Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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With the two once again back at even ground Niko would opt to try and start what she felt would be the last leg of this match with a classic! Holding her hands out for a test of strength so she could hopefully overpower Charlotte or counter whatever her fellow Pinkette may do! Well Charlotte would indeed come towards her, that's for sure, but not for a test of strength!

"Ngh!" Niko groaned out, recoiling from the chop and holding her chest before sucking a breath in. "Alright... that's how you want it?" Niko said before standing straight, rearing her arm up and bringing it about to deliver a knife edge chop right back to Charlotte's chest!

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Charlotte delivered the first strike and smiled after it connected on her chest and she groaned, but Charlotte gets hit by Niko in the chest with a chop of her own! Charlotte grunts and clutches her chest, but later she breathes and throws another one!

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Getting by Charlotte with another chop Niko would suck in a breath of air before steeling herself up. Charlotte was determined.. but so was she! "Haghhhhhyahhh!" Niko bellowed out in a war cry, pulling her arm back and throwing it forward with another chop with as much force as she could muster behind it to try and take her fellow pinkette down!

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Charlotte gets hit in the chest and staggers back at the ropes while letting out a loud grunt of pain, with her eyes closed and the gritted teeth until she leans with the back on those, but the Newsbreaker doesn't hold back and returns at Niko to deliver a third chop, followed by a fourth and fifth one! Later, she would take Niko in the ropes and attempt to irish whip her at the opposite ropes...

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Niko managed to deliver the chop to Charlotte and send the girl stumbling back into the ropes, but it appears that wasn't enough. Soon enough she would push off the ropes and towards Niko, sending repeated chops into Niko's chest, making the girl wince and groan in pain with each blow. Before she was then grabbed and thrown at the ropes! Eyes widening at this Niko would rebound off them and back at her opponent, ducking down at the last moment to try and counter by spearing Charlotte right in the stomach!

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Charlotte threw those consecutive strikes to Niko in the cheek until she could take her against the ropes, then she threw her at the opposite ropes, waiting for her comeback but before she could do anything, Niko ducked down and hits Charlotte with a Spear!

Charlotte takes the spear and goes down against the canvas, rolling upside down to kick the mat and clutch the midsection after that move...

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Despite the consecutive chops hurting and stinging on Niko's chest teh pink haired girl wasn't willing to be done in so easily. As such she managed to make sure of her opponent's own Irish whip to come crashing into Charlotte's stomach with a spear! Sitting after landing the move Niko would smile slightly as she moved to roll Charlotte on the stomach before getting up and standing on the back of the girl's, locking them around before grabbing her arms and pulling back to lock in a Romero speacial pulling Charlotte further and further back until her face was in her chest for her finisher move the Dream Knot!

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Charlotte was still hurt after that spear delivered by Niko, she tried to crawl towards the ropes besides of the pain received but the effort wasn't enough when Niko took her upside down and rolled with her to make the Dream Knot!

Charlotte got trapped of both legs, and her face being covered under Niko's breasts, as both hands touching the mat while the hold is applied. Charlotte groaned and tried desperately to find a way into an escape, but realized she was far from the ropes and unable to do anything, forcing her to not having much choice, so she taps on her arm, making official the end of the match!


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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Niko had managed to not only take the advantage of the match with the spear but now further cemented it by locking her in submission finisher on Charlotte! Bringing the girl down face first into her breasts and bending her as far as possible in the dream knot to do as much damage as possible!

Thankfully it would seem this is exactly what Niko needed to finish this bout as soon Charlotte was tapping out! Immediately Niko would release the hold before standing up and jumping in the air with excitement. "Yay I won!" Niko yelled out in excitement before turning to her opponent and holding a hand out to her. "Hey good match!" Niko said with a smile.

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Re: Pink Fury: Niko Tomiji vs Charlotte Fleury

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Charlotte wanted to escape from the underboob/submission maneuver, but she couldn't even tried reaching the ropes due to its pressure and tightness, as forced to tap out and the match as over, with Niko as the pointed winner by the referee.

Charlotte crawls backwards until leaning with her back against the bottom turnbuckle, breathing a little too heavily to recover some air after that unexpected hold, looking up at her with the hair a little messed up and with some bruises on her pretty face, all of that when Niko celebrated her victory.

Seconds later, Charlotte sees that Niko turns around to look at her and to offer her hand, a good sportsmanship gesture that Charlotte couldn't miss, deny, or even pretend that didn't see that. Charlotte changes from an expression of dissappointment on herself to a smile, offering her hand as well, and letting Niko the choice of helping her to get up.

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