This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

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This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

Arlise Christiaens was a name that Daisuke had not heard in quite a while. It seemed quite the ages ago since the two had their first run in at LAW, leading to an impromptu fight! It seemed ages ago because it had indeed been quite some time since that match happened before the red head took a sabbatical. When Daisuke heard of Red's return, he simply had to meet her. She had given him one of the toughest matches in his career and after a competitive showing- it was ultimately he who had lost the match. Before he could have aimed to get better and challenge her to a rematch, she was already gone...until she returned. So the time was perfect, he had been training and wrestling for a while while she was no doubt just taking nice vacation. This was the perfect chance for him to take the "oh so sweet revenge" against her.

After a brief exchange in the gym, the pleasantries were quickly over and the two bickered about who was the better wrestler given her leave. Daisuke was appalled that she still thought she could beat him after all this time so it was natural the two agreed to a match, this time making it official! The two agreed to meet each other on the mats this time for some pure technical wrestling. No fancy ring, no noisy crowd, no annoying official...just a room, mats, the two oiled up....with the winner being declared as simply the better wrestler!
It worked well for Daisuke, he was going to prove to Red just that! He didn't need a ring, the crowd or a ref to beat her. All he needed was his superior wrestling ability. In his locker room, he would take a quick shower before changing into a pair of CK briefs and nothing else. Putting on a pair of flip flops, he would head over towards one of the wrestling rooms they were scheduled to compete in.

Entering the room, Daisuke noted the wrestling mats laid out on the floor with two bottles of lavender scented oil. He thought it would be best to wait for his opponent first before oiling up so he would instead take this chance to limber up. He would stand in the center of the mats and bend forward, reaching down to touch his toes before straightening up. Next, he would twist his hip from side to side before jumping up and down on his toes, getting himself nice and ready.

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Re: This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

Unread post by Winter »

Did Arlise Christiaens need to prep for her usual two hours for a match where she would become covered in oil?

Whether or not she truly needed to do so, the Belgian beauty did. Though she avoided some of her usual makeup, knowing it would get smeared all over her face and leave her looking horrible, she nonetheless touched up her eyes and lips and spent... exactly as long as she usually would have fixing her hair and even her simplistic, scant attire, more suited for a match on the mats and in oil compared to her leotards. No one rushed her, anyway - her match involved no one but Arlise herself and her opponent. The only ones privy to its events and results would watch the recording later, and she wished to look good on that recording.

It seemed a suitable circumstance for a rematch with Daisuke. The prince, as he loved to be called. She rolled her eyes, though with as much amusement as disgust, as she leaned on a bench in the dressing room and pulled at a lifted foot to stretch her leg. Their previous "match" if one could call it that, mere weeks into Arlise's time with LAW, had required nothing but the two of them and a ring in the gym. A few scattered visitors to the gym had witnessed their battle, of course, but for all intents and purposes, the two had struggled against each other in solitude. Arlise considered that match... relatively decisive, but she knew that Daisuke could have relied on all the usual excuses about the "unofficial" nature of the match as an excuse to seek her out and demand an official rematch. He had done precisely that, and she had not denied him the chance.

But the circumstances - those should stay the same. Oil stood as the only addition, and she understood why - not simply because he wanted his hands on her oiled skin. Oil did truly separate the true grapplers from the imitators.

Finishing her stretches and eager to put him in his place once more, Arlise strolled down the hallway to the designated room and eased her way in, finding him awaiting her. Seeing him going through his own routine had her rolling her eyes again, and she silently watched him for several seconds. She might have conceded that he had a body even women would envy if he did not already have such an inflated head.

Finally, she pushed inside and announced herself with the audible pitter-patter of her feet on the featureless floor until she reached the mats, and she eyed the oil at her feet with a hand on her hip before her gray eyes lifted to him.

"I should have you do all the work with the oil as my reward for winning our last encounter," she sassily told him.
Last edited by Winter on Sat Feb 22, 2025 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

There was something about this woman that was different. Usually, Daisuke would have acted all arrogant and be his cocky self and he was exactly that way when they first met. However, after their spar, the tone had changed and he remembered that their final interaction wasn't as hostile. They ended up on a rather pleasant note and after that, the red head took a rather long sabbatical. The truth was that Daisuke didn't make their unofficial match as an excuse to challenge her to an official one, it was something else. It was perfect that this match was away from the crowd because he had a lot to talk about first.

