The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Lacramioara sat back on her knees for a moment, licking her lips and savoring the sweet flavor on her tongue. "Delicious. Better than blood." She admired her handiwork with a soft, satisfied smirk. Emilia would hear of her product's success later, if there wasn't already talk of it backstage.

The bell had sounded her victory. Her music played, and Alix had stepped between her ropes to raise her hand when she stood. "Here's your winner, 'The Sanguine Rose', Lacramioara Albescu!"

Lacramioara reached for the microphone. "No, no, we are not done here." Her eyes remained on the breathless, soaked, sweaty mess on the mat as Alix signaled for the sound guys to cut her music. That was a decree that had just been made. Alix took a look between the two of them; she's the boss here, but hey, Rule of Fun and all. She didn't know exactly what the vampiress had just done, but she had total faith in her process.

To quote Mills Lane, "I'll allow it!" And the crowd was all for it.

"I'll need your hand for something."


Alix hadn't expected to be asked to double team her. Well, that was where her mind went. Catching her expression, Lacramioara immediately clarified. "No. Dizzy is all mine tonight. I would love for her to help me out of this dress, but she appears to be a little too drained. So I want you to unzip me."

Ooh, girl!

Alix knew better. So much better, she had to stop herself from laughing. That horny little thing only needs a few minutes. But she played along anyway, looking around at the audience before finally asking, "What do you say, my lovely Darklings: Should I help her out?"

Her answer was one big, resounding "YEEEEEEAAAAHH!!!"

The people have spoken. Alix tossed the mic over her shoulder, and Lacramioara took her hands into her own, stepping in a circle to guide her along to a positioning where the latter's back would be facing Dizzy. It was to be another taunt. A challenge to get up and prove her wrong. Otherwise, her nudity will come about however she chooses to allow it.

Alix, as they say, understood the assignment. One hand came round to the small of her back, and Lacramioara's own went up and settled on her shoulders as the dark-skinned goth pulled her in close. So close, some onlookers were certain that the second match -- the details of which not even they knew about -- was about to begin right then and there. Of course! Dizzy was the warm-up, and Alix was the real competition.

The two gothic smokeshows came nose to nose, just the slightest nudge away from a kiss. Chest to chest, Alix's ample buxom mushrooming into Lacramioara's slighter, but still sizeable pair. It was like a racier anime showdown between two rivals. The calm before the storm, with the white hot furnaces of these two sexual dynamos casting invisible beams that shot forth from their eyes to do battle with each other, with neither being able to overtake the other. One, two, three, four, five seconds. Alix waited, letting the anticipation build. Her tongue would come out after, taking a light, teasing drag up the other woman's lips and eliciting a low, dangerous, amorous hiss in response that she met with an impish grin. Her other hand found the zipper that Lacramioara wouldn't have been able to reach herself and started on the task that was asked of her, progressing ever so slowly.

The lower that zipper went, the further Alix would descend into a wide squat that would've been perfect for a routine in a nightclub. Her eyes peered up at Lacramioara, who peered over her shoulder, down at Dizzy. "This could have been you", hers would say.

After an eternity that was really only a few moments, there would be nothing to impede her. The dress would be shed and passed along to Alix, who remained crouched as Lacramioara made a slow turn, arms raised proudly in a silent invitation to the crowd: "Gaze upon my perfection!"

Oh, they all did. Every eye and every camera was on her now, drinking in her lithe, supple, nude form. The latter would capture a long shot of her womanhood. Well-kept, with the juices of her desire running down her thighs.

It was here that Alix would hand the dress to a ringside assistant and take her cue to bow out. But not before getting her hands on that tight butt of hers. It was just begging to be

Shave and a Haircut. Two Bits. Made for some nice jiggling, and she wanted to see if she could do here what she so far has failed to with Reine: Make her break character.

Lacramioara stiffened for just a second, her recognition of that rhythm igniting a struggle to keep herself from laughing. It showed up the most in her lips. She was thankful for Dizzy's proximity; she surely would've broken without it. It gave her the "distraction" she needed, but really, it was a turn back onto the main road.

