The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Snow felt a bit desperate as Elm was starting to use Svetlana like a rag doll, tossing the Polish women wrestler back and forth at will. It was to be expected given the conditions of the match, but Snow didn't know how much more Svetlana could take before she went completely unconscious on the canvas. Snow had to think of a way to support her partner without breaking the rules, she knew that in this kind of matches chemistry was vital.

“Grrrrrrr!...” Snow was getting frustrated at not having any experience in these cases, the only thing she could think of was to make gestures and hand gestures towards the audience to raise their spirits and support for Svetlana. Something that was immediately reciprocated by a wave of applause and chants for the Polish girl. "Try to get out of that corner Svetlana!" Snow made a discreet signal with her fingers to indicate that she should try to get Elm to the corner where they were Snow and she.
Last edited by APlaying on Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Kennedy barked orders at her girls as Elm held up Svetlana going for hard elbows to the head of the DnD player! She tagged Freya in as the former military cadet raised her arms to the crowd getting a load of boos before running over to knock Snow off the apron to extra boos! The Glamorous Coalition really believed they ran the show and with Kennedy’s protections, they weren’t going to be held responsible.
Last edited by Pegasus on Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Svetlana may have been overwhelmed and in a bad spot but she wasn't totally defenseless as much as her body language indicated at the moment especially. Her arms shot up to cover her head as the elbow strikes came and while they throbbed she saved her skull a ton of pain! Knowing that across the ring something was going on Svetlana knew she had to get out so she would let out a shout as she rolled hard to the side and low looking to escape that corner!

She would then be facing Elm and even though Elm wasn't the legal women she wanted to at least send her off with a tiny measure of payback as she jumped up to dropkick the abdomen of the giant woman!

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Snow's eyes widened as soon as Elm walked towards her and hit her in the face causing her to fall out of the ring. If she wanted proof of Elm's strength, she had definitely gotten it. "Ugh!" Once she fell to the floor, she placed one of her hands on her cheek to caress her tooth. Luckily all her teeth were still in place, a good thing she had a very hard head, this instead of stunning her made her very angry. Snow crawled under the ring and tried to find some way to return the favor to her enemies, hoping that Svetlana could hold out long enough while she played her own trick.

If they wanted to play rough, then the smallest wrestler would teach them how to do it well. The idea would be to simply move under the ring to get to the corner of the glamorous ones, where she would grab one of them by surprise and smash her face down on the ground without the referee noticing. After this he would try to get to her corner in time to take over. .

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Elm gasped as Svetlana hit a Dropkick to the stomach of the bigger sister as she stepped down staying on her feet and held her gut. Tit for tat as they say and Kennedy argued with Svetlana inaudibly before checking her cohort. It was at this moment Snow crawled under the ring and moseyed her way over to the Coalition’s corner emerging like a horror monster during an intense scene. Snow went after Elm grabbing the head to smash it against the apron making her scream in pain and Snow ducked back under when Kennedy went for a punch, but only caught air. Kennedy’s anger bubbled on the surface as Freya saw this and became distracted as she looked outside the ring trying to find Snow thus taking her eyes off Svetlana.

FREYA! PAY ATTENTION TO THE REAL BITCH!” Kennedy shouted as she pointed to Svetlana.
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Svetlana was nowhere near as big as these women but she had by no means a lightweight. She quickly moved behind Freya as Kennedy screamed at her. Svetlana was trying to jump up wrapping g her arms around Feeyas head to pull back while jumping up to wedge her knees against Freya's spine in an attempt to deliver a backstabber to the larger woman!

If she could gain an edge and get a fresh Snow tagged in it would do their team a world of good!

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Perhaps her teammate would not approve of her playing dirty, but this is a situation where they had to engineer things well to take advantage of their opponents. Aside from seeing Kennedy's reaction when the big girl's face hit the ground, it was worth every damn second.

Snow crawled under the bars and exited through the other end of the ring, where she would be greeted with a standing ovation from some of her followers, whom she quickly approached to high-five a couple of them before climbing back into the ring. ring. Seeing how the situation was, she saw how Svetlana applied a good backstabber to a disoriented Freya, something that made the actress boil with emotion.

"HEY! Cutie! Don't forget you're not alone huh!" Snow joked as she extended her hand to Svetlana to high-five them and make a quick tag. Snow enters the ring full of energy, where the first thing she would do is a simple march to her corner before running towards Freya and slamming her booty into her opponent face with a stinkface.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Freya gasped as Svetlana jumped on her back and planted both knees into the younger sister dropping her back on them with a Backstabber as Freya groaned in pain going on her stomach. Kennedy slammed her fists against the apron as Elm was getting back to her feet grabbing the ropes to get back in the apron. Svetlana tagged in Snow as the movie actress stepped in running straight for Freya as the former military cadet started rising up only for Snow to turn her backside on Freya! The actress’s behind smashed right into Freya’s face knocking her down as Snow started swishing her hips getting wolf whistles from the move! Freya squealed into Snow’s ass trying to use her muscle strength to push her off!
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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Freya's thrust on her ass made the actress blush from the sting of her hands, causing her hips to shake a little with each step she took out of the corner. Snow smiled mischievously, for regardless of that the fact that she had the luxury of subduing someone as big as Freya with her ass, only made it all the more -Asstastic-.

The actress approached Freya and grabbed her by the hair and made her crawl to her side, taking her for a little walk before resting her arms and head on the ropes, looking out of the ring. She knew she must not waste any opportunity if she wanted to take the advantage, and thus weaken her heavyweight rivals as much as possible.

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Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

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Freya yelped as the smaller actress grabbed her by the hair and started dogwalking her causing the crowd to give a rowdy cheer. Kennedy placed her hands firmly on her hips and barked orders for Freya to not let this shrimp do her like that. Elm luckily saw Snow unknowingly place Freya near her and the sisters knew they needed to keep ahead of Snow. Freya tagged Elm in as the bigger Ederne came in looking to charge into Snow with a large Big Boot!
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