Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
At last, the time had come. After plenty of drills and sparring in the Young Lioness Program, it was finally time for Shizuka Matou to take her first step into a LAW ring, on the night of a big show. It wasn't her first time wrestling - she had, after all, partaken in apartment bouts before coming to the League - but this would definitely be a step up. Here, she'd be in a higher-production affair, under bright lights, in an arena surrounded by more cheering fans than she could ever have anticipated.

It was an intimidating thought, for someone who had never wrestled in front of much of a crowd before. But what was even more intimidating was that Shizuka would now be going up against fully trained, skilled professional wrestlers. She knew her opponent was a member of the main roster - and she knew full well that she was not expected to win this match. Her opponent would have leagues more experience, and know moves that Shizuka wouldn't even be able to fathom. Victory wasn't really why she was here - she was here to get experience working in front of a crowd, knowing her way around the ring, and performing under pressure.

But even then, Shizuka was going to give it her best shot. That was what she vowed to herself as she sucked in a deep breath. With her mother Yuna being a big name in LAW, she was under a lot of pressure to live up to her example. But, as she pushed her glasses up her nose, she reminded herself that she wouldn't get anywhere by holding back. If the people wanted to see what the next generation of the Matou family could bring, Shizuka would make sure this outing was worth their time.

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! Standing at 5'3, weighing 123 pounds, and making her debut in LAW tonight! SHIZUKAAAAA MATOU!!"
At the sound of her name being called, Shizuka stepped out onto the entrance ramp. She put her boldest face forward, holding a fist up in the air. A few of the fans, recognizing her last name, cheered - though others snickered at the sight that she hardly possessed her mother's figure. Still, she grit her teeth, keeping her focus trained on the ring as she marched toward it and slipped in under the ropes. As she straightened herself to her feet, she stopped and cracked her knuckles - she just needed to do her best.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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The lights dim down, casting the stadium in darkness speckled with camera flash. Heavy guitar strums begin to pour from the arena PA, with vivid green and purple lasers dancing along the stage and ramp's edge. The titantron comes alive with Katsumi's logo, a pair of green felid eyes and her name in gnarly, stylized purple, fades in against an ominous moonlit sky.
Katsumi's Intro Video
When the music's preamble hits its pumping crescendo, Shizuka's rival for the evening steps out into view. Her athletically slender body is generously exposed in no small thanks to the wrestling gear she wears; a pair of hip-hugging black trunks circled with a gold-studded belt, a similarly gold-studded bralet, strappy, punky boots with gold accents, and a pair of black knee and elbowpads, with black gloves. A color scheme is obviously at play here. However, her upper-body is wrapped in a leather jacket, and a pair of sunglasses rests perched upon her button nose.
The Entrance Attire
She props one fist against her hip and thrusts the other into the air, resulting in a burst of brilliant amethyst cold sparks showering around her. The audience drowns her in a mixture of praise and scorn, split heavily between two distinct camps in the crowd. Despite the overwhelming response, the commentators are quick to point something out: she does not look happy.

Katsumi had been working hard to establish herself since her makeover. It wasn't simply cosmetic, though those who knew the spritely punkette before may be hard-pressed to even recognize her anymore. Hair grown out in luxurious, silky tresses, a new superstar-quality set of gear, the works. Everything worked to cut the gemstone of her looks out of the rough rock bed that originally signed up with LAW, and she was abundantly aware of it. Though she may not overtly acknowledge it, she loves that she's getting more lingering looks, even swoons. Tough exterior aside, it's the prettiest Katsumi's ever felt her entire life.

The irritation, however, comes from the other side of her personal renovation. Because that other side was a noticeable uptick in training. Though she'll never truly get away from her brutish, rough nature, she's no longer merely a barbarian. She's a technician. Slick, savvy, and vicious. And she's been working twice as hard to push for the top, to finally lay her hands on gold and justify... everything.

But here she is. Staring down what she believes to be a newbie in the ring. Yet again being used as the rookie welcoming committee. This match is expected to go a certain predictable, if unsurprising way. No one expects it to move the needle. She hates that. So with a slam of her right fist into her left palm, she decides she's going to make this match memorable. She's going to make sure it's one people will talk about.

"And her opponent!," begins the announcer. "Standing at a height of five feet, seven inches, and weighing in at one hundred and twenty-four pounds! From Osaka, Japan! The Punk Princess! KATSUMIIIIII! OOOOSHIIROOOO~!"

