Two of a Kind

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Re: Two of a Kind

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It came as a surprise when Dizzy suddenly kissed her, but it was definitely not an unpleasant one. Her eyes widened, but as the other girl pulled away from the kiss, she let out a short laugh.

"Now that," She chuckled, "That is something I can promise you."

She pushed herself up into a sitting position, and if it just so happened to show off her bare legs and emphasise her curves, she wasn't going to point it out. This made things easier. Now she wouldn't have to worry about the consequences of showing the Italian girl all the things that she'd learned from her time in the League.

But... that could come later. There was something else she needed to do first.

"But if you want to have that kind of night, we need to be dressed properly."

What she'd meant by that became quickly clear as she slung her fingers around the hem of her panties and began to pull them down. She moved slowly, in a way that milked each second for every bit of eye candy that she could. She knew she was pretty, and she had no problem letting others enjoy that too. Still, all good things had to come to an end, and eventually the last string came loose from her foot.

She tossed the garment aside, angling her legs in such a way to hide her kitten from view. She'd already shown herself to be a bit of a tease, and what was one more? After all, she needed to give Dizzy something to look forward to.

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Re: Two of a Kind

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Oh, Shelby was starting to show her cocky side, Dizzy definitely like that. It was always best when her lovers had some confidence to work with and were willing to press things without being led on. The wallflowers could be fun in small doses, but it was so much better when they could keep up with her pace, or even set their own.

”A promise, huh?” She feigned real concern for only two seconds before slipping back into her dreamy stares. ”Okay, we’ll see. I said I didn’t mind losing, not that I’d make it easy for you.”

Dizzy settled in and watched as Shelby proceeded to give her a show, slipping out of her undergarment with the teasing skill of a first-class stripper. She chewed her lip, loving the tease, only to pout when her lover kept the object of her desire out of sight. Mind games? Very well.

”I see how it is.” She sat up, and for a moment it looked like she was about to follow suit…but she held off. ”Better idea - you take mine off.” She curled her finger Shelby’s way. ”If you can.”

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Re: Two of a Kind

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"Ir wouldn't be fun if you did."

What was the point of a match if the losing side didn't try? At that point, it would just be domination with a fancy name. Besides, while she was pretty confident she could eke out a win, Dizzy certainly didn't look like an easy conquest. It was one of her qualities that had endeared her to Shelby.

A brief moment of surprise flashed across her face, but it was quickly replaced by a grin. She let out a bark of laughter at the sheer audacity of her bedmate, but the glint in her eyes betrayed her approval.

"What's a good night without a little challenge?"

Her arm shot out like a whip, aiming to hook around her opponent's neck and reel her in for a kiss on the lips.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Oh, there was some real potential, here. Dizzy didn’t like to get mushy about things, especially with girls she’d just met, but as she looked Shelby’s way and saw that glint in her eye, she realized that this was the closest she could ever come to having sex with a clone - weird thought, but there it was. Something about her and Shelby was just clicking, totally on the same vibe, and it was a rare thing with her trysts.

She wasn’t shocked when Shelby kicked things off - if she’d waited a second longer, Dizzy would’ve beat her to it. The two of them clashed, filling the room with the sound of slapping flesh. Their hips slid together, breasts pressed, and lips met in a heated clash, as the two women vyed for position on the sheets.

Dizzy put up a fight at first, holding her ground, before it became clear Shelby was a little bit stronger, and that little bit was all she needed. Instead of fighting her to the end, she tried to pull back and twist to the side, hoping to use her lover’s own momentum against her to dump her flat on her back.

She’d have to break the kiss if it worked, of course, but that would be a fair trade if she could gain a momentary advantage.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Dizzy struck her as someone who she could have fun with. Perhaps not someone who she'd share anything emotional with, but she could definitely see herself spending time with the other teen both in and out of the bed. Still, what else she could do with this new acquaintance was a matter for her future self to ruminate on. Right now, she had more pressing urges that needed to be satisfied before she concern herself with such thoughts.

Their first confrontation was a direct one, chests and groins pressing against each other as both young wrestlers fought for the upper hand. Shelby's new bedmate ended up getting one over on her, pulling a trick that Shelby herself would have been proud to pull off. She let out a little yelp as her back crashed against the sheets, momentarily stunned that she'd fallen for that.

To her credit, the Little Dollie recovered quickly. Trying to get back up in her current position was a lost cause and a waste of energy, but that didn't mean that she couldn't still fight. Her legs shot out like a viper's bite, clamping around her lover's waist like a pincer. With her hold, she strained and pulled towards herself, hoping that the force would bring her partner down on top of her to someone mitigate the disadvantage of her current position.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Despite what her mother thought, Dizzy did pay attention to her lessons, enough that she’d picked up on some legit martial arts skills along the way. She was no judo master by any stretch of the imagination and wasn’t too likely to be wowing anyone with her technical prowess, but she was competent, and knew how to use someone’s size against them. With the right timing, she could get things done.

