need to be able to DEFEAT YOU. And you clearly have plenty of energy left to boot. When broken down like that, a comeback for Ms. Canon does get increasingly more improbable. Borderline impossible, EVEN when factoring how tough the SWAT Cats are into the equation..." Melony pondered, getting lost in her analysis for a moment, before remembering Aurora was still in her embrace. "OH...! No offense 'Rora..." Melony blushed, inadvertently mirroring Aurora's sheepish behavior before.
"EXACTLY! Don't you worry, Mel Mel. TRACY IS COOKED. FOLDED. PACKED UP. BODIED." Jasmine boasted, as she reached down grab to Tracy's body and effortlessly lift her up. The Caked-Up Queen carried Tracy over her strong and well-toned shoulder, in a way that left the Cat's big, pale, plump booty sticking up. "And best of all, she is MINE! She's my subject now! I'M HER QUEEN! She's my sub now! I'M HER DOMMY MOMMY! I whupped her butt! SO EVEN HER AWESOME BOOTAY IS MY PROPERTY NOW!" To emphasize her point, Jasmine would caress Tracy's backside, before giving it a good spank! "That means I can afford to still win this match and make us champions in STYLE!"
Jasmine would then address the fans in the crowd once again! She absolutely adored interacting with them! "Okay everyone! WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT STUPID STIPULATION IS AS BIG OF A SQUARE AS THE WRESTLING RING THAT I'M APPARENTLY REQUIRED TO WIN IN!" Jasmine paused for a moment, when much of the audience laughed at her quip. "Thank you! You're too kind! BUT AT LEAST THAT MEANS YOU GUYS GET TO SEE AN ENCORE PERFORMANCE! PERHAPS A CLASSIC YET MAGNIFICENT BONZAI DROP INTO FACESIT THIS TIME!"
After hyping up the crowd once more, Jasmine ambled to the ring, shaking her wide hips and big booty from side-to-side! Once she had carried Tracy there, she'd use her strength to throw the Circus Cat under the bottom ropes with ease, right in front of the closest turnbuckle. The royal took her time climbing up the ring apron and ring ropes, before reaching the top of said turnbuckle. She was absolutely certain she had this in the bag!
Soon, Jasmine was in Bonzai Drop position. Her hands gripping the top ropes. Her feet firmly on the middle ropes. And her devastating derriere sticking out towards Tracy, casting a gigantic butt-shaped shadow over her downed body! The Booty Bomber would reach back to spank in her own bum once, before quickly shaking it left and right. Both actions caused her meaty hams to jiggle in a threatenly sexy way! Aiming for Tracy's face, Jasmine would attempt to preform the Bonzai Drop, with the intention of it immediately leading to a facesitting and official smother elimination!
Last edited by dddybee on Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
- winner3
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Re: The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
It was extremely rare to see a champion at LAW utterly dominated like this the way Jasmine was dominating Tracy! And it was just as rare to see Mama Tracy worked over like this into an unconscious state of submissiveness! The SWAT Cats touted themselves as the very best in tag teams and stables all around the world of wrestling. And The Booty Queens had completely dismantled them many times over throughout this instant classic of a match! So much so that the very last hurdle standing between The Monarchs and the tag titles wasn't even the champions themselves, but a single rule that applied to most matches in the squared circle. The rule that dictated that (most) matches could only be won in the actual wrestling ring!
"...." Tracy's wrists fell to the ringside floor with a loud, unanswered plop in the wake of the sudden realization Jasmine was given by the official calling the match! What was once the sexy sight of Jasmine smothering Tracy in her Chocolate Chamber, tongue lolled out with her face twisted into a euphoric, orgasmic expression was now the deadpan, thousand-yard stare of a woman scorned!
The delay between Jasmine releasing Tracy's wrists and Tracy's limp, curvy form hitting the floor spoke to her how deeply and completely Queen Cake had been smothering whatever was left of the luchadora! Rules were rules, of course. But at this point, the atmosphere and air surrounding the match made it feel much less like a rule and much more like a trivial formality. It was as if Jasmine had signed the wrong line on a contract. With the state Tracy was in, the act of hauling The Circus Cat back into the ring and smothering her to finish her off read much more like a quick task than the closing sequence of a massive title match! Jasmine certainly has her misgivings, but as she and Melony reasoned, nothing Tracy could do at this point would change the outcome of the match! Jasmine had well and truly conquered The Circus Cat, inducting her into the Kiss My Cake Kingdom and discovering her Dommy Mommy Jasmine persona all the while! There was only one thing left to do for The Booty Queens to walk out with tag gold here!
"No, no! It's okay Mel!" Aurora responded to Melony.
"I....I think it's impossible, too. But I won't give up on Tracy! I won't give up on this team! Not until the closing bell!" Estrella balled her fist against her chest and pushed off of the ring apron where she and Peaches were sitting.
