Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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The one thing that Ryu really did not in this match was pity. He hoped that the reason why he was on top of his opponent was because of his wrestling ability and tactics, not because Valerie was looking to show him too much respect and perhaps taking it easy on her. To counter that, he would start strong and really keep pinning her, he knew that would annoy her and if she was holding back because of whatever reason, it would not last long if he kept up like that. Still going in strong, Ryu would pull Valerie up in a full nelson and before slamming her to the mats, or at least attempting to, he would offer her a piece of advice.

It seemed that was enough for Valley to regain her focus. She showed impressive agility and would do full rotation in the air to escape from being slammed to the ring canvas and instead did a slightly graceful fall to her ass with her legs splayed out. With Ryu still arching back, she would grab his shoulders and force him down to the mats and went for a quick pin. Just like her though, it only took a count of "1" for him to quickly kick out by bringing his shoulders up.

He quickly rolled over and got up to his knees, looking to catch her head and trap it in a tight headlock while forcing her up to her knees as well. "Did you really think that would work? COME ON! Where's the Valerie who beat me last time huh?" he said as he looked to drag the two up to their feet while still squeezing her in the side headlock.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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Yes, Valerie had thought that would work. That was why she did it, after all. She’d always been trained to go for pins as often as possible, wanting to maximize every opportunity, and this was part of it. With a time limit to worry about, she needed an early lead, something she could build on for the rest of the match. That was the idea.

Shame, then, that it didn’t quite work out that way. He broke out at one and once again showed he was on his A-game, as he immediately swooped in to take her head with a strong hold, clenching the headlock and keeping her under control.

Valerie couldn't hear him that well, his body was blocking her ears, but she cared little for the tone of whatever he was saying. Grunting, she pushed her way up, one foot then the other, until she was crouched with his grip still on her head. She pulled him in close, dipped down, then lifted him up and brought his body crashing down at the end of the arc, looking to spike him with a backdrop suplex, right on his shoulders.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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It was perfectly fine tactic, to wear down an opponent and gradually tire them with constant pin but the Dragon didn't appreciate that. He thought it was disrespectful, that all it would take was a few moves to take him down for a three count. Of course, he didnt think of that when he did the same thing to her but it was a difference of dynamics here, whereas he was the veteran pro and she was the young wrestler who had all the potential in the world to be the break out star and a future champion.

Right after kicking out and showing some passion that it was going to take alot more than that to take him down, Ryu would quickly catch her in a headlock while the two were both trying to get up on their feet. Ryu was being too aggressive, he was desperate for the first point and perhaps Valley sensed that? The Dragon was treating this marathon of a wrestling match for a sprint, which clouded his judgment on what the strategy should be. Without responding, Valley would pull him close while still trapped in the submission to grab his waist and lift him up off his feet, she arched her back and dropped him down to the mat in a backdrop suplex.

"Guuugh!" he cried out, forced to release her as he rolled over onto his side and clutched his shoulder, feeling the stiffness in them due to the impact. "Damnit...." he cursed under his breath as he slapped the ring canvas hard, showing his frustrations as he tried to get back up to his feet.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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God, that felt good. It might have seemed like a simple thing to the naked eye, just a momentary changing of momentum, but it was a breath of fresh air that Valerie had direly needed. Ryu was applying hard pressure from the opening bell, and while she didn’t think she was in trouble just yet, she knew she would be if she didn’t put a stop to it straight away. The tables needed to turn, and so that had.

Could she keep them that way? Well…

She was going to make her best effort of it, and that start with focusing on Ryu - or, more specifically, focusing on him and that aching shoulder. She pushed up to her feet and moved in to grab his arm before he had the chance to rise. She spun around and put him in an arm wringer, twisting him arm and putting pressure on his shoulder, which she used to control him as she forced him back up to his feet.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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Frustrations had already started to creep in and it was quite evident from the veteran wrestler's body language and expression. He got dropped down with a simple backdrop, with his upper back and shoulder taking the brunt of the impact. Hissing in pain and angrily slapping the mats, he would start to get back up on his feet while Valley was already planning her next line of attack. She would quickly get behind him and trapped him in a arm wringer submission, twisting his arm to put pressure on his shoulder. He groaned in pain while she forced him back up to a standing position as he twisted at the hip to swirl around and try to find a way to escape.

