Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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The Friday Show

Taking place within a hotel accommodation, these two are set to fight inside a hotel room to find a hidden collar. The winner is declared when one wrestler collars their opponent. Hentai IS allowed and toys are scattered throughout the room.
A door opens.

Inside, was a hotel room of green, cream and wooden varnishes. Paintings were over the headboard, with antique furniture set one way and a small kitchen space at the other. The bed was simple and King-size, fit for a royal leaving their 9 to 5, bachelor party or those from abroad. The businessman, the high-rollers, the weekend vacationer. The room was dark. Not until Mazikeen turned on the lamp in the corner. Maisilyn was seated in an old arm chair in-front of Maze, facing the room and sipping from a glass. “Since we started to live closer than ever before, we've all fantasized about the banging that goes on next door." She looked to the camera. "Fights, hearts being broken, make-up sex. All the many-many shouting matches we only hear through our walls. Just -what- are they doing?”

Maisilyn snaps her fingers casually.

“Kiss and don’t tell, I’d say.” Then bridged her hands together, folding one leg over the other. “But when has that ever stopped anyone? While I personally love a good secret, I certainly wouldn’t judge a thing. In-fact. Maze?”

Maze appeared from behind the seat, having crouched to search underneath, pulling a white collar that wasn’t meant to be discovered. She presented it to the camera, and Maisilyn looked to hide a small annoyance behind a slightly bigger smile. “This is what goes on behind closed doors. Fantasies beyond your wildest comprehension, for the dirtiest minds within the comforts of home. Faces we only show when we reach inside and become… Primitive. This time, for all of us to see. So be ready, and begin to picture it: Yuna Matou. Elizabeth Graham. Collars, toys and silk sheets. Enjoy.”
Last edited by Monsy on Thu Dec 05, 2024 3:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Tonight was sure to be a special night for Elizabeth Graham. Not only was she going to compete at the final LAW event of the year, on top of competing at the luxurious Madison hotel, but face off against someone rather special. In her debut at this company, she challenged Miss Yuna Matou in an apartment hentai match and turned the big momma into her personal sex toy. So, being told she would be facing her again for this event, she couldn't help but get a little giddy with excitement to defeat her again but also to have her be her pet for the rest of the weekend! Elizabeth could just picture in her head all the things she could do to Matou, made her feel wet with excitement!

The white-haired brit was walking to her room with her signature robe and crown on as she swiped her card for the door to open. Once she stepped in her eyes lit up from the sheer size of the room. A king size bed, a beautiful bathroom and camera's everywhere to not miss a second of the action that was about to unfold!"Oh my, this will be quite beautiful." She giggled as she turned her body and held her arms out for the camera's to catch it all."Let this be a special warm-up before the main course tonight~" She whispered seductively as she slowly but surely took off her rope, wanting everyone to get every single frame of her disrobing before she was in a simple black and red swimsuit."Don't fap just yet dear viewer. When I've beaten Yuna you can, tehe." She giggled giving a wink to the audience as she climbed on the bed on all fours."Oh My! So soft with these silk sheets. I could just fall asleep." Elizabeth let out excitedly even letting out a little yawn before giving herself a slap to make sure she was still awake. Her attention solely on the door awaiting when Yuna would arrive for them to square off once again!
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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For Yuna, quite a bit had happened since she and Elizabeth last crossed paths. She might have faced a most ignoble and humiliating defeat at her hands, but she had also emerged victorious against Fumiko Miura, and - encouraged by her daughters - she had decided to rebrand herself as the self-proclaimed Slime Queen, emphasizing her prowess in hentai wrestling. Now with the past behind her, and ready to embark on a new start, she was eager to take on the next few opponents lined up for her. She was eager to show them what she was truly capable of!

