If it wasn't obvious to her before, by now Katherine realizes how dedicated these women were to their cause. How dedicated they were to their Baroness. Countless women had jumped The Super Kitty throughout her career. But aside from the trap they laid out for her to draw her here, it was all so highly impersonal. It was cold, ruthless, efficient....and worst of all, darn near insulting how Kayla and the Maids seemed to expect all this to go down without so much as a hitch!
Each of the three Maids showed promise, of course. Promise they intended to realize here. Tactics and prowess that they hoped to culminate in the feat of besting Kat Hart today so they could their superior her biggest prize yet! But their promise - their potential, it would only bring them so far against the legendary luchadora! And Kat drove that point home when she drove both Kayla and Anna down to the deep blue mats beneath them, slamming both women down with a Suplex!
"Phew!" Kat blew a sigh of relief and effort after nailing the throw!
She'd soon push herself up to her feet and give the referee an assuring nod. Even if the official had been worried for a minute there, she wasn't surprised to see the luchadora turn the tides back in her favor! The ref knew the score. This was Kat Hart they were dealing with. Of course, the Maids had another thing coming if they thought taking The Super Kitty down would go as easily as they'd planned. But the brief display of camaraderie between the referee and the beautiful, brawny, bikini-clad SWAT Cats wouldn't last long for the cameras or the fans that would watch this later on. While Kayla and Anna were down, the craftiest of the three was still lurking. From practically out of nowhere, Tia struck!
Perhaps the girl was quite adept at concealing her presence. Or perhaps Tia had been intimidated by Kat's show of force in overpowering both Kayla and Anna. No matter what the case might be, the moment the masked heavyweight heard those light footsteps against the mat heading her way, she turned to face them! Kat's core still remembered the sting of Tia's hard kicks well! The tag team champion was intent on making sure Tia wouldn't get off scot-free for those!
Kat barely had time to adjust the straps of her leotard before Tia came barrelling in at her! Anna was still down and on her side, unable to rise in time to help her partner. Kayla was still recuperating as well. Both ladies still writhed on the mats in their flattering, immodest maid attires. But Tia's opportunistic charge here was their ticket to wrestling back control of the one and only Katherine Hart!
"Hmph?!" And poor Tia's crossbody did little more than make the masked babe raise her eyebrow!
"Haha! You can do better than that, Little Miss Dreary! Come on! Give it another go!" Hart would smile and try goad Tia into coming at her once more! And quick as a hiccup, Tia did just that!
"Hup!" Kat would clap her hands together and let out a grunt as she plucked Tia from the air!
As Tia dove at her and assumed a position perpendicular to Kat's own standing position, Kat had already readied herself to catch the girl. With little effort at all, despite the light bruising and the wear and tear from being at the trio's mercy for some time, The Super Kitty lived up to her moniker and countered Tia! Expectations began to mount for how the luchadora would go about punishing the lithe goth girl! Kat held Tia like this for several seconds, letting the anticipation and fear of how she might be slammed down or squeezed from this position set in. But instead of suffering either of those two fates at Kat's hands. Tia and Kat would find themselves being moved by none other than Kayla and Anna, who had recovered just barely enough to make a move by now!
"Ohhhh!" Hart would turn her head to her left and right to get a good look at the toned Maids who grabbed her by each leg from behind!
Even in the heat of the moment, Kat could tell that Anna was moving at Kayla's direction. The head Maid, as she were, was ruthlessly cold and persistent, but she was also commanding.
Hart resisted her, of course. She tenses her impressive quads and calves. She tried to shrug off both Kayla and Anna. But the collective power between them was nothing to scoff at, even for Kat Hart!
"R-Really?!" The masked babe protested when Kayla and Anna's efforts working in tandem together began to lift her!
She could feel that the double Backdrop Suplex was inevitable! But she still has Tia in tow! In the few seconds she had to react, Hart thought to herself that if she had to endure even more offense from these girls, she might as well make the most of it!
"HRAH!" The luchadora would cry out! For when Kayla and Anna threw her overhead, Kat would throw Tia backward with a Fallaway Slam! She'd use Kayla's and Anna's zealousness for The Baroness and their inexperience against them by taking advantage of this great height to launch Tia clear across the mat room!
The landings that ensued would cause the referee to give pause and cover her mouth in shock! There was no doubt that Tia would wipe out! Kat did her best to tuck and roll, but the impact would see to it that she rolled a couple of rotations. It would take a few seconds, but with the playing field levels and with all the ladies in this handicap match floored, Kat would be the first to plant her feet on the blue mats and rise from the ashes!
The Super Kitty placed one hand on the wall of the room for balance. One look around the matted room told her everything she needed to know. Poor Tia had been thrown for a loop. The girl would likely be down for a while. But the two who had thrown the luchadora just a moment ago, Kayla and Anna, those two heartier, curvier girls would likely be up not too soon after Kat was. And so, The Super Kitty would catch her breath, compose herself, and wait for them...
"I hope that Baroness of yours is rich enough to hire replacements for you girls..." A confident Kat began.
"She's gonna need them after she loses custody of you guys when I beat you three!" Hart would goad once more! This time she pointed at Kayla and Anna specifically! She knew that she had plenty left in the tank, and that the same likely couldn't be said for them, having already taken out Kayla once and clashed with Anna before! She knew that both of them would rush at her to prove their allegiance to Stephanie Renaud! And when they did, Kat would rush at the both of them and look to level Kayla and Anna once more with a hard and impactful Double Lariat! She looked to catch one girl in each arm to take them down and cement her lead in this impromptu three-on-one handicap PoW match!
The Baroness's Bounty
- winner3
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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- thesteedman
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
It must have seemed like a good idea at the time, but Tia could see what was about to happen moments before it all came to fruition. For certain, their Mistress Kayla was intelligent, and her thought process was sound, looking to take advantage of their foe whilst she was otherwise preoccupied with Tia. With a rally call, she and Anna came to rush Kat from behind, securing a grip upon her before they looked to double team her and perform a double back body drop. Kayla was a solid all-round fighter. Though she preferred to pick apart her foes with submissions, probably driven into her by the Baroness herself who liked to squeeze and constrict her prey. Kayla was strong enough to perform wrestling moves and lift opponents larger and heavier then herself, such was her training and prowess in wrestling and combat. Combined with the powerful Anna, the two had no trouble managing to lift Katherine Hart upwards... the issue was... Tia remained within Super Kitty’s grip!
