Two days had passed since the Apex Finals. Sophia had spent that first mostly asleep. She woke only to take some painkillers before slipping back into a deep slumber, her body demanding much owed rest from what would be remembered as one of the most brutal matches in LAW history. It was only into the second day that she began to wake, and with her awakening followed all the ailments of her match against Brynhild Ederne. Her lower back was wrought with agony, her muscles stiff from a near career ending bearhug in which it felt there would be no escape. An entire weight class above her, Sophia was nearly crushed into oblivion, and her spine was letting her know it.
Digging deeper than she ever had, Sophia was able to prevail when it looked like she was all but lost, yet all the tabloids were speaking about was when Katherine Hart whisked her away after the match. A detail Sophia in truth did not hate, despite being made to look a bit foolish when she denied there was any relationship between herself and her lover. It was out now, and Sophia felt a sense of relief that it was all official. Despite all the pain and ailments plaguing her well defined form, Sophia had been in good spirits. Having to rest for a few weeks was not desirable, but Sophia had defeated Brynhild and established herself amongst the very elite of the LAW, as well as having the luxury of having her lover come and sweep her away.
Those spirits shifted when Anna and Tia made their way into the bedroom. Having been mostly in slumber, Sophia forgot she had been taken by Kat to her own home… and there resided the dynamic duo under Stephanie’s employment, serving time after Kat was able to win them in a POW style challenge. Sophia’s expression became darker as she stared at the two. Kat adored the tall and broad purple haired Anna and the slender gothic short and dark haired Tia, but Sophia did not trust them… they worked for the Baroness after all. The German beauty could not help but feel they were up to something, that there was some kind of play going on.
Naturally, given Kat’s rather open and boisterous ways, the Maids were clad in little more than what the Baroness offered them. Both wore the mini headdresses settled above their temples, with black and white two piece outfits, revealing much and more of their figures. Coating Anna’s legs were form fitting white tights whilst Tia’s legs and feet were bare. They were well defined, their cleavage and midriffs on full show as they stood before the bed Sophia was in. She propped herself up with some difficultly, clutching the blanket against her chest, clad in little more than a bra and loose pyjama trousers.
“Mistress Katherine has a surprise for you. If you would come with us.” Tia spoke formally, giving a small well postured bow. Anna followed after a brief delay, a bewildered look upon her eyes before she presented an outfit, or a lack thereof. Within her hands was a strap and matching bottoms, some manner of swimwear.
”Mistress Katherine? You can address her by her name without such a title.” Sophia responded with disdain in her voice.
“Of course Mistress Sophia. We shall comply.” Tia spoke with another former bow. Sophia sighed, before watching as Anna made another delayed bow after Tia motioned to her with a light tug of her wrist. Anna then presented Sophia with the outfit.
“Please put this outfit on. You will need it! I can assist you if you need help given your current state.” Anna spoke with a cheerful tone, her expression beaming.
Sophia blushed at the notion of being changed by the Maids.
“D… did Katherine send you?” Sophia whispered, trying to maintain her composure.
“She did! She has a surprise for you. Misstr… Katherine is waiting for you.” Anna spoke out, after Tia nudged her before she could complete the Mistress title. She managed a big smile, whilst Tia looked more melancholy. Sophia sighed, taking the outfit from Anna.
“I swear Kat is becoming so lazy since she brought you two here. I can dress myself… Look away please.” Sophia whispered, deciding to shift outfits whilst under the covers. Sophia began to shift, wincing as her back began to complain at the motion. In her pause she looked to Anna and Tia who were just standing there watching her.
“Better yet, leave the bedroom entirely whilst I change! Return in five minutes!” Sophia demanded, as both Maids nodded before leaving her.
Fifteen minutes passed.
Changing had been more labrous than Sophia had anticipated. Perhaps she should have had some help, but she would be damned letting the Maids gaze upon her form. Even now, she felt embarrassed, walking in little more than a two piece outfit, being guided by Tia whilst Anna remained close to help support her. She could walk, but her back was on fire. A few times she had to stop, with Anna standing close to let her lean upon her. The doctor warned the first week would be the worst, and Sophia hated that she would not be able to train for a little while longer.
Sophia felt herself being led out of the bedroom area, before Tia and Anna began to make their way forwards, rushing off towards the bathroom area.