"Tracy, our bag of tricks is now officially barren. If there is a single stubborn bone left in that battered body of yours, please wake up!" Aurora called out to her partner! But there was no response from The Circus Cat! Not even when Jasmine kissed her bicep and posed over for the defeated luchadora!
Strong Dommy Mommy Jasmine effortlessly collected the masked redhead from the ringside floor! Jasmine boasted about her conquest and her imminent victory. And the more The Chrysanthemum Monarch began to feel herself, the more the crowd was feeling her!
"Man, all that really stings to hear." Kat had made her way back to the scene. The Super Kitty finished walking down the entrance ramp and joined Melony and Aurora at ringside! It seemed that Kat abandoned her headset at the commentary desk and walked down to ringside to see the end of this match up close.
"And it'll hurt Trace even more after this is all over. It'll hurt to admit Jasmine is right." Kat finished with a bittersweet time in her voice. Tracy was indeed folded, packed up, cooked, and bodied. The Queens knew that and so did everyone else watching. Still, Kat looked at Aurora.
"Hey, we had an amazing run! Let's cheer Trace on till the end of it, yeah?" Kat smiled at The Galaxy Cat. Aurora wiped away a tear from her eye and then nodded as Jasmine called for the end of this match!
"Oooo....." A small, faint coo escaped the passed-out Tracy's lips as when Jasmine held her over her shoulder and gave her big, pale, rump a good spank!
The fans were happy to join Jasmine in celebrating the upcoming encore performance in the ring! Kat and Aurora looked on from ringside! Both cat luchadora's banged the apron or the ring over and over again to try and will Tracy back into this somehow some way! Kat and Aurora pounded the ring apron in a rhythm! Their masked faces visible from beyond the bottom rope! Their expressions were full of concern and worry! Many fans began to clap to the same rhythm they started up! But as others rallied behind Jasmine and The Booty Queens, as Jasmine rolled Tracy into position for the Bonzai Drop inside the ring before heading for the turnbuckles, there were sadly no signs of life from the famed Mama Tracy Canon!
"......" Tracy's expression remained dazed as the shadow of Jasmine's big, bomb, queenly cake cast over a waiting, almost wanting, vulnerable Tracy! Tracy had the same look on her face as she did when Jasmine applied the orange lipstick earlier! The odd speckle of orange still adorned her cheek as Jasmine got ready to end it!
From Tracy's perspective, she had been flittering in and out of consciousness since the middle of Jasmine's Punch Party! She could only perceive and remember flashes of the last ten minutes or so! The potent uppercuts that floored her many times over, the act of Queen Jasmine crowning herself "Dommy Mommy Jasmine" while literally sitting on her and working her one in The Buttcrush Crab. The spank that Jasmine gave her whole carrying Tracy over her shoulder and caressing her bum seemed like it might have jolted a little bit of life back into the curvy, KO'd luchadora, but Tracy was still laying there still! From Tracy's point of view, everything after the Bomb Cake Bash was really just kind of a haze at this point. But as Jasmine's booty rippled with the force of her own spanks, as the metaphorical guillotine hung over Tracy and The SWAT Cats, threatening to end their title run in the single most decisive loss of their careers, something clicked!
Perhaps it was the bond Jasmine and Tracy had forged over the course of this match. Perhaps years of channeling a cat gimmick brought Tracy some sense of alertness when she was on the brink of defeat. Perhaps it was just coincidence - dumb, blind luck! But as Jasmine spanked her own backside, calling for the big Bonzai Drop into Facesit, spurring the crowd on, garnering cheers! As she spanked her own backside, Tracy's finger twitched!
All at once, the crowd's cheers, Aurora and Kat's pounding, the shadow of the colossal booty that hung over her, all at once these sights and sounds flooded Tracy's senses! The next sight or sound from Jasmine before the Bonzai Drop, the next spank, the next word would be the only cue Tracy needed to know exactly what she was going to do next!
If such stimulus came from her opponent, Tracy's body would move seemingly on its own! The Circus Cat was nothing if not speedy and acrobatic! She was covered in bruises! Her pride was bruised worse! Even Tracy didn't know how she would push herself to move with such speed and such urgency! But if she got the telegraph she needed, there would be no wasted motion from The Circus Cat!
"Hey, Jazzy~!" Tracy would purr in a sultry, low tone as she slipped between Jasmine's straddled, open legs and climbed the turnbuckles! In less than two to three seconds, Tracy would go from a supine position near the corner to standing with one foot on the middle turnbuckle and one foot on the top turnbuckle! Tracy would curl her arm underneath Jasmine's head! Her flexed bicep under the Queen's chin! Her forearm and bicep framing the Queen's face like the borders of a picture frame as she set up for the same move that put Melony away eons ago!
