Persued by an Amazon

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Re: Persued by an Amazon

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Huan would take a moment, breathing heavily on the tiled floor before she pushed up to support her back on her elbows. "All I did is give you a little squeeze as a consolation prize, you ambushed me in a shower. She said before chuckling "But I won't be complaining, you got your share. And it looks like I got you riled up enough to start acting up" She'd say teasingly, sticking out her tongue at the other woman "Now, are you gonna take care of yourself or do you want some help? She continued to tease, noting how Hipolyta had not came yet.

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Re: Persued by an Amazon

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Hippolyta felt like she was on top of the world as she had managed to make the other woman regret her actions. As she had forced Huan to cum as she looked at the other wrestler with an smirk on her face. An smirk that would grow bigger when she heard what her former opponent had to say as she retorted ''get on your back loser as I was gonna demand you help me out. As I plan on making my pussy get really familiar with your face'' as the blond was grinning from ear to ear as she awaited what the other woman was gonna do

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