Same as before, Yunaka was prepared for more dishonesty from Hang, despite having forgiven the initial attempt. The idol was in perfect position for a low blow, after all. Being on the ground both made Hang look weak, and gave her good angles to target Yunaka's crotch. Sure enough, once Hang had both feet under her, instead of standing up, she sprung forward with her fist.
Being ready for it, Yunaka was more than ready to catch Hang by her wrist.
"Oh, that was a very poor decision," she said. With the other members of LieMad, Yunaka was focused on getting through them as quickly as possible. But facing somebody so brazenly willing to try to cheat her and fight dirty, Yunaka would spend a little extra juice in order to send the message that she wasn't to be fucked with.
Yunaka would start by thrice smashing the toe of her boot into Hang's belly, which she knew would would crumple Hang and drop the idol to her knees. Once Hang was weak, Yunaka would stand the pink clad girl against the ropes, crouch down, and then blast the idol with her signature flip kick: Dropped Your Guard. An attack that if it worked, would send Hang flying out of the ring and out of the match. Granted, Hang wouldn't be defeated by ring out, but if the idol wasn't KOed by the hit, Yunaka doubted that she'd be willing to step back in the ring to keep going.