Tia shot a look of grave concern to Kalya, catching her eyes to try and let her know she would be in trouble if they continued with this momentum, but Kayla proceeded with her plan all the same. No.. what was happening was not an error on Kayla’s part, it was all part of her scheme. As Katherine was lifted, she hoisted Tia close to her chest, making her gasp and call out in alarm. The world began to shift moments afterwards, as Kat used the momentum of the double team move to fallaway slam the lightweight wrestler she had caught against her large chest. Tia was flung hard, sailing across the room as if gravity itself had shifted, before she crashed down awkwardly on one shoulder on the mat edge, barely avoiding slamming into hard ground. The impact sent her sprawling until she clashed against the nearby wall, grunting out loud before she collapsed and writhed, favouring her back and shoulder. The present and alluring referee breathed a sigh of relief to see her moving at the very least. Without a doubt Tia was hurt, and without a doubt she would be out of action for a time in this spar... but from the looks of it she was not seriously injured beyond being hurt. She gave a look to Kat who winked back at her. She could only shake her head a little… as if she had experience dealing with Kat within the wrestling ring. The confidence in Katherine given the odds against her was frightening to say the least.
Anna grimaced when she was able to get to her feet after finishing the combined move with Kayla, looking a little disheartened to see her partner in crime clearly hurt and alarmingly far away on the other side of the room. Kat herself merely let the double back body drop happen, knowing the ends justified the means. Despite looking hurt, Tia was out of the fight for now, meaning just Kayla and Anna were up to face Katherine. Perhaps the trade-off was not all that worth it, as Katherine was shaking the cobwebs already, standing tall and ready for the duo. Tia was down, but hopefully not out… but that still did not make things look so great right now for the two Maids still standing.
"W... what do we do?!" Anna whispered to her Mistress, the first signs of panic beginning to set in. Anna was beginning to realise just how much of the real deal Katherine Hart was. The legendary LAW had seemingly rallied from the clutches of defeat when she and Tia had seemingly bested her! Now that this was all made official, it was not all going quite as according to plan. What would the Baroness say if Tia and herself lost here and were forced to become POW's of Kat when victory had been within their grasp. What would Kayla say to them?! Anna's breathing increased a little, but she soon shook her head and wore a rare expression of distain and anger towards Katherine. There was no time to panic! As far as Anna was concerned they could still do this!
"You'll pay for what you did to Tia!" Anna bellowed out... even though what happened to Tia just now was probably more their own fault than Kat’s. Anna began to rush towards Kat, when in truth she should have waited for Kayla's command! Emotions were running high, as well as panic a deep seated panic settling into her core. Anna just wanted to take Kat down, and she felt she was strong enough to do it. With open arms, Anna tried to lock Kat up into a fresh bearhug, confident Kayla would follow up and inflict an attack or hold of her own! The issue was her advance could be easily telegraphed, as Anna was somewhat sluggish and predictable in her attacks when it came to solo attempts like this!
Tia shot a look of grave concern to Kalya, catching her eyes to try and let her know she would be in trouble if they continued with this momentum, but Kayla proceeded with her plan all the same. No.. what was happening was not an error on Kayla’s part, it was all part of her scheme. As Katherine was lifted, she hoisted Tia close to her chest, making her gasp and call out in alarm. The world began to shift moments afterwards, as Kat used the momentum of the double team move to fallaway slam the lightweight wrestler she had caught against her large chest. Tia was flung hard, sailing across the room as if gravity itself had shifted, before she crashed down awkwardly on one shoulder on the mat edge, barely avoiding slamming into hard ground. The impact sent her sprawling until she clashed against the nearby wall, grunting out loud before she collapsed and writhed, favouring her back and shoulder. The present and alluring referee breathed a sigh of relief to see her moving at the very least. Without a doubt Tia was hurt, and without a doubt she would be out of action for a time in this spar... but from the looks of it she was not seriously injured beyond being hurt. She gave a look to Kat who winked back at her. She could only shake her head a little… as if she had experience dealing with Kat within the wrestling ring. The confidence in Katherine given the odds against her was frightening to say the least.
Anna grimaced when she was able to get to her feet after finishing the combined move with Kayla, looking a little disheartened to see her partner in crime clearly hurt and alarmingly far away on the other side of the room. Kat herself merely let the double back body drop happen, knowing the ends justified the means. Despite looking hurt, Tia was out of the fight for now, meaning just Kayla and Anna were up to face Katherine. Perhaps the trade-off was not all that worth it, as Katherine was shaking the cobwebs already, standing tall and ready for the duo. Tia was down, but hopefully not out… but that still did not make things look so great right now for the two Maids still standing.
"W... what do we do?!" Anna whispered to her Mistress, the first signs of panic beginning to set in. Anna was beginning to realise just how much of the real deal Katherine Hart was. The legendary LAW had seemingly rallied from the clutches of defeat when she and Tia had seemingly bested her! Now that this was all made official, it was not all going quite as according to plan. What would the Baroness say if Tia and herself lost here and were forced to become POW's of Kat when victory had been within their grasp. What would Kayla say to them?! Anna's breathing increased a little, but she soon shook her head and wore a rare expression of distain and anger towards Katherine. There was no time to panic! As far as Anna was concerned they could still do this!
"You'll pay for what you did to Tia!" Anna bellowed out... even though what happened to Tia just now was probably more their own fault than Kat’s. Anna began to rush towards Kat, when in truth she should have waited for Kayla's command! Emotions were running high, as well as panic a deep seated panic settling into her core. Anna just wanted to take Kat down, and she felt she was strong enough to do it. With open arms, Anna tried to lock Kat up into a fresh bearhug, confident Kayla would follow up and inflict an attack or hold of her own! The issue was her advance could be easily telegraphed, as Anna was somewhat sluggish and predictable in her attacks when it came to solo attempts like this!
- winner3
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
The chain reaction that was Tia being sent careening towards the wall by the combined might of throws by all 3 other wrestlers was a sight to behold! Like a catapult that was flung by another catapult, Kat was thrown backward by the combined efforts of Kaylah and Anna. Both ladies were capable fighters in their own right. Even The Super Kitty wouldn't be shrugging them off so easily. But Kat was able to capitalize and find the opening she so desperately needed in order to turn this ambush around! At the apex of the throw, Kat threw Tia backward and overhead!
Though the spill Tia took was certainly one for the ages, and the poor lithe girl ended up all the way across the room in a heap near the wall, a quick check from the referee confirmed that the girl would continue the match! When the referee nodded to a fallen Kat to signal this, the luchadora winked in acknowledgment. Much like the others, Tia still had to be taught a lesson, after all! And it would be best taught with the girl still in shape to wrestle!
