Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

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Re: Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

With a single squat Gabriel bent Lucy over his shoulders, exerting the strength of her back, shoulders and biceps as if the babyface on his shoulders was a red-hot ring and the queen an industrial presser indifferent to Freya's stiffness.

The prettiest blondie stretched every abdominal muscle, in her thighs and neck as if she were just a human dumbbell, with her head and legs being pulled to join in front of the fiercest blondie's chest, as if she herself were the display toy placed in the arena for the delight of the LAW audience.

Lucy called it a day when her arm released the queen's hair, melting with occasional spasms over Gabriel's shoulders.

The queen would stand up, relaxing Lucy's body, but maintaining the torture rack position. One of her hands would slide to Lucy's face, slipping two of her fingers into her mouth to dance with her tongue, her other hand would rest on the inner side of one of her thighs, securing Lucy on her shoulders.
Image Art of work: 2024 Last Work
by D-knight in pixiv
The Titantron screens would show the side of the queen, projecting Lucy's inverted face being fucked by those two dancing fingers.

The queen would be surprised because of the sudden flaccidity and cooperation of her opponent.
"...Did you see yourself overcome already?" Gabriel commented, wiggling the muscle inside Lucy's tongue to get her to utter something. She had expected Lucy to endure at least three squats, perhaps she did overdo the first one. "Maybe...I should treat you like you're a first-timer, don't you think?"

As if performing a kiss, Gabriel's middle and ring fingers would wrap around Lucy's tongue, caressing and caressing her with the same elasticity of a cat's tongue. Running the tip of one fingertip down the middle of that tongue while the other finger merely immobilised that muscle for her cravings, she aimed to pull it out of her mouth to plunge her further into misery with a forced choking expression.

Her other hand would rattle over Lucy's toned thigh, impatient and warning. Soon she would join the game by crawling between Lucy's legs, and re-covering her womanhood with her hand, as two of her fingers greet the tip of the clitoris, caressing it with the same circles that the other two fingers trace inside the mouth of this beautiful wrestler, only to open the flower and be able to enter with permission inside this swollen lower lips.
Art of work: [I don't remember LOL]
By D in pixiv
Each pair of fingers would maintain that dominant calm in their conquests, pumping them with the same delicacy that only a possessive, seductive queen canโ€”slow and questioning. Gabriel wanted to see what kind of movements were driving Andersen wild, but at the same time, wanted to finish killing Lucy's volition, so she would try the following: the movements that a pair of fingers made with her tongue, she emulated those inside Lucy's pussy.

The queen caressed that muscle as if she loved it, while her fingers stroked with the same sound inside, examining and titillating every nerve within. And the worst thing was that only Lucy would know the disaster Gabriel was trying to orchestrate with her hormones with that abuse.

"You like it?" Her voice would become gruff and stern. "I want you to be clear that...I don't want to let you go...until I take what I want from you...Lucy....So get ready, this is going to be a long one..." Both hands would spiral around before pushing deep inside Lucy.
Art of work: [I don't remember LOL]
By D in pixiv
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Feb 10, 2025 7:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Releasing her hold on Gabriel's hair gave the appearance of submission to her opponent, as Lucy's body could no longer keep a strong hold. Through partially open eyes, all she could really see were the bright flashes of camera's coming from the crowd. Sure enough, Lucy was giving the crowd a spectacle when it came to compromising photos! At this point, this was nothing new for her. However, she'd never been broken and displayed in quite this same manner before.

While her mind tried to find some kind of response, she was interrupted by Gabriel sliding two fingers into her mouth. "Grhhhghh!" The woman's slender fingers danced across her tongue weaving it around as Lucy gagged a little from the occasional insertion a little too deep. Being effectively silenced with Gabriel securing her tongue, Lucy figured the questions were simply meant as further insult to the helpless blonde.

As if she hadn't given Lucy enough, Gabriel inserted her fingers yet again inside Lucy's womanhood. A slight shudder vibrated from Lucy's hips! With her body effectively immobilized, Lucy had little choice but endure whatever Gabriel sent her way. The feeling pulsing from her lower half was cancelled out by an occasional gag induced by the motions going on inside her mouth.

With her body failing to move, Lucy's mind screamed for the torment to stop! Being on display for the crowd meant nothing in the face of the torment being forced upon her by Gabriel!
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Re: Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel would give anything to keep the cameras from showing everything she was doing to Lucy, only to keep it to themselves and not to the fans who did nothing but watch and drool.

Lucy had gone from a nervous girl who could barely defend herself to a dazed fly wrapped in a black widow's web, that she devoured it very slowly, liquefying its entrails with her expertly weaving paws. Her body barely stirred on Gabriel's shoulders, the gag in her mouth made by the knot that was her fingers wrapped around Freya's tongue, strangling that muscle, And massaging it as her womanhood being rhythmically fucked by two incredibly flexible fingers. Her legs and arms hung on either side of Gabriel, limp, heavy and shiny with sweat, unable to do anything but shake tremulously from time to time as those fingers explored deep into her mouth and cunt. Lucy didn't seem to be able to do anymore, she was at her limit.