Katsumi struts down the ramp with hips asway, confident, aloof, and focused on the girl in the ring. Both hands are raised with palms held out to either side somehow acknowledging and dismissing both haters and fans simultaneously. Upon reaching the ring, she grabs the middle rope to swing herself up smoothly on the apron. Then, gripping the top rope, she vaults neatly overtop to land on the mat with a soft bounce, light on her feet.

Though her eyes are hidden behind those shades, the turn of her head is locked onto Shizuka as she passes by on her way to the far turnbuckle. It's a quick, annoyed staredown. And then up the turnbuckle she rushes, perching with boots poised upon the middle ropes, arms spread wide to either side presenting herself to the raucous crowd.

Finally, she hops down from the corner post and makes her way to her corner. The shades are plucked from her face at their corner, and with a quick flick of the wrist, are folded up and tucked away into an inner pocket of the jacket. Then the jacket is shed, shedding the extra layer in preparation for the match. After depositing the jacket out to the ring apron, she turns to plant her back against the pads and hang her arms over the top ropes at either side, striking emerald eyes affixed to the smaller girl across the ring from her.
Katsumi Oshiro, minus the smile!
The referee, blissfully unaware of any brewing animosity, just gives her the typical pat-down!
Last edited by CyanDimitrik on Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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As her opponent took her place in the ring, Shizuka drew in a deep breath. She rolled her shoulders a few times to get herself limbered up before placing her hands on her hips, then rolled her neck back and forth. Even so, when she looked up at Katsumi, she still had the slightest tinge of anxiety in her gut. Even before a single blow had been thrown, it was plain for everyone to see that this was far from an even match. Shizuka was a Young Lioness and she looked like a Young Lioness. No big entrance, no fancy gear. It was her first match, so no one would have known what she could do or get hyped up for her unless they had an interest in apartment wrestling, which was far more niche of a subject. She did get some cheers, yes, but mostly that was because her mother was already a famous wrestler here, and Shizuka had name recognition on her side.

Katsumi, on the other hand? Maybe she wasn't especially active, compared to some of the big names in LAW, but she had been around a while, and garnered a fanbase. She had come out to bright lights, with a slick jacket that gave her a cool, calculated look, and her black and gold attire tailored perfectly to her body only accentuated the look of an established name. And it also wasn't lost on Shizuka that she was gorgeous - even with the frown on her face, she could catch the glint in her eye, and she saw the way the fans lingered on her through every step of her way down to the ring. Her breaths quickened a little, and she balled a fist. Even if Shizuka had cut her teeth in raunchier things, that was mostly due to her family name. She didn't exactly have a body that made anyone look twice. Even if she was around as long, with as much experience, she doubted she would've gotten as much attention as Katsumi did. Was this just going to be like high school again? Her always having to compare herself to the popular girls, and coming up short? She bit at her lip, hoping such feelings wouldn't hold her back.

Shizuka had to remind herself what she'd reminded herself in her first apartment match - whatever happened now, the only thing that mattered was that she did her best. Maybe Katsumi was far more skilled than she was, but this was her chance to put forth her best effort in front of a crowd. Maybe, at least, she could show them she had potential. Maybe she could give them a reason to give her another look.

Taking in a deep breath, she took a step closer to Katsumi. "I'm ready," she said. It wasn't entirely true, but she supposed it was as ready as she'd ever be.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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It doesn't help that Shizuka is noticeably shorter than Katsumi. As she stepped forward, Katsumi's head tilts downwards a little to glower down at her; gaze hooded, lips pressing into a thin line. She marches closer to her, disregarding the referee-girl trying to establish command of the ring.

"That so?," asks Katsumi.

Internally, the punkette has already zeroed in on the fact that the girl is wearing glasses. In the ring. To face her. Is she not taking her seriously? How new is this chick!? Doesn't she know who she is!?

"I want a good, clean match!," insists the referee as she inserts herself into the staredown, albeit off to the side. She doesn't want to get in the way of the picture-esque moment, after all! "And I'm calling the shots! Everyone understand?" The mousy girl looks to Shizuka, then Katsumi. Katsumi hasn't stopped staring at her opponent.

"Okay! Matou-san, ready!? Oshiro-"

Suddenly, Katsumi has closed the final few feet of distance between her and the other girl. Her right arm extended, she torques to launch her arm in a stiff swing, attempting to collide her bicep against the other girl's throat in an opening, brutal lariat.

"AH! Ring it! Ring it!," flails the referee to the timekeeper.

