
121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Name: America Valerie Figueroa Chapman

Nickname: Blaze

Age: 22

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'8

Weight: 160

Alignment: Face

Nationality: North American (Is of Afro-Puerto Rican descent)

Hometown: Bronx, New York

Entrance Music:
Standard Match
High Profile Match
Hentai Match
Ring Attire
Gym Wear
Promotional Shots
A Look At Past Matches
"He couldn't. Shit, I'm pretty sure there's only like five guys in this world who can."
"Kendra's crazy ass. I knew she'd come up. It was the first time I lawst a sexfight to anotha chick."
"N' y'all know where that went." (There's a brief pause as the interviewer states that no, he doesn't.) "Naw? A'ight, you can see it right there..." (America points at the screen as Kendra starts digging in) "She gives some good head. Good head. N' she can wrestle 'er ass off too, n' that's exactly how you do it when you in the ring with a girl who ain't into other girls like that; get all the blood pumpin' n' those...whatever those chemicals are that get all that goin' -- you get all that movin', n' when you start puttin' that tongue to work, or the fingas, whateva it is you doin', if you can put in that work, it's a wrap. Like it was for yer girl there.

The problem was that orgasm had 'er thinkin' she could slide on in n' make a love connection, no matta how many times I told that bitch no. Had to beat 'er ass to get 'er to back up off me. She went cryin' to the bawss, n' they was tight, so I got the boot over some made up shit about it bein' a hate crime. Creepin' ass bitches." (Turns to the camera) "Shoutout to my girl La Dulce Estrella. She ain't even know who I was back then, but she had my back through it all. Helped me get a new job too."
"Goddamn, those were some raggedy ass cameras! Even for some undaground shit. But I digress. Evan, I like. Every night I was matched up with that guy was a good night. That was a man who could handle America's ass."
"One of our many rematches! N' look at dude! (Laughs) Tryna act all cool like he wasn't holdin' onto that nut for dear life! Lookin' like 'You didn't beat me, I let you win', n' shit. You ain't got to lie, Craig! You ain't got to lie!"
"Speakin' o' handlin' America's ass..." (Shudders at the memory as she watches the video) "The real question that night was 'could America's ass handle that dick?' My stupid ass thought yes, but the ansuh was 'Hell naw.' I was wawlkin' funny for a week."
"It ain't often I get that good mix o' sex and violence, but when I do..." (Leans back in her chair, letting out a wistful sigh and looking up at nothing in particular) "It's sumpin' else. It really is."
"Speakin' of...Gareth was anotha one o' the fun ones. You see 'e don't look like much, but dude can take a beating. N' he loved to take some beatings. If I had a bad day or if I was just feelin' like a dominatrix, I'd try to get a match with him. He was a good lil' subby boy."
"N' it helps that he was the right kind o' big.
"Ooooh!" (It is a shuddered exclamation, followed by an excited whoop as the video continued.) "That man right there...!" (She points at the screen, and after a moment of trying to find the proper words to follow up with, settles for another whoop. She doesn't speak again until a couple minutes have passed, a big, toothy smile forming on her face as she watched herself twitching on the mat in the video, a sweaty and clearly thoroughly satisfied mess.) "I musta watched that match a thousand times, n' it still gets me. Hope y'all got more like 'im."
"Shoutout to Lucy Lust here. When she first started out, she couldn't do nothin'. Couldn't wrestle, couldn't fight, couldn't even fuck. Was pretty sure she ain't never did none o' that before. We was all wonderin' what she was doin' there. She put in that work, though. Took lessons, n' she got a lotta practice in with one o' the other girls. Chelsea Sweet.

But yeah, she put in work, and it. Paid. Off. I was over there thinkin' the shit was gonna be easy when they put me up against her that night, but naw."
"'Ey! America's first orgy, y'all! Four-on-four, tornado rules. Now this a funny story: It was Cosplay Night, n' I was told I look n' dress like this superhero chick from a comic. Got the same name too. I read it afta -- didn't care for it, but that's beside the point. They put me togetha with these other three girls who all came dressed like Captain America, n' for shits n' giggles, I had us come out to 'Team America'. Fuck yeah!" (Laughs) "That was a good ass night. Dicks goin' in, n' brains comin' out on both sides o' the equation."
"Now this was a straight-up free-for-all. Me, Lucy, n' Chelsea was off to the side doin' our own thing for most of it. N' you can see it on 'er face that Lucy didn't. Want me. Goin' no. Where." (Laughs) "She ain't ever said nothin', but I think she had a lil crush on yer girl, n' 'ey..." (Gives a cocky shrug of her shoulders) "Can't say I blame 'er.

