From Charybdis To Scylla

Ambushes, chats, and events taking place in the backstage area of the LAW arena go here .
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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: From Charybdis To Scylla

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ambre was clearly not ready for this kind of thing... To be honest, she never was! The Black Pearl only fought in the ring, brawls in the backstage or outside were not her thing and many people took advantage of it! She couldn't even get up because of Lydia's stomp that forced the French girl's head to stay stuck to the ground, Ambre gritted her teeth slightly and looked up as best she could to look Lydia in the eyes.


The Black Pearl growled slightly but she didn't receive an answer, instead, her tormentor grabbed her by the hair to force her to get up and lifted her in the air with a Fireman's Carry before throwing her against a table that broke in two on impact! The French woman was half-conscious, gasping in pain as she stared into space and with her body and outfit stained by the drinks and snacks that were on the table.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
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Re: From Charybdis To Scylla

Unread post by Bare »

Smirking as she took in the sight of the laid out Ambre among the wreckage of the table Lydia would chuckle softly as she tucked hair back back. "Because you needed to be reminded who you're dealing with..." Lydia said mockingly, raising her heel and digging her foot into Ambre's cheek in a mocking way before pulling her leg back and turning to walk away, intent on making their match up official.

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Re: From Charybdis To Scylla

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ambre was far too exhausted to answer, she simply lay on her back with half-closed eyes, panting in pain as her face was trampled by her future opponent's foot. It was humiliating but not many people were there to see it, although she wasn't the kind of person to care about her image the public knew that the Frenchwoman was losing all her brawls outside the ring.

She stood up only about ten seconds after Lydia left the scene, sighing in pain and exasperation at the attack she had just suffered. The Frenchwoman looked down and looked at her hand, sighing heavily before squeezing it and looking in front of her with great seriousness... She already wanted to win this rematch but this time, she was really going to give it her all to defeat Lydia in their next match!
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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