The fingering hand stopped, the other hand just wrapped one finger around Lucy's tongue while the other finger pushed that muscle out of her mouth to display Lucy's humiliating expression. Who knows what Lucy was thinking, maybe she wanted this to be over, maybe she'd already suffered a mindbreak, maybe she just wanted to pass out to rest. However, Gabriel still didn't feel a warm flow soaking her hand or the jolt of a withering spasm, so she still had work to do before she gave Lucy away to the lions.

"You can give up if you want to, huh?" Gabriel said, clamping that tongue between her fingers like a pair of pliers. "Sure, if the referee understands you." She was going to steal her speech until she got bored.

After saying that, the blonde bit her lips, preluding one more playfulness: her fingers massaged in great circles Lucy's wet pussy as way out of, arriving at the entrance to caress clit too. She wanted to ignite all of lucy's senses, awaken her mind with a wake-up call while pumping more hormones into hertormented head. For later she plunged her fingers all the way in, straight as a dildo and so deep as to be a direct hit to the G-spot, hoping to shake this blondie's whole body in a fulminating spasm.

The cameras had Lucy from so many angles that there could be copies of this fight, and yet Gabriel would be unsatisfied that she didn't have enough evidence of this.

Maybe part of Gabriel doesn't love involving the fans, but she'd be an even bigger hypocrite if she said she didn't love those whistles and jeers when her opponent has hit rock bottom...

The queen would straighten up, jerking to settle her body over herself, curving her back splendidly, looking regal, though her opponent not so much. Her fingers would remain still, but still inside the two orifices. She was about to say something to the crushed Lucy, but preferred to keep quiet and smile whimsically.
art: I don't remember LOL
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Her fingers left Lucy's tongue alone, slipping out of her mouth skating out the blondie's tongue as well. That hand took hold of the Freya's neck to secure it. And then the queen began to swarm around the ring, doing little hops to shake Lucy's body and make her fuck with her fingers. Roaming in big circles for all to see.

She would certainly be tired, but she would try to disguise it with this preambular spectacle, and above all, she would give Lucy an extension of her fingering mastery. She wanted her fingers not to do all the work, hence the bouncing, but she wouldn't let chance decide how well she finished her off.

"It'll be your last ride, love." Gabriel crooned slyly. "Enjoy it before I pop the question."
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Sat Feb 22, 2025 4:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

Unread post by B.Lemme »

The crowd continued to fill the space with deafening noise as Lucy continued to lay helpless across the shoulders of her tormentor! The crowd though, while used to seeing Lucy in these positions, were growing impatient the blonde had not yet been relieved of her clothing. Aside from a few glimpses for some lucky crowd members positioned to look up the blonde's skirt, she still remained mostly put together.

However, what Lucy had come to realize is Gabriel wasn't so much playing to the crowd. In fact it was likely she couldn't care less what they wanted. In this moment, Lucy was hers! A canvas on which Gabriel could paint whatever picture of Lucy she wanted, and she was going to make it just how she liked it!

Despite being violated down low, for Lucy the most unpleasant action being forced upon her was the toying with her tongue. Occasional insertions too deep pushed Lucy to gag, and only made it harder for the blonde to suck in air. Even as Gabriel taunted the woman stretched across her back, Lucy could only gargle in response. "GRRrrggghghg!" Despite a moment of relief from the blonde ceasing her movements into Lucy, the nature of this destruction was hitting a new level.

With her strength mostly faded, Lucy used her only method she saw remaining to give back a little. As she was paraded around the ring, Lucy looked to snap her jaw closed on Gabriel's fingers! Normally a dirty tactic, Lucy felt entirely justified by making the attempt here. Being under Gabriel's firm control it would likely only last moments, but at least it was an attempt against her opponent if nothing else.

What more could the woman do to Lucy at this point anyway? Lucy could never think to verbally submit to this woman, but perhaps she could push Gabriel to finish her off quickly. Better to go out in a blaze of glory than submit, but there was no way Lucy could know the response she would get from this biting attempt!
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Re: Blonde vs. Blonde? - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Lucy Andersen

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel was delighted in giving the audience both a lot and nothing at the same time. So many yearning to see Lucy with her clothes off, or in something more obscene, and Gabriel only knew how to do one thing: show who has Lucy on her shoulders, playing with her fingers inside this blondie, and walking her around the ring to delay the inevitable, as if Lucy was just that, her new toy. The girl the queen had earned. And though Gabriel was trying, Lucy still wouldn't cum. It would be a hard blow to her pride, and maybe, just maybe, if she analysed the difference between the first fuck and this one, it would be obvious that her mistake was the exhibition. Maybe a different treatment would align Lucy's priorities.

She paused for a moment to warn her opponent of her plan. Gabriel was most likely not Lucy's favourite person, but after all, that was her plan, and the queen was aware of that.

"Okey, let's get...KYAHHHH!!!" The queen was interrupted by the idiom at her fingers. "No No!" Her voice became a squeak. Then she mutters: "Let go of me!"

The queen would shake back and forth to get Lucy to open her mouth, even leave Lucy's crotch alone to let her see that she was willing to negotiate. "There there, all right! I'll let go, okay?.... But leave my fingers alone!!" She mumbled again in irritation.

But just because Gabriel's hand is coming out of the inside of Lucy's tiny skirt doesn't mean she's dropping it.
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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Liliel North:

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