A Smothery Comeuppance

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Re: A Smothery Comeuppance

Unread post by CaptainL »

Talia sat down next to Jasmine, listening closely as she answered her questions. "No murders since you took the throne, huh? That's impressive. Either they're really good at hiding it here, or they're just that afraid of your booty," she added with a chuckle, reaching over and giving Jasmine a playful smack on the rear. However, with the next thing out of her mouth, it seemed as though Jasmine was starting to catch on to her - and when she heard that, Talia went still. She sat up straight, the color draining away from her face as her muscles went stiff. If Jasmine asked her more questions, things might start to get a little...tense.

What came next didn't help much, either. In her typical animated fashion, Jasmine demonstrated the punishments she had in mind, punching at the air a few times - and every time her fist met its invisible target, Talia could feel a bead of sweat running down her back. Now she had to imagine what it would feel like to be on the other end of those punches - and the thought certainly wasn't pretty. It was clear from all the matches Talia had watched that Jasmine was a heavy hitter, but seeing it on the screen didn't do any justice to the power Jasmine wielded up close and in the flesh. And all that power could be turned against her. Maybe, she started to wonder, this wasn't such a good idea after all.

And of course, there would be smothers involved. Maybe getting a face full of Jasmine's famous ass would be a little more pleasant than a beatdown, but Talia still bit her lip when she saw the fervor Jasmine described the act with - almost as if she had gotten lost in her own head from the mere thought of it all. She glanced nervously back and forth, afraid to let her eye contact linger for long. What would it mean for her, she thought, if Jasmine liked the thought of smothering her out this much? Certainly, she wouldn't hold back on it...

She would eventually snap out of her thoughts, but when she turned back to face Talia and asked her why she brought up grand theft in the first place, it hardly made the prospect any better for her. The Latina jumped up in place, sputtering and clearing her throat. This could well blow her cover, so she needed to come up with an excuse, and fast! "Uh...er...I was just curious, and it was the first thing that came to my mind?" Chuckling nervously, she shrugged her shoulders, and hoped to God that Jasmine wouldn't read much more into it.

After a pause, Talia cleared her throat. "Uh...did you have anything else to show me on the tour?" Maybe, she thought, if she turned Jasmine's thoughts elsewhere, she might not put two and two together. Talia herself wouldn't mind the distraction either!
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Re: A Smothery Comeuppance

Unread post by dddybee »

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Jasmine very much appreciated the playful smack Talia gave her on her backside, giggling happily in response. The two of them seemed to have pretty good chemistry, despite Talia's alternative and malicious motives for being here anyway. And it was those motives that made things all the move uncomfortable for Talia, when Jasmine opted to question what she had inquired of her! The Mighty Monarch described and animated the type of justice she'd inflict on someone who commited grand theft, making Talia both visibly and audibly nervous!

Despite getting a little lost in her smother dom trance at the end there, Jasmine did pick up on Talia's suddenly anxious demeanor. This was partly why the empress questioned her guest afterwards. And this only made Talia even more nervous, as she showed even clearer physical signs of her discomfort! After Talia claimed she was just curious, Jasmine narrowed her eyes at her guest slightly. Previously, Jasmine had indeed brushed off Talia's behavior as curiosity. But now, her fellow middleweight had acted in a way that indicated something more may have been at play. "Hmmmm..." Jasmine pondered, staring right into Talia's eyes. Ms. Cake was trying to get a better read of her. Though it was unclear whether Jasmine was anyazling Talia with simple curiosity or genuine suspicion!

Fearing the latter, Talia would wisely opt to change topics. "Oh yes!" Jasmine replied, perking back up. Reminding the tough tomboy of the tour was a good call. Jasmine was still excited about it, as Talia hadn't given her an explicit reason not to be. "We're almost done, so we should get going. Even if it's fun to hang in my dungeon and talk about my butt smothers and power punches..."~


With that remark, Jasmine would give Talia a "playful" punch in the arm. "Bop!" She chirped. But there would definitely be enough force to it to make most people wince, rub their shoulder, and/or yep a bit. It was pretty standard behavior for Jasmine to slug her friends like this, mildly annoying them in the process. But IF Jasmine had been a even tad suspicious of Talia, it COULD also be interpreted as a warning...

But Jasmine's wholesome disposition didn't seem to indicate this. "C'mon girl! We'll end the tour, once we get to my royal bedroom! Just follow meeeeeeee!"~ The orange-haired beauty beamed, standing up and motioning for Talia to follow her out of the cell. She'd lead her guest out of the Smother Dungeon, and on their way to the next destination!
Last edited by dddybee on Sat Mar 01, 2025 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Smothery Comeuppance

Unread post by CaptainL »

Talia had been confident the whole time she had been here. She was, after all, a talented and well-practiced social engineer, and she knew how important it was to be in the right mindset if you were pulling off a scheme like this. How could you try to convince someone else of what you wanted when you weren't quite sure of it yourself? However, when Jasmine began describing what sort of punishment she'd have in store for the exact crime Talia had been plotting ever since she stepped off the plane, that was enough to make even the devious reality TV star second-guess herself. When she was showing off the sorts of powerful punches she had at her disposal, Talia could only imagine how it would feel to take them herself, and that made her wince as she shrank back, hugging her arm a little closer to her side. If she got caught, she thought to herself, she'd be in a world of trouble, and she wouldn't forget about it any time soon.

The obvious advice in a situation like that was to simply not get caught. But then, it didn't seem like that would be so easy, either - in fact, when Jasmine looked directly into Talia's eyes, the redhead let out a soft gasp and jumped up a little straighter. What was this about - was she on to her? Talia's heart began to race in her chest as a bead of sweat traced down her brow. Had she inadvertently blown her own cover? And if so...what was next on her horizon? "Uhh...hello-?" she blurted out, biting her lip. "W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fortunately for Talia, Jasmine's attention was diverted only a moment later, when she suddenly remembered the tour she was on - and she was ready to throw herself back into it with the same bubbly enthusiasm as ever. For a second, Talia just looked off after her with confusion. Wait, was she really going to shift gears this suddenly? Perhaps it would work out for the best that the Empress seemed to have a short attention span. In fact, the more that Talia thought about that, the more a wicked smile played its way across her face. If she was this easily distracted, it'd surely be no problem at all to catch her unaware when she needed to most...

Though, only a second later, Jasmine would remind Talia of just what the dangers of being caught were, when she delivered a solid punch to her arm! Even if Jasmine was just playing around, she didn't know her own strength. The force of the blow caused Talia to hiss through her teeth as she jumped back, clutching at her arm, where a sore spot radiated through her from where Jasmine had struck. "Ow-!" she yelped. She gulped at that thought - if Jasmine's punches could hurt this much when she was only being friendly, she could only imagine what she'd be like with genuine anger backing her up...

Either way, Jasmine was moving along - and if Talia wanted to ambush her at the right moment, she couldn't let her out of her sights. She had to be ready! "R-Right, coming-!" she said, hurrying off after Jasmine as fast as she could.
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