As Bubbles writhed, squirmed, moaned, and begged for more, Mariah looked on with folded arms and a knowing smile, wondering if Carmella truly appreciated her situation. This match was tailor-made for her wife, perfect for a woman with endless lust like her. While it wasn’t impossible to make Bubbles Burste submit, doing it through orgasms was a Sisphyian task - Carmella would have better luck trying to drown a fish.
Carmella’s best choice would be to escape while Bubbles was reeling from an orgasm. But, just going off what she could tell from her vantage point, the woman seemed exceedingly stubborn. She wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, which made for an interesting little predicament.
It was a nuanced situation, which Bubbles had no thoughts aboutC, as she was far too busy enjoying the buzzing between her legs. Carmella could’ve kept the pleasure from her, could’ve put her on the edge, but she instead decided to give her all that she could’ve asked for, and Bubbles was more than happy to receive it - she let out a long, lustful moan as the machine did its work, and it only took a few seconds for the inevitable to happy.
The Virgin Killer arched her back and cried in ecstasy as the dam burst and the waters flowed between her legs, achieving her first - but certainly not last - orgasm of the match. Contended, she shivered and shook, then plopped down on her chest as she rode the high, her hips still trembling with the aftershocks. ”Oh, that was good. So fuckin’ good.”
Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
- BlackAkuma
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- ADarlingDucky
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
With her decision having been made, Carmella would really bare down on the submission hold, wrenching Bubbles' leg back to get easier access to her womanhood, shoving the vibrator as flush against her as she could in order to let the tool do it's job! And it certainly did do it's job, as Bubbles would only last for a few more seconds of bliss, before suddenly Carmella's seat would arch her back, letting out a loud, full throated moan into the air, her entire frame shivering as she was hit with a monstrous orgasm! Carmella had to hold even tighter to Bubbles' leg as her muscles flexed and her body shook, ensuring that she didn't lose her positioning as the woman underneath her writhed and gasped, a quite tricky thing indeed! But Carmella would manage to ride out the length of Bubbles' climax before finally dropping her leg, and pulling the vibrator out from under her, smirking as she clicked it off before tossing it aside near the edge of the ring.
Standing up, the shorty would push her arms out and stretch for a brief moment, turning to take a look at her handiwork, before her eyes briefly shifted towards the cage, giving it another look over! Of course, it was decorated with plenty of pretty things, but for the briefest moment, Carmella's eyes drifted to the top, a very easy window of opportunity to escape looking her directly in the face! For a brief moment, to the outside onlooker, it seemed that Carmella might end this match early with a quick climb up to take her outside of the ring! But, for those who knew Carmella, the obvious answer would come in just a short moment later...
"Nah." And with that, the small woman had shifted her gaze back down and quickly stepped towards the cage wall, where she would pluck another instrument, this one similar in size and shape to the vibrator... but quite a bit less pleasant!
"Alright big gal, no more lying around. You gotta give these people a show!" Carmella said with a smirk, before suddenly pressing a button and lighting up the object she held, a loud crackling coming from it as she revealed it to be a cattle prod, now wielded and walking towards her opponent! With absolutely zero remorse, Carmella would take the business end and jam it against one of Bubbles' firm, toned cheeks, before zapping her right on the ass, looking to get a rise from her opponent via some electrical stimulation!
Standing up, the shorty would push her arms out and stretch for a brief moment, turning to take a look at her handiwork, before her eyes briefly shifted towards the cage, giving it another look over! Of course, it was decorated with plenty of pretty things, but for the briefest moment, Carmella's eyes drifted to the top, a very easy window of opportunity to escape looking her directly in the face! For a brief moment, to the outside onlooker, it seemed that Carmella might end this match early with a quick climb up to take her outside of the ring! But, for those who knew Carmella, the obvious answer would come in just a short moment later...
