Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Match Type: Standard Hentai Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by forcing your opponent to orgasm

Freya was just about to put on her clothes, deciding to wear a different style wrestling gear then her normal one. It still worked for Hentai type matches so this would be a perfect opportunity to show it off, especially since she was going against some who has even less experience at LAW than her, what are the odds! After making sure everything was on correctly, she took a big look into the mirror. And trust me the outfit did not disappoint.

”Even better than I could imagine” She loved the way it hugged her body, showing off her most valuable parts, which comes in handy especially for Hentai wrestling style matches. After that she started making her way to the backstage, confidently I might add. Finally she made it, there she waited for the announcer. Didn’t have to for long as after only a few minutes the lights dimmed and the announcer began to speak, “Making her way to the ring! The Queen that shines bright! Give it up for Freya “Sun Queen” Knight!!!”

Freya ran out of the shadows being met with cheers from all over, she made her way to the ring. Once there she did her signature splits getting a lovely reaction to all in the arena, after jumping the rope she blew the audience a kiss before waiting at one of the corners of the ring, excited to meet her opponent for the night.
Last edited by Hello-API on Sun Feb 02, 2025 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Constanza was trying to pomp herself up as it was finally here . The moment she had bin waiting for as the young wrestler was about to make her debut , and it was gonna be in an hentai match as well. As the fact it was gonna be in one of the most watched match types made her just all the more motivated to win tonight. Since she wanted to make an name for herself , and get people's attention as her attire would clearly help with that. For she was wearing an white slingshot bikini that did nothing to cover up her curves as she showed off her body with ease while she wore wrestling boots to protect her feet.

Now she would not have much protection from sexual attacks , but the Maya warrior would take the risk if it meant she could make an splash. After tying up some of her hair in an side ponytail , and the rest in an long one that reached her butt she felt like she was ready.So with that in mind she would make her way to gorilla as she had just missed her opponent making her entrance. Since she was up next as her music would begin to play as she would walk onto the stage as Kazzabe - Banana was heard.

As she walked down to the ring dancing , Constanza would blow kisses to the fans as halfway down the announcer would say ''making her debut from Gracias , Honduras. Weighing in at around 110ibs ,It's Constanza Meija''as she would walk up the steel steps as she climbed into the ring through the middle and top rope as she looked at her opponent as she said ''hope your ready to lose tonight as this Mayan ain't going down easy''

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Right off the bat, her opponent was already oozing out confident from around her. But who can blame her, with an outfit like that you gotta have some confidence. And to think, Freya thought she may had over done it with this one. ”Oh wow, already off the top of your head aren’t we. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure by the end of this match we’ll take care of that.” Freya would then stare down her opponent, analyzing all traits around her. She was clearly taller than Maya, but that could mean her speed was top notch. So she’ll focus on using her strength, which was no problem caused she loved it when she beat down on girls using her superior strength.

“Good luck sexy…” As Freya blows a kiss, “Don’t blame me for what happens Kay?” After that last comment, it was soon followed by the sound of the bell, signaling the start of today’s match! With her first move, Freya would move towards the center of the ring, than non-verbally challenged the rookie to a test of strength.

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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As she waited for her opponent's responds , Constanza would check the other woman out even better then she did before. Taking in how the other wrestler was standing as she was trying to find any weaknesses she could take advantage of. Still the only thing she noticed that Freya was taller then her , and likely heavier as an result or so she assumed.

Then the moment came when the other woman would respond back , and it was an good one in her opinion. As the one liner was pretty funnier , and what she did to follow it up made her look hot.Which was something the fans could enjoy as the Mayan would pose for the crowd to counteract Freya as she blew her an kiss back as she retorted ''just for the compliment I am gonna kiss all your booboos after the match''as she then made her way to the center of the ring so she could lock up with her opponent.

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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As the test of strength surged on, Freya would start to take the upper hand. With her superior height, weight, and possibly strength she begin to cause Constanza back to arch more and more. It got to the point where Freya attempted to sweep her white hair opponents legs, causing for both to fall towards the ground. Lucky for the blond wrestler, her opponent upper body made for quite a nice cushion.

”sorry if I’m being a bit rough on you, here I’ll kiss anything that hurts~” Freya would take a comfortable sit on her opponents midsection before starting her assault. First, she’d kiss Constanza neck before moving up higher and higher til she reaches her lovely mouth. Then Freya would lock lips, trying to keep it to where she was the one in control.

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Constanza did her best to fight back , but after an while the other woman would force her on the backfoot. Forcing her to crouch down as she was beginning to buckle. When out of nowhere she got her legs swept out from under her as she would look up as the blond fell forward as well. The realization hit her that she was about to cushion her opponent's fall , and that she could do nothing to stop it as she cried out as Freya would land on top of her as she would feel the bitch kiss her as she tried to buck her off as she yelled ''get ohhh off me blondie''

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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She listened to her opponent’s desperate pleas, the muffled words barely making it past the heated exchange between them. Freya smirked, her grip unwavering as she maintained control, relishing in the struggle beneath her.

“You know… I’m much more than just my hair color. I’ll make sure you remember my name after tonight~” she purred, her voice dripping with confidence and mischief.

Fueled by her own words, Freya deepened the kiss, reveling in the intoxicating mix of their shared saliva, their breaths growing heavier with each passing second. She could feel her opponent squirming, resisting the overwhelming affection she poured onto her. But just as Freya felt she had complete control, her opponent suddenly bucked her hips, throwing her balance off. A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt the tables beginning to turn, the offensive advantage she once held slipping through her fingers with every hip thrust. And eventually she’d be thrown off but quickly recovering while licking her lips already missing the kiss. Freya waits for her opponents to rise back up as she excitedly waits to see how the nexts part of the match turns out.

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Re: Freya “Sun Queen” Knight Vs Constanza Meija

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Constanza hated the fact she was trapped beneath the other woman as that damn smirk her opponent had on her face was pissing her off. As she wanted to do nothing more then wipe it off the other wrestler's face , and the sooner the better. Since the tone in Freya's voice made her sound like the damn cat who got the Canary , and no points for guessing who the Canary was in this situation.

The kiss however got the fans excited as she tried to push her tongue into Freya's mouth. To try and dominate it in an attempt to distract the other woman , and gain an opening she could take advantage of or else she be in trouble. As she would feel an shift happen when she bucked with her hips. Throwing the other woman off balance somewhat as she tried to throw her off , and succeeding as the other woman got thrown off as she would sit up as she looked at her opponent as she got to her feet as the battle was about to begin.

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