"Queste persone hanno avuto il loro spettacolo. Ora è il momento per me di abbandonarmi completamente." With Serina having put so much effort into learning her native tongue to deepen the bond between themselves and her family, Eveline in turn would make it a mission to learn Italian so she could do the same with her and Mr. Vaccarino. She relished every second of the experience, even the difficulties. Every word she learned was another step towards becoming one with her beloved. And just like Serina, she would not stop until she had become fluent. "E tutto questo, mia dolce Desdemona, comincia quando ti alzi in piedi e ti spogli per me."

She crossed her arms underneath her breasts, squeezing the latter together. Showing off just a fraction of what was in store if she impressed her.

"Lo senti, vero? Quella passione che ti scorre nelle vene, che accende il tuo cuore. Usala! Mostrami il tuo desiderio!"
"Queste persone hanno avuto il loro spettacolo. Ora è il momento per me di abbandonarmi completamente." -- "These people have had their show. Now it is time for me to fully indulge."

"E tutto questo, mia dolce Desdemona, comincia quando ti alzi in piedi e ti spogli per me." -- "And that, my sweet Desdemona, begins with you getting on your feet and stripping for me."

"Lo senti, vero? Quella passione che ti scorre nelle vene, che accende il tuo cuore. Usala! Mostrami il tuo desiderio!" -- "You feel it, don't you? That passion rushing through your veins, lighting your heart aflame. Use it! Show me your desire!"
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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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More, more, more, more, more, more, more.

That had to be one of the best orgasm of Dizzy’s entire life, and despite only 19 years old, that was no small statement. She’d had the best, all over of Europe and Asia. She’d had plenty of fun times since she came to Japan, and experienced sex in ways she’d never dreamed. Hell, she’d had a night of passion with Alix Jacques. And yet, somehow, Lacramioara managed to top all of that, giving her an experience that could only be described as transcendent.

But Dizzy still wanted more. As good as that was, as wild as that was, her body still ached and hungered. Whatever tonic she’d been injected with was still working through her system, amplifying every sensation. She wanted Lacramioara over her again, again, again, and from the sound of things, she just might get her.

She’d been so out of it that she hadn't heard the bell, but she returned to reality when Lacramioara’s dulcet tones filled the air, demanding her attention. She looked up, confused but not unpleased, as Alix was invited their way. She had no idea where this was going, but anything involving these two women together was destined not to disappoint.

She wasn’t wrong, either. While it didn’t seem like Alix would be joining in directly, she was about to help her put on one hell of a show.

Dizzy sat cross-legged, looking on as the two went to work in the circle. While she was fairly certain she could’ve undressed Lacramioara with her teeth if she wanted to - and, God, did she want to try - she wasn’t about to turn down a first-rate strip show from two of the sexiest women she’d ever met. The two women moved in tandem with a practiced ease that made it hard to believe this wasn’t rehearsed, the kind of calm confidence that could only come from two women who knew each other in and out. Intense and intensive, Alix made the moment last, drawing down the zipper and exposing the haunting beauty to the world.

Cameras snapped and jaws dropped as Dizzy looked on with the audience, utterly transfixed by the haunting beauty before her. Calling Lacramioara hot seemed like an understatement - not inaccurate, but that seemed too simple of a word to use. She was mesmerizing, carrying herself with this undeniable aura that seemed to radiate, this glow that blotted out the world around her. The crowd was cheering, and the cameras were focused her way, but all Dizzy could see was this shimmering goddess in front of her.

Dizzy didn’t believe in magic, but she could deny the otherworldliness of it all. She was so smitten that it took her a few seconds to realize that not only was Lacramioara speaking, but she was speaking in Italian, and doing a more-than-admirable job of it. Just one more reason to be impressed with the ravishing Romanian. As if she needed more.

But it wasn’t her turn to be impressed - no, it was time for her to do the impressing. A hint of doubt crept past Dizzy’s facade, reminding her that she was no exotic dancer. She wasn’t bad on the floor, but she’d never had to perform. Certainly never off the cuff.