In fact, there were few opponents Yuna was more excited to face off against right now than Elizabeth Graham. The blonde might have bested her in their last encounter, but then, Yuna had underestimated her thanks to the difference in size between the two of them. This time, she'd be ready - and this time, she was out to prove herself just as much of a queen as Elizabeth made herself out to be. When she got to do so on the grand stage, with LAW's new supercard as the place to do it, she would have a bigger audience than she could ever ask for, ready to witness her moment of glory!

"I'm glad you could make it, girls," Yuna said, looking left and right as she hung in the hallway just outside of the room that had been set aside for her. In order to make an impact in her first match with her new gimmick, Yuna had been hard at work designing a special entrance, one that would involve her two daughters Saya and Shizuka, and they had tagged along for the occasion.

"No problem, Mom!~" Saya cheered, facing Yuna with a grin. "I'm just really excited that we get to hang out at a fancy hotel!"

"Yeah, you would be," Shizuka muttered, rolling her eyes. "Were these outfits necessary-?"

"Oh, no, trust me...the real fun's about to begin!"
Shizuka Matou
Saya Matou
It was just then that Yuna thrust open the door, walking into the room with her arms spread wide. Much like Elizabeth herself, she had come wearing a crown and robe of her own. Her daughters, meanwhile, took their places just behind her, striking a couple poses. They were dressed in bunny outfits to match the atmosphere of the hotel room, and Saya faced the camera with a wink and a grin as she propped her hand behind her head - Shizuka, meanwhile, was less enthused, but kept up with it all regardless. Yuna took a step closer to Elizabeth with a smile on her face before she tossed the robe off her shoulders, throwing it to her daughters, who caught it as she stood posing before Elizabeth in all her splendor, running her hands along her sides to make sure the cameras caught a good glimpse of her curvaceous build.

"Oh, I remember you from last time, all right," Yuna said, winking to Elizabeth. "But tonight, I want to show you how a real queen does things."
Yuna Matou
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Eliabeth sat on the bed just waiting for that big cow to get in this lovely hotel room. She couldn't wait to humiliate her for a second time in a row and what made it even better was she can make Yuna her personal pet when everything was all said and done. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the door finally opened two girls came through instead."What?" She asked utterly dumbfounded that first, because instead of the woman she was booked to face, all she got was two girls in bunny suits. It only took a moment or two before her real opponent came through the door and saw the Matou monarch dressed like a queen."Ohh so your stealing my thing?" She teased as both milfs were dressed similarly for their entrances before entering the room.

Once Yuna stepped forward showing off their figure to her all Elizabeth could do was chuckle at her threats.Is that so? When I'm done you'll be my lovable cow who I'll milk in front of your lovely children. Tehe." She fired back as she stood up straight on her knees to get ready for the bout putting her hands out for a possible grapple.


The buzzer would go off making a ring bell sound signaling the match starting. Almost immediately Elizabeth would try to pounce on Yuna for a grapple trying to lean in to give the bigger milf some gentle kisses on the neck."Still has delectable as ever." She giggled as she tried to continue kiss her on the neck.
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Yuna almost felt a little disappointed. She'd sprung for a big entrance like this, and no one was around to see it given that this match was taking place in a private hotel room, being broadcast to the big screen in the arena. She could only imagine how loudly the fans were cheering such a display for such a big show. But that wouldn't matter now - the only thing that mattered was standing up to Elizabeth, and Yuna was ready for that. She might have gotten lucky in their last encounter, but now Yuna was ready - she wasn't about to underestimate her again. Now, the world would see which one of them would really reign supreme, when they were pitted head to head!

"Oh, dear, if you think it'll be that easy, you have no idea..." Yuna winked, while Saya let out a cheer behind her. "Get 'er, mom!" That already brought a smirk to Yuna's face, knowing that her daughters had front-row seats to seeing her deliver a devastating beatdown that was sure to knock Elizabeth down a peg or two, and show her the folly of thinking this would be an easy challenge. Even before the bell had rang, Yuna had sat down on her knees on the bed and raised her hands, preparing her stance...