There would be a surge of emotion and cheers throughout the arena! No doubt Jasmine and Melony would be caught off guard! Kat and Tracy would be, too! But Tracy didn't slow down to take in the moment or to play to the crowd the way she normally would! Her bright blue eyes looked pale. It was as if The Circus Cat was moving on sheer instinct and willpower! She could only push herself to use this one move and nothing else! A move she had used a million times before! And a line that she had heard not all that long ago!
"What's a Queen to a Champ!?" Tracy would finish her thought before flipping backwards and over Jasmine's head to try and bring her down from the middle rope with her Final Act finisher! This time from the second rope!
"Last ditch effort" was an understatement to describe Tracy's efforts here. Even Mama Tracy herself couldn't explain how her drive to keep her team's run alive here was keeping her going! If Tracy managed to connect with the move here and drive Jasmine headfirst into the mat, her landing would put her in position for one last attempt at innovation! Tracy would land on all fours and immediately dive on top of Jasmine! If she managed to somehow pull off the miracle of connecting with this love, The Circus Cat go for just one more!
Tracy would pull down on the chest of her leotard and use it to scoop Jasmine's head into her big, sweaty, buxom chest! Tracy knew that she had a negative amount of gas in the tank here! This would be one of the skillful, crowd-pleasing wrestling moves that people the world over had come to know and love The SWAT Cats for! This would be the act of a desperate woman, scooping a Monarch's head into her bosom and clamping onto the Queen for dear life in the hopes that she could use her leotard like a smother harness and literally stick to Jasmine with her arms and body in a reckless, improvisational, and desperate clothes-assisted smother hold!
"...." Tracy's wrists fell to the ringside floor with a loud, unanswered plop in the wake of the sudden realization Jasmine was given by the official calling the match! What was once the sexy sight of Jasmine smothering Tracy in her Chocolate Chamber, tongue lolled out with her face twisted into a euphoric, orgasmic expression was now the deadpan, thousand-yard stare of a woman scorned!
The delay between Jasmine releasing Tracy's wrists and Tracy's limp, curvy form hitting the floor spoke to her how deeply and completely Queen Cake had been smothering whatever was left of the luchadora! Rules were rules, of course. But at this point, the atmosphere and air surrounding the match made it feel much less like a rule and much more like a trivial formality. It was as if Jasmine had signed the wrong line on a contract. With the state Tracy was in, the act of hauling The Circus Cat back into the ring and smothering her to finish her off read much more like a quick task than the closing sequence of a massive title match! Jasmine certainly has her misgivings, but as she and Melony reasoned, nothing Tracy could do at this point would change the outcome of the match! Jasmine had well and truly conquered The Circus Cat, inducting her into the Kiss My Cake Kingdom and discovering her Dommy Mommy Jasmine persona all the while! There was only one thing left to do for The Booty Queens to walk out with tag gold here!
"No, no! It's okay Mel!" Aurora responded to Melony.
"I....I think it's impossible, too. But I won't give up on Tracy! I won't give up on this team! Not until the closing bell!" Estrella balled her fist against her chest and pushed off of the ring apron where she and Peaches were sitting.
"Tracy, our bag of tricks is now officially barren. If there is a single stubborn bone left in that battered body of yours, please wake up!" Aurora called out to her partner! But there was no response from The Circus Cat! Not even when Jasmine kissed her bicep and posed over for the defeated luchadora!
Strong Dommy Mommy Jasmine effortlessly collected the masked redhead from the ringside floor! Jasmine boasted about her conquest and her imminent victory. And the more The Chrysanthemum Monarch began to feel herself, the more the crowd was feeling her!
"Man, all that really stings to hear." Kat had made her way back to the scene. The Super Kitty finished walking down the entrance ramp and joined Melony and Aurora at ringside! It seemed that Kat abandoned her headset at the commentary desk and walked down to ringside to see the end of this match up close.
"And it'll hurt Trace even more after this is all over. It'll hurt to admit Jasmine is right." Kat finished with a bittersweet time in her voice. Tracy was indeed folded, packed up, cooked, and bodied. The Queens knew that and so did everyone else watching. Still, Kat looked at Aurora.
"Hey, we had an amazing run! Let's cheer Trace on till the end of it, yeah?" Kat smiled at The Galaxy Cat. Aurora wiped away a tear from her eye and then nodded as Jasmine called for the end of this match!
"Oooo....." A small, faint coo escaped the passed-out Tracy's lips as when Jasmine held her over her shoulder and gave her big, pale, rump a good spank!