“Excuse me!... … … Hey!” Sophia yelped out, left standing just outside the bedroom. She supported herself on a nearby chest of draws, favouring her back, doing all she could just to stand straight despite how much her spine complained at her. Wincing, she had it in her mind that perhaps she should return to bed for now… until she felt a familiar presence approach.
All at once, Sophia felt a sudden ease befall her when that figure slipped up behind her, arms crossing over her chest. She knew those powerful arms well by now, and Sophia sighed, closing her eyes softly. She reached up with her own hands to clutch at those arms wantingly.
“Katze…” Sophia whispered, knowing the scent of her lover, feeling her incredible form pressed up against her back. She could feel Kitty’s skin against her own, indicating she was clad in a swimsuit herself, her bare legs near entwining with Sophia’s. Despite all her ailments and the complaints of her form, she cared little about them now that she was in the arms of her girlfriend, a feeling that she was fast becoming accustomed too.
“If you desired to see me in less attire you know you only had to ask. I must confess I am not so certain I am up to any of your usual untoward tasks right now.” Sophia mentioned in jest but with a hint of regret in her tone. She turned her head to try and gaze upon her lover, but even that motion brought pain, making her wince a little as her back spasmed. Still… even with the pain, being with Kat like this felt nice.
Tension Unwound [Sophia Wolfe & Katherine Hart]
- thesteedman
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Re: Tension Unwound [Sophia Wolfe & Katherine Hart]
Sophia always had an air of mystery and coolness about her. The woman was disciplined, capable, and cool-headed. Wolfe of the smarter and more technical fighters on the LAW, and she cemented herself in a place among the best at LAW and the best in the ring in the world in her compelling and hotly contested Apex match against Brynhild. Perhaps it was this cool girl image of hers that made it the prevailing story when news of her relationship with Kat Hart made headlines. Perhaps it was Kat Hart's status as a legend in the industry, herself. Or perhaps it was a combination of the two. Regardless of all the circumstances that led up to this moment in the present day, the thing at the forefront of The Super Kitty's mind was the happiness and recovery of her lover Sophia!
"Mmmm~" Kat purred as she took Sophia in her arms. There was a contented smile on her masked face. She was wearing just as little as Sophia was, a lavender bikini with white accents.
The way her slightly bigger, statuesque form enveloped Sophia's fit frame felt so natural and comforting to both women by now that it seemed to bring them both peace whenever Kat held her, especially from behind.
"I love when you say my name like that." Hart grinned at Sophia's initial response. She went on to make sure she held Sophia by the hip and behind the neck. Kat tried to be gentle to avoid agitating her lover's aching form further. Sophia's smile could light up her whole day, but she didn't want it to come at the cost of her girlfriend's road to recovery.
"Oh, you know you love me and my shenanigans, haha~" Kat smiled as she bantered with the beautiful German babe.
"If you'd had just given me a chance to see where this was goooooing...." Kat began. She motioned to the bedroom door to begin leading her lover out of the room and towards the stairs to the lower floor. Even from the banister and the top of the stairs, Sophia and the Maids could hear and see their destination, though! A seemingly newly assembled hot tub set up in the middle of Kat's living room!
"You'd seeeeeee." Kat carefully led Sophia by the hand and the hip to the top of the stairs.
"That I was hard at work trying to do something nice for you, you silly girl!" Hart would kiss Sophia's cheek when she laid eyes on the hot tub.
"You told me once before that spas and steam rooms were a hit with you, right? In fact, at the hotel suite we shared, I think it was the steam room that was the amenity that sold you on rooming with me at that particular hotel. Soooo if you're too banged up for me to take out outside to a steam room or a spa, I figured, why not work on bringing the spa to beautiful and lovely girlfriend?!" Hart blushed and smiled widely.
The harebrained schemes and silly antics were much more Kat's things than Sophia's. She was more so the impulsive ajd and boisterous one in the relationship. It was just extremely fortunate for her that Sophia not only tolerated it, but admitted to liking these qualities about her lover on occasion.
"I actually ordered it online and assembled it, myself. I just finished putting it together and testing it a few minutes ago. That's why I had Tia and Anna fetch you and get you ready, earlier, haha."