Then again, she’d never roleplayed as Little Red Riding Hood getting fucked by a vampire, and that had worked out okay. She could do this.

First, the boots. There weren’t too many way to take off one’s shoes sexily, but she made the best attempts she could, reaching down and unlacing them with her dainty fingers, slipping them off one at a time. Taking care not to rush like the horny schoolgirl she was, but not delaying either - Lacramioara might have a foot fetish, you never know. Off came one, then the other, and she set them aside for the referee to move out of the way.

Dizzy rose, slow and sultry, letting the Lacramioara take in her full form. This was a Halloween outfit, meant for parties, so getting it off was no complicated task. A pull of the string there, a tug here, a zip there, and the bodice began to slack around her. She tugged at the string around her neck, unhooked the hood, then flung it off to the far side of the ring, never to be seen again.

Her hands made their way down to her skirt, gripping it tight, but stopped as she set her gaze Lacramioara’s way - pouting, pleading eyes, almost as if she were asking for the permission that had already been given. She raised the skirt up, hesitating at first, before glossy lips gave way to a playful smirk. No more games, no more teases.

Dizzy pulled the outfit up, higher and higher, until it hung on her arms, only to cast away a moment later. While her old-timey underwear still clung on, her chest laid bare for all the world to see - not that there was much to make note of. But you wouldn’t have known that to see the way she held her arms high and twisted her body, undulating with her thin frame. Confidence could carry anything, and she had more than enough to spare.

She slid her hands down her nubile body, past her hardened nipples and her washboard abs, until they found the hem of her garment. Now, Dizzy turned around, making sure Lacramioara could see her greatest asset she peeled the underwear. Her cheeks, tight and toned, two plump orbs begging to be squeezed and caressed and enjoyed.

All hers.

Fully denuded, Dizzy stepped toward Lacramioara, strutting her way with the slightest sway of the hips, until they were close, so close that a finger couldn't have fit between them. "
”Are you pleased, mistress?”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Lacramioara waited silently, her keen red eye catching the self-doubt that replaced smitten admiration for just that split second. Observation is a key ingredient in the formation of any worthy Dominant, professional or no. Beneath her character's veil of expectation was Eveline's wonder if it would be best to offer some comforting words, delivered with the willful air she was possessed of throughout the match: "I don't care if you're terrible, but don't you dare do it halfway."

But a balance needed to be maintained. Dizzy was a spirited sort who invited punishment. And that "peas of a pod" vibe told her that she wasn't here to be handled with kid gloves. She wouldn't have been, had she been in her place. The Romanian had her naughty dreams of a public event, but hadn't the opportunity years prior.

Lacramioara would speak the words if the Italian began to freeze up.

She knew as soon as the removal of those boots that Dizzy wouldn't be needing them. Footwear isn't easy to factor into a striptease, and that she was pacing herself in the attempt said it all. There were a couple touches she could have added, but she didn't hold that against her. There were only so many surprises that could come out of somebody her age. She likely hadn't come across many, if any foot fetishists. Eveline herself had only discovered those touches because she married one.

That knowledge was filed away in her brain as something to be taught in some..."extracurricular activities".

She smiled with satisfaction as the girl rose, slowly, leaving nothing to be missed by the teeth in her eyes before moving on to remove the bodice. Then the hood.

That's right. You won't be needing that again tonight, Red. Let it fall where it may.

The finally, it was time for the main dish. The last piece, and the one Dizzy took the most time with. Lacramioara played along with her finale, meeting her unspoken question with a nod of her approval, biting her lip with care taken to avoid piercing through with her fangs. Her crossed arms shifted into a self-embrace, one hand gliding up to her shoulder, the other to a temporary home on her hip. Her legs were brought together, pointedly at the thighs, a movement that a look into her eyes said was just barely containing the heat welling up within while also worsening it. Like she had to do battle with herself, holding every last urge back in order to stay in place and let her finish.