Kat was on her back in the deep blue mats. Kaylah and Anna had seen to that. But The Super Kitty was far from done! The cameras caught the scene of all four women being laid out. Somehow, some way, Kat had fought her way through what the referee and fans had come to believe was a premeditated ambush! Just about anyone in the LAW locker room and roster would have fallen victim to the skilled women amidst the ranks of The Baroness' Maid stable. But The Maids and perhaps even Stephanie Renaud herself were about to find out that Kat Hart wasn't just any LAW wrestler! No, the tag champion was one of the best! And with a wide smile and a big rocking motion backward, Kat would kick with both of her legs and kip up off the ground to get ready to show these ladies just that!
"HUP!" Hart would bellow out as she sprung up off the mats and adjusted her leotard, preserving her modesty and keeping her buxom chest covered before turning her attention to a regretful Anna. After all, Anna and her impressive strength more than had a hand in poor Tia getting laid out just now. It was no wonder that Anna was feeling bad. And she was ready to take those bad feelings out on Kat!
Kat had caught Anna's whisper. She knew that the trio was finally beginning to break down despite having the numbers advantage! The pressure of the fact that this was a real match with consequences was beginning to set in. It was clear from Anna's body language and from her tone of voice that she was beginning to crack under it! Perhaps Kaylah would follow suit....
"What I did with your help, you mean?" Kat would stick her tongue out at Anna, knowing full well that it would rile up the beautiful, yet inexperienced fighter!
Hart balled her fist. The light of the sparring room accentuated her impressive form and her biceps and quads. Kat's eyes narrowed in anticipation of Anna rushing in at her and Kaylah following in after her to back her up! The cool-headed, calculating Maid assassin in Kayla, and the pretty powerhouse in Anna were poised to come at The Super Kitty together! And with her arms tensed and toned, spread wide apart with excellent form, the scantily-clad tag team champion would look to step forward with command and authority and let out a battle cry! Kat would look to meet both Kaylah and Anna in the middle of the mats as they charged at her and flatten both women with a Double Lariat to take Kaylah and Anna down hard!
"GRAAAAHHH!" The legendary luchadora would roar as she looked to drive her forearms across the perky chests of both Maids and take them down! And if Kat connected, she'd of course not stop there!
Tia might have been effectively sidelined, but Kaylah and Anna had just a little bit more vitality, a bit more sturdiness to them. Kat anticipated that after many seconds, both ladies would be on their feet again, catching their breath and regrouping to try to figure out how they could salvage this little escapade of theirs and turn this handicap match around so that they could do their Baroness proud! And as both Maids found their bare footing on the deep blue mats, as Anna and Kaylah caught their breath and adjusted their very flattering maid-wear, Kat would meet them by closing the distance between herself and her standing opponents in the blink of an eye! If Hart's Double Lariat connected, Kat would look to catch both girls as they stood up from the attack and follow up by driving them backward in a heap! Kat would look to knock Kaylah and Anna onto a pile together with Tia by taking both girls down with a running Double Spear to lay out all 3 women and take firm command of this impromptu POW match by leveling all 3 Maids!
Though the spill Tia took was certainly one for the ages, and the poor lithe girl ended up all the way across the room in a heap near the wall, a quick check from the referee confirmed that the girl would continue the match! When the referee nodded to a fallen Kat to signal this, the luchadora winked in acknowledgment. Much like the others, Tia still had to be taught a lesson, after all! And it would be best taught with the girl still in shape to wrestle!
Kat was on her back in the deep blue mats. Kaylah and Anna had seen to that. But The Super Kitty was far from done! The cameras caught the scene of all four women being laid out. Somehow, some way, Kat had fought her way through what the referee and fans had come to believe was a premeditated ambush! Just about anyone in the LAW locker room and roster would have fallen victim to the skilled women amidst the ranks of The Baroness' Maid stable. But The Maids and perhaps even Stephanie Renaud herself were about to find out that Kat Hart wasn't just any LAW wrestler! No, the tag champion was one of the best! And with a wide smile and a big rocking motion backward, Kat would kick with both of her legs and kip up off the ground to get ready to show these ladies just that!
"HUP!" Hart would bellow out as she sprung up off the mats and adjusted her leotard, preserving her modesty and keeping her buxom chest covered before turning her attention to a regretful Anna. After all, Anna and her impressive strength more than had a hand in poor Tia getting laid out just now. It was no wonder that Anna was feeling bad. And she was ready to take those bad feelings out on Kat!
Kat had caught Anna's whisper. She knew that the trio was finally beginning to break down despite having the numbers advantage! The pressure of the fact that this was a real match with consequences was beginning to set in. It was clear from Anna's body language and from her tone of voice that she was beginning to crack under it! Perhaps Kaylah would follow suit....
"What I did with your help, you mean?" Kat would stick her tongue out at Anna, knowing full well that it would rile up the beautiful, yet inexperienced fighter!
Hart balled her fist. The light of the sparring room accentuated her impressive form and her biceps and quads. Kat's eyes narrowed in anticipation of Anna rushing in at her and Kaylah following in after her to back her up! The cool-headed, calculating Maid assassin in Kayla, and the pretty powerhouse in Anna were poised to come at The Super Kitty together! And with her arms tensed and toned, spread wide apart with excellent form, the scantily-clad tag team champion would look to step forward with command and authority and let out a battle cry! Kat would look to meet both Kaylah and Anna in the middle of the mats as they charged at her and flatten both women with a Double Lariat to take Kaylah and Anna down hard!
"GRAAAAHHH!" The legendary luchadora would roar as she looked to drive her forearms across the perky chests of both Maids and take them down! And if Kat connected, she'd of course not stop there!
Tia might have been effectively sidelined, but Kaylah and Anna had just a little bit more vitality, a bit more sturdiness to them. Kat anticipated that after many seconds, both ladies would be on their feet again, catching their breath and regrouping to try to figure out how they could salvage this little escapade of theirs and turn this handicap match around so that they could do their Baroness proud! And as both Maids found their bare footing on the deep blue mats, as Anna and Kaylah caught their breath and adjusted their very flattering maid-wear, Kat would meet them by closing the distance between herself and her standing opponents in the blink of an eye! If Hart's Double Lariat connected, Kat would look to catch both girls as they stood up from the attack and follow up by driving them backward in a heap! Kat would look to knock Kaylah and Anna onto a pile together with Tia by taking both girls down with a running Double Spear to lay out all 3 women and take firm command of this impromptu POW match by leveling all 3 Maids!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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- BlackAkuma
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
This was not going at all as Kaylah planned. As a woman who prided herself on preparation, that was deeply irritating.
