Spectre vs Snow White (D): a virus that destroys everything

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the funny girl
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Re: Spectre vs Snow White (D): a virus that destroys everything

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Snow White was finally seeing a light at the end of this dark and pain-filled pit, certainly her belly had suffered a greater amount of damage than her other limbs although her leg still hurt but not as much although she had done everything possible not to cry, she didn't succeed due to the terrible abuse of blows she had suffered throughout the match, hell she certainly didn't expect her red-haired opponent to be so damn sadistic and she was sure that Spectre didn't need a submission hold to make her submit, since Leah speculated that the malevolent virus wanted her suffering to be one that she wouldn't forget to such a degree that Leah was very afraid of the red-haired girl, certainly Leah couldn't guess Spectre's plans and neither what was happening in that head so... terrified of her red-haired opponent that certainly displeased the debutant girl but at least the white-haired girl now had control of the situation and was going to punish her opponent in a terrible way although it was a shame that Spectre had her mouth covered by that metal mask, Leah was not going to risk hitting her opponent's covered cheek and having her fist hurt.

The white-haired girl's fist landed on Specter's belly as she heard her moan in pain, she was finally doing significant damage to Specter despite her clothes and body being in such a bad state, it was really embarrassing to see her and certainly many of the audience encouraged Leah to keep hitting and punish this villain, the white-haired girl could hear her name come out of the mouth of the malevolent virus, the white-haired girl was not going to stop because of that, since she was busy doing as much damage as possible to the red-haired girl's belly but with each movement she made, her belly that was between red and purple made her hurt a little due to how sensitive her belly had become while she heard her red-haired opponent moan in pain but she bit her lower lip so as not to complain about the pain in her belly, her belly had indeed had a very bad time being hit repeatedly on the same place and that sucked because Leah knew that in a few moments she would have to stop to catch her breath a little but she took advantage of the remaining time to hit the belly of her red-haired opponent.

Leah had the chance to get revenge on Spectre and tear up the villain's suit a little but she wasn't someone who liked to ruin her opponents' suits as she hit Spectre's belly but Leah certainly felt a little uncomfortable as she noticed how Spectre's moans were a little more needy while she could notice how Spectre's body shuddered a little but finally Leah stopped as she panted a little, due to all the effort she had to make to hit her red-haired opponent's belly as she now looked into the eyes of her red-haired opponent "Spectre...you're going to pay for what you did to me all this time" She commented in a low voice while letting out a few gasps as she continued to look into the eyes of her red-haired opponent, she was not done, this had become very personal since Specter had tortured her and torn her suit, damn it even made Snow White uncomfortable who decided to make this painful for the malevolent virus.

Then Snow White would try to get up, if she was successful she would start walking towards the ropes to position herself there, then she would wait for her red-haired opponent to get up even though her knee hurt, it wasn't that much pain but it was still annoying, Leah would be attentive if her red-haired opponent got up and then she would run at full speed to give him a powerful knee strike against the belly of her evil opponent with her "ice hammer"
ice hammer
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Re: Spectre vs Snow White (D): a virus that destroys everything

Unread post by Monsy »

When the fists stopped, the air was like an irritating acid tingling her belly in pins and needles. Her breath was slower. She felt short of breath. Her legs uneasy, even as they whipped around and she turned to her side, then up onto all fours. Then she coughed, once, then a pause, then a whole fit. She put her arm across, pushed on the mat and rose to one knee. “You little fuckin’ roach'.” Spectre growled, rising to her feet finally and stumbling back.

Almost immediately, it felt different to walk. Like she had to pull her legs through ankle-deep mud and she couldn’t quite coordinate her heel. Leah came forward while Spectre was swaying. She looked, eyes big and gasped. “UGH-HNG!” Right between arm and ribs, in the upper-half of her belly, the knee crushed her insides. It caved into her, pushing out air and life. The dizziness, throbbing and an involuntary pull towards the ground was overwhelming. She went stiff, bug-eyed, then hit her knees and slapped on the mat like pieces of wet cloth instantly.


Face-down, legs spread, one arm going straight down over an outstretched leg and another overhead, grabbing the mat with feeble black nails. Her stomach was arched ever slightly off the ground and shivering, elevating her hips. The virus twitched periodically, yet to move.
Last edited by Monsy on Mon Feb 24, 2025 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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the funny girl
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Re: Spectre vs Snow White (D): a virus that destroys everything

Unread post by the funny girl »

Snow White was getting into very dark and scary territory, she had the guts to counterattack her evil opponent in addition to practically crushing the belly of her red-haired opponent, most likely this would bring very serious consequences to the white-haired girl in the future, since if there is something that always angered the Heel's and that was that her opponent took the advantage in this encounter, Leah knew it perfectly because she saw some videos where the heel's when cornered became much more aggressive and fierce than before, which caused them to always regain control of the situation in addition to adding that their opponents were punished in a way... not very nice and even she swore that specter had insulted her, apparently the malevolent virus had not liked very much the fact that she had attacked while Leah watched her opponent get up, the white-haired girl hoped not to fail this attack because if she failed this attack, most likely Her red-haired opponent would attack her from behind or knock her to the ground.

Luckily for Leah her "ice hammer" attack had hit Spectre to her relief as she felt her knee sink into the guts of her red-haired opponent who still had not fully recovered from the blows she had received to her belly, the knee blow that Leah gave to the malevolent virus apparently was really effective but with a rather ugly consequence due to the fact that she had attacked the evil opponent with her injured knee and that caused her a slight discomfort that made her almost fall to the ground but she was able to stay standing but her red-haired opponent was not as lucky as Leah, because the damage was devastating for Spectre because he heard her moan in pure pain as she stiffened, Spectre's eyes wide open surely from the pain and as if she had lost all her life in that blow, the malevolent virus fell to the ground and this made the public quite happy who finally recovered a little hope was given for Leah to defeat this cruel villain and pay for her previous crimes.

Leah looked at her opponent's helpless position as she caressed her knee, Leah noticed that Spectre's stomach arched slightly above the ground as well as trembling but Spectre did not move and frankly this simply benefited Leah, since apparently her opponent was in a state of shock due to the powerful knee that Leah had given Spectre, she then began to approach the fallen body of the villain and then crouched behind her opponent while grabbing the legs of her red-haired opponent and then crossed her left leg on the back of Spectre's right leg while using her hurt knee to position herself well as she began to bend Spectre's body into a "C" shape so that she would receive a good punishment, Leah knew that she could have easily pinned the red-haired girl but this became personal from the moment that Spectre used her like a rag doll to hit just to see her cry and scream in pain, now it was Snow White's turn to torture and make the malevolent virus scream in pain, as this was a "chilling punishment" for Spectre.
chilling punishment
Now Leah's only intention was to inflict pain on her red-haired opponent, although she knew that this hold would not last long, but she would make sure that the hold would not be soft at all.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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