Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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An eye for an eye that wouldn’t even come close as Sarabeth was keen on this. She wasn’t too thrown off by the punches Saka threw her way even if her jaw hurt like hell and her head was throbbing with pounding beats of hurt. Not to mention, her adrenaline rush was helping her get a nice stream of energy and she couldn’t waste a second with it. Sarabeth saw Saka bounce off the ropes trying to Superkick her chin, but Sarabeth calculated the move and did a backflip evasion maneuver to get out of harm’s way dazzling the crowd with more cheers building up! She smiled wickedly and tried throwing a Shotgun Dropkick right back at Saka meeting her tit for tat!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Saka could feel a throbbing pain in her jaw, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. As though she was driven by some other, unseen force, the dark-haired girl merely grit her teeth and clenched her fist, powering herself onward through pain that should well have brought other wrestlers to their knees. But the power of the Selection was with her, and she was here to show that to Sarabeth first-hand! Leaning back on the ropes to grant her the momentum she needed, she sprung back in her opponent's direction, where her kick cut through the air. But it wound land just short of the target, when Sarabeth manage to backflip away at the last minute!

The ring might've been under the rule of the Selection, but more and more, Sarabeth was displaying defiance in the face of danger. She wouldn't be afraid - and she would bring on the same skill, endurance, and determination that had carried her in any other match! More and more of the fans were cheering now - if Sarabeth wouldn't let herself be pushed around so easily, then neither would they! Saka's leg only hit the air; a second later, it came back down on the ground, leaving her balance shaken. And that was all Sarabeth needed, when she herself bounced back at Saka - driving a superkick of her own into her jaw!

This time, as the blow landed with a crack, Saka's head was thrown backward in an arc; she let out a scream, even if it was muffled into her mask. A well-executed dropkick could already strike with a lot of force, and here, Sarabeth had targeted that same body part she had a minute ago, which just made it hurt even more! As she flopped back onto the mat, Saka's arms grabbed for her jaw and tried to rub the soreness out of it. But she still looked back over her shoulder at Sarabeth with a piercing glare, and she would go rolling over to the side to get to the ropes and force some distance between the two of them. All the while, though, she grabbed at her jaw with both hands, clutching it between her fingers. Had Sarabeth actually managed to do some damage?
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Sarabeth cracked her foot into Saka’s jaw and bounced her to the mat! Sarabeth wasn’t going to be pushed around by bullies who celebrated Halloween all year. She stood up for Jessie and Matilda back in high school and she wasn’t going to take nonsense from anyone. Sarabeth got up and ran for Saka jumping to land a knee strike to the head of the brainwashed wrestler against the ropes! If she could muster that, Sarabeth would pull Saka up and lift her into a military press parading around her muscle strength and bench pressing Saka to the audience’s entertainment! The crowd cheered loudly at Sarabeth using one of her mother’s power moves and Sarabeth would try to slam Saka down with a striking Powerslam hoping to do big damage!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Saka had tried to hang back and catch her breath in the face of Sarabeth's onslaught. Her jaw was still aching from the force with which the green-haired girl had struck her - but the last thing she wanted now was to roll over and let this upstart usurp their glories. Even if she stung, her eyes were still fixed in an angry glare as she straightened herself to her feet, staring her opponent down. No pain was going to hold her back now - she'd make that clear as much when she scoffed and made a chopping motion across her throat, just to threaten Sarabeth.

But Sarabeth wasn't about to let that stop her, either - she came in with a charge, hitting yet another knee strike! Once again, Saka fell backward toward the ropes, where she bounced off them and came staggering back into her opponent's arms. And once there, she would be hoisted straight off the ground and into the air, suspended by Sarabeth's strength alone! The whole arena burst out into cheers at such a sight! The fact that Sarabeth was willing to bring such a fight against such a deadly foe was in itself a show of incredible courage. And if she could hold Saka like this, it only spoke to just how strong she was!

