A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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Location: LAW's Backstage Cafeteria
Honie's Causal Theme
Honie's many fans quite understandably considered her to have the most feared, famed and legendary backside in the company. Though after becoming an official member of the Booty Empresses, the LAW fans' collective awe of Honie's behind had increased even more! Honie herself had put even more emphasis on it, sporting an alternative attire that showed off even more of her big butt than before. And taking a page out of the sweets-themed rears of her fellow Empresses, Honie now commonly wore body paint on her tush, that made lovely buttocks look similar to actual honey buns. Something the bee had always quite fittingly referred to her bum as!

Honie was quite the busy bee. And she'd only gotten busier, now that she was fully committed to two wrestling stables. But after a long week of training with both her teams, laboring on her bee farm, preforming heroic feats in Demeter Domain, and doing intense glute workouts, Honie was finally taking a breather today. Chilling in LAW's backstage area, the Booty Buzzer took a honey bun out of her locker, before heading over to LAW's cafe area to sit down and enjoy it.

As she walked down the hallway, Honie's luscious badonkadonk got quite a few heads to turn, as it always did. Adding to the attraction, was the way Honie often swayed her wide hips as she walked. Folks swore the empress bee had somehow gotten even thiccer as of late. Now 184 pounds of muscles, curves, and muscular curves! Unlike her fellow Empresses who each had boyfriends, Honie wasn't currently seeing anyone. But in LAW, Honie had come across both guys and gals who'd crushed on her and/or her gorgeous bottom, and even more folks that got crushed under it! Once she reached the end of the hallway, Honie's winked and spanked her booty at anyone who had been staring behind her, before entering the cafe!

Aside from often adding honey to a number of her foods, Ms. Bea didn't indulge in sweets too often. She had to maintain those perfect honeycomb abs after all. But after all her work this week, this choice dessert would hurt at all. Besides, she baked it herself, and drizzled it with honey from her own honey farm. So far from the processed kind you'd buy in a store, it was as natural as a honey bun could get! "Buzzzzzzzzzzzz..." Honie hummed to herself in her own bee-themed language, as she enjoyed her snack, while sitting her massive tush in one of the cafe's metal folding chairs. Keeping her compound eyes close, Honie focused only on the delicious taste of her snack. Paying no mind to anyone else who'd be entering the cafe!
Honie's Appearance
Metal Folding Chair Reference

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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Minerva Darque valued her peace and quiet. It was why days like this, where she was required to be inside the LAW arena for one reason or another, that really happened to thoroughly annoy her, leaving the goth usually highly annoyed by the time she got any free time! Today had run longer than normal as well, and now Minerva had been presented with a predicament of either leaving while hungry, or staying at the arena a bit longer in order to get some food before she left! Neither option was very appealing to the goth blonde, but the idea of having to take a whole trip home before she got any food was enough to tip the scales, and so Minerva found herself in the cafeteria of LAW, with some food that she found easy enough to stomach!
The place was barely busy, but the amount of people that were in here already flustered the blonde, Minerva sitting properly at the table and trying to ignore the sounds and sights around her. Other wrestlers scarfing down food, talking about matches, trying to ensure that they maintained a balanced diet, or those who were a bit less concerned and were simply trying to bulk up. And among those were all sorts of colorful outfits, all colors of the rainbow, a woman with a bizarre, striped, bee-themed outfit nearby!

"Obnoxious... it's far too loud..." She was a strange sight, more prim and proper than the average wrestler, and despite the fact that she drew eyes, she tried to pretend that she were simply there along, lowering her umbrella to cover herself and trying to ignore it! The annoyance of it all was something that she did her best to put aside, though the heel goth didn't realize that her afternoon in LAW was far from over, as somebody in this cafeteria with her was not just a regular LAW wrestler!
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

Unread post by dddybee »

Happily oblivious to the presence of the easily annoyed spider-girl: Minerva Darque, Honie continued to enjoy snacking on her homemade honey bun. Once she was done, she buzzed in pleasure one last time, before deciding it was time to get up and carry on with her day. But after taking a few steps, Honie realized that something wasn't quite right... She felt something on her butt!