For real, though, it ain't often that I really get off with other girls in the ring, n' that was one o' the nights I did. They're good people. Lotta fun." (Turns to the camera) "I wanna make another shoutout: Congratulations on the marriage. I love y'all, n' I hope you're doin' well."
America is an outgoing sort. Brimming with confidence to the point where some would call her cocky, but in a charming way. She's willing to be loud, to be that person to take charge and say "follow me" into an adventure. She's got a mouth on her too, which she uses to great effect in her matches. Although, when set against a friendly foe, she'll make sure to give them their due once the dust settles. After all, when that bell rings, it's just business.
(WIP, sort of. The gist is there.)
America Valerie Figueroa Chapman was born in a tough Bronx neighborhood. Her father was a small time boxer who was well on the way to the big leagues when he was arrested for manslaughter in the aftermath of a tragic fight at a restaurant, where the other man had hit the unforgiving corner of a table at an unfortunate angle after being knocked down by his famed overhand. The momentum of the fall brought his skull down on it hard, and the impact killed him almost instantly.

Her mother would begin working two jobs to make ends meet, while her grandfather and uncle would continue the work her father had started in their boxing gym; America was a rambunctious child who used to be ready to fight at the drop of a hat. They used boxing as a means of giving her a better outlet for that energy, keeping her away from the many avenues to trouble that were present where they lived. She took to it like a fish for water, and it did the trick until her teenage years.

The family would fall on hard times. Her grandfather would pass away, and the gym would be foreclosed soon after due to a lack of clientele. And America's mother would suffer a stroke that took away her ability to work. By this time, the lessons had stuck: America wouldn't run and gun with any gangs, and she'd made a promise to her mother that she would live what is essentially a straight edge lifestyle. No alcohol, no cigarettes, and especially none of the recreational drugs that had consumed the lives of so many people around them.

And so, she would put her years of boxing lessons to work in street fights and the underground fighting circuit after school, competing under the alias of Blaze. Lying to her mother about the nature of her new "job" and lying to promoters and organizers about her age. Even back then, she had proven to be a natural showwoman, every fight turning more and more eyes her way. And with the added attention came bigger purses.

Blaze would eventually be recruited to a local, legal, but still very much underground-esque promotion called Vendetta Wrestling. Her good looks would have fans clamoring to see her compete in the sexual matches that it offered, and although she was very interested, the man who brought her in would make her wait: He'd discovered that she was a student and had a connection working in the school she attended who confirmed her real age. He refused to have that on his conscience, and had half a mind to try to convince her to walk away from the vanilla competition as well. But when he heard her reason for fighting, he decided to look the other way and let her have that, at least.

It was good money. A guaranteed payout win or lose, with the winners also receiving a cut from the bets that were going on. Blaze had never reached the top there, thanks in part to her recruiter talking the booker into keeping her away from some of the more renowned competitors there -- men and women who could've really put the hurt on her -- but she did well enough to get by and provide an easier living for her disabled mother.

She made her sexfighting debut a few months after her eighteenth birthday, after she and her mother had saved up enough money to move into a better neighborhood. It would be within the Foundation Wrestling Society, another local promotion. It was still independent, but upscale in comparison to Vendetta Wrestling.

The truth would end up coming out here, with a fan approaching her while she was out grocery shopping with her mother and inadvertently spilling the beans. The two would have a difficult conversation upon returning home, but in the end, America would convince her mother to give her her blessing. The FWS wasn't a company that required a commitment from its talent -- allowing them to compete when they could -- so that gave Mrs. Figueroa Chapman less to worry about in regards to her daughter's education, which was the most important thing to her, ultimately.

She still wasn't crazy about it (the sexfighting, especially), but she knew her daughter: America getting into combat sports was an inevitability. And indeed, she had found this to be her calling in life.

America would have her mother's support. And with her uncle coming in to take her place in the home, she would be allowed to focus more on her wrestling career (at which point in time she would compete under her real name), working towards eventually hitting the big leagues and getting to travel the world and have her face shown on television screens all over like she knew she would.