"Nah." And with that, the small woman had shifted her gaze back down and quickly stepped towards the cage wall, where she would pluck another instrument, this one similar in size and shape to the vibrator... but quite a bit less pleasant!
"Alright big gal, no more lying around. You gotta give these people a show!" Carmella said with a smirk, before suddenly pressing a button and lighting up the object she held, a loud crackling coming from it as she revealed it to be a cattle prod, now wielded and walking towards her opponent! With absolutely zero remorse, Carmella would take the business end and jam it against one of Bubbles' firm, toned cheeks, before zapping her right on the ass, looking to get a rise from her opponent via some electrical stimulation!
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
Bubbles would never admit this out loud, but the Love Lockdown match was specifically designed with the idea that she would be winning it. She certainly wasn’t fast enough to escape the ring by climbing up and out it, so the only way to win was for her to use orgams, which she was more than happy to do. She had crazy good stamina for sex, and she was tall enough to prevent someone from getting out unless they were either really quick or she was feeling really slow, so the odds were in her favor.
This - her taking the first orgasm and being fucked into a stupor - wasn’t supposed to happen. But you know what? She wasn’t complaining. That was easily one of the best orgasms she’d had in ages, and the competition was stiff.
Bubbles would’ve been content to lay there for a while and just bask in the glow, not being in a terrible hurry to get up, but it seemed like Carmella had other ideas. The little hellion was on the move, and from the sound of things, she’d found a new playtoy to try out. The Virgin Killer was ready to get up and see exactly what the woman had in store for her, when she heard a weird sound coming from behind. A crackling sound, almost like-
A loud, shocked shriek echoed through the rafters as Bubbles’ bulbous butt was zapped. She jolted up, popped back to her feet in a rush, and spun about to face her foe, looking down her way with a wild grin. ”Oh, you’re crazy for that, you know that?” She smacked her lips and gave her a chest a good thump. ”Try it again.”
This - her taking the first orgasm and being fucked into a stupor - wasn’t supposed to happen. But you know what? She wasn’t complaining. That was easily one of the best orgasms she’d had in ages, and the competition was stiff.
Bubbles would’ve been content to lay there for a while and just bask in the glow, not being in a terrible hurry to get up, but it seemed like Carmella had other ideas. The little hellion was on the move, and from the sound of things, she’d found a new playtoy to try out. The Virgin Killer was ready to get up and see exactly what the woman had in store for her, when she heard a weird sound coming from behind. A crackling sound, almost like-
A loud, shocked shriek echoed through the rafters as Bubbles’ bulbous butt was zapped. She jolted up, popped back to her feet in a rush, and spun about to face her foe, looking down her way with a wild grin. ”Oh, you’re crazy for that, you know that?” She smacked her lips and gave her a chest a good thump. ”Try it again.”
- ADarlingDucky
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
The comical size difference between Carmella and Bubbles so far had been quite the entertaining aspect of the match, at least to the fans, but it hadn't stopped the short goth woman from managing to take the lead in the bout, targeting her opponent's womanhood with a sensual assault designed to push a fair amount of her energy out of her! Carmella watched as Bubbles twitched and spasmed, the orgasm rocking her massive frame, and when she was finally done, the smaller woman would toss aside her toy, and watch over Bubbles with a self-satisfied smirk on her face! For a time, at least. But it was only a short amount of time later that a new toy had made it's way into her hands, and with malevolent glee, Carmella would take the stun rod that she had picked up, turn it on, and jab the business end into Bubbles to give her one hell of a shock!
And it worked... sort of. Bubbles let out a sharp and shrill yelp as the electricity would come into contact with her rear end, but in just a short second, she had popped up to her feet, rising all too quickly for a woman of her size! Carmella took a half step back as Bubbles got up, shocked with the speed, but as Bubbles turned, it seemed she wasn't needing to be worried. Well, perhaps she was in a sense, as the larger woman gave her chest a hearty thump, before challenging Carmella to shock her again, the shorty's eyebrows raising as Bubbles goaded her on!