It was nice to bring that expertise out with something a little more casual, though, and she enjoyed that little yelp as Shelby was flopped down on her back. Knowing an opening when she saw one, Dizzy moved in quick, raised her hands to pin Shelby down, and-

Oh. Oh, nice.

Shelby might not have been a powerhouse, but she had a firm, toned set of thighs with some real power packed in them, enough to make Dizzy squeak when they clamped down around her. The pain gave way to pleasure, though, and she reached out to try and pin her partner’s wrists to the bed.

”Oh, I like that. Like that a lot.” Dizzy pressed their foreheads together and gave Shelby a quick lick along the lips. ”A little harder, please.”

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Re: Two of a Kind

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She returned the short kiss, pecking the other girl on the lips in the short window of opportunity. She giggled again, amused by her bedmate's request.

"How can I say no to such a cute face?"

Her thighs began to tighten around her lover's waist. It was one she had used many times, for it was a hold that even foes above her weight class would struggle to break. Given her small size, she'd made good use of it in the past. Still, facing a girl her size didn't deter her from using that same vicious clamp. After all, the last thing she wanted was for the lewd contact between their naked bodies to break.

As arousing as their position was, the Little Dollie was far from idle. No sooner than the kiss had broken had she taken advantage of her opponent leaning down to plant that kiss in the first place. Her arms slid under Dizzy's armpits and pulled her down on top of her in a tight hug. Their breasts pressed together as Shelby adopted a lewd smirk.

"It's gonna take more than that to get away from me, Dizz."

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Re: Two of a Kind

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

The tightening legs, wrapped tight around her, squeezing, pressing, encroaching.

Dizzy bit her lip and stifled a torrid moan as Shelby clamped on her with the bodyscissor, digging deep into her body. These weren’t the strongest legs she’d ever wrapped around her, but that wasn’t a knock on Shelby when the other two women were well above their weight classes. She had more than enough power to hurt in all the good ways for someone close to her size.

Close was where Shelby wanted her, and closed was where she stayed, as she was pulled in tight enough to mash their chest together. She shuddered at the sensation as skin rubbed against skin, and the smell of mixing sweat began to float through the air. Absolutely divine, but she could make it better.

”Who said anything about getting away? I’m right where I want to be.” She moved in again, looking like she was going for another kiss, only to veer off and instead bring her mouth to a more tantalizing target: Shelby’s neck. She leaned in and gave it a quick nip, digging in with her fangs, followed by a softer, playful nibbling. Worrying at the skin, licking at it, teasing the tender flesh.

At the same time, her curious fingers found their way to Shelby’s hips and pressed deep, dragging her nails along her backside for a light scratch.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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A shuddering moan fell from her lips as her lover delivered a one two combo of pleasure and pain onto her nude body.

It was a slip she doubted she'd have allowed herself in a match, but in the bedroom like this, those noises were the whole point. For just a moment, she allowed herself to just enjoy the sensation of teeth and nails digging into her skin, stimulating her competitive urges without actually triggering any sort of danger response from her brain.

But as much as she loved the feeling, she knew better than anyone that she couldn't just lay here and take it. It wouldn't be fair to either her or her partner, not when they were here not just as lovers for a night but as fighters. With that thought ringing in her mind, Shelby steeled her resolve and began her own counterattack.

"Let's see if you still want that in half an hour."" She giggled.

Her legs came down like an executioner's axe to pin the other girl's legs to the sheets, though it wouldn't take long for Dizzy to figure out that it was more than just an attempt to restrain her. Rather more importantly, their newly adjusted position gave the pink-haired fighter the space to reach down and take two nice handfuls of the Italian's behind.

The Little Dollie allowed herself a quick squeeze before moving on with her actual intent. With her new grip, she began to forcefully push her rival down and upwards, such that their vaginas would start to slide over each other in a slow movement to get her opponent properly in the mood for what was to come.

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Re: Two of a Kind

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Some of Dizzy’s lovers - a small handful - said she liked to use her mouth too much during sex, but she never agreed. Especially since absolutely none of those women ever complained as she was working miracles with her mouth, only ever after. In the heat of the moment, they melted like everyone else.

In her mind, it was the best instrument for sex - perfect for giving and receiving pleasure. A few teeth and a tongue at the right places could drive a woman insane, and she had a knack for finding all the perfect zones.

Shelby would agree.

”Oh, half an hour?” Dizzy liked the sound of that. Always nice to have someone who didn’t mind going for a longer stretch. ”Bold. But don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

She said that, but she had no doubts that Shelby could keep her occupied for that long, especially if her current actions were any indication. When her legs came and pressed them together, Dizzy gasped at the sudden contact, then gasped again as her ass was grasped, curious fingers digging into her soft flesh. She was more than happy or the touch, though, and when Shelby used it as a handhold to grind them together, she went along with the flow and even added to them, pressing hard with every thrust and working them up.

Sweat was forming, juices were leaking, and the air was taking on all the familiar scents. Having gone too long without a taste, Dizzy slipped over and stole a few quick, pecking kisses on Shelby’s lips before pulling back and daring her to return fire with a wry wink. She chewed on her lip as she synched up with her lover’s rhythm, their hips rocking together in tandem.

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