She hadn't expected that Kat Hart would be an easy target - far from it. This woman was at the top of her division, and you didn’t reach such lofty heights by being the sort that could be taken off guard. Particularly in LAW, where such attacks were par for the course. This likely wasn’t even the first time Katherine had found herself in such a situation, being ⅓ of the trios champions.
But the resistance level they were receiving from one person was nothing short of legendary. Anna and Tia were not perfect, but they were still two of her best maids, and they’d proven effective in tandem, for all their faults. She had rated their chances far above average and thought her presence would make Katherine’s capture a sure thing. Far from it, and now they not only ran the risk of failing the mission, but having their circumstances turned against them.
Unacceptable. Completely, utterly. Only one woman had the right to own Kaylah, and that was the one who sent her here in the first place. Failure was not an option.
She sneered as Katherine taunted Anna, already seeing the anger welling up in her compatriot, picking at one of her weakest points, whether she realized it or not. ” Do not let her goad you.” She spoke, drawing her attention to keep her in check lest she make the situation more problematic than it already was. ”We can take her. We can do this.”
She wanted to sound confident, but those words were easier than done, a point that was proven when Katherine came surging for and drove she and Anna to the ground with a double lariat, leaving them flattened on the floor with the hellacious hit.
Groggy and groaning, she took hold of Anna and helped her up, looking to get both of them back into the fight, when Katherine came rushing their way again. This time she rammed them with a spear that took both woman off their feet and brought them hard to the mat with a resonating crashing, sending them head over heels into a pile. That was where they stayed for the moment, too, wallowing about and tried to catch their breath.
Sensing they needed a change in strategy, Kaylah decided to try and divide their foes attention, rolling out of the pile, trying to stand up and draw Katherine away from the others. Granted, she wasn’t quite sure what she would do when and if this freight train of a woman came to her, but she had to start somewhere.
She hadn't expected that Kat Hart would be an easy target - far from it. This woman was at the top of her division, and you didn’t reach such lofty heights by being the sort that could be taken off guard. Particularly in LAW, where such attacks were par for the course. This likely wasn’t even the first time Katherine had found herself in such a situation, being ⅓ of the trios champions.
But the resistance level they were receiving from one person was nothing short of legendary. Anna and Tia were not perfect, but they were still two of her best maids, and they’d proven effective in tandem, for all their faults. She had rated their chances far above average and thought her presence would make Katherine’s capture a sure thing. Far from it, and now they not only ran the risk of failing the mission, but having their circumstances turned against them.
Unacceptable. Completely, utterly. Only one woman had the right to own Kaylah, and that was the one who sent her here in the first place. Failure was not an option.
She sneered as Katherine taunted Anna, already seeing the anger welling up in her compatriot, picking at one of her weakest points, whether she realized it or not. ” Do not let her goad you.” She spoke, drawing her attention to keep her in check lest she make the situation more problematic than it already was. ”We can take her. We can do this.”
She wanted to sound confident, but those words were easier than done, a point that was proven when Katherine came surging for and drove she and Anna to the ground with a double lariat, leaving them flattened on the floor with the hellacious hit.
Groggy and groaning, she took hold of Anna and helped her up, looking to get both of them back into the fight, when Katherine came rushing their way again. This time she rammed them with a spear that took both woman off their feet and brought them hard to the mat with a resonating crashing, sending them head over heels into a pile. That was where they stayed for the moment, too, wallowing about and tried to catch their breath.
Sensing they needed a change in strategy, Kaylah decided to try and divide their foes attention, rolling out of the pile, trying to stand up and draw Katherine away from the others. Granted, she wasn’t quite sure what she would do when and if this freight train of a woman came to her, but she had to start somewhere.
- thesteedman
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
It was looking bad. The referee was taking note of the situation, ever watchful to make sure there was an active Maid at all times as per the win conditions of this unusual encounter. If all three of Baroness' Maids were down and out, that was it! Super Kitty would be crowned the winner and the Baroness would be a few Maids down for a time. This was something that could absolutely not happen! The very notion of returning to Stephanie Renaud and declaring that two Maids under her own employ would have to serve Katherine Hart for a spell was not something Kaylah could accept. There was no telling how the Baroness would react to such devastating news. They had to win! Defeat was simply not an option!
Tia was slowly coming around, managing to get up to one knee as she tried to shake the cobwebs after being disposed of so easily by Super Kitty during her last actions. Though a capable fighter in her own right, she was let down by simply being too lithe and small. Tia was a pretty little thing, with alluring features and an innocent looking face. Though decently toned and hard working on her form, she simply could not develop muscle or strength the same way as other Maids under Kaylah's personal training regime. It was why Kaylah paired her up with Anna in the first place. The two complimented each other. Tia had the skill, the intellect and the know how, whilst Anna had been gifted the body and the strength! Anna was equally beautiful, and her strength was significant!
It did not take much for her to develop and maintain the amazing form she possessed, having the genes for it, but her mind was nowhere near as sharp as Tia's. She was not slow per say, but her tactics were lacking, having no ambition for swift thinking. If only the two were one person they would actually be a significant threat, being compiled into one capable wrestler that would hold their own in the LAW! Probably not at the level of Super Kitty herself, but if Kaylah had been teamed with this dream version where Tia and Anna were one person, they would have been more likely to topple this legendary wrestler and bring the greatest prize back to their Mistress...
As it was... both Maids had their flaws, and Super Kitty was beginning to expose them as the challenge progressed, beginning to get a real feel for her opposition now that the element of surprise was lost. It was a shame, of all the Maids the two of them showed the most potential to Kaylah, no others could actually compare to the two. One on one they had defeated all other Maids during training exercises, but they just lacked that little extra spark each to make it onto the roster as individuals like herself to better serve the Baroness within the federation. Despite all of this, was Kaylah really asking too much of her Maids in this situation?! They were three, and Super Kitty was one! Surely they still had the advantage?!
Tia was playing her part right now. If Kaylah was knocked down again, at least Tia was up to keep the team going in this unique challenge. Anna herself was down for now, left writhing and arching on the ground after taking a heavy fall. Her pained groans and agonised movements indicated that she was not out at least. So long as one Maid was standing, Super Kitty could not win! Perhaps a war of attrition would be the next best approach! Regardless of tactics, it seemed Tia had her next move in mind. Kaylah watched as she tried to stalk Super Kitty, whose eyes were upon the fallen lead Maid for now, no doubt looking to finish what she started whilst she was still reeling from such a series of devastating attacks. Just as Kitty was about to move in and take advantage of Kaylah's downed form, Tia launched her attack.
