Faith wouldn't have to wait long for the action she craved, as soon after she started stretching the doors on the other side of the gymnasium would open up and a young woman with light brown hair would skip through, humming a joyful tune. Momo Kazan bounced energetically as she sauntered into the room and started looking around at all the equipment, mind racing to think of all the ways she could use them to pull of cool moves.
When Momo signed up to participate in the Madison Gambit her primary motivation had been to take advantage of getting to stay in the hotel for the weekend, but when she learned of the match she'd be participating in she immediately became far more excited for that. Not only did the stipulation play to Momo's strengths and gave her ways to utilize her imagination in how she approached the fight, but the isolated location it was taking place in meant that besides the referee Momo was alone with her beautiful opponent.
Momo was not one to keep tabs on her fellow LAW wrestlers, her knowledge of the company's roster consisted of the women she had met in person and some of the big names who came up often on wrestling twitter, so when she first got signed up for the match the name 'Faith Waterson' meant nothing to her. But when Momo looked at the match card and saw what she looked like Faith had immediately become a person of interest for the young fighter; a mature woman who had aged gracefully without losing her figure, and with a great smile to boot. Momo's type, in other words.
So when Momo came face to face with Faith for the first time she would make sure to make a good first impression by giving the woman a bright smile, trying to show the milf her charming side before they got to fighting each other
"Hiiiiii! My name's Momo!" Momo would skip over to Faith and, if the older woman allowed her, would grab one of her hands with both hands and give her a vigorous hand shake
"So I know we're about to have a match and everything, but let's try and get along! No hard feelings and all that, cuz I think we should get to know each other after this! Shishi!" Momo giggled innocently, even if Faith probably knew exactly why Momo wanted to get to know her so badly.