Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Peggy was torn. Arlise had beaten her before so winning against her would normally feel good. However Peggy was trying to do it clean in a tag match, not like this! However she was in a match and blowing it would be bad. Peggy let go of the hold and stomped down on Arlise before bending down to deadlift her up into the air before hitting her with a bsckbreaker, going for a pin!

Lauren was also torn. "Shut up and wrestled ya trigger little brat! Coward!" Lauren shouted as Nat walked away. For a second Lauren hopped off the apron wanting to grab Nat and get her back to the ring. However she stopped. If she did they she would be abandoning Peggy, and ste would be no better than Nat. Lauren hopped up on the apron seeing Peggy pinning Arlise.

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Arlise wished that the tears only formed in the corners of her eyes because of Peggy's squeezing.

She didn't shed them for her sister, either - she knew her too well and suspected her too much to have truly hoped that they could make peace. A part of her only waited for her sister to turn her back on her again. But to do it here, publically, in a match, and leave Arlise to the wolves? Her sister had lost all sense of decency, but the embarrassment still burned at her cheeks and left her reeling on the mat even once Peggy freed her. Almost failing to register the other redhead's stomp, the Belgian beauty lifted her eyes once more to see Nat disappear into the back, but her cheek fell to the canvas once more.

And now, she had to survive against two opponents.

Arlise had never fought in a handicap match, and for the moment, she didn't fight, either. She uttered a weary moan as Peggy lifted her high, and she allowed herself a rare, full-throated cry of pain as she came crashing down on the other woman's knee, split in half by the backbreaker. As the pain coursed from her neck down to her toes, she could not bring herself to put up a fight, wondering if she should simply give in and take everything that came until they decided they had finished with her and pinned her.

That moment came quickly. As she lay agonizing, Peggy rolled her over into a pin, Arlise covered her face with an arm and supposed she should simply wait for the three count.

But the crowd's confused murmuring became a clapping rally.

Never once had Arlise given up in any match - even ones where she found herself completely outmatch. Where she found herself dominated. Where she found herself unconscious. People had seemed to love her for it, and she... she could use some love.

No, she wouldn't take all of this lying down.

It took her until the ref had already counted the two, but Arlise powered out of the pin attempt and flopped onto her stomach, defiant.

Where were those ropes? She had to get up.

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Arlise kicked out and Peggy slapped the mat in frustration. She looked to Lauren and instead of tagging in the fresh woman Lauren gave Peggy the nod to keep going. The Irish wrestler would pull Arlise up by the arm and step towards an empty corner looking to send Irelia flying with all the force she could! Peggy would give chase and lower her shoulder looking to use it like a battering ram against the sexy mid-section of the Belgian beauty! If successful Peggy would grab the middle ropes and keep ramming her shoulder into Arlise hoping that she could in fact keep softening up her now abandoned opponent. The two hated it, but they needed wins as they knew their own careers were on the line with rumors discussing the premature release of the big flabby oldschool slammers.
Last edited by Highfly on Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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The crowd cheered, but Peggy did not seem as impressed.

Arlise's crawling and clambering to the ropes, the other redhead aided, though certainly not in the way Arlise would have wanted. She groaned a complaint, and while she the fire in her belly - outright anger, really - to begin to sidestep and ball up her fist to retaliate, Peggy whipped her. Arlise didn't have the control over her already-ailing body to resist without falling flat on the canvas. She braced herself, teeth clinched, as she shuffled her feet and slammed into the turnbuckle with her arm which still remained relatively intact.

And by the time she had settled there, Peggy arrived. Arlise couldn't do anything but grimace in anticipation of the pain and shy away from the impact, but shying away didn't stop the woman's full weight slamming into her gut. Pain blossomed from her abs the breath poured from her lips as she doubled over, but she barely had the opportunity as Peggy blasted toward her again and again, sending those shame shocks of pain through her body and jostling her whole figure against the turnbuckle.

No, no. She wouldn't keep taking this. She could not give Nat that satisfaction.

On the fourth hit, Arlise had channeled the pain into anger, and she reeled back and blasted Peggy with her strongest right hook before the other woman could again slam into her. Almost immediately after, her knee lifted, hoping to catch the other redhead in the gut.

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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"AUGH!" Peggy moved in looking to keep hitting Arlise like a battering ram but a hard punch smashed her jaw! Her head snapped back, her hair flew and she stumbled wide open as her belly took another shot!

"OOMPH!" Peggy grunted as she doubled over, staggering back on limp legs as she looked stunned! She shook her head trying to correct herself and move back towards Arlise, but the Belgian beauty had bought herself an opening to act. Lauren was slapping her hand on top of the turnbuckle and stomping her foot trying to rouse Peggy back into the fight looking on concerned at Arlise going on a run...

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Arlise might have imagined hitting Nat that hard.

Despite the beating, that image empowered her. Though no striker, the venom behind both hits sufficed, and Arlise fell back into the corner, tensing and rubbing her abs, as Peggy fell away from her. But the redhead could not afford for any amount of pain to subside if she had any chance to devastate her sister by somehow, someway winning this match, and as the crowd continued to turn from their confusion and rally for the solo competitor who had not taken an easy exit lying down, the Belgian forced herself from the turnbuckle and rushed at Peggy when it seemed the other redhead had regathered her bearings.

She had to keep the Irishwoman in the match for as long as possible - Arlise didn't want Lauren involved at all if at all possible. Smarts would win out, and while the two approached each other, rather than opt for any violent recklessness, Arlise slowed her steps. She spun into what may as well have been a pirouette once the two reached each other, and remembering the earlier armbar, she snatched at Peggy's arm and attempted to wrench it behind her and kick her in the back of the knee to force her to kneel.

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

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Peggy was sta finger and starting to shambles towards Lauren. However she felt herself grabbed and ki ked letting out a yelp of pain as she dropped to a knee! "Argh! Damn it!" She shouted as she reached up tapping her wrenched shoulder.

Peggy groaned and tried to reach up and back hoping to grasp Arlise by the hair. From this position it was her intent to snapmare Arlise down in front of her to escape her hold if possible!

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Re: Irish Oldschool vs. Arlise and Nathalie

Unread post by Winter »

Arlise almost entered a trance.

Every time she moved, she activated a shot of pain from any and all parts of her curvy figure that had already taken a hit, but she ignored them. Her thoughts became echoes of "keep Peggy in the ring" and "don't let Nat win" that kept her head above water, and she shifted from move to move with a violent, mechanical purpose while she shut out any other thoughts and distractions - a rare feat for a woman whose overactive mind had cost her in so many ways since coming to LAW. Bend the arm, kick the leg, follow up with a...

Peggy interrupted her programming by grasping her by the hair - as the strands pulled at the roots, Arlise almost tore into frustrated whining like she often might when someone had her by her scalp. But Titania fueled that desire to whine into outright anger, and the redhead grit her teeth, set her feet, and started to wrench at Peggy's gripping wrist and fingers before the Irishwoman rip her to the ground. "Oh que non!", she barked, before abandoning the prying altogether and jumping on Peggy's back, violently fishing for a sleeperhold.
Oh surely not/oh hell no!

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