And once the bell did ring, Yuna was ready to throw herself right into the fray! She lunged closer, throwing her hands toward Elizabeth to try and catch her. At the same time, though, Elizabeth pulled her into an embrace of her own, planting kisses along her neck. Yuna purred softly, but whatever she felt here wouldn't be enough to stop her from exerting her dominance. She was well prepared for that - while Elizabeth was close, Yuna would try to throw her arms around her sides to squeeze her tight, hoping to wring the air from her lungs. At the same time, Yuna would pull her downward, looking to shove her face into her cleavage!

"I do have to remind you, you haven't grown a bit since last time...how do you think you can compare to this?~"
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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While it was a shame the match wouldn't have a major audience it was at least nice it was being streamed lived, so everyone could see the downfall of Yuna. The good news was at least Yuna's precious babies would get a front row seat to seeing their mother become a sex toy to Elizabeth yet again."Oh trust me Yuna, I know your delicious G-spot." She fired back sultry as she placed her hand in front of her spread two of her fingers out making a V shape before sticking her tongue out staring deep in Matou's eyes. Without saying it the message was clear even with Saya cheering on her mom, Elizabeth didn't care she was still in it to win it as she settled on the bed.\

Once the match started both milfs we're locked in as Elizabeth began to kiss the bigger one. Thankfully for Elizabeth, it seemed like Yuna was enjoying the smooches she was receiving. Elizabeth heard those purrs of excitement with a smile. "Oh are you enjoying yourself?~" She taunted her opponent letting her guard down before feeling Yuna's arms wrapped around her body."GICK!!!!" Elizabeth let out as she felt the tight grip around her body causing Elizabeth body to jolt up in pain causing her upperbody to lean back from it. Elizabeth couldn't move as she felt the air being sucked straight out from her with it only getting worse by Yuna stuffing her face first into her blossoms!! "MMMMMPFFFFFF!!!!! Elizabeth muffled out as despite Yuna's taunts, Elizabeth couldn't hear them due to her being stuffed between her boobs covering her ears. Despite the bad predicament, there was one move Elizabeth could do. The Englishwomen would try and pull her arms up to sink her claws right onto Yuna's biceps to try and break the boobsmother she was in!
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Yuna had to admit it - Elizabeth was very good at what she did. As the blonde brought her into a tight embrace, massaging her body all over the heavyweight's own, she could feel her heart beat a little faster in her chest and a heat rise through her skin as a soft moan rose from out of her lungs. However, even that wasn't going to make Yuna forget an important fact - namely, she was a lot bigger than her opponent, and she was willing to use that to her advantage, as she went to clamp down on Elizabeth's sides before shoving her head down into her cleavage!

In an instant, the smaller woman groaned and hissed under her breath. Her confidence seemed to melt away from her then and there. And all of that was was music to Yuna's ears - it was proof that she was dominating her opponent, and that there was nothing Elizabeth could do about it! Or so she thought. Elizabeth might not have had the size or strength to stand up to Yuna on even footing, but she could use some dirty tricks to get ahead. Like she did when she grabbed onto Yuna's arms, digging her nails as deeply as she could into her skin!

Suddenly feeling the sharp sensation, Yuna let out a gasp and drew back from Elizabeth as she released her grip on the blonde. "Careful with those-!" she said, shaking her arm out. "We wouldn't want someone to get hurt, would we?"
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Elizabeth hated to admit it but if there was one thing Yuna had over her it was undoubtably muscle strength. Yuna was a tank compared to her and as such Elizabeth needed to rely on tricks to even things out between the two milfs. Thankfully it seemed her tricks we're working as when she sunk her claws into Yuna's biceps it was enough to make the heavyweight back off giving her a moment to lean over and breathe. As she took a moment to cough, she heard her opponent's comments, the Englishwoman couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh please, Yuna, I know you like it rough~" She teased playfully raising her eyebrow as she locked her red eyes onto her foe. She wouldn't take her eyes off of Yuna as she repositions herself to be in a more proper stance.

