Stream Disaster

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Re: Stream Disaster

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''Shut up as you are making me seem like an scam artist''whispered Asuka as she knew that she was one. I mean she would do anything for an buck , and those thirsty losers who followed her online would pay for anything as she saw Renee move her cameras as she yelled ''hey don't you dare touch my cameras you bitch. As you don't know what your doing''as she got picked up as she felt her chest press against Renee as she glared as the damn bitch was making herself look like the girl with the bigger tits as the comments would also point this out.

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Re: Stream Disaster

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Renee would shake Asuka in this bearhug as she liked how pissed off Asuka was when she made her out to be the girl with the bigger tits.

“Hey. I know how to work a camera. I think I used one as a modified dildo once in my amateur days. Oh wait, can I say that live on the air? Hope I don’t get you banned… again.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Stream Disaster

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Asuka wanted to scream her lungs out as the bitch who was currently hugging the life out of her was gonna get her in trouble. As she was certain Renee knew exactly what would get her into trouble as she muttered ''gonna resist. Gotta endure , and then let her have it''

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Renee picked up on what Asuka was muttering as she then squeezed her tighter.

“What was that? Sorry the mic didn’t pick up on your useless muttering. You’re gonna let me have what if you endure my second hold? Cmon. Say it with your chest. Actually don’t. Don’t want you passing out on me like that.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Stream Disaster

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Asuka would just glare as she heard what the other woman had to say as she would shake her head. Knowing that if she were to say anything back she likely cry out as she thought ''already endured one of your dumb holds. If I can manage to endure another I may come out of this with an improved rep ''as she knew she have to make an appointment to get an massage tomorrow.

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Renee was liking the cockiness Asuka. But she knows she was just going easy on her. She was leading her to a false sense of security as she continued to roll Asuka’s spine in this bearhug.

“You really think lasting in submission moves I barely use will improve your rep? Please. You’re just like any other streamer. Acting like a fool to get a few clicks.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

She thought she could handle the pain , but then it would suddenly be increased as Renee attacked her spine. As she would cry out as any thought of enduring any more left her mind as she cried out ''you bitch . Time must have bin up by now right as I can't take any more of this''

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Renee was loving the fact that Asuka was struggling in her bearhug. However, she knew time was nearly up but that was when her saving grace came in when Asuka’s chat wanted Renee to keep the hold locked in and loving her crying out in pain.

“I don’t know Asuka. I think your chat wants me to keep squeezing you more tighter for another minute.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Asuka would pale as she heard what Renee had to say as she groaned out ''I have to endure this for another minute . You have to be lying ''as she was more trying to convince herself then Renee as she had no idea the other woman was going to go so far as lie to win this challenge

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Re: Stream Disaster

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Renee was indeed not lying as she positioned herself to where Asuka can see her chat. They were loving Asuka getting the life squeezed out of her and the built in timer went way past the 5 minute mark.

“Mm. Maybe I might let this go if I lose my grip. Unlucky for you, I’m a submission specialist so the chances of that happening are slim to none.”
Renee’s Undercarders

If you wanna dm me matches, my discord is arstotzkianborderpatrol

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