The fans were happy to join Jasmine in celebrating the upcoming encore performance in the ring! Kat and Aurora looked on from ringside! Both cat luchadora's banged the apron or the ring over and over again to try and will Tracy back into this somehow some way! Kat and Aurora pounded the ring apron in a rhythm! Their masked faces visible from beyond the bottom rope! Their expressions were full of concern and worry! Many fans began to clap to the same rhythm they started up! But as others rallied behind Jasmine and The Booty Queens, as Jasmine rolled Tracy into position for the Bonzai Drop inside the ring before heading for the turnbuckles, there were sadly no signs of life from the famed Mama Tracy Canon!
"......" Tracy's expression remained dazed as the shadow of Jasmine's big, bomb, queenly cake cast over a waiting, almost wanting, vulnerable Tracy! Tracy had the same look on her face as she did when Jasmine applied the orange lipstick earlier! The odd speckle of orange still adorned her cheek as Jasmine got ready to end it!
From Tracy's perspective, she had been flittering in and out of consciousness since the middle of Jasmine's Punch Party! She could only perceive and remember flashes of the last ten minutes or so! The potent uppercuts that floored her many times over, the act of Queen Jasmine crowning herself "Dommy Mommy Jasmine" while literally sitting on her and working her one in The Buttcrush Crab. The spank that Jasmine gave her whole carrying Tracy over her shoulder and caressing her bum seemed like it might have jolted a little bit of life back into the curvy, KO'd luchadora, but Tracy was still laying there still! From Tracy's point of view, everything after the Bomb Cake Bash was really just kind of a haze at this point. But as Jasmine's booty rippled with the force of her own spanks, as the metaphorical guillotine hung over Tracy and The SWAT Cats, threatening to end their title run in the single most decisive loss of their careers, something clicked!
Perhaps it was the bond Jasmine and Tracy had forged over the course of this match. Perhaps years of channeling a cat gimmick brought Tracy some sense of alertness when she was on the brink of defeat. Perhaps it was just coincidence - dumb, blind luck! But as Jasmine spanked her own backside, calling for the big Bonzai Drop into Facesit, spurring the crowd on, garnering cheers! As she spanked her own backside, Tracy's finger twitched!
All at once, the crowd's cheers, Aurora and Kat's pounding, the shadow of the colossal booty that hung over her, all at once these sights and sounds flooded Tracy's senses! The next sight or sound from Jasmine before the Bonzai Drop, the next spank, the next word would be the only cue Tracy needed to know exactly what she was going to do next!
If such stimulus came from her opponent, Tracy's body would move seemingly on its own! The Circus Cat was nothing if not speedy and acrobatic! She was covered in bruises! Her pride was bruised worse! Even Tracy didn't know how she would push herself to move with such speed and such urgency! But if she got the telegraph she needed, there would be no wasted motion from The Circus Cat!
"Hey, Jazzy~!" Tracy would purr in a sultry, low tone as she slipped between Jasmine's straddled, open legs and climbed the turnbuckles! In less than two to three seconds, Tracy would go from a supine position near the corner to standing with one foot on the middle turnbuckle and one foot on the top turnbuckle! Tracy would curl her arm underneath Jasmine's head! Her flexed bicep under the Queen's chin! Her forearm and bicep framing the Queen's face like the borders of a picture frame as she set up for the same move that put Melony away eons ago!
There would be a surge of emotion and cheers throughout the arena! No doubt Jasmine and Melony would be caught off guard! Kat and Tracy would be, too! But Tracy didn't slow down to take in the moment or to play to the crowd the way she normally would! Her bright blue eyes looked pale. It was as if The Circus Cat was moving on sheer instinct and willpower! She could only push herself to use this one move and nothing else! A move she had used a million times before! And a line that she had heard not all that long ago!
"What's a Queen to a Champ!?" Tracy would finish her thought before flipping backwards and over Jasmine's head to try and bring her down from the middle rope with her Final Act finisher! This time from the second rope!
"Last ditch effort" was an understatement to describe Tracy's efforts here. Even Mama Tracy herself couldn't explain how her drive to keep her team's run alive here was keeping her going! If Tracy managed to connect with the move here and drive Jasmine headfirst into the mat, her landing would put her in position for one last attempt at innovation! Tracy would land on all fours and immediately dive on top of Jasmine! If she managed to somehow pull off the miracle of connecting with this love, The Circus Cat go for just one more!
Tracy would pull down on the chest of her leotard and use it to scoop Jasmine's head into her big, sweaty, buxom chest! Tracy knew that she had a negative amount of gas in the tank here! This would be one of the skillful, crowd-pleasing wrestling moves that people the world over had come to know and love The SWAT Cats for! This would be the act of a desperate woman, scooping a Monarch's head into her bosom and clamping onto the Queen for dear life in the hopes that she could use her leotard like a smother harness and literally stick to Jasmine with her arms and body in a reckless, improvisational, and desperate clothes-assisted smother hold!