"Buzz...?" Honie puzzled, turning her head to notice her massive buns were caught between the opening on the metal folding chair, the very one she had just sat upon! While sitting down and getting comfortable with her tasty treat, Honie had really sunk into the chair. Her badonkadonk had tightly squeezed in the empty space between the seat and the upper chair frame. So when Honie stood up to walk, her big ol' bum didn't pull out of that space, resulting in the chair staying caught on her big booty!

"My my...now this isn't right..." Honie chuckled to herself, feeling a tad embarrassed. "Off you go." The bee shook her "stinger" from side-to-side, aiming to shake the chair off. It didn't work. She squatted onto her knees and twerked her backside up and down, in another attempt to remove the chair. It still didn't work. Feeling a tad frustrated, Honie grabbed the chair with one hand and pushed against it. And when that didn't work, she'd try using both hands. But to no avail! Even Honie's top-tier arm-strength was having trouble competing with the sheer thiccness of her tush!

"Come on...! Come ON...! Get the BUZZ off...! OFF...!" While never a particularly quiet girl to begin with, Honie was getting increasingly loud, in her seemingly futile efforts to remove this darn chair from her lovely bottom! Thankfully, there weren't TOO many people currently in the cafe to take notice. Though a certain noise-hating heel was still in the area...

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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Despite her best attempts to enjoy her lunch in peace, it seemed that such a thing was truly impossible within the walls of LAW, as even this simple lunch had quickly developed it's own loud distraction, thanks to the aforementioned woman in the bee costume! Somehow, in the process of eating her lunch, Honie had managed to wedge her massive rear end in between the seat and the back of the metal folding chair that she had sat on, and now as she stood up, the chair followed her along! It would have been somewhat amusing, even perhaps smirk-worthy... if it wasn't so disruptive! The bee woman soon began to talk to herself as she attempted to get the chair off, wiggling her backside up and down to try to get free, and the longer that it went on, the more annoyed that it was making the blonde woman sitting nearby!

"Nnngh... alright, that's it..." Minerva muttered to herself, before standing up and walking over to where Honie was, suddenly stepping into view of the bee as she flashed her an angry look, gazing up and down at the bigger woman! And then, she'd cross her arms, fixing the heavyweight with a very intensely cold gaze, before erupting on her!

"Maybe if you went on a diet, your fat ass wouldn't have gotten stuck! Now sit down and shut up, so the rest of us can eat in peace!" Minerva hissed, before suddenly raising her foot up and throwing a kick directly into Honie's midsection, aiming to hit her square in the stomach and send her stumbling back from the force of it! Minerva wanted to sent the heavyweight falling backwards, right back onto the chair that she was stuck in, before she would step forwards and thrust her foot forwards again, booting Honie once more, while she was seated this time!

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

Unread post by dddybee »

Admittedly, Honie was getting increasingly loud during her struggles to try and free her big bottom from the gap in the metal folding chair. So surely enough, someone would get annoyed enough to speak up, that person being Minerva Darque! When the spider-themed wrestler angrily approached, it suddenly dawned on Honie that she was being to noisy and needed to dial it down a notch. "Oh sorry..." Honie apologized with a blush. "I was being too loud wasn't-"

Minerva wasn't having any of it and interrupted her. Instead of letting the bee finish, she snapped at her in an insulting matter. Being called "fat" was something that always irked Honie. Despite her rock-hard and shredded abs, and despite there being a lot of muscle in her bum, many heels had called her "fat" for simply having a big behind. "Buzzzzzzzz..." Honie growled, before puffing up her cheeks and pouting cutely. She clenched her fists, all clear signs Minerva was provoking her admittedly short temper. That being said, Honie still understood she was the one being noisy and would try and control herself. "That wasn't very nice... I-" Honie started, before Minerva interrupted her again, this time in a physical way!