Once she was in the right position, she would wink give Yuna a wink before laying down on the bed to roll right off onto the floor. The conditions we're simple find a hidden collar and make sure you can put it on your opponent to secure the victory. With a failed attempted of attacking Yuna head-to-head, she had to be more resourceful and while it would be unlikely the hidden collar would be underneath the bed, surely there was something Elizabeth could use to even the odds. Now on the floor the Englishwoman would reach out under the bed to see if she could find either a toy or perhaps the hidden collar.Come on, there's got to be something." Elizabeth said in a haste as it would be only a matter of time before Yuna got off the bed."Ah! here we go!" Her tone changed to a more soft and happy expression as she was luckily able to pull out a dildo as if it we're king Arthur pulling out the mighty Excalibur as a weapon. "Oh Yuna, I have a toy made with your name on it!" As Elizabeth rose back up her voice went from a soft teasing tone before pulling her arm back and aiming to send it straightforward to Yuna's mouth as if it, she was trying to strike her with a sword!
Last edited by SRG on Sun Feb 16, 2025 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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As she and Elizabeth pulled away from one another, Yuna geared up for the next round. She certainly wasn't going to let her opponent get away from her that easily! Shaking some hair out of her face, and scooting back on the bed, Yuna lifted her arms, preparing herself to make a move...right when Elizabeth decided to throw her a curveball. The blonde, it seemed, knew that she didn't stand much of a chance at besting Yuna in a head-to-head test of strength. Instead, she was going to try and even the odds, slipping off the side of the bed!

Yuna let out a gasp, seeing Elizabeth's ploy. She had gotten herself so focused on pressing the advantage that she wasn't expecting her foe to make such a sudden withdrawal! Yuna began to crawl closer to the edge of the bed - but it was right then that Elizabeth struck, pulling a dildo from under the bed and whipping it straight toward Yuna's face! Yuna's mouth fell open in a gasp as she saw it coming closer - which meant that it was poised to ram right down her throat!

"M-MMMFF-!!" The heavyweight's cries were muffled as the dildo plunged deep into her mouth. Her face grew red from the humbling position she had been caught in, and her throat spasmed a few times as she sputtered and coughed. Still, when she looked back at Elizabeth, her eyes were narrowed in a glare - she wasn't going to allow her to push her around like this for long! She reached for Elizabeth's arm, trying to push it back to force the dildo out of her mouth; at the same time, she would scoot closer to the edge of the bed on her knees to close the distance on Elizabeth and bring them into close quarters. If she could just get free, she had a plan...
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Re: Queen's Gambit! Elizabeth Graham vs Yuna Matou

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Elizabeth was about to make a decision that could either backfire on her or give her the opportunity to take control of this match. As the lightweight milf rose from the floor, a smile grew across her face as Yuna was in utter shock by her newest weapon. In turn the open grasp she made gave Elizabeth the chance to pull her dildo back and then send it straight into her opponent's mouth!

"Aw? What's the matter my dear? Isn't it just amazing?" Elizabeth teased her fellow milf as Yuna began to gag right in front of her as if she was trying to form a word. "Oh? What was that? I couldn't quite hear that." Elizabeth continued on with her playful taunts to her bigger opponent. The Englishwoman couldn't help but lean in closer turning her head slightly with her hand pressed against her ear to hear what Yuna was trying to say. Instead, what she ended up getting was Yuna's hand gripping her arm feeling it slowly pull away from Yuna's mouth! "WAIT WHAT!?" Elizabeth let her arrogance get the best of her as the pull was so strong it caused Elizabeth to be sent back with her back against the bed even causing her to drop the dildo onto the floor."No!" Elizabeth eyes where focus on the dildo being dropped on the ground she couldn't focus on Yuna."Get back here!" She said in a haste as she shifted her body to lean over to try and pick up the dildo from off the floor. Elizabeth needed a weapon if she wanted to even the playing field and without it she would be nothing more than a bug for Yuna to squash!
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