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- dddybee
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Re: The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
Background Music
Under different circumstances, Jasmine's boasting may have come across as arrogant. But given the situation, her confidence was very well warranted. There seemed to be absolutely no rational way the SWAT Cats could win this match. As the Booty Queens explained: waking up, fighting, and winning were the three hurdles Tracy would have to overcome, and each hurdle seemed more impossible than the last! Forcing Katherine Hart, the Super Kitty herself to admit the SWAT Cats' title reign was coming to a close made Jasmine beam with pride. The Booty Queens had done what most other teams could only dream of doing. They had brought Katherine Hart, Tracy Canon, and Aurora Estrella to their collective knees! Desperate. On the verge of impending, borderline hopeless defeat!
Not that there was any malice involved of course. In fact, seeing Aurora wipe a tear from her eye immediately prompted Melony to give her another tender loving kiss. This time on the cheek, adding a another pink kiss mark to Aurora's mask, to go along with the one on her forehead. "Mwah.~" With Kat's arrival to the ringside, Melony would approach her to treat the Super Kitty to a comforting kiss on the cheek as well! "Mmmmwah!"~ After quite literally leaving her mark on them, the kissy pinkette would respectfully give Ms. Hart and Estrella some space, letting them cheer Ms. Canon on together.
Upon slapping her butt, Jasmine heard the small coo Tracy made. But she was completely unconcerned about waking Tracy up, fully confident in her ability to whup the Cat again, in the very unlikely senecio things would have to come to that! And she leisurely carried that confidence into the ring, getting herself and her foe in position for a devastating Bonzai Drop! After getting a bit more booty-based showboating in, Jasmine would call out to the crowd one last time! "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-...!"
Surely this was it! Surely the Booty Bomber would finish saying her 'KA-BOOM' catchphrase, before blowing up poor Tracy and the entire ring with her bomb cake booty! Melony closed to eyes for a second to let out a happy sigh. Jasmine looked down behind her to aim her move. But when Queen Peaches reopened her eyes... When Queen Cake turned her head... Tracy Canon was gone! All their minds saw was a dotted outline of where Tracy's frame SHOULD have been!
"?!?!" "?!?!"
Somehow. Someway. The masked feline had gotten her broken bruised body up, in order to zoom up the very turnbuckle Jasmine was just about to drop from! "Tr-TR-TRACYYYYYY?!" Melony squealed, her voice cracking in utter shock! She tried to warn her tag partner, but it was too late. Jasmine's own brain was still trying to process things at the same time Melony's was! When Tracy called her nickname, Jasmine turned her head back in front, to see Ms. Canon suddenly reappear from between her legs! "AAAAH!" Jasmine let out a quick, uncharastically girly high-pitched yelp! It took a lot to scare the tough tomboy. But the Circus Cat's little disappearing act certainly startled her at least! "TRACE?! WHAT THE FU-?!"
The Chocolate Queen was going to say 'FUDGE' of course. But Tracy's attack cut Jasmine off in a way that fittingly and comedically made it sound as if she was about to swear! Tracy took little time to boast! She couldn't afford to slow down at all! And now it was looking as though Jasmine shouldn't have slowed down to play to the crowd either! The Mighty Monarch had planned to drop down from turnbuckle. But thanks to Tracy, she was quite literally going down in a way she never expected to! Before Jazzy knew it, Trace grabbed her head, and sent her down to the mat in her signature Final Act move!
"UGHHHH!" Jasmine groaned, as Tracy drove her headfirst into the canvas, using the same move that had done in Melony beforehand! However, the circumstances now were different. While this move was one of Tracy's "finishers", it combined with the follow-up facesitting had just barely managed to finish Melony. And Melony had taken substantially more damage, before Tracy had went for the move. A simple smother hold after Tracy's Final Act would not be nearly enough to eliminate Jasmine at this point. But it definitely stunned her! And the Circus Cat seemed to sense that if she wanted even the slightest hope of actually putting the powerful royal away, she would have to think WAY outside the box!
Quickly taking advantage of Jasmine's currently dazed state, Tracy would pull down the part of her leotard covering her chest. Using the opening, the Cat would pull the Queen's head inside of that space. And once there, the fabric of Tracy's attire would serve as a smother harness, preventing Jasmine from simply pulling away! As a much needed extra precaution, the tag champion would clamp her arms around her challenger's head, making the trap as tight as possible! Before Ms. Cake could even register what was happening, her face was wedged deep between Tracy's big bare boobs, with no easy way to escape from them!
For a moment, Jasmine didn't react as Tracy stayed atop her. A combination of Tracy's finisher and the utter shock of seeing the Circus Cat SOMEHOW still fight back had left her stunned! A mere moment ago, she was JUST about to finish the middleweight SWAT Cat off! She was just about to do her in for good, eliminating her, winning the match, and ensuring the Booty Queens would become LAW's next tag team champions! She had promised her best friend and tag partner Melony that was exactly what was going to occur! What was even going on right now?!