Arlise came in, being her sassy self and reminding him of his loss to her all that while ago and asking for a reward. Daisuke would turn around to face her after hearing that voice after so long. He would eye her from head to toe, she had clearly been working out and getting her self ready for her LAW comeback. "Hey Red, long time no see. I see someone's working out" he said, pointing at her abdomen. "I want to get something straight though" he said as he approached her, getting face to face with the woman who beat her fair and square last time they wrestled.

"I didn't challenge you to a match because our last one didn't count on the account of it being off the record. You did beat me, I admit that. Im here because I want to even the score and prove that, since the last time, I've gotten on to become the better wrestler" he would say, staring her directly in the eye. "And...I suppose I do owe you for that last match?" he would say, grabbing the bottle of oil that was meant for her. "On your knees, I'll oil you up" he surprisingly agreed.

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Re: This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

Unread post by Winter »

She almost considered herself surprised that he offered pleasantries.

"Always," she retored, surprised he had thought to compliment the process with her figure. Of course, they had finished their last encounter with pleasantries. While she could put losses behind her, both official and unofficial... he seemed to have enough of an ego that she could see absence turning into frustration. That did not seem fully the case, so while she looked on with scrutiny as he neared her, she listened and found his words pleasing. Slowly, her own stance eased even with him close enough to jump her, and she even conceded with a long, appreciative nod of her head.

"I don't believe I am saying this, but I like everything you just said," she admitted, though the sass returned to her face a moment later before it reached her voice. "Especially the part where you admitted that I beat you. But if you talk like that, you might have a few more rematches in your future after I win a second time." And even if she didn't, she meant it.

He even offered to do precisely as she asked. A bit... pushy with his declaration that she should get on her knees, but she would let it pass. Nonetheless, her eyes narrowed slyly. "I would say you want the excuse to get me 'on my knees' and rub me down, but the match will be filled with that, no matter." She fixed him with her gray eyes as if to dare him to claim otherwise, but she did as he told her... perhaps playing up the sensuality a bit as she turned away, eased to her knees, and sat on her feet, presenting her back to him so he could start there. She pulled her red hair out of the way to give him good access to her shoulders without the goop getting all in her hair. "Don't take too long."

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Re: This time its Official- Daisuke vs Arlise

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

He figured that Arlise would be a bit surprised about his change of attitude towards her. He complimented her figure and she seemed to enjoy those compliments, even relaxing her guard when he came close enough towards her. She would verbally admit that she liked what he had to say and for a moment, he figured she would drop her sassy girl attitude as well. However, it didn't appear like that was going to be the case- at least not fully! "Heh aren't you looking too far ahead? Lets just get this one out of the way first. Plus, you're not winning this one" he chuckled before he told her to get down on her knees if she wanted her request to be honoured.

The look on her eyes made him think she was being suspicious or cautious, but she did went with his demand even though she did put in a sly dig in towards him. "Heh don't be ridiculous now. I'm simply doing as you requested, plus I suppose it is a fair request for winning our first match" he would retort, letting her know there wont be any funny business. After she got down and moved her hair away, he would get down behind her. "I'll try not to but you do seem a little tense? Perhaps you should calm yourself down a bit, maybe take up yoga?" he said. With that, he would pour some oil on his palms before gently rubbing the back of her neck, slowly moving down her back as he rubbed his hands over her back and gently pressed his thumbs against her spine to massage her back.

After her back was done, he poured more on her shoulders and began to rub the lavender scented liquid down across her arm. "So, what made you come back?" he asked while he poured on more is palm before rubbing his hands against her abdomen to oil her front, massaging her abs before tapping them to let her know he was done. "I think that covers it, right?" he said. With that, he would gently grab her hand and pull her back up to her feet, with the two standing nose to nose now.

"Im ready to wrestle...." he said, looking straight into her eyes.

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