Broken Ambers: Thereisa vs Ambre

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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The Riders
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Broken Ambers: Thereisa vs Ambre

Unread post by The Riders »

Standard Match
Win by Pinfall or Submission

Thereisa was looking at herself in the mirror... the green color was vastly different than her usual silver or white outfit that she always wears. She makes the last few checks to make sure that her outfit is snug and everything is in order as she makes her way to the ramp, and when her music hits, she walks out on stage.

The only reason this match is taking place is because her opponent decided to force her way into Thereisa's personal locket room... and the small woman had the nerve to talk like she is some hot shot compared to her. Well, after tonight, the older woman would make sure that Ambre knows her place in the pecking order in the heavyweight division.

As she slides into the ring does a few more stretches and narrows her eyes, focused and ready for a fight to show everyone she should be the number one contender for the title.


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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: Broken Ambers: Thereisa vs Ambre

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Tonight was a special match day for Ambre who was very quiet in her locker room. She remained seated on the bench, looking in front of her and massaging her face while she was lost in her thoughts. Tonight, she was going to face a woman she didn't really like, a wrestler who had dared to trample on her dream of one day becoming the best wrestler in her weight class, becoming heavyweight champion. This anger was new, it was the first time that the Black Pearl felt this way for a person... But she was determined to win this match and prove her opponent wrong !
As she clenched her fist with all her might, a member of the staff announced to the French woman that she had to enter training in a few seconds. Ambre quickly got up to warm up and stretch before finally entering the stage, still accompanied by her theme. Despite the last few minutes, the Black Pearl displayed a big smile to the crowd, greeting them with as much energy as ever. She still hurried to get into the ring, greeting the spectators one last time while standing on the ropes and finally meeting Thereisa's gaze.

The Frenchwoman's expression changed at this moment, her smile faded rather quickly to reveal a neutral but defiant look, she did not intend to back down! Ambre may have been shy, but in the ring she showed no weakness in her face and expression! She remained straight, focused on her opponent and advanced towards the center of the ring to confront the veteran wrestler... Although Thereisa was taller than her!

"Thank you for accepting my request for this match and make this match happen... I will prove you what I'm made of !"
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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