Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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With that the first successful attack of the night went to Drasna with that uppercut, but she'd need much more than one solid strike to win. Watching as the girl stumbled back Drasna would narrow her eyes softly as she waited for Brittany to try and respond back, which didn't take her long too at all. Watching as Brittany came in towards her Drasna would dance out of the way to get behind the Ojou, throwing her arms up under Brittany's own as she did so before pulling back, trying to catch Brittany unaware with a dragon suplex!

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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Britanny threw her fist to directly counterattack after the uppercut she had just received but this time, once again facing a veteran, her opponent expected a response! Her arm was trapped in Drasna's grip who took advantage of the surprise effect to lift the ojou, making her lose her support on the ground and pinning her to the ground with a quick and powerful Dragon Suplex.


Britanny found herself lying on the ground, on her stomach, her hair tangled and hiding her head. She took a few seconds to breathe before starting to get up, but Drasna had plenty of time to attack her before she was on her knees.
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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Managing to avoid Brittany's initial attack Drasna would circle her arms over Brittany's own before pulling back to slam the woman with a dragon suplex that seemed to knock the wind out of her!

Turning over immediately after and getting to her feet Drasna would look down at Brittany for a moment before leaping up and extending her arm out to try and come crashing down on top of Brittany's back for a elbow drop to force the woman back to the mat while doing some damage to her back in the process!

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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Britanny remained on the ground for a few seconds, sighing in pain and thinking about a way to get revenge... She was really taking her time, completely underestimating her opponent out of pure arrogance after having beaten her during their first encounter... But her expression changed when she took an Elbow Drop full force on her back.


The ojou groaned in pain and immediately got up, gritting her teeth because of the pain before finding herself towards her opponent, giving her a much more serious look than at the beginning of the match... Oh yes, that Elbow Drop had hurt her and she was not going to hold back her blows now. The French girl clenched her fist while she let her opponent get up and threw herself forward, crushing her arm against Drasna's chest to try to put the veteran on the ground with a Clothsline!
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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Drasna smiled confidently as she connected with the elbow drop on Brittany's back. Rolling over after she noticed that her Ojou opponent was quick to get back up to a standing position, making Drasna narrow her eyes a bit as she quickly aimed to do the same and get to her feet. Unfortunately however Brittany was ready and drove an arm into her chest to knock her down! "Ugh!" Drasna groaned in pain as she hit the mat back first, clutching her chest!

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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Britanny didn't hold back and hit Drasna with all her might on the chest as soon as she got up, forcing the veteran to fall on her back and hide her chest because of the pain. The French girl gasped slightly and sighed heavily before bending down, grabbing Drasna by the arm and head to carry her up in the air, head upside down!

"This might sting a little... But you're used to the pain by now, right?~"

Following her words, Britanny let herself fall backwards to land on her butt and released Drasna at the same time, performing a powerful Vertical Suplex to continue dominating this match!
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Re: Breaking Backs: Drasna Selinofoto vs Britanny Yse

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Drasna was lift winded by that powerful clothesline, stunned for the time being, something that her opponent would waste no time taking advantage of as she marched forward, grabbing Drasna and hefting her up to her feet! 'Uh oh.' Drasna thought to herself as she was pulled through the air, her legs dangling up while her head was pointed down, unable to do anything before she was dropped backwards, slamming into the mat with a brutal suplex! "UGH!" Drasna cried out in pain, sitting up and holding her back in pain before dropping down to her side.

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