"Wow... You know, I've seen freaky, but you are FREAKY." Carmella said with a wry smirk, though at this point she was beginning to wonder if she was going to be able to provide this woman with anything to get her to stay down! But Bubbles' challenge remained, and Carmella took a brief glance down at the cattle prod in her hand, before looking at the larger woman, holding it up and letting the electricity crackle loudly!
"Fine... let's see how many volts it takes to curb that enthusiasm!" Carmella sneered, extending the baton towards Bubbles... before looking to suddenly drop it lower, looking to take her off guard! The short woman's target had changed, and she would attempt to bring the business end into contact with her foe's groin, looking to take advantage of the sensitivity that Bubbles felt from her recent orgasm, seeing how she'd handle a healthy dose of electricity down there following such a monstrous climax!
And it worked... sort of. Bubbles let out a sharp and shrill yelp as the electricity would come into contact with her rear end, but in just a short second, she had popped up to her feet, rising all too quickly for a woman of her size! Carmella took a half step back as Bubbles got up, shocked with the speed, but as Bubbles turned, it seemed she wasn't needing to be worried. Well, perhaps she was in a sense, as the larger woman gave her chest a hearty thump, before challenging Carmella to shock her again, the shorty's eyebrows raising as Bubbles goaded her on!
"Wow... You know, I've seen freaky, but you are FREAKY." Carmella said with a wry smirk, though at this point she was beginning to wonder if she was going to be able to provide this woman with anything to get her to stay down! But Bubbles' challenge remained, and Carmella took a brief glance down at the cattle prod in her hand, before looking at the larger woman, holding it up and letting the electricity crackle loudly!
"Fine... let's see how many volts it takes to curb that enthusiasm!" Carmella sneered, extending the baton towards Bubbles... before looking to suddenly drop it lower, looking to take her off guard! The short woman's target had changed, and she would attempt to bring the business end into contact with her foe's groin, looking to take advantage of the sensitivity that Bubbles felt from her recent orgasm, seeing how she'd handle a healthy dose of electricity down there following such a monstrous climax!
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
Mariah loved being the only one in the area surprised when her wife did something crazy.
The two of them had been experimenting with electroshock toys over the past few months, as it turned out, with Bubbles always trying to find something new to turn herself on and stimulate their experience in the bedroom. This one was a real winner, too, as the shocks often gave the big woman just enough of a jolt to hurt her without doing real damage. While they weren’t using those toys every night, they were quickly climbing the ranks of her favorite devices.
So, yes, Bubbles was extremely kinky, far moreso than most, and she wasn’t surprised that getting shocked just made her more horny.
Mariah was, however, a little surprised by what happened next, and judging from the ear-piercing shriek that came from the cage, so was Bubbles.
With her body already sensitive from the fucking, that shocked tore through her nethers like lightning, reigniting every sensation. There was pain, yes, but also pleasure, as all her tingliest nerves lit up - the closest thing she could compare it to was another orgasm, a phantom one on the heels of the real thing. The Virgin Killer cried out, fell to her knees, then flopped forward at Carmella’s feet with her hands between her legs, nursing her aching pussy.
But she didn’t hate it. Not all the way. If anyone doubted that, they just to look at the way Bubbles’ lazily kissed Carmella’s feet, lapping at her boots with submissive fervor.
The two of them had been experimenting with electroshock toys over the past few months, as it turned out, with Bubbles always trying to find something new to turn herself on and stimulate their experience in the bedroom. This one was a real winner, too, as the shocks often gave the big woman just enough of a jolt to hurt her without doing real damage. While they weren’t using those toys every night, they were quickly climbing the ranks of her favorite devices.
So, yes, Bubbles was extremely kinky, far moreso than most, and she wasn’t surprised that getting shocked just made her more horny.
Mariah was, however, a little surprised by what happened next, and judging from the ear-piercing shriek that came from the cage, so was Bubbles.