"Ahh!" Before the bee could brace her iron abs, Minerva booted Honie in the stomach unexpectedly! This caused the heroine to fall right back onto the chair that was still stuck on her. To make matters worse, any progress Honie had made in her attempts to remove it would be foiled, as she was forced to sit down on it again! Of course, Honie was ticked about this. "Now listen here you-" Aaannnnnnd, Minerva cut her off again with another kick to the gut. "NOW YOU'VE BUZZING DONE IT!" The empress bee would jolt back up, with the chair still stuck on her big booty. Livid, she would throw a powerful payback kick at Minerva's belly, wanting to knock her fellow bug girl away!
Last edited by dddybee on Wed Oct 30, 2024 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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With Honie finally having gotten on her last nerve, Minerva would stomp her way over to the heavyweight who was currently causing a scene, angrily chiding her for the noise that she was making, but that wasn't all of it! Instead, she would suddenly swing a leg up and slam her foot into Honie's muscled stomach with as much force as she could muster, sending the big heavyweight stumbling backwards before she'd trip and fall right down onto her rear, immediately wedging her behind in the chair once more! All the progress that she had made in trying to un-wedge herself had been quickly erased, and the fact that Minerva had struck her had likely escalated this conflict far more than it needed to be!

However, that kick had been the equivalent of declaring war on the bee, especially since she had sent her crashing down and immediately re-stuck the chair onto her, which was not at all what she wanted! Minerva, in the meantime, was far too busy feeling superior after booting the source of what had been annoying her, and only noticed Honie coming back at her when the kick was already on it's way!

"UUUGH!" Minerva let out a loud gasp as Honie's boot suddenly hit her directly in the stomach, the force of the strike from the heavyweight immediately stumbling back, before her legs quickly became unable to keep up with her body! Minerva would crash backwards onto the unforgiving floor, with all of the air inside of her having swiftly been taken out with that one kick! It seemed that angering Honie had not been without it's consequences, and now with Minerva stunned on the floor, she was likely going to learn exactly what those consequences were!

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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Honie was very much willing to apologize for being too noisy. But she'd be darned to just let someone walk up to her and kick her not once, but twice! Minerva's assault was unwarranted, especially to someone with a personal moral code as strict as Honie's! The bee's payback fittingly came in the form of her own kick. But unlike Minerva, Honie only needed a single kick to deal with her fellow bug girl! "STING!" The killer bee exclaimed, as her foot rammed right into Minerva's belly! The impact sent Minerva quickly staggering back, before she took a nasty crash-landing on the hard floor. But Honie wasn't done yet. Not by a longshot.

"UGHH! Because of you, this thing is stuck on my butt even more!" Honie complained, the chair very much still attached, as she walked towards the downed heel. "It would have been nice for you to offer to help me get it off. But instead, you decided to be a big meanie weanie! And I think you deserve to be taught a lesson!"

Now standing right above Minerva, Honie would reach down to grab the back of the spider's head, before yanking her up to her knees! "First of all, who the BUZZ are you claiming needs to go on a diet?! I'm already shredded, you jerk!" Honie snapped, before using one hand to bash Minerva's face into her iron abs! The livid bee would do this repeatedly, punishing Minerva for calling her "fat". Afterwards, Honie would simply rub Minerva's face up and down on her muscular core, making sure Minerva got the message with Honie's signature Honeycomb Suckle move!

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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With the chair quite thoroughly affixed to Honie's backside, Minerva was in the process of laughing hysterically at the plight of the bee, right up until she was hit with a massive boot to the stomach, the heavyweight knocking all the air out of her in one quick motion! The impact would send her stumbling backwards before she was unable to keep herself upright, and after landing with a grunt, she was left staring up at the lights above her on the ceiling, slowly beginning to pick herself up, as the bee approached her! Minerva was beginning to realize that a quick escape might benefit her here, but before she was able to get up and leave, she would be grabbed by Honie, the grip on the back of her head yanking her up to her knees with ease!