But Saka wasn't going to let herself be pushed around and manhandled that easily! Hissing under her breath, she would try to reach over and grab for Sarabeth's head before she could finish throwing her downward, leaning her weight back to try and compromise the green-haired girl's stance. If she could pull it off, she'd throw her into the mat for a DDT - that, she thought, would serve to remind her that she was picking a battle too big for her to contend with!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Sarabeth was proving herself in this match and the audience was starting to show her that respect. She wasn’t going to tolerate any bullying or scaring of the crowd or wrestlers that The Selection thought they could push around. She’s standing up for Jessie and Matilda, she’s standing up for her mom, she’s standing up for LAW. Sarabeth tried throwing Saka down in a powerslam, but it wouldn’t come to pass. As much as momentum she built up, she also had an opponent right now that opened opportunities for herself. Saka swung herself around holding onto Sarabeth’s head in an incredible counter crushing Sara’s head down with an impactful DDT! Sarabeth gurgled and flipped on her back going on her side as her green hair covered her sweaty face! The audience gasped and couldn’t bring themselves to boo still fearful of any retribution the Selection may have to throw at them!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Sarabeth thought that she could stand up to the Selection, but she was making a terrible mistake. She was just one woman, trying to stand against a power that was far greater and stronger than she could ever dream of. Even if she had luck on her side, she couldn't run from the inevitable for long - that was something Saka was out to show her. Sooner or later, the Selection would win. It always did.

Sure enough, Saka had been able to counter then and there - grabbing Sarabeth's head and taking control of the momentum! Even if Sarabeth had her within her grasp, she could still throw her weight back enough to take charge of the balance that existed between them. She flipped backward through the air, while Sarabeth's head went slamming down against the mat! The fans let out a gasp at the sight of such a reversal. It seemed like only minutes ago, Sarabeth was on the road to victory. But it wouldn't be that easy!

In an incredible show of grace and control, Saka had managed to land on her feet, and she dusted herself off, standing back up straight to look over at her handiwork. Seeing Sarabeth lay stunned at her feet, her eyes would only narrow into a cold, piercing glare. Placing her hands on her hips, she took a few steps closer, looking her opponent up and down.

"You actually thought you had a chance..." she muttered. "Now it's time for you to beg for mercy!" Raising her foot, Saka would attempt to slam it right into Sarabeth's groin. If it hit, she would keep that foot there, grinding it back and forth and rubbing it roughly in place to put more pressure against Sarabeth's aching crotch with one of her signature moves, the Interrogation Technique!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Sarabeth felt her mind spinning as the crowd around her deflated some. They were so excited to finally see the Young Lioness actually gain ground against this nightmarish faction and the fact that Sarabeth held a strong will like Astrid only further enticed their belief that the Norsewoman and her family could be the ones to put a stop to the plans of The Anomaly and their disciples. Selket couldn’t do it. The Heartbreakers were the first to fall. Cecilia even lost and was forced to join their ranks. Astrid proved that even with all the numbers that The Selection could be weakened. Sarabeth wanted to prove all could be beaten. At least, that was the vision.

Sarabeth had her legs grabbed and Saka jammed her foot on her private area rubbing back and forth. Sarabeth cried out in pain at this unusual submission move. Usually, this was a hentai move administered to drive wrestlers to orgasms, but she was getting no pleasure from this. This hurt like hell to her! It was on such a sensitive part! Sarabeth tried throwing her legs up with power to disturb Saka’s hold on her!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Saka had never been one for hentai, even in her days with the Heartbreakers - before the Wild Jackals. She was always a no-nonsense person who preferred to let her fists and brute strength do the talking for her. But everyone knew that the crotch was a sensitive spot - and that was just as important for dealing out pain as it was for pleasure. Saka had no qualms about using that fact to her advantage here and now, as she pressed the sole of her boot squarely against Sarabeth's groin and began to rub it in place! With how firmly she drove her heel down against her crotch, she was aiming at the most sensitive, vulnerable regions of her body - and, in grinding her foot back and forth, she was driving more and more force against Sarabeth's groin, hoping to leave her sore!