With her body already sensitive from the fucking, that shocked tore through her nethers like lightning, reigniting every sensation. There was pain, yes, but also pleasure, as all her tingliest nerves lit up - the closest thing she could compare it to was another orgasm, a phantom one on the heels of the real thing. The Virgin Killer cried out, fell to her knees, then flopped forward at Carmella’s feet with her hands between her legs, nursing her aching pussy.
But she didn’t hate it. Not all the way. If anyone doubted that, they just to look at the way Bubbles’ lazily kissed Carmella’s feet, lapping at her boots with submissive fervor.
- ADarlingDucky
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
For all of the ways that Carmella was expecting Bubbles to react to having a stun gun used against her, it was certainly not to straighten right up in the span of a second, turn around to face the short punk woman, and to almost immediately ask for more! Of course, given the match type that they were in, and the fact that this match type was also Bubbles' specialty, it was really not that much of a surprise should one stop to think about it, something Carmella was finally beginning to do as she looked Bubbles up and down! However, here in the moment, she had the cattle prod still in her hand, and Bubbles had just invited her to give it yet another go against the massive woman, and Carmella was never one to back down from a challenge. However, it was really only the diminutive lightweight herself who was prepared for the method in which she'd choose to give Bubbles what she asked for!
The next jolt of lightning, one that Carmella gleefully delivered, would drop Bubbles almost immediately, pulling a shriek from the big woman as the electricity was applied directly to her groin! Carmella glanced downwards as Bubbles lay at her feet, and switched off the baton with a smug smirk, before looking down. Bubbles, whom had quite literally asked for this, was showing off that she did indeed appreciate even the application of electricity to her most sensitive area, moaning and holding her crotch, all as she kissed and licked Carmella's boots, quite literally worshipping at her feet!
Oh yeah. Now this, THIS was what she had signed up for.
"Oh yeah, that is the stuff. But don't waste all the good stuff on my boots, I got a better idea!" Carmella snickered, before suddenly shifting said foot and giving Bubbles a nudge, pushing her in order to force her over onto her back. She didn't figure it would be hard, given Bubbles' current state. And once she was there, Carmella would take a moment to reach behind her pulling up her bottoms.
It's somewhat relevant to mention here that Carmella has a big butt. Sure, so do several girls in LAW, but the short spitfire was blessed with wide hips, and a large, and very shapely rear end. The kind that jiggled when she walked, that shook at the slightest movement, that remained that way no matter how toned she trained the rest of her body to be. And now, that very same ass was soon hovering just over Bubbles' face as Carmella moved to stand over her, before very quickly dropping to her knees, giving Bubbles one last gasp of air, before sitting down directly on her foe's face, burying the big heavyweight between her pale cheeks!
"Oh yeah, get niiiiiice and comfy down there big girl. Oh, and feel free to let me know if this is too much." Came a mocking warning from up above, as Carmella snagged one of Bubbles' legs and yanked it up, tucking it underneath her arm! And then, with her ass planted on her foe's face, and her legs spread open wide, she would click the baton on once more, hold it up for the crowd, before bringing the business end down directly on Bubbles' crotch yet again, delivering another devastating dose of electricity directly to her pussy!
The next jolt of lightning, one that Carmella gleefully delivered, would drop Bubbles almost immediately, pulling a shriek from the big woman as the electricity was applied directly to her groin! Carmella glanced downwards as Bubbles lay at her feet, and switched off the baton with a smug smirk, before looking down. Bubbles, whom had quite literally asked for this, was showing off that she did indeed appreciate even the application of electricity to her most sensitive area, moaning and holding her crotch, all as she kissed and licked Carmella's boots, quite literally worshipping at her feet!
Oh yeah. Now this, THIS was what she had signed up for.