Minerva grunted as she was pulled up, opening her mouth to protest, only to find herself suddenly take off guard when the angry heavyweight would yank her in close, very close, until Minerva's face was smashed against her foe's stomach! She let out a slight grunt, and more with it as Honie proceeded to smack her face against her solid core a few more times, before holding Minerva's face there, beginning to grind it against her washboard abs!

"Mmmpgh! Gghgh! Let... go! Nnngh!" Minerva yelped as she was scrubbed against Honie's abs, her foe showing off in very great detail that was most certainly not fat, a word Minerva had tossed at her earlier! And while Minerva had mostly been referring to her behind, currently stuck in the chair, she was now getting a full taste of her opponent's abdomen because of it, with nothing that she could do!

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

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Ever since she first came to LAW, Honie had built up quite a reputation as a disciplinarian of heels. And thanks to Minerva's disrespectful actions, it seemed she was next up for the Heroine of the Beehive's special brand of justice! Said justice currently came in the form of Honie using her abs to smack and grind Minerva's face, subduing her with the power of her lovely core muscles! But after a little while of this, Honie would stop. Instead she'd push the spider girl onto her stomach, before lifting one of her legs to stomp down hard on Minerva's back! "STING AGAIN!" Honie flared. The heavyweight would keep her mostly bare foot firmly pressed onto Minerva's back, as she continued to address her.

"That's it. Stay right there and squirm under my foot, while I try again to get this buzzing chair off!" Honie ranted, before pushing hard against the chair again, while ensuring Minerva couldn't escape from her! While continuing her efforts to remove it, Honie would continue to address the spider. And if said spider tried to do anything funny, the killer bee would stun her with another stomp! "Once I get this chair off, you're really in for it girlfriend! Because then my booty of justice will be free to facesit you, stinkface you, butt punch you, and buttdrop you glore! Since you made fun of my badonkadonk, you're gonna have these sexy cheeks all up in your grill!"

Once Honie was down laying out her plan for Minerva, she finally freed her backside from the chair with a satisfying POP! "Perfect timing." Honie would buzz with a sassy smile. She removed her foot from Minerva's back, only to reposition herself to squat over the heel. A butt-shaped shadow loomed over the spider... "Now are you ready...for all this BOOTAY?!"~ Honie teased, wanting the downed woman to look right at her cheeks. And if Minerva tried to get away, Honie would jump to deliver a buttdrop to the girl's back, beginning her promise to punish her with her sexy ahh-cheeks!

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Re: A Bug Girl's Butt Crush

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Minerva's mocking laughter at Honie's expense had become quite the short lived ironic moment, as it had almost instantly led into the bee themed heavyweight suddenly charging forwards and getting her hands on the goth woman, an awful situation for Minerva to find herself in! It had led to this point, where the dirty blonde wrestler was left on her knees while her face was scrubbed along the stomach of the woman she had antagonized, rubbed against Honie's abs as she let out groans of pure humiliation while it happened! Fortunately, she would finally be freed when Honie would give her a sharp push that sent her flopping down to the floor, twisting to land on her stomach with a grunt! Unfortunately, she would only manage to slightly prop herself up on her arms before Honie's foot would come crashing down onto her back, forcing her back to the floor with a gasp!

"Uugh! Nnngh... get... off..." Minerva let out a low groan, but Honie would answer with yet another stomp to her back, further pounding the air out of the goth blonde, and Minerva would remain underfoot as the bee worked the chair off of her behind! It would clatter to the ground when finally free, and as the foot lifted from her back, it was replaced by the shadow of Honie standing over her... before she suddenly dropped down, landing flush on Minerva's back!

"AAUGH!" Minerva let out a scream as Honie came down hard, her back bowing under the sheer force that was suddenly applied to it, head and legs jerking into the air before falling flat once more! The massive buttdrop had left her utterly crushed flat, with only a low groan showing that she had any air left in her at all, now pinned underneath Honie's bulbous buttcheeks, left at the mercy of the woman perched atop her!

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