Her movement was swift and precise, going in low against the Legendary Heavyweight wrestler, using her own body as a form of binding. Tia was smart enough to know she could not win in a direct one on one against Super Kitty, given her vast strength and experience, but Tia was showing she had a good knack for quick thinking, managing to wrap her legs and arms around one of Super Kitty's legs mid step. The motion brought Kitty down to one knee, but Tia did not have the strength to bring her down completely! She gasped and struggled, trying to adjust herself, locking in a leg lock with her stocking coated legs before attempting to twist at Kitty's ankle in an effort to try and bring her down. It brought discomfort and made Kitty's movement awkward, but it did little more than that, save for bringing Kitty's attentions to Tia once more.
"Kaylah!" Tia tried to call out, aware her plan of attack still had a notion of success. She had slowed down Kitty for a moment, and hoped that Kaylah would take advantage of the stall! Perhaps she could launch an attack of her own against the legendary foe!
Tia was slowly coming around, managing to get up to one knee as she tried to shake the cobwebs after being disposed of so easily by Super Kitty during her last actions. Though a capable fighter in her own right, she was let down by simply being too lithe and small. Tia was a pretty little thing, with alluring features and an innocent looking face. Though decently toned and hard working on her form, she simply could not develop muscle or strength the same way as other Maids under Kaylah's personal training regime. It was why Kaylah paired her up with Anna in the first place. The two complimented each other. Tia had the skill, the intellect and the know how, whilst Anna had been gifted the body and the strength! Anna was equally beautiful, and her strength was significant!
It did not take much for her to develop and maintain the amazing form she possessed, having the genes for it, but her mind was nowhere near as sharp as Tia's. She was not slow per say, but her tactics were lacking, having no ambition for swift thinking. If only the two were one person they would actually be a significant threat, being compiled into one capable wrestler that would hold their own in the LAW! Probably not at the level of Super Kitty herself, but if Kaylah had been teamed with this dream version where Tia and Anna were one person, they would have been more likely to topple this legendary wrestler and bring the greatest prize back to their Mistress...
As it was... both Maids had their flaws, and Super Kitty was beginning to expose them as the challenge progressed, beginning to get a real feel for her opposition now that the element of surprise was lost. It was a shame, of all the Maids the two of them showed the most potential to Kaylah, no others could actually compare to the two. One on one they had defeated all other Maids during training exercises, but they just lacked that little extra spark each to make it onto the roster as individuals like herself to better serve the Baroness within the federation. Despite all of this, was Kaylah really asking too much of her Maids in this situation?! They were three, and Super Kitty was one! Surely they still had the advantage?!
Tia was playing her part right now. If Kaylah was knocked down again, at least Tia was up to keep the team going in this unique challenge. Anna herself was down for now, left writhing and arching on the ground after taking a heavy fall. Her pained groans and agonised movements indicated that she was not out at least. So long as one Maid was standing, Super Kitty could not win! Perhaps a war of attrition would be the next best approach! Regardless of tactics, it seemed Tia had her next move in mind. Kaylah watched as she tried to stalk Super Kitty, whose eyes were upon the fallen lead Maid for now, no doubt looking to finish what she started whilst she was still reeling from such a series of devastating attacks. Just as Kitty was about to move in and take advantage of Kaylah's downed form, Tia launched her attack.
Her movement was swift and precise, going in low against the Legendary Heavyweight wrestler, using her own body as a form of binding. Tia was smart enough to know she could not win in a direct one on one against Super Kitty, given her vast strength and experience, but Tia was showing she had a good knack for quick thinking, managing to wrap her legs and arms around one of Super Kitty's legs mid step. The motion brought Kitty down to one knee, but Tia did not have the strength to bring her down completely! She gasped and struggled, trying to adjust herself, locking in a leg lock with her stocking coated legs before attempting to twist at Kitty's ankle in an effort to try and bring her down. It brought discomfort and made Kitty's movement awkward, but it did little more than that, save for bringing Kitty's attentions to Tia once more.
"Kaylah!" Tia tried to call out, aware her plan of attack still had a notion of success. She had slowed down Kitty for a moment, and hoped that Kaylah would take advantage of the stall! Perhaps she could launch an attack of her own against the legendary foe!
- winner3
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
The numbers caught up to Kat a few times over already. But with her vast experience and with levels of strength, endurance, and technique to rival even the very best wrestlers in the company, The Super Kitty put these dainty, dangerous Maids on notice!
Kat had the deck stacked against her, but she knew what she had going for her. Technically, the Maid trio had already completed their mission. Had it not been for Anna's big idea to make this an official handicap/pow match by fetching a ref, and had it not been for Kayla's brief aside to report mission status to The Baroness, they would have already been hauling an active champion to present to Stephanie Renaud as an offering! But that wasn't what was happening right now. Kayla, Anna, and Tia were all very highly capable maids. Each lady was almost as great a wrestler as they were housekeepers/hospitality workers. They had laid out a perfect plan, ambushing the face of the company when Kat Hart least expected it! Luring her to the mat room, coordinating an assault, yet despite all of that, despite having had the legendary luchadora in the palms of their hands, somehow they were losing! And the frustration and panic from facing that reality was bound to lead to less coordination and more mistakes!
Downing Anna and Kayla with back-to-back moves set the pace of this contest squarely in Katherine's favor. The Super Kitty rose up and placed her hands on her hips. She looked over the room and got a lay of the land before winking at the referee and the cameras. It wasn't lost on the tag team champion that the odds were still stacked against her. Kayla rolling out of the pile and making her way up to her feet didn't escape Kat's notice, either.
"You guys wanted me as a prize for The Baroness. But I think you three will make for some pretty great prizes, yourselves." Kat stuck her tongue out at Kayla.
Most wrestlers in her position would be freaking out even now. Even with the momentary advantage, Kayla, Anna, and Tia were not so easily shrugged off. The two shrewdest women in the room divided The Super Kitty's attention even now. With Kayla standing before her and Tia disappearing into the background in the hopes of striking from a blind spot, the brawny, busty heavyweight was once again on her back foot!
"Hmmm?!" Kat's eyes moved quickly from Kayla to Tia, or rather from the corner where Tia last was! The little, lithe maid was a crafty one! Crafty enough that Kat realized right away that she couldn't afford to just give smaller pale maid free rein!