"Oh yeah, that is the stuff. But don't waste all the good stuff on my boots, I got a better idea!" Carmella snickered, before suddenly shifting said foot and giving Bubbles a nudge, pushing her in order to force her over onto her back. She didn't figure it would be hard, given Bubbles' current state. And once she was there, Carmella would take a moment to reach behind her pulling up her bottoms.
It's somewhat relevant to mention here that Carmella has a big butt. Sure, so do several girls in LAW, but the short spitfire was blessed with wide hips, and a large, and very shapely rear end. The kind that jiggled when she walked, that shook at the slightest movement, that remained that way no matter how toned she trained the rest of her body to be. And now, that very same ass was soon hovering just over Bubbles' face as Carmella moved to stand over her, before very quickly dropping to her knees, giving Bubbles one last gasp of air, before sitting down directly on her foe's face, burying the big heavyweight between her pale cheeks!
"Oh yeah, get niiiiiice and comfy down there big girl. Oh, and feel free to let me know if this is too much." Came a mocking warning from up above, as Carmella snagged one of Bubbles' legs and yanked it up, tucking it underneath her arm! And then, with her ass planted on her foe's face, and her legs spread open wide, she would click the baton on once more, hold it up for the crowd, before bringing the business end down directly on Bubbles' crotch yet again, delivering another devastating dose of electricity directly to her pussy!
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Carmella Crowe vs. Bubbles Burste - Heavy Metal Love
It wasn’t often that Bubbles found herself in a situation like this - on her knees, licking the boots of a small woman, obediently cowed by her - but it wasn’t by choice. She would’ve done it a lot more, but it was part of the mixed curse that came with being so big. Most women interested in Bubbles were into her because of her size, which meant they were typically much smaller. They wanted her to crush them, squeeze them, break them, and she was happy to oblige.
But it was nice to switch things up now and then. Even nicer when she had a smaller woman who could pull off being on top. Carmella was doing that with flying colors, and the Virgin Killer couldn't have been happier.
Her tongue happily danced over Carmella’s boot, lazily lapping at the dark soles and leaving them pristine. She thought it couldn't get much better than this, until, out of nowhere, it did.
Bubbles was flopped over to her back and looked up to see Carmella’s ass - the same one she’d been admiring all match, the amazing one that looked like it had been stolen from a woman a foot taller than Carmella - descending towards her. She closed her eyes, breathed deep, and let the enveloping flesh spread over her face, and a pleased moan echoed through her opponent’s body as she settled in.
That would’ve all been insane by itself, but then Carmella had to go and give her pussy another jolt. She’d been on the precipice for a while now, but those shocks took away all of her self-control, breaking down the floodgates. An orgasm tore through Bubbles’ body, making her buck and bounce beneath the devilish goth, as the juices flowed down between her legs.
All the while, her tongue went wild beneath Carmella’s cheeks, wantonly pressing at the fabric at her bottoms, trying to taste all the flesh she could find.
But it was nice to switch things up now and then. Even nicer when she had a smaller woman who could pull off being on top. Carmella was doing that with flying colors, and the Virgin Killer couldn't have been happier.
Her tongue happily danced over Carmella’s boot, lazily lapping at the dark soles and leaving them pristine. She thought it couldn't get much better than this, until, out of nowhere, it did.
Bubbles was flopped over to her back and looked up to see Carmella’s ass - the same one she’d been admiring all match, the amazing one that looked like it had been stolen from a woman a foot taller than Carmella - descending towards her. She closed her eyes, breathed deep, and let the enveloping flesh spread over her face, and a pleased moan echoed through her opponent’s body as she settled in.
That would’ve all been insane by itself, but then Carmella had to go and give her pussy another jolt. She’d been on the precipice for a while now, but those shocks took away all of her self-control, breaking down the floodgates. An orgasm tore through Bubbles’ body, making her buck and bounce beneath the devilish goth, as the juices flowed down between her legs.
All the while, her tongue went wild beneath Carmella’s cheeks, wantonly pressing at the fabric at her bottoms, trying to taste all the flesh she could find.
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