It wasn't much of an act. Theatered up a notch, but she really couldn't get enough of Dizzy's energy, and it was a thrill to know that she felt the same way. It was like nothing else she's encountered in LAW.

She loved how she rocked that body -- not a hint of insecurity in sight. She too made her display. She too said to the world, "Look at me! This is what I have built! This is mine, I love it, and I know you do too!" Lacramioara was all for it. These people were all for it.


And it was all hers.

The Sanguine Rose received her with open arms, her fanged smile a touch less of the vampiric seductress as the elation of the real woman beneath began to shine through. It was like she'd come across a submissive version of herself. A "bestie", as Phoebe called it, in the making. And as such, her question was one that didn't really need asking.

"Molto soddisfatto." Lacramioara's arms wrapped around to hold their nude forms even closer together. Just a few seconds would pass in silence. She wanted to savor the moment, but wouldn't keep Dizzy waiting for too long. "I want you to do something for me." She lowered her volume, to the point where her words were unlikely to be picked up by the microphones inside of the ring. It was by design, an effort put forth to make this evening all the more memorable. "Lay down and close your eyes. I promise you'll love what happens next."
"Magnifica!" -- "Magnificent!"

"Molto soddisfatto." -- "Very pleased."
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Feb 24, 2025 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Dizzy didn’t like to think too deeply about her sexual proclivities - she liked what she liked, and it didn’t need to be much more complicated than that. She was a horny, young, fuckable little imp, and that would likely not change until she got older, at which point she would transition into a horny, old, fuckable little imp.

But it was impossible not to muse every once in a while about her preference for older women, why she seemed to gravitate the more mature lovers despite being such a little brat herself. If a therapist could ever get her to sit still for thirty minutes, they would probably tell her it was born out of some need from her mother, a desire to get the sort of sexual approval that could only come from someone more experienced than her, a chance to be open and herself in a way she could never be around her upbringer.

Maybe that was what she was looking for when she stole the occasional glance at Lacramioara, looking for approval as swayed and weaved and bobbed around. She certainly saw that in the vampress’ eyes, but also a deep wanting, and even an appreciation, something unspoken between them.

While her time with the woman was short, she saw so much of what she wanted to be in Romanian. She had the full confidence Dizzy had always tried to foster in herself, and she moved with purpose and control. She was strong, but her real power came from the mind and the way she could manipulate it - a trickster, in ways.

There was so much Dizzy could learn from her. Maybe the instruction had already started.

Something to muse about. Later. Not when she was within fucking distance of the extremely attractive, naked and lustful vampire queen.

Dizzy hummed - a delightful, decadent noise - as the woman’s arms wrapped around and pulled her in, their bodies meshing so well that they seemed designed that way. As eager as she was to take a horizontal position with this woman, she was content to stay like this for a moment, absorbing Lacramioara’s warmth, her breath pouring over her shoulder. At the same time, her face slid against those opulent, gleaming breasts.

But her mistress had other ideas, more interesting ideas, and Dizzy was more than willing to comply. At Lacramioara’s request, Dizzy placed a single, loving kiss in the middle of her chest, stepped away and followed the order. She lied down, her body prostrate and vulnerable, and closed her eyes. Her breathing quickened, and her muscles tensed, but not out of fear. No, this was nothing but anticipation as she waited with bated breath, knowing that something extraordinary was about to come her way, but having no clue what it would be.

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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Yes. Further instructions could wait. It was high time now that both women satisfied the need that was burning between their legs. There was a wonderful beginning with their warm embrace. The kiss over her quickening heart, goosebumps taking form where Dizzy's breath touched her skin, and most importantly, the trust that the Hentai debutant provided her. So quickly, so easily.

It would not be wasted.

Lacramioara's tongue took a gluttonous sweep across her lips. So much flesh to explore! Her hands and lips, driven by wanderlust, took stock of what had been laid out in front of her, missing nothing. The Italian dish was devoured in full, and Lacramioara took her time doing it, satiating her palate just as thoroughly as she touched at every nerve of Dizzy's there was to be lit, making skilled adjustments here and there. A caress here, a bite there; no more of the deep ones, of course. Kissing, squeezing, nibbling, gnawing, licking, kneading, rubbing, all with the utmost care taken to keep her just on the anticipatory side of a climax.

