Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

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Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Treky »

Wrestling rule- Only win by Ko

That night there would be a rather unusual match for Tokie who would have one of his first knockout matches, a rather particular match where you have to beat your opponent by making him completely lose consciousness with very powerful moves, the black-haired boy was a little worried given the last matches where he had lost quite heavily without being able to defend himself adequately, but he hoped that this time maybe he could show that he was there to win too

Tokie was the first to enter the stage and his opening song began to resound throughout the stadium as the lights turned dark red, the boy came out from backstage greeting the various fans and climbed into the ring with a big leap, the boy then observed the entrance and said making himself heard by the entire stadium

《Come on, come on, I'll knock you out in an instant!》

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

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Svetlana had never been in a KO match before. She had never wrestled against a man before either. However she was a skilled technical wrestler... despite what the crowd saw her last time out against Kate.

Svetlana had wrestled in submission matches before. A KO just meant she had to use submissions geared towards choking this man out. That she could do. The purple haired Polish grappler made her way out onto the arena wearing her white/purple wrestling attire ready to go. She winked to the fans, waving at then as she swayed her hips strutting down the ramp. "This overconfident man won't know what hit him." She said with a big grin as she climbed up into the ring. She was going to outmaneuver him and transition from hold to hold mixing in some more crowd pleasing offense. At least this was her game plan.

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

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The boy watched Scetlana enter and was really surprised by what he was seeing, the woman was muscular and toned, definitely a person dedicated to working out in the gym, many of Law's girls made normal athletes like Tokie look like little sticks ready to break and Svetlana was no exception, she was really muscular

Upon entering the ring the boy focused his gaze on her and then waited for the match to start and the bell to ring, a few moments after the bell he rushed to the woman trying to punch her in the abdomen but it wasn't very effective, almost like a caress for Svetlana, who at that moment could understand the abysmal difference in strength between the two

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

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Svetlana saw that up close the man was not big at all, which surprised her. She was expecting a larger man that would overpower her. She could easily overpower Tokie. As he punched she tensed up her abs and took the hits before stepping up extending her arm to clothesline him down hard to the mat! She was not going to have to rely entirely on holds so she was going to show some of her lifting as well as striking power!

After sending him to the mat she pulled him up and wrapped an arm around his head grabbing on and lifting him for a vertical suplex to the mat!

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Treky »

Poor Tokie tried to hit Svetlana but his blow was ineffective, in fact the woman contracted her abs absorbing the blow completely and counterattacking with force making him fall to the ground making a small thud, the girl quickly demonstrated that she was much stronger than the boy and could overpower her opponent quite easily

For this reason she decided to continue the offensive by taking the girl lifting him from the ground and taking him placing her arm on his neck and pulling him up and with great violence she slammed him to the ground with a vertical supplex, devastating the boy and leaving him moaning on the ground while he writhed in pain

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Highfly »

Svetlana heard him groan from the impact and it was to the point she felt guilty. Was he meant as a serious opponent for her? She couldn't risk being lured into a trap by an opponent playing possum though.

She got up, hauling Tomie up and lifting him again this time stepping forward to deliver a backbreaker to him!

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Treky »

Tokie was slammed to the ground by Svetlana quite violently, making a big noise showing how strong the woman was compared to the boy, but she didn't seem to have any intention of stopping

The woman approached the boy's body and pulled him up again and then slammed him onto her knee even more violently, the boy suffered again moaning from the strong pain

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Highfly »

Svetlana sent him crashing to the mat again and had an idea. She was going to go old school with her offense now and jumped into the air crashing down across Tokyo's chest with a big leg drop! Svetlana would then clamp her legs together around his head squeezing away with her powerful thighs as she was now trying to outright choke him out! She knew it was a KO match and with him stunned she was trying to get an early victory right here by making him pass out between her legs!

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Treky »

The boy was again crashed to the ground but this time before falling he had been hit by the woman's knee which had caused him a lot of damage, the woman then after having approached him jumped to perform a powerful legdrop, the boy moaned in pain and tried to move away but the woman did not allow him to do so by getting down to the ground and blocking the boy's head between her legs, the boy tried to get out but he couldn't do it starting to wave his arms and trying not to throw away precious air

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Re: Tokie vs Svetlana - KO match

Unread post by Highfly »

Svetlana still had the hold applied and she wasn't about to let go, not unless he forced her to or got a rope break. She kept her legs clamped around his head squeezing as hard as she could while the official was nearby checking on her opponent. She wasn't going to let up until she had to. Svetlana was fearful of facing a male leading up to this but he was proving to be the easiest opponent she had ever faced! Right now she was focused on him passing out and achieving a dominant victory.

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