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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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As Katsumi leaned in closer and narrowed her gaze on her, Shizuka's body tensed, and her own eyes filtered into a glare. She was judging her - even if Katsumi hadn't said a word on the matter, Shizuka just knew it. She was all too familiar with that look. It'd been directed toward her too many times before. Was it about her size? Her figure? Her lack of experience? Shizuka couldn't say for sure, but she did know that something about her had made her a target to Katsumi. Well, if that was how she wanted to handle things, then so be it - she let out a huff, steeling herself. She'd prove it to her soon enough she was worth another look.

The whole time the ref girl went over the rules, Katsumi kept her eyes locked firmly on Shizuka. But then, Shizuka didn't take her attention off her opponent either. She needed her to know that she'd be ready. She couldn't concede. She couldn't give her any vindication over talking down to her - she couldn't prove her point. The more Shizuka thought about it, the more she believed it. Suddenly, she had a purpose. She was in this match to prove herself, and if she had any say in the matter, by the end of it, Katsumi would respect her, one way or another. She began to lower herself into a stance, her muscles taut, ready to strike at any moment.

Her only mistake was in waiting for the bell. Katsumi, as it turned out, wouldn't do that. Before Shizuka had a chance to ready herself, her arm whipped out with a lariat and clocked her right in the throat! The bespectacled girl was whipped off her feet by the force of the blow, thrown onto her back as she went sprawling over the canvas. Her throat was burning, and she gasped and groaned, spitting the soreness out of her mouth. Her brow furrowed and her teeth clenched - if that was how Katsumi wanted to do things, she was clearly going to have to be on her toes.

Still, she wasn't about to let Katsumi take advantage of her downed state. She threw her weight over to the side, looking to roll over to the other side of the ring. Maybe if she put more distance between herself and her foe, it'd buy herself time to get back up before Katsumi struck again.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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One thing working in Shizuka's favor could arguably be the thing working against her as well. Namely, that Katsumi had decided to make this a spectacle. So after the lariat connected to the mousy girl's throat and brought her low, Katsumi didn't immediately pounce. Rather, she stepped past her with the attack, moving to the edge of the ring and fully embracing the cascade of boos and scorn the audience so generously pours upon her. With arms raised in classic 'what're you gonna do about it' pose, the Punk Princess strolls along the ring's perimeter, making sure everyone in the crowd knew she didn't give even half a damn that they disapproved.

The referee-girl, meanwhile, drops down beside Shizuka with concern. "Are you okay? Can you continue? She's such a jerk, I'm so sorry!"

When lined up nice and evenly with the two of them, Katsumi turns to give her full attention. Crouching low in sprinting starter position, a wicked smile edges her lips. And then she's off, barreling across the ring in rapid steps. The referee girl catches sight of the rush just in time to yelp in surprise and dive away. But it's Shizuka's prone body Katsumi is most interested in. If the girl has managed to make it onto all fours by this time, she's lining up a sharp punt kick to nail her in the ribs. But if she has the misfortune of lying on the mat, it's a stiff stomp she's bringing to the table. Or rather, bringing to Shizuka's lower back, or against her lower abdominal region.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi had definitely made a strong showing from the outset of this match. When her first move had been to throw a forearm right into Shizuka's throat before the bell had even rung, it was clear to everyone that she wasn't playing around. Even when it was all too apparent that the two wrestlers weren't nearly on the same level, Katsumi wouldn't think twice about pulling a cheap shot! But if that was how she wanted to play, Shizuka wasn't one to take it lying down. She knew, in fact, that the only reason Katsumi was doing this was because she thought she could get away with it. Because she thought this would be easy. The thought just made her grit her teeth. Shizuka was no one in any mood to be talked down to, that was for sure. Not by her opponent, and not by the referee either!

When the ref asked Shizuka if she was okay, the bespectacled girl groaned and slapped at the mat in frustration. "Fine! I'm fine! God, you think I'm gonna let, nngh, that get to me?!" Whether or not anyone believed she stood any chance of winning this match - including herself - Shizuka still at least wouldn't let anyone think she'd go down without a fight. She had to at least try.

Unfortunately, Katsumi wasn't going to make that easy.

Shizuka was already in the process of righting herself. She had rolled over onto her stomach, getting her hands and knees braced against the mat, and she had begun to push herself back up. But it was right then that Katsumi sent a pointed kick right into her side, jostling her! "Gaah-!!" She cried out with a gasp, and her balance gave way as she dropped onto her face. A stabbing pain shot through her side, causing her face to contort into a grimace as her hand flew to her ribs to shield herself. But she looked back up at Katsumi with a glare. She was fed up with being pushed around. It was about time she did something about this!