Until finally, the vampiress took a proper mount of her. One hand reaching down to take a possessive grip of that dainty neck, a leg raised to rest on her shoulder. Sexes aligned, the plentiful juices from each already mingling before hard, impassioned rolls of the older woman's hips got them more intimately acquainted in this resumption of the dance that began with them clothed. Every step -- every squelching mash of each other's nethers saw it picking up speed until Lacramioara was fucking away with everything her body was capable of. A feverish, maddening grind that wiped out her rational mind and left only instinct, and was surely having the same effect on sweet Desdemona. The ring filled with the sounds of their increasingly frenzied, bestial coupling. The arena, with the crowd's deafening roars.

It started deep in her gut, climbing its way to and filling her throat, barely leaving any room for three final words as it threatened to break out into the world.

"Cum with me!"

She was only just able to issue that one last command before a thunderous orgasm shook her world and tore a cry from her that could still be heard through the first few rows, even now.
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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Lacramioara took Dizzy. Really took her.

Far too often, Dizzy’s lovers like to hold back and give her the soft treatment, since she was so small. She could appreciate that to an extent, she didn’t want to have broken hips before she got out of her twenties, but light sex was the bane of her existence. What was the point of being a tiny chick in a big woman’s world if you didn’t get thrown around now and then?

She wanted to be mounted, she wanted to be pinned, she wanted to be consumed and Lacramioara gave her so much of that.

Closing her eyes was the proper call, making every touch more dynamic. Every sensation was a surprise that she couldn't prepare for, pleasure coming in from every angle. All the while, she waited, knowing that the ball would drop soon and that her mistress would come in for the kill. It was only a matter of when she chose to strike, and there was no telling how long that would be. But she was willing to wait.

Thankfully, though, she didn’t have to wait long, as Lacramioara slammed their bodies together and began a proper fucking, grinding into her with incessant abandon. No longer needing the veneer of a little girl lost, Dizzy voiced her passion with loud shrieks, holding nothing back as she was ridden, their pussies hammered together. Dizzy was already sensitive, still riding the high from before, so it wasn’t a steep hill to climb, but she held on for Lacrimioara, clenching up, knowing the right moment was fast approaching.


At the Romanian’s command, Dizzy’s body went into a spastic fit as a raw orgasm tore through her, running through her like sheer electricity. She tensed up, her body pressing Lacramioara with enough power to lift her up, then melted beneath the older woman like a living puddle. Spent.

Beyond satisfied, she looked up at her lover with half-lidden eyes, as she reached up and ran a hand through her dark curls. ”That was the best I’ve ever had. Thank you.

An exaggeration? Maybe. Dizzy couldn't recall better for the life of her, though.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Fri Feb 28, 2025 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Education of Desdemona Belti - Part 1: Lacramioara Albescu

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Eveline had no idea how long the two laid there. Felt like hours, with heavenly aftershocks rocking her tired, lithe frame as she held Dizzy in her arms. She indeed could have stayed like that for exactly that long. But alas...not tonight.

With her breath returned to her, she found the strength to rise up, stopping right when the Italian's face was visible to return her warm gaze, allowing a mutual enjoyment of the afterglow. "It was my pleasure. And a great amount of it." She leaned in for one more kiss. One more taste. An invitation made before she put it into words. "We should do this again sometime."

With that, she got back on her feet, making sure her initially shaky legs were stable before extending a hand to help Dizzy do the same. At ringside, Alix was putting her hands together for the pair, raising them up high as a call for their captive audience to do the same. They hardly needed the encouragement.

With a microphone in hand, she bounced up the metal steps and stepped back into the ring. "That's right, that's right, my Darklings! Give it up for these sexy ladies!" She gestured towards the pair. "Wasn't that one hell of a show?"

The Darklings replied, without a beat missed, and with a resounding...

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