Astrid Arvidsson vs Katherine Hart - Fight Night

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Re: Astrid Arvidsson vs Katherine Hart - Fight Night

Unread post by winner3 »

There was no shortage of particularly strong, tough women on LAW's vast, deep roster. But Arvidsson stood out among them with her unique combination of insane strength, physicality, and intelligence in the ring or in any fight in general. She could only fall victim for so long to Kat riling her up. The Super Kitty knew all too well that in wrestling matches between some of the best out there, cooler heads often prevailed. Before the opening bell, Astrid's lavender eyes burned with the hot intensity of a thousand suns ready to torch the tag team champion. But now that she stood tall over Kat in an unquestionably dominant position at ringside, The Golden Dragon seemed to be in top form! She was in control of her emotions, in control of this crowd, and most importantly to Astrid, in control of this match and her opponent!

"Ahhh....ahhhh...." The luchadora was still letting out heavy, pained breaths when the referee yelled out the count from inside the ring.

Yes, they couldn't scuffle at ringside forever. But being the intelligent fighter she was, Astrid wasn't going to pass up on the chance to do some more damage outside the ring. Kat was all too aware that she was in trouble here. But after having her bell rung with a vicious running knee strike into the barricade, The Super Kitty was in no shape to fight the fiery blonde off!

When Astrid moved to collect Kat from the ringside floor, the metal barricade near them was very much out of place. The strike earlier had dislodged it, marking what would likely be the first of much collateral damage from this match!

Katherine was barely on her feet when Astrid began ushering her back into the ring. But partway through their return trip, she stopped. Many wrestlers would think to make use of the hard surface of the ring's apron. Perhaps even the steel ringpost outside the ring. But Astrid took things a step further. It wasn't enough of a statement to break the gem of Kat's mask or to leave her laying at ringside. Astrid wanted to take it a step further! To chastise Kat and to cement herself as perhaps the best woman in this company with a decisive victory, she turned her attention to the steel steps! And she smiled!

This drew even more noises of cheers, hype, and hysteria from the thousands of fans in attendance! It took no time at all for the Viking Warrior Descendant to hook her arm over Katherine's neck and secure her in a Front Facelock!

"....." Kat remained dazed and on her feet in Astrid's grasp! Astrid has no trouble quickly lining her up with the steel steps of the ring! Save for her labored breaths and tightly shut eyes, there were no signs of life from Kat!

Astrid tensed every muscle in her statuesque frame and grabbed the side of Kat's leotard, giving the girl a pronounced wedgie and accentuating The Super Kitty's toned glutes as she straightened up and lifted Kat into an upside-down position! A long, low, steadily rising "ohhhhhhh" echoed out from the crowd as Astrid held her upside-down, and overhead the feelings of anticipation mounted over this rough impact mounted!



The referee counted slowly, which seemed to only put further emphasis on how long Astrid was able to hold Katherine like this! Further anxiety over what seemed like an inevitable rough landing! On the fifth count, Kat began to bend her legs at the knee ever slowly slightly, weakly kicking to try and find some way to escape or even counter The Golden Dragon here!


Though Kat's face had grown red from the blood rushing to her head, she had finally begun showing signs of life and trying to free herself! But it was too little, too late!

The loud crash that echoed through the arena came from the sound of Astrid bringing Kat down onto the unforgiving steel hard with a Delayed Vertical Suplex! The impact was forceful enough to shift the steps out of place, just like the metal barricade from earlier! Katherine's back and side connected violently with the jagged edges of the steel steps!

"AAHHHHH! URGH! FRICK!" Kat rolled away from the steps and held her left side with both hands! She laid on her right half near the barricade and clenched her teeth in pain! Again, she began breathing hard. But any expletives or writhing noises from the Super Kitty were completely muffled by the surge of reactions from all over the arena! The referee couldn't even continue her count with how loud it was in the arena right now in the fallout from this massive Suplex onto the steel steps! No one could hear her! She needed to wait for the noise to die down!

This wasn't how things were supposed to play out. Right now, it was looking like The Super Kitty, The Legendary Luchadora, as great as she was, had grossly underestimated The Golden Dragon! The commentators remarked on how Astrid laying Kat out during their promo was anything but a fluke! Kat had pledged to be Astrid's wall! The woman who stood in the way of Arvidsson as she carved a path to becoming the very best at LAW! But right now, it was Astrid who was making good on her words! It was Astrid who was making sure that her words from earlier did not go to waste! As long as Kat vowed to stand in Astrid's way, Astrid was willing, maybe even eager to crush her just as she was going now!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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