The luchadora turned to get a better view of the mat room, and after taking two steps or so, Tia grabbed hold of her leg like a snare trap!
"Gah!" Kat cried out as she fell to one knee! Tia might not have been the strongest woman on the roster, but it was clear that she was putting her back into this leg lock! The girl coiled her arms and legs around Kat's shin and lower leg! Kat immediately went down to one knee! Tia called out to Kayla! Perhaps this was where The Maids would return to form and swarm The Super Kitty! As they likely have with many other wrestlers and beautiful women in the Baroness' name thus far!
Thanks to Tia, Kat was in prime position for Kayla to pounce on her! Such chances were hard to come by. There was no doubt in Hart's mind that Kayla would rush her! And when she did, The Super Kitty would flash a smile before springing into action!
It wouldn't be obvious in the heat of the moment. But as much heart, effort, and cunning as Tia put into sneaking up on the tag team champion, she compromised Kat's footing quickly and easily! A bit too quickly easily for a woman two weight classes. A bit too easily for a woman that many called the face of the company! Hart played possum and allowed herself to look compromised in order to lure Kayla in! And if Kayla jumped at the very first chance she had to swing momentum back in The Maids' favor, Hart would pop up to her feet and punish that overeagerness!
"HNGH!" Kat let out a big grunt of effort as she pushed off the mats and planted her foot! The SWAT Cat would plant her good leg! And in a feat of strength that spoke to the sheer gulf in size and power compared to Tia, Kat would raise her trapped leg and whip it and Tia towards Kayla for a massive Roundhouse Kick!
If the kick connected, Kat would do it in such a way as to make sure Tia's side and back connected cleanly with Kayla's upper torso and head! The Super Kitty would flex her thighs, glutes, and every muscle she needed to in order to pull off this fest of strength and dazzle the Maids, the ref, and the fans watching along by using one Maid to beat up another Maid! And she wouldn't stop there!
If Kat managed to make another pile out of Kayla and Tia, she would follow up quickly by grabbing hold of little Tia and pulling the girl up from the mats. The Super Kitty would hold the petite Maid's face and chin with both hands.
"You know, I take it back. You pull off the dreary/goth look quite well, actually. Boop!" Hart would tease by quickly pecking Tia's nose with her lips for a "boop" before using her grip on the girl to pull Tia's head between her mighty legs!
If Hart remained in control in the three-on-one PoW match, she wouldn't stop at simply laying out all The Maids to declare victory! The Super Kitty would stop at nothing short of a commanding performance and a decisive victory via pin, submission, or knockout as ruled by the Super Kitty fan who was reffing the match! And that began by securing a grip on Tia's tiny waist to lift the lightweight up onto Kat's shoulders for a massive Powerbomb onto a downed Kayla! A Powerbomb which would be followed up by Kat running to the white wall of the mat room and setting her sights on the the stacked pile of Tia Kayla so that she could get a running start and crush the pair of cunning maids again! This time with a Running Body Splash on the stacked Maids to keep them sidelined!
Kat had the deck stacked against her, but she knew what she had going for her. Technically, the Maid trio had already completed their mission. Had it not been for Anna's big idea to make this an official handicap/pow match by fetching a ref, and had it not been for Kayla's brief aside to report mission status to The Baroness, they would have already been hauling an active champion to present to Stephanie Renaud as an offering! But that wasn't what was happening right now. Kayla, Anna, and Tia were all very highly capable maids. Each lady was almost as great a wrestler as they were housekeepers/hospitality workers. They had laid out a perfect plan, ambushing the face of the company when Kat Hart least expected it! Luring her to the mat room, coordinating an assault, yet despite all of that, despite having had the legendary luchadora in the palms of their hands, somehow they were losing! And the frustration and panic from facing that reality was bound to lead to less coordination and more mistakes!
Downing Anna and Kayla with back-to-back moves set the pace of this contest squarely in Katherine's favor. The Super Kitty rose up and placed her hands on her hips. She looked over the room and got a lay of the land before winking at the referee and the cameras. It wasn't lost on the tag team champion that the odds were still stacked against her. Kayla rolling out of the pile and making her way up to her feet didn't escape Kat's notice, either.
"You guys wanted me as a prize for The Baroness. But I think you three will make for some pretty great prizes, yourselves." Kat stuck her tongue out at Kayla.
Most wrestlers in her position would be freaking out even now. Even with the momentary advantage, Kayla, Anna, and Tia were not so easily shrugged off. The two shrewdest women in the room divided The Super Kitty's attention even now. With Kayla standing before her and Tia disappearing into the background in the hopes of striking from a blind spot, the brawny, busty heavyweight was once again on her back foot!
"Hmmm?!" Kat's eyes moved quickly from Kayla to Tia, or rather from the corner where Tia last was! The little, lithe maid was a crafty one! Crafty enough that Kat realized right away that she couldn't afford to just give smaller pale maid free rein!
The luchadora turned to get a better view of the mat room, and after taking two steps or so, Tia grabbed hold of her leg like a snare trap!
"Gah!" Kat cried out as she fell to one knee! Tia might not have been the strongest woman on the roster, but it was clear that she was putting her back into this leg lock! The girl coiled her arms and legs around Kat's shin and lower leg! Kat immediately went down to one knee! Tia called out to Kayla! Perhaps this was where The Maids would return to form and swarm The Super Kitty! As they likely have with many other wrestlers and beautiful women in the Baroness' name thus far!
Thanks to Tia, Kat was in prime position for Kayla to pounce on her! Such chances were hard to come by. There was no doubt in Hart's mind that Kayla would rush her! And when she did, The Super Kitty would flash a smile before springing into action!
It wouldn't be obvious in the heat of the moment. But as much heart, effort, and cunning as Tia put into sneaking up on the tag team champion, she compromised Kat's footing quickly and easily! A bit too quickly easily for a woman two weight classes. A bit too easily for a woman that many called the face of the company! Hart played possum and allowed herself to look compromised in order to lure Kayla in! And if Kayla jumped at the very first chance she had to swing momentum back in The Maids' favor, Hart would pop up to her feet and punish that overeagerness!
"HNGH!" Kat let out a big grunt of effort as she pushed off the mats and planted her foot! The SWAT Cat would plant her good leg! And in a feat of strength that spoke to the sheer gulf in size and power compared to Tia, Kat would raise her trapped leg and whip it and Tia towards Kayla for a massive Roundhouse Kick!