"If you'd be so kind as to join me in taking it for a spin, Sophie-poo?" Hart would hold her arms out, offering to carry Sophia princess-style down the stairs and into the tub. No doubt Anna and Tia in the background looking on would discourage Sophia. Kat would be quick to shut down the murmuring maids with a promise, than than a threat.
"Oh, don't pay them any mind. Tia and Anna know that if they make fun of us for being mushy and adorable, I'll up their training intensity from one apartment-style squash a day to five. Isn't that right, girls?" Kat would smile at the pair threateningly. Their time as PoW's actually seemed to be quite mutual. Despite their sworn allegiance to the Baroness, things like amicable treatment, and Kat encouraging the pair to be themselves and to discover their potential as amazing wrestlers through her training actually seemed to make the two warm up to her. Though Kat could shut them down when she really needed to.
"Now, shall we, dear?" Hart held her impressive arms out again, ready to shrug off any teasing or antics from the Maids in favor of holding her girlfriend and delivering her to a hot tub where the two of them could unwind and relax together rather than spend time apart while Sophia is nursed back to good health.
"Mmmm~" Kat purred as she took Sophia in her arms. There was a contented smile on her masked face. She was wearing just as little as Sophia was, a lavender bikini with white accents.
The way her slightly bigger, statuesque form enveloped Sophia's fit frame felt so natural and comforting to both women by now that it seemed to bring them both peace whenever Kat held her, especially from behind.
"I love when you say my name like that." Hart grinned at Sophia's initial response. She went on to make sure she held Sophia by the hip and behind the neck. Kat tried to be gentle to avoid agitating her lover's aching form further. Sophia's smile could light up her whole day, but she didn't want it to come at the cost of her girlfriend's road to recovery.
"Oh, you know you love me and my shenanigans, haha~" Kat smiled as she bantered with the beautiful German babe.
"If you'd had just given me a chance to see where this was goooooing...." Kat began. She motioned to the bedroom door to begin leading her lover out of the room and towards the stairs to the lower floor. Even from the banister and the top of the stairs, Sophia and the Maids could hear and see their destination, though! A seemingly newly assembled hot tub set up in the middle of Kat's living room!
"You'd seeeeeee." Kat carefully led Sophia by the hand and the hip to the top of the stairs.
"That I was hard at work trying to do something nice for you, you silly girl!" Hart would kiss Sophia's cheek when she laid eyes on the hot tub.
"You told me once before that spas and steam rooms were a hit with you, right? In fact, at the hotel suite we shared, I think it was the steam room that was the amenity that sold you on rooming with me at that particular hotel. Soooo if you're too banged up for me to take out outside to a steam room or a spa, I figured, why not work on bringing the spa to beautiful and lovely girlfriend?!" Hart blushed and smiled widely.
The harebrained schemes and silly antics were much more Kat's things than Sophia's. She was more so the impulsive ajd and boisterous one in the relationship. It was just extremely fortunate for her that Sophia not only tolerated it, but admitted to liking these qualities about her lover on occasion.
"I actually ordered it online and assembled it, myself. I just finished putting it together and testing it a few minutes ago. That's why I had Tia and Anna fetch you and get you ready, earlier, haha."
"If you'd be so kind as to join me in taking it for a spin, Sophie-poo?" Hart would hold her arms out, offering to carry Sophia princess-style down the stairs and into the tub. No doubt Anna and Tia in the background looking on would discourage Sophia. Kat would be quick to shut down the murmuring maids with a promise, than than a threat.
"Oh, don't pay them any mind. Tia and Anna know that if they make fun of us for being mushy and adorable, I'll up their training intensity from one apartment-style squash a day to five. Isn't that right, girls?" Kat would smile at the pair threateningly. Their time as PoW's actually seemed to be quite mutual. Despite their sworn allegiance to the Baroness, things like amicable treatment, and Kat encouraging the pair to be themselves and to discover their potential as amazing wrestlers through her training actually seemed to make the two warm up to her. Though Kat could shut them down when she really needed to.
"Now, shall we, dear?" Hart held her impressive arms out again, ready to shrug off any teasing or antics from the Maids in favor of holding her girlfriend and delivering her to a hot tub where the two of them could unwind and relax together rather than spend time apart while Sophia is nursed back to good health.
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