Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Almost immediately after getting up from the submission hold Danica would lash out at Ambre with a hard punch across the woman's face! Unfortunately however it seemed that Ambre had the same idea, punching her at the same time for a cross counter! "Ngh!" Danica grunted out from the blow before Ambre swung out once again for a punch right into her gut! "Guh!" Danica groaned out, bending over in pain before gritting her teeth and swinging herself back up, slamming a uppercut up along with her to drive it into Ambre's jaw!

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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Ambre managed to chain her blows despite the blow to the face she had just taken... But Danica did not seem to want to give up this match! Her opponent quickly stood up and gave an uppercut to the Frenchwoman, raising the head of the Black Pearl who sighed in pain and staggered before leaning forward. Ambre was going to fall to her knees, the many blows received to the head were starting to get the better of her...

"Ahh.. Raaaghhh!!"

But the Black Pearl roared and stood up slightly, looking towards Danica with wide-awake eyes and ready to start again. Her fists were unclenched, continuing in this strike duel would be to her disadvantage... So the Frenchwoman opened her arms wide, catching Danica in her arms, locking her arms in them as she went. Ambre's arms wrapped and tied themselves towards the top of her opponent's back before finally squeezing her against her with a powerful Bearhug!

"Give... Up!!.."
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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Danica panted softly, feeling like a real professional boxer after that absolute money maker of shot in the form of her uppercut that landed squarely on Ambre's jaw and seemed posed to cause the French woman to finally fall to her knees. Something that Danica was about to take advantage of as she reeled her other arm back, prepared to deliver a final straight to potentially knock Ambre out, if not finally get her to her back.

Before that could be achieved however Ambre would surprise her once again by suddenly getting clarity and surging forward, snapping her arms around Danica for a bear hug! "Guahhhhhh!" Danica yelled out in surprise and pain, her ribs immediately feeling like a compactor was around them but she wouldn't given in so easily. "Ngh! Let! Ugh! Go!" Danicac ried out in between groans of pain, trying to throw some elbows down into Ambre's head to make her let go, but they were clearly attacks of desperation not calculation!

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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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The Black Pearl's hard head was starting to weaken after taking so many hits and she had to find a way out of this situation! She had a slight advantage by hugging Danica but her opponent didn't let it happen, chaining elbows to her head, weaker than before but still painful! The Frenchwoman had to live find a way to regain the advantage and an idea crossed her mind.

"Nghhh !..."

Ambre took a long breath of air to inflate her lungs and her chest before lifting Danica a little higher in the air, not to make her bearhug more powerful but to then throw her to the ground, let herself fall to her knees with one of them forward so that Danica's back would crash into it, chaining her bearhug with a Back Breaker!
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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Danica was struggling in the grasp of Ambre's bearhug, the compressing force around her ribs making it more and more difficult to breathe by the second, leaving her without any measure to fight back against!

All aside from the elbows she was throwing down on Ambre's skull but even that didn't seem to be enough. In fact it only seems to make things worse as Ambre doubled down and lifted her up!

"Aghhhh!" Danica cried out in pain before she was brought back down onto Ambre's knee with a back breaker! "GUAGHHHH!" Danica cried out, a shock wave coursing throughout her body, her mouth hanging open and her eyes growing dim while her vision darkened!

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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Ambre remained on her knees for a few seconds, panting slightly and quickly from fatigue after this intense duel of blows. She had received a lot of blows... But she was for the moment the only one who could stand! It was the perfect moment to conclude this match and to take her revenge, a rather amusing idea crossed her mind.

The Black Pearl grabbed both of Danica's legs and looked down slightly to see her opponent, looking at her with eyebrows still a little furrowed because of anger but with a slightly embarrassed look.

"Sorry... But you need a good lesson.."

She then let herself fall backwards, crushing her buttocks against her opponent's face and pulling Danica's legs towards her to slightly lift her rival's hips the referee was ready to start the countdown of this facesit pin!

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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Darkness was creeping in on the edges of Danica's vision. The back breaker she had suffered at Ambre's hands, or rather knee left her utterly wrecked physically and mentally until she was finally rolled off of Ambre's knee and down to the mat. Feeling her legs lifted up she was only vaguely aware of what was going on, looking up just in time before Ambre's big ass dropped down onto her face! "Mmph!" Danica groaned out softly, squirming under the woman but otherwise there was just nothing else that she could do with how tightly she was folded up while the ref began to count.



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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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The bell rang three times after the referee finished his count, ending this match and declaring Ambre the winner! The Frenchwoman stood up after her three seconds, finally removing her butt from her opponent's face and celebrating her victory rather shyly. She wasn't used to getting angry in the ring and even less to ending these matches this way... At least she had an idea of ​​what some of her opponents and friends felt who liked this kind of thing.

She still turned to Danica with a slightly less irritated and angry look. She was done with this match and she didn't like to end her matches on bad terms with people. She held out her hand to help her opponent get up and looked at her with a small smile, trying to be friendly but also a little provocative.

"It was a great match... But I had to teach you a lesson if I want my rematch against your mother!"
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Re: Next Generation: Ambre Brault vs Danica Donelle

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Danica groaned softly as her vision refocused on the world around her after Ambre's weight left her. But it didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened. She had lost. Plain and simple.

Nothing left but to get out of- Before she could do anything a hand was extended followed by words from none other than her opponent, evidently being a good sport. A part of Danica wanted to slap it away and spit on Ambre but she coudln't. Ambre beat her fair and square and she had antagonized her. In a weird way Danica almost respected it.

Just as she was about to reach for Ambre's hand though.. "Danica." it was the voice of her brother who had a glare locked on Ambre. Looking between him and her opponent Danica would tsk softly before turning and rolling out of the ring. Not accepting the hand... but also not slapping it away in outright rejection... Not today at least. But who knew what would happen when the two next met.

Winner via Pinfall: Ambre Brault

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