"You're...starting to get on my nerves-!" Shizuka hissed. One of her eyes was squeezed shut in a pained wince, but she wasn't going to let that stop her now. She would roll over on her side, reaching for Katsumi's leg. If she could get a hold of it before she jerked it away, she'd grab onto the girl's ankle and pull her leg toward her, hoping to unseat her balance!
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Katsumi bends forward, planting her hands to her hips and giving her head an innocent little tilt. "Just starting to?," she asks. Her lips moue afterwards, as if considering the notion - and likely the idea that she should be doing worse.

Shizuka takes the initiative, however, and seizes onto her leg! "Ah!" And with a sharp tug, Katsumi is unbalanced and toppled gracelessly to the mat. She lands on her back, silky hair fanned out behind her. Propping herself up on her elbows, she shoots a dirty look across to Shizuka and raises her free leg, bringing the knee to chamber at her chest. And then - kick! Kick, kick!

"Hands off, four-eyes!," she barks at her.

The heel is aimed for whatever Shizuka has conveniently presented close enough. Chest? Shoulder? Head? It's all the same to Katsumi and her wild leg-thrusting. Her only objective is to knock her off of her leg!
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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As Katsumi's words echoed in Shizuka's head, the Young Lioness hissed through clenched teeth, her body growing stiff. If there was ever any doubt, there was no question about it now. There were some opponents she could expect to fight with honor and conduct themselves respectably, and who she could come away with respect for - even friendship - even if they were in opposite corners. Katsumi was not one of them. From the start of this match, she had nothing to show Shizuka short of contempt. And what was more, she didn't even care. Shizuka's fiery spirit had been tempered by such resistance. Even if she had been sure nothing she could do could measure up to Katsumi, suddenly that didn't matter any more. She still had to fight back with everything she had, if the alternative was letting Katsumi win - letting her get away with how she'd treated her!

Sucking in a deep breath, Shizuka tried to stretch her foe's leg as far as she could. If she could just do a little damage to the joint, she thought, that would slow her down for the rest of the match, and that might even be enough to give her an edge. But Katsumi wasn't going to let her get away with that so easily! She still had enough control of that leg to swing stomps and kicks wildly at Shizuka - and every blow that came down tossed her back and forth, her head snapping in one direction and then the other as she twisted and turned!

"Nngh-! Gah..." Soon enough, she realized she would have no choice but to relinquish her grip on Katsumi. She let go of the girl's leg, rolling herself across the ring to get a safe distance away from her; there, she would roll up to her knees, rubbing her head. But even as she grabbed for the ropes to pull herself to her feet, her eyes were still fixed on Katsumi with a glare. Even if she was aching, and her shoulders rose and fell with labored pants as she tried to collect herself before their next clash, Shizuka wasn't going to give up just yet. She wasn't going to let her walk all over her this easily.
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Re: Shizuka Matou [D] vs. Katsumi Oshiro

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Walking all over her was just what Katsumi intended to do tonight. And incidentally, the lashing with the boots is probably a great metaphor for it. Still, somewhere in the back of Katsumi's mind, she knows this isn't really the mousy girl's fault. She isn't really the one she's angry at. It's the commissioner. It's the booking. The ones who keep setting her up against the newbies. Against the ones who haven't had their first real taste of the big leagues.

As she sits up on the mat, newly freed from Shizuka's machinations, she looks across at the girl. Their eyes meet. Vivid greens to bright blues. Shoulders rising and falling more noticeably as adrenaline is pumping, as embers are stoked on either side. And once again, it runs through her mind as she's looking across at the slim debutante that the purpose of this match is so obvious. She's meant to crush this girl. It's good ratings. It makes the audience hate her more, it drives up their animosity towards her, but it also feeds the sharks out there who want to see a young, starry-eyed up-and-comer get beaten and battered by a true predator.

..God, how old is this girl? Is she still a teen..? she being too mean?

Katsumi's expression shifts. It's subtle, but it's there - a slight softening of her expression, a flicker of doubt.

Hearing the audience continue to roar, equal parts for brutality upon Shizuka and for comeuppance against Katsumi, forces her back into the aggressive mindset. It doesn't matter. She has a job to do. She has a message to send. She needs management to regret doing this. She needs management to start paying her her dues.

Katsumi picks herself up, poised and confident as ever, and points across the ring to Shizuka. "I ain't runnin'! So quit being a lameass coward and get back here!"

She takes a couple steps to deliberately position herself in the center of the ring. Where, ideally, Shizuka will have a much harder time forcing something like a rope break. She stomps her gold-soled boot against the mat. "Right here! Come on!"

Her stance squares, knees bending. Her hands raise to shoulder height, fingers splaying at the ready, and clearly prepared to receive her smaller opponent. "Let's do this! You'n me!"
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