The Hoplite vs. the Samurai: Alexios vs. Kyo

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The Hoplite vs. the Samurai: Alexios vs. Kyo

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Alexios Laskaris was ready to go. After a lull, LAW was finally booking him again. And against other men no less. Alexios knew of Kyo Akamatsu. Truth be told, he wanted to face him and was looking forward to this contest. Alexios had height on Kyo, but both were strong. And Kyo was a respected technician, much like Alexios. He expected the two would put on a clinic and made sure to stretch extra well given Kyo's reputation for pretzeling his opponents.
Alexios' music hit and the Greek walked out to a mixed crowd. Kyo was Japanese after all. But it was clear the crowd thought well of him and was looking forward to this clash between two powerful submission wrestlers. Alexios entered the ring and raised his arms to the crowd. He then turned to the entrance to await his opponent.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Thu Feb 20, 2025 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Hoplite vs. the Samurai: Alexios vs. Kyo

Unread post by Underdoggo »

And a few seconds later, his opponent arrived.
As "Kanjite Knight" from the Mazinger Z soundtrack blared on the intercom, Kyo came striding down the ramp, to the cheers of his fans. He paid them little heed, though, as his attention was focused on the ring. He knew of Alexios Laskaris by reputation only, but by all accounts, the Greek was a serious-minded competitor who was constantly seeking to fight the best opponents. Kyo had once heard of the Greek concept of aristeia-- of becoming the absolute best one could be in a particular pursuit-- and it seemed that Alexios embodied that concept fully.

Sliding into the ring, Kyo met Alexios' gaze. He said nothing, but gave the man a simple, respectful nod as he stood in his corner and waited for the bell.

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Re: The Hoplite vs. the Samurai: Alexios vs. Kyo

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Alexios nodded back at Kyo as the introductions played out. When the bell rang, Alexios walked forward, planted his legs, and raised his arms, inviting Kyo for an arm and collar tie up.

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