If the kick connected, Kat would do it in such a way as to make sure Tia's side and back connected cleanly with Kayla's upper torso and head! The Super Kitty would flex her thighs, glutes, and every muscle she needed to in order to pull off this fest of strength and dazzle the Maids, the ref, and the fans watching along by using one Maid to beat up another Maid! And she wouldn't stop there!
If Kat managed to make another pile out of Kayla and Tia, she would follow up quickly by grabbing hold of little Tia and pulling the girl up from the mats. The Super Kitty would hold the petite Maid's face and chin with both hands.
"You know, I take it back. You pull off the dreary/goth look quite well, actually. Boop!" Hart would tease by quickly pecking Tia's nose with her lips for a "boop" before using her grip on the girl to pull Tia's head between her mighty legs!
If Hart remained in control in the three-on-one PoW match, she wouldn't stop at simply laying out all The Maids to declare victory! The Super Kitty would stop at nothing short of a commanding performance and a decisive victory via pin, submission, or knockout as ruled by the Super Kitty fan who was reffing the match! And that began by securing a grip on Tia's tiny waist to lift the lightweight up onto Kat's shoulders for a massive Powerbomb onto a downed Kayla! A Powerbomb which would be followed up by Kat running to the white wall of the mat room and setting her sights on the the stacked pile of Tia Kayla so that she could get a running start and crush the pair of cunning maids again! This time with a Running Body Splash on the stacked Maids to keep them sidelined!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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- BlackAkuma
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
A chilling thought was running through Kaylah’s mind, as this scenario continued to spiral further and further out of control. She had initially planned for this to be a relatively simple affair, as simple as one could ever expect such an endeavor to be. A three-on-one beatdown, easy enough. Anna and Tia were more to serve as backup than anything, to ensure the process went as smoothly as possible and run interference in case the other Kats showed up. She knew their target was formidable, but she was still human. Ostensibly.
Now that they were engaged and this was turning south in such a hurry, a horrid thought occurred to the head maid - what if they lost? What if they, per the rules, came under Katherine Hart’s control? The idea was anathema, but the reality was becoming harder and harder to ignore.
Something akin to fear was beginning to slip into Kaylah’s mind, but she banished the thought for the time being and focused on the task. She was trying to pick herself up after being waylaid, suspecting that Katherine would be upon her sooner rather than later, and she was proven right - or would’ve been, if not for Tia coming in a clutch and weighing their foe down at the last moment.
It was a small window to work with, but she was in no position to be picky with such opportunities. She pushed up and came rushing in headlong, arms wide open, looking to simply through her weight into Katherine with a splash and take her down. A dogpile with all three of them on top - not an elegant way to win this, but she was long past caring about aesthetics.
That plan, rough as it was, came to an unceremonious end when their foe once again displayed her beastly strength, bringing her leg - and, more importantly, Tia - around with a kick, using her fellow maid as a battering ram. The blow hit the Iron Maid with insane momentum and sent her flying, coming down for a nasty crash near where Anna laid.
Groaning, Kaylah began the arduous task of pulling herself up, knowing her time would be short before Katherine would resume her attack. That, she expected. What she expected less, however, was for Katherine to bring Tia crashing down on all of them, hitting with an incredible force that Kaylah didn’t think her small body was capable of.
The meteoric crash left all three of them in a disheveled, destroyed heap, unable to move a muscle as Katherine leaped through space and crashed down on them like a pile of leaves, absolutely annhilating Anna on the bottom and sandwiching Kaylah between twin mountains of muscle. She let out a gasping shriek, unable to take in a single breath of air, and then flopped back in the lifeless heap, her eyes opened wide in shock.
Now that they were engaged and this was turning south in such a hurry, a horrid thought occurred to the head maid - what if they lost? What if they, per the rules, came under Katherine Hart’s control? The idea was anathema, but the reality was becoming harder and harder to ignore.
Something akin to fear was beginning to slip into Kaylah’s mind, but she banished the thought for the time being and focused on the task. She was trying to pick herself up after being waylaid, suspecting that Katherine would be upon her sooner rather than later, and she was proven right - or would’ve been, if not for Tia coming in a clutch and weighing their foe down at the last moment.
It was a small window to work with, but she was in no position to be picky with such opportunities. She pushed up and came rushing in headlong, arms wide open, looking to simply through her weight into Katherine with a splash and take her down. A dogpile with all three of them on top - not an elegant way to win this, but she was long past caring about aesthetics.
That plan, rough as it was, came to an unceremonious end when their foe once again displayed her beastly strength, bringing her leg - and, more importantly, Tia - around with a kick, using her fellow maid as a battering ram. The blow hit the Iron Maid with insane momentum and sent her flying, coming down for a nasty crash near where Anna laid.
Groaning, Kaylah began the arduous task of pulling herself up, knowing her time would be short before Katherine would resume her attack. That, she expected. What she expected less, however, was for Katherine to bring Tia crashing down on all of them, hitting with an incredible force that Kaylah didn’t think her small body was capable of.
The meteoric crash left all three of them in a disheveled, destroyed heap, unable to move a muscle as Katherine leaped through space and crashed down on them like a pile of leaves, absolutely annhilating Anna on the bottom and sandwiching Kaylah between twin mountains of muscle. She let out a gasping shriek, unable to take in a single breath of air, and then flopped back in the lifeless heap, her eyes opened wide in shock.
- winner3
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Re: The Baroness's Bounty
The endlessly deep and diverse LAW roster was teeming with women who had a sadistic side about them. But for male and female wrestlers that indulged in breaking and squeezing their opponents- for every "Baroness" type lady out there, you could find a hundred fans that cheered the sight of seeing a woman like Kat Hart turn the tables on The Maid Trio!
"Phew!" Kat placed her hands on her hips after setting up a nice body pile out of the maids. The camera girl panned over the view of the sexy service workers writhing on the mats in their lace, their stockings, and their maid skirts.
"I'll have to thank you girls for the workout! That's probably the one positive I can take from today's gym visit. You show up to train a girl and then she gets together with her maid girlies and jumps you, am I right? Just another day at LAW for The Super Kitty!" The busty, brawny, masked blonde placed her hand on her side and bent to and fro to get in a good stretch. She adjusted the straps of her leotard and stepped about the mat, circling the downed Kayla, Anna, and Tia to get a lay of the land.
Kayla and Tia had been thoroughly rocked. The two of them didn't seem like they were getting up and time soon. And Kat noted that she had not yet spent enough "quality time" with Anna.
"You....you were the muscle of the group, right?" Kat commented as she squat down to hook an arm underneath Anna's own to begin pulling the brawny beauty up to her feet.