"JASMINE!" A single cry from Melony was all Jasmine needed to snap to it! Even with the flesh of Tracy's soft, beautiful, smothery bosom reaching her ears, Jasmine heard her bestie's call! "MMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The fiery bombshell let out a muffled scream of absolute rage. Gathering her senses, she realised what the surprisingly crafty cat was trying to pull here! She realised her head was stuck between Tracy's bust and the fabric of Tracy's leotard! And she was NOT happy about it! Melony would stand on the ring apron and continue to cheer her on, as Jasmine released the full brunt of her wild side!
Suddenly, the Wild Royal began flailing around like a dangerous feral beast that had been caught in a hunter's trap! She'd get her feet flat on the mat, kicking off of it to try and jolt Tracy off! Jasmine would clench her fists and punch at whatever parts of Tracy's body her dukes could reach! Namely, Jasmine's punches would repeatedly connect with Tracy's face, head, and arms! Sadly, as skillful of a striker as Jazzy was, being forced in this awkward compromised position meant she couldn't tap into the full might of her terrifying punching power. But in her fury, she'd still hit hard enough to leave more bumps and bruises! If Tracy was STILL holding on after that, Jasmine would begin rolling around the ring. Taking the cat girl along with her, Jasmine would force her to endure the brunt of a crocodile-like death role!
Jasmine was already known for her god-tier stamina. And unlike Tracy, she had a sizable amount of energy left! As long as Tracy managed to stay on, Jasmine would roll her around the ring SEVERAL times over! Whenever the monarch did stop rolling for a bit, it would only be so she could try kicking out again, pummeling Tracy again, etc. She'd resist in whatever other thrashing matter she could think of, even jolting their bodies halfway into the air at times! All in an attempt to break free of Trace's leotard! During her rough rolling rampage, Jasmine would end up violently smacking Tracy's body into the corner posts at least a few times, perhaps hitting Tracy's head against said turnbuckles! And despite being thoroughly smothered the entire time, Jasmine did all this without the slightest hint of weakening or slowing down! And she did it all blindly, with nothing but her remaining senses and fighting spirit to guide her!
Queen Cake may not have had an animal gimmick, but the (fittingly named) jasmine flowers adorning her attire were not just for show. While secondary to her chocolate bomb cake-theme, Jasmine's flower-theme represented her connection to nature. Despite being a bonafide royal, she was surprisingly intuned with the primal strength of the wild! It's why the flower-loving monarch named her flower-themed nation: Kingdom Chrysanthemum! If Tracy was truly committed to muffling the wrath of the Flower Queen, then she was in for a long, painful, bumpy, wild ride!
Last edited by dddybee on Mon Feb 10, 2025 2:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Booty Queens vs The SWAT Cats (c) - Smother Supremacy
Melody's forehead kisses and the cheers from the fans were perhaps the only comfort The SWAT Cats could find at the end of their rope here as a team! All signs pointed to Tracy's inevitable elimination inside the ring! The crowd grew hot as Jasmine revved up her signature KABOOM onomatopoeia to put the exclamation point on her ring-shaking Bonzai Drop and finish smothering and packing up The Circus Cat to win the tag titles! But all the emotion of this match's dramatic finish percolated in the atmosphere, making it that much more surprising and that much more shocking when the downed luchadora got up from underneath the shadow of the thicc Fudge cake that loomed over her and snuck her way in between Jasmine's thighs to poise herself to hit her finisher from the top rope!
Tracy's sudden surge understandably caught both Queens by surprise! Tracy's eyes were still practically glazed over when she set up for this move! It was clear that muscle memory and instincts were the only things propelling her body into motion right now! The Circus Cat had hit this move a thousand times before! Being well-versed and well-practiced let her hit it here quickly, seemingly from out of nowhere! Even off the top turnbuckle!
The sound of the crash that followed when both women hit the canvas was completely overshadowed by the loud pop of cheers from the crowd! Kat jumped for joy at ringside! Aurora gripped the ring apron tightly and with a wide-eyed smile! Both non-active luchadoras were fully locked in and supportive of Tracy in The Circus Cat's desperate attempt to find some semblance of hope in this match! Even with this small reversal of fortune, a full comeback was still a ways away! Jasmine could probably take another half dozen of those and still keep fighting!
"We SWAT Cats really do surprise even ourselves, don't we?!" Aurora put her hands together and cheered with Melody still very much in earshot!
"You know what we say! NEVER count a SWAT Cat out, baby! It's times like these when we look done seven ways to Sunday! Times like these where we pull off miracles in that ring!" Kat placed her arm on her own bicep and flexed!