There would be some bumps in that road, like the controversy that would see her fired from the FWS (see America's comments in the second and third "Look At Past Matches"), but eventually, she would receive a call to join the LAW.
Preferred Matches: She's up for anything, but would like to try her hand at smother matches. She's confident in her ability to reach the top there in particular.

America conducts her business with a mixture of formal boxing training and self-taught wrestling. She prefers to take the initiative and start her matches off with a strong showing of her striking skill, utilizing a combination superb footwork, speed, and stamina to swarm and overwhelm her opponent; cut off the ring, harass them, and leave them with little, if any time to breathe and even less to think, working them into disadvantageous positions and baiting them into making costly mistakes like a proper in-fighter. But she is a talented boxer-puncher, capable of fighting from the outside as well, or even defensively, if need be. She tends to either use her boxing to open up opportunities for slams and takedowns or use quick bits of wrestling to create holes to punch through.

Once her opponent has been worn down some, or if she feels that a switch-up is required, she'll move on to more pro-wrestling style maneuvers, with an emphasis on flash and spectacle all throughout. America is a big time crowd pleaser, willing to sacrifice some practicality for the sake of the wow factor. And despite a seeming emphasis on the upper, she also has a very strong lower body that she uses to great effect with her deeply taxing scissor holds and booty-based smothers in particular.

She's also capable of tapping into that zone that's accessible only to more devoted combatants, riding a wave of adrenaline that boosts her physical capabilities. Making her able to hit harder and lift more above her weight class, move faster, and through more punishing blows, providing a needed second wind to trek her way through to the end of a war. Many names have been assigned to this state, and to America, it's known as "Blazing".

America is also an experienced street fighter, but she prefers to keep this uglier side of combat under wraps in favor of a cleaner, more palatable battle. It's only against an enemy that really gets under her skin that this side of her comes out, and when it does, her goal will be a knockout. Even if it means a disqualification loss.
Specialty Match:
Thronemaker Match
A Thronemaker Match is a three fall contest, in which the first may be won via pinfall, submission, knockout, or, if Hentai is allowed, forced orgasm. The loser must worship the victor's ass after the first fall. The second fall must be scored via submission with a headscissor hold or smothering that places the competitor on top of their opponent's face. And the third must come about via knockout with a headscissor hold or smothering, with the same stipulation on its application as in the previous fall.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "If you think you can handle America's ass, then come on with it!"
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves
Cross Counter

America can counter with a well-aimed punch to the jaw...

Or the solar plexus. Whether or not it's a Signature, Finishing, or Critical Finishing Move depends on how hard she hits. If the adrenaline is flowing, aka when she's "Blazing", it's the latter.
Bull Rush

She can follow up the spear with a double-leg takedown slam, in which case this becomes a Finishing Move.
America's Headscissor (Hentai Signature Move)
Once her opponent is nice and worked up, she'll switch to oral.
Can you handle it?

(The game I used doesn't have a girl-girl variant of the Headscissor Handjob, and I couldn't find a girl-girl reverse headscissor 69, but you get the idea.)
Lightning Lance
Critical Signature Move
Unnamed Brutality #1

America doesn't do this often, but when she does, you know she isn't far from saying "fuck it" and treating the match like it was a brawl in the streets.
Finishing Moves
Bombs Away
Stunner/#1 Stunner

The Stunner can be prefaced with a quick combination...

In which case this becomes the #1 Stunner, a Critical Finishing Move.
Home Run
Golden Glove

Just without the exaggerated strength and knockback.
The Knapsack

America will attempt a mid-air spin if she thinks it's possible, but otherwise, it's just a simple jump.
The BTT (Become The Throne)
(Imagine this, but with facesitting.)

Sure, failing to do so would mean getting knocked out, but still...Do you really want to escape from a position beneath America's ass?
BC (Blade-Capone) Special
Unnamed Brutality #2

Another of her rarely used moves, brought out when she's on the verge of switching over to pure violence. After putting the hurt on the opponent for a bit with an abdominal stretch, she beats them down onto the mat, lifts them up, and powerbombs them back down.
Critical Finishing Moves
Throat Punch
Rosario Dawson

- La Dulce Estrella






Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:12 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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Re: America

Unread post by DSX93 »

UPDATE 1/27/25: Updated her look and added the "Thronemaker" Specialty Match.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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