"Yeah, you were the one that was pretty confident in her Bearhug. Said you were gonna flatten me like a pancake?" Kat helped the girl up to her feet and held her in her arms.
"Man, Stephanie really knows how to pick 'em, huh? You're just so pretty I could...SQUEEZE YOU!" Hart would snap we she lowered her arms and secured them around Anna's waist before abruptly clasping her hands together behind the purplette's back and giving her a sharp, painful squeeze!
Right away, Kat would hoist the girl up off her feet! She aimed to squeeze Anna out of her daze and awaken her to an oppressive Bearhug! After all, the match would continue until all 3 Maids were down and out! And The Super Kitty didn't seem like she was done with them just yet!
"Grr! Ngh! I've felt your Bearhug! How do ya like MINE!" Kat let out grunts of effort and retribution as she ratcheted up the pressure quickly to pay Anna back in spades for hers and Kayla's relentless Bearhugs earlier!
Kat would look to history the well-built maid between rough squeezes! The luchadora had a particularly mean streak here not just because she wanted a spot of revenge, but because each moment she spent working over Anna here invited Tia and Kayla the chance to find a second wind! And Kat couldn't have that! The tag team champion would grit her teeth, flex her biceps, and dig her heels into the mat as she widened her stance and looked to force Anna to the brink of unconsciousness in about 20 seconds flat!
If Kat managed to get Anna nice and limp, she would glance down at Tia and Kayla, who were no doubt beginning to stir and get their bearings about them! And when they finally did, when the fans who would watch this back later would have their time cut short eyeing the sight of the one and only Kat Hart squeezing Anna out while forcing the girl to hover there airborne over her fellow fallen Maids, Kat would get Anna on her feet again and brush the fit babe's hair away from her face to prop her up for an Irish Whip across the mat room and into the white wall!
"That's a-one!" Hart would tease, seemingly taking delight and enjoyment in dismantling these Maids! She would look to collect Kayla from the mats as Kayla began to rise, hopefully just in time to send her speeding towards Anna with a hammer throw of an Irish Whip as well! Forcing both ladies into the wall in a stack!
"That's two!" Hart would boast if she got her way here! Finally, she would bend down to reach for Tia, ruffling the lightweight's jet-black hair a bit before sending her to meet Kayla and Anna in a stack against the wall, arranged from largest Maid to smallest!
"And you're threeeee~!" Kat would hum a slightly melodious grunt as she looked to throw Tia with enough force to not give the gothic beauty a choice in her rendezvous with her cohorts!
Kat would look to join her index fingers and thumbs in such a way as to frame all three of the reeling beauties in her sights as if snapping a picture of them before charging forward with an explosive running start! The Super Kitty would aim to splash all three Maids in a stack against the wall to flatten them and leave them laid out in a pile yet again!
"Phew!" Kat placed her hands on her hips after setting up a nice body pile out of the maids. The camera girl panned over the view of the sexy service workers writhing on the mats in their lace, their stockings, and their maid skirts.
"I'll have to thank you girls for the workout! That's probably the one positive I can take from today's gym visit. You show up to train a girl and then she gets together with her maid girlies and jumps you, am I right? Just another day at LAW for The Super Kitty!" The busty, brawny, masked blonde placed her hand on her side and bent to and fro to get in a good stretch. She adjusted the straps of her leotard and stepped about the mat, circling the downed Kayla, Anna, and Tia to get a lay of the land.
Kayla and Tia had been thoroughly rocked. The two of them didn't seem like they were getting up and time soon. And Kat noted that she had not yet spent enough "quality time" with Anna.
"You....you were the muscle of the group, right?" Kat commented as she squat down to hook an arm underneath Anna's own to begin pulling the brawny beauty up to her feet.
"Yeah, you were the one that was pretty confident in her Bearhug. Said you were gonna flatten me like a pancake?" Kat helped the girl up to her feet and held her in her arms.
"Man, Stephanie really knows how to pick 'em, huh? You're just so pretty I could...SQUEEZE YOU!" Hart would snap we she lowered her arms and secured them around Anna's waist before abruptly clasping her hands together behind the purplette's back and giving her a sharp, painful squeeze!
Right away, Kat would hoist the girl up off her feet! She aimed to squeeze Anna out of her daze and awaken her to an oppressive Bearhug! After all, the match would continue until all 3 Maids were down and out! And The Super Kitty didn't seem like she was done with them just yet!
"Grr! Ngh! I've felt your Bearhug! How do ya like MINE!" Kat let out grunts of effort and retribution as she ratcheted up the pressure quickly to pay Anna back in spades for hers and Kayla's relentless Bearhugs earlier!
Kat would look to history the well-built maid between rough squeezes! The luchadora had a particularly mean streak here not just because she wanted a spot of revenge, but because each moment she spent working over Anna here invited Tia and Kayla the chance to find a second wind! And Kat couldn't have that! The tag team champion would grit her teeth, flex her biceps, and dig her heels into the mat as she widened her stance and looked to force Anna to the brink of unconsciousness in about 20 seconds flat!
If Kat managed to get Anna nice and limp, she would glance down at Tia and Kayla, who were no doubt beginning to stir and get their bearings about them! And when they finally did, when the fans who would watch this back later would have their time cut short eyeing the sight of the one and only Kat Hart squeezing Anna out while forcing the girl to hover there airborne over her fellow fallen Maids, Kat would get Anna on her feet again and brush the fit babe's hair away from her face to prop her up for an Irish Whip across the mat room and into the white wall!
"That's a-one!" Hart would tease, seemingly taking delight and enjoyment in dismantling these Maids! She would look to collect Kayla from the mats as Kayla began to rise, hopefully just in time to send her speeding towards Anna with a hammer throw of an Irish Whip as well! Forcing both ladies into the wall in a stack!
"That's two!" Hart would boast if she got her way here! Finally, she would bend down to reach for Tia, ruffling the lightweight's jet-black hair a bit before sending her to meet Kayla and Anna in a stack against the wall, arranged from largest Maid to smallest!
"And you're threeeee~!" Kat would hum a slightly melodious grunt as she looked to throw Tia with enough force to not give the gothic beauty a choice in her rendezvous with her cohorts!
Kat would look to join her index fingers and thumbs in such a way as to frame all three of the reeling beauties in her sights as if snapping a picture of them before charging forward with an explosive running start! The Super Kitty would aim to splash all three Maids in a stack against the wall to flatten them and leave them laid out in a pile yet again!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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