Tracy was still liable to get done in by a stiff breeze! But her team still believed in her! Behind Tracy's tired eyes, past her deep, delirious daze, Mama Tracy's inventive, desperate side found a flash of sexy inspiration! Not even 3 seconds after connecting with the move did Tracy begin crawling towards the stunned, supine Monarch! Katherine, Aurora, the commentators, the fans - none of them/no one knew what The Circus Cat had in mind here! In the heat of the moment, Tracy pulled her leotard down from the chest and enveloped Jasmine's orange-haired head within her wrestling attire! Tracy made a makeshift smother harness from her leotard in the middle of this huge, high-stakes tag title match!
The delivery wasn't as sultry or as seductive as Tracy would want it to be! But her approach was cast aside in favor of the fact that it was now or never! If Jasmine had an answer to this, Canon knew it would be all over! Tracy made sure to fit Jasmine's nose and mouth between her large, pale, sweaty, bare "cannons" and she wrapped her arms around the Queen's torso and head before flexing and clamping down for dear life!!!
The Booty Bomber would find her bearings just a moment after Tracy had locked in the smother hold! And only because of a loud cry at ringside from her fellow Sovereign! Everyone knew this smother hold from Tracy was a Hail Mary play at best! But the scary part for The Booty Queens was the possibility that this desperate play stood any chance of seeing The SWAT Cats snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!
Queen Fudge practically sprang to life here in response to her partner Peaches' call! And when she did, she summoned all the strength and ferocity that she had put on full display in this match! Jasmine drilled Tracy's sides, shoulders, and face! Melony jumped onto the ring apron to cheer her partner on! And Kat and Aurora were quick to join her as she watched Tracy try to cling to Jasmine like a girl riding a mechanical bull!
"Mph! Urgh! Urrrrrgh!" Some deep grunts left Tracy's lips as she found herself having to tank blow after blow! Tracy couldn't process it with so few of her senses and faculties left after the absolute drubbing Jasmine had put her through, but her ONLY saving grace right now was the fact that Jasmine wasn't upright and couldn't summon the full might of her toxic punched by putting her hips or back into them since she was down on the mat on her front!
"Shhhh Jazzy, Mama's got you~...Mama Tracy says it's beddy-bye time n-NOW?!?"
Tracy was racking up more bruises from Jasmine's haymakers! She flexed every muscle in her body and curled up, almost into a fetal position as she lay on top of Jasmine! Her knees were near the royal's crown! Her training and experience served her well in knowing where to distribute her weight to keep Jasmine pinned down! But all of that went out of the window when Jasmine began flailing and rolling about the ring like an alligator that had caught fresh prey! Instantly, Tracy had found herself directing whatever energy she still had to her arms to try and cling to Jasmine for dear life! To cling to the hopes that The SWAT Cats were still the best team out there!
It wasn't pretty! Jasmine seemed to have energy to spare! She rolled about the ring here, there, and everywhere! The curvy, chocolate cutie nearly rolled her way out of the ring multiple times! Each time would have resulted in her saving the match for The Booty Queens! But each time they neared the ropes, Tracy turned and angled Jasmine such that the vicious, animalistic rolling would bring them toward the corner instead! Viciously slamming Tracy into the bottom turnbuckle! On one occasion, Jasmine even slammed Tracy's side into the steel ringpost!
Each time, Tracy was left with her mouth agape and her breath short! And each time, she slowly brought the sole of her pink boot to the turnbuckle or ring post or whichever surface she could find to kick off of it and roll herself and Jazzy back towards the center of the ring!
After nearly a minute, and after crashing into the ropes and the turnbuckles, and nearly tripping up the ref once or twice as they rolled to avoid the ring like an angry pile of cats, Tracy had hit her limit! In the center of the ring, she had gone limp on her back with Jasmine's head still stuck between her heavy, aching breasts! Tracy's arms fell to the canvas! The bruised, depleted luchadora was sprawled out in the middle of the ring without a hope or a prayer left!
Deep down inside, Tracy hoped that somehow, some way praying that Jasmine's bedtime would come early this evening! But on the outside, it was Tracy's eyes that had closed as the very last of her fighting spirit left her, finally, on a completely empty tank!
Tracy's sudden surge understandably caught both Queens by surprise! Tracy's eyes were still practically glazed over when she set up for this move! It was clear that muscle memory and instincts were the only things propelling her body into motion right now! The Circus Cat had hit this move a thousand times before! Being well-versed and well-practiced let her hit it here quickly, seemingly from out of nowhere! Even off the top turnbuckle!