Even as the green-haired girl whimpered from the repeated pressure, Saka showed no mercy. The look on her face was stoic and unmoving, her eyes fixed in a piercing glare. Eventually, though, Sarabeth did manage to kick up her legs, and Saka couldn't hold on. Her grip slipped, and she was forced to go tumbling over to the side - but there, she quickly rolled onto her knees and lifted herself back up. With a huff, she dusted herself off. She wouldn't let this be more than a stumbling block in her way. And she wasn't about to give Sarabeth a moment to recover - as she began to pick herself back up, Saka would just dash in to close the distance, reeling back her arm as she did before she let it fly to strike her with a discus punch!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Sarabeth freed herself and groaned grabbing at her private area as a very uncomfortable pain erupted into her junk region. Saka had pressed her foot down very hard and it almost felt like what a man feels getting kicked in the family jewels. It would subside eventually, but Sarabeth had a hard time getting up and Saka was barely fazed by her escape. Sarabeth got up just in time to see her opponent turn around for a Discus Punch meaning Sarabeth was going to take more damage, but she was going to bring down Saka with her. Puffing out her chest, Sarabeth would let the punch hit knocking her back a few steps and gritting her teeth letting the pain sink into the chest!

However, Sarabeth would just have to fight through it for her own counter! She thrusted her head forward for a Headbutt hoping to knock back Saka with a furious fire. Sarabeth shouted “CUCKOO!” as she hit it before launching another Headbutt with the same chant. Another one, another one, another one, hoping that these Headbutts led Saka into a corner where Sarabeth would quickly wrap the arms around the waist and go for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Saka! Even if Saka was hurt, Sarabeth went down as well holding her head with a groan. Her counter had it’s own drawbacks with her head coming up in a throbbing headache right along with the new intense pain in her chest and the still groaning pain in her groin!
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Re: Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth vs. The Selection (Gauntlet Match)

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Saka wasn't the least bit perturbed about Sarabeth getting away from her. The damage had already been done - she'd no doubt still be sore from how hard she had ground the heel of her boot against her groin, and that could only slow her down going forward. And Saka wouldn't skip a beat before closing in to capitalize on her moment of weakness, with how she came charging in with her fist pulled back and ready to slam into her jaw!

Sure enough, the masked woman's arm cut through the air in an arc, striking Sarabeth squarely in the chin. She watched as she went reeling back, though her expression remained as flat and stoic as ever - she wasn't going to be fully satisfied until she had Sarabeth bruised and beaten on the mat. But Sarabeth wasn't going to let that happen so easily. Before Saka had a chance to react, she shoved her head back at her as hard as she could, slamming their skulls together!

Saka had been counting on her opponent being dazed from the blow, and she didn't see it coming when she came back swinging so quickly, powering through the pain just so that she could stand firm against the Selection! Her eyes went wide as she saw Sarabeth's green hair streaking closer - surely, she thought, there was no way she could make the rebound this quickly. But she was - and Saka was taking the brunt of it! It was too late for her to do anything about it. Her head snapped backward with a crack, and her vision began to blur. But Sarabeth wasn't letting up, ramming headbutt after headbutt against Saka's skull! Even when Saka's head had long since gone numb, the headbutts kept coming! With every blow that struck, she went stumbling back further and further into the corner - until Sarabeth was able to slip her arms around her, and swing her up and through the air in a hard-hitting suplex!

Saka came crashing down into the mat, causing it to ripple against the force of the impact. Then, though, it went still - and so too did Saka, who groaned under her breath as she clutched at her head. No matter how tough she was, Sarabeth had still hit her hard, and her head was still spinning. Slowly she rolled over onto her stomach, and there she began to try and pick herself up, getting her hands and one knee against the mat - but even so, her balance gave out and she fell flat on her face a moment later! If there was ever a time for Sarabeth to strike, it would be now!
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