After a moment of being trapped in the submission, he attempted to slowly turn his body to one side before suddenly going swinging on the opposite side and using his free arm to swing back and attempt to catch the side of her head with his elbow to hopefully catch her off guard and stun her with that fierce elbow strike!

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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The arm wringer was simple but effective, precisely what Valerie needed. While Ryu was having good momentum so far, she was confident that she could get him under control - she had done so in their first match, after all. It was only a matter of keeping things from spiraling out of control, taking her time and being smart in her approach. She could do this.

Ryu, of course, wasn’t going gentle into any good night. As she pushed him up and cranked the hold, he swung about and lashed out, landing a stiff shot across the bow with an elbow to her face. Valerie released the hold and stumbled away, her world temporarily rocked, but she came back to her senses soon enough and returned fire with a suitable answer, lunging forward with an elbow strike of her own.

If he wanted to trade shots, they would trade shots. She had been working on her hand-to-hand combat, this was as good a test as any.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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It was going to take alot more than a arm wringer to knock Ryu off his perch, especially when he was all fired up for this. It seemed he had a lot riding on this match and it showed by his expressions and his aggressive approach in a match which should have been treated as a marathon and not a sprint. After managing to power out of the submission with a stiff elbow strike to the side of Valerie's head, he would turn to face her while she stumbled away. He had a "none too impressed" look on his face while he glared at her direction and it seemed Valerie didnt take too kindly to his strike either.

The blonde would lunge back towards the Dragon and strike him with a elbow strike of his own. "Ughh!" he grunted, stumbling back away just like Valley. "Tsk, you think you can keep up?" he would say in a rather annoyed expression as he lunged back towards his opponent, going for a stinging chest slap right across her breasts! However, not intending to keep up on the trade, he would quickly go low as he tried to wrap his arms around her waist to try and tackle and drag her all the way to the opposite corner to smash her back into the turnbuckle!

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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Valerie might not have been a striker, but she could hit hard when needed, and she gave Ryu more than a little pepper on that return shot. He might have been older and stronger between them, but she was not of a mind to be bullied in her own signature match - she was going to give him everything he asked for with a little on top.

He was tough, though, and worse yet, he seemed to have something to prove. She thought her elbow strike had rocked him enough for her to follow up, but she was rudely surprised when he came barreling in, tackled her, and rammed her up against the pads, knocking the wind clean out of her and making her ribs ache.

Okay, she could deal with this.

Dipping into her submission reservoir, Valerie tried to wrap her arm around his head and catch him with a tight choke. At the same time, she tried to bring her legs up and clamp around his sides, pouring on the pressure with a bodyscissor to wear him down.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

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The strike hit him hard and he could not deny it. This young upstart was going blow for blow against the older veteran, which is exactly what he wanted but somehow increased his growing frustration. On the one hand he was happy that Valerie was giving him a competitive match but the "veteran wrestler" in him could not stand going toe to toe against this supposed rookie. After being struck by her elbow, he would let out a war cry and tackle her into the turnbuckle! His arms went around her waist as he bullied her into the corner!

Before he could pull out, after having cornered her, Valley would wrap her arms around his neck for a choke while her legs jumped up and wrapped around his waist for a body scissor. "Gugh! Nrgh oww..." a painful moan escaped his lips despite his best efforts to suppress it. Ryu would back up a step or two before once more shoving Valley into the corner, slamming her back against the turnbuckle...once....twice before wrapping his arms around her waist to hoist her slightly up against his chest. Ryu would turn around and face away from the turnbuckle before falling forward, looking to slam Valerie down on her back on the mats!

He was desperate to get out of the submission and it showed in his reckless efforts.

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Re: Ryu Hiroshi vs Valley Doll III (Part 2)- Beyond Total Victory

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Stubborn, stubborn man.

Valerie had only used the Guillotine Choke a handful of times, but she knew it had the potential for being a match-ender, with her getting great results every time she went for it. Her body was well-suited for the technique - strong arms, strong legs, large enough that she could wrap up most foes and get a good squeeze going. Most people would be helpless if she successfully had it locked in.

But not Ryu. Getting choked made him more aggressive, it seemed, as he went into a raging fit and slammed her all over the ring, ramming her twice into the turnbuckle, each hit rattling her spine. She gritted her teeth as he brought her around and drove her hard into the canvas with a sickening slam, one that took all the energy out of her body for a moment.

But only a moment. When that moment passed, Valerie clamped down even harder than before, powering down on him with renewed vigor, determined to take the fight out of Ryu.

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