The sound of the crash that followed when both women hit the canvas was completely overshadowed by the loud pop of cheers from the crowd! Kat jumped for joy at ringside! Aurora gripped the ring apron tightly and with a wide-eyed smile! Both non-active luchadoras were fully locked in and supportive of Tracy in The Circus Cat's desperate attempt to find some semblance of hope in this match! Even with this small reversal of fortune, a full comeback was still a ways away! Jasmine could probably take another half dozen of those and still keep fighting!
"We SWAT Cats really do surprise even ourselves, don't we?!" Aurora put her hands together and cheered with Melody still very much in earshot!
"You know what we say! NEVER count a SWAT Cat out, baby! It's times like these when we look done seven ways to Sunday! Times like these where we pull off miracles in that ring!" Kat placed her arm on her own bicep and flexed!
Tracy was still liable to get done in by a stiff breeze! But her team still believed in her! Behind Tracy's tired eyes, past her deep, delirious daze, Mama Tracy's inventive, desperate side found a flash of sexy inspiration! Not even 3 seconds after connecting with the move did Tracy begin crawling towards the stunned, supine Monarch! Katherine, Aurora, the commentators, the fans - none of them/no one knew what The Circus Cat had in mind here! In the heat of the moment, Tracy pulled her leotard down from the chest and enveloped Jasmine's orange-haired head within her wrestling attire! Tracy made a makeshift smother harness from her leotard in the middle of this huge, high-stakes tag title match!
The delivery wasn't as sultry or as seductive as Tracy would want it to be! But her approach was cast aside in favor of the fact that it was now or never! If Jasmine had an answer to this, Canon knew it would be all over! Tracy made sure to fit Jasmine's nose and mouth between her large, pale, sweaty, bare "cannons" and she wrapped her arms around the Queen's torso and head before flexing and clamping down for dear life!!!
The Booty Bomber would find her bearings just a moment after Tracy had locked in the smother hold! And only because of a loud cry at ringside from her fellow Sovereign! Everyone knew this smother hold from Tracy was a Hail Mary play at best! But the scary part for The Booty Queens was the possibility that this desperate play stood any chance of seeing The SWAT Cats snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!
Queen Fudge practically sprang to life here in response to her partner Peaches' call! And when she did, she summoned all the strength and ferocity that she had put on full display in this match! Jasmine drilled Tracy's sides, shoulders, and face! Melony jumped onto the ring apron to cheer her partner on! And Kat and Aurora were quick to join her as she watched Tracy try to cling to Jasmine like a girl riding a mechanical bull!
"Mph! Urgh! Urrrrrgh!" Some deep grunts left Tracy's lips as she found herself having to tank blow after blow! Tracy couldn't process it with so few of her senses and faculties left after the absolute drubbing Jasmine had put her through, but her ONLY saving grace right now was the fact that Jasmine wasn't upright and couldn't summon the full might of her toxic punched by putting her hips or back into them since she was down on the mat on her front!
"Shhhh Jazzy, Mama's got you~...Mama Tracy says it's beddy-bye time n-NOW?!?"
Tracy was racking up more bruises from Jasmine's haymakers! She flexed every muscle in her body and curled up, almost into a fetal position as she lay on top of Jasmine! Her knees were near the royal's crown! Her training and experience served her well in knowing where to distribute her weight to keep Jasmine pinned down! But all of that went out of the window when Jasmine began flailing and rolling about the ring like an alligator that had caught fresh prey! Instantly, Tracy had found herself directing whatever energy she still had to her arms to try and cling to Jasmine for dear life! To cling to the hopes that The SWAT Cats were still the best team out there!
It wasn't pretty! Jasmine seemed to have energy to spare! She rolled about the ring here, there, and everywhere! The curvy, chocolate cutie nearly rolled her way out of the ring multiple times! Each time would have resulted in her saving the match for The Booty Queens! But each time they neared the ropes, Tracy turned and angled Jasmine such that the vicious, animalistic rolling would bring them toward the corner instead! Viciously slamming Tracy into the bottom turnbuckle! On one occasion, Jasmine even slammed Tracy's side into the steel ringpost!
Each time, Tracy was left with her mouth agape and her breath short! And each time, she slowly brought the sole of her pink boot to the turnbuckle or ring post or whichever surface she could find to kick off of it and roll herself and Jazzy back towards the center of the ring!
After nearly a minute, and after crashing into the ropes and the turnbuckles, and nearly tripping up the ref once or twice as they rolled to avoid the ring like an angry pile of cats, Tracy had hit her limit! In the center of the ring, she had gone limp on her back with Jasmine's head still stuck between her heavy, aching breasts! Tracy's arms fell to the canvas! The bruised, depleted luchadora was sprawled out in the middle of the ring without a hope or a prayer left!
Deep down inside, Tracy hoped that somehow, some way praying that Jasmine's bedtime would come early this evening! But on the outside, it was Tracy's eyes that had closed as the very last of her fighting spirit left her, finally, on a completely empty tank!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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