Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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It could be gathered that Senji felt a similar way. Stunted and left behind in a deep slumber, of no fault of his own, Senji had been stuck playing catch up for the past 2 years. Naturally, he had so much time to reflect about both he had lost and still had. What he could gain, even. He took comfort in being proper and preen. A standard that his mother, the one that remained, instilled in him. Not to be loud and boisterous. In the misshaped mentality he had adopted, he came to adore Bast. Perhaps even love her depending on how their future went. He wasn't quite as religious as the more dedicated members of the fold but he could swear that he felt a 'connection with the larger lady. Physically-speaking, that included how she enveloped him in their matches. Down to the strangles that left him senseless or the strikes that shook his soul. A kind of honesty where she did not lie to him. For the sake of his own content, Senji hoped that he'd give Bast a pleasurable outcome too. Either way, she'd be claiming both Senji Takijima's and Cosmo Imai's virginities deep into the abyss of the night.

Imai, being the first she engaged, sat in her lap with his back half-leaning off her body as he busied himself with stroking his bulge. Then, the harsh pull of a gloved hand racked his head to the left. Bast promptly pressed her lips to Imai's, her tongue forcing its way inside his mouth. Imai's eyes widened in shock. He was not expecting her to move so fast! Soon, he relaxed into the grip and let himself float away in the hot connection. After Bast pulled him in deeper, his neck sounded out a groan of being contorted so tightly.

"Fuunngh...neck---" He murmured into her mouth, nearly unleashing an uncharacteristic swear. To fix the issue without interrupting the moment, he unwrapped his arm around her left leg hook and tried to turn into the kiss by shifting in the right direction. Another odd combination of moves came just as quick, with Imai electing to remain pressed back-to-chest. The reason why was to not interfere with what Senji was doing and allow a better position for Imai to grab her left shin and push it deeper between his legs to assist him in getting off. His pants continued to strain intensely with each swell of the shaft. Similar to the taunt he used earlier, he wiggled his hips repeatedly to rub against her lower leg for a kind of "calf"-job. From this point on, Bast could likely feel that her 'goal' was particularly wider than average.

Regarding the redhead, Senji switched his speed on how fast he was going. Instead of the ramped up treatment, he slowed down into a pace better suited for avoiding an aching jaw. Now, him and Cosmo were a little closer to facing each other while Bast remained sandwiched on the bottom; her one arm and legs were currently yanking Imai's head into place while her legs remained situated around his lap which kept him secure and locked in from escaping respectively. The scorching fire between the three. It is on its way to overwhelming the first-timer.
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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Bast was, like with most things, a quiet lover, and tended not to make a lot of noise even when she had good sex, as silent as the stealthy predator she took her name from. But she could roar when given good reason to, and she could undoubtedly purr, as she readily did when she moved in to claim Imai’s mouth in a fiery kiss, plunging deep with her tongue to mark her territory. She caught him by surprise at first, clearly, but he was quick to adjust and bring his energy into the mix, giving just as good as he got.

Relax. Ease into things. Accept it. Good.

There was some tension with the position, no doubt putting a strain on his neck, but that was the way things often were with threesomes, in her experience - learning to work with unorthodox positions, fucking in ways that didn’t come too naturally but were pleasurable nonetheless. They would find their sweet spot.

Sure enough, he moved into her and engaged in the kiss, while his member ran against her leg, a feeling she wholeheartedly endorsed. She pressed her calf against him and helped him along, working him bit by bit, pushing him down the road he seemed so intent on following.

In all of this, she didn’t forget about her Senji, who was currently doing an excellent job with his mouth, energetically stimulating her breast, her nipples growing stiff and ripe at his attention. That sort of dedication deserved a reward, and she gave it when her hand made its way between his legs, finding his hardness and wrapping her fingers around it for a tight, supple grip.

Stroke. Up and down. Slow. Building tension. Stroke, stroke, stroke.

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Bast liked it, judging by her cooperation. Their smut's picking up pace now. Imai's member stiffened in a straight line, pressing against his shorts at the stimulation. Bast was quick to help him along, taking enough notice to drag her calf along her prize. The rock-solid coil of a leg rolled along the bulge. Just below the back of the knee to the woman's heel as he pulsed his hips up and down. His right arm rested around her right ankle, the arm remaining loose-limbed, rubbing his thumb along the bone there and the fat of the shin. His left arm continued to stroke his groin, picking up the pace now that her lone leg was in the equation.

"More, Bast. More." Imai murmured into her mouth. He egged her on, being greedy with his indulgence. This catharsis he all too willingly accepted. The act of lowering himself right into the panther's maw. But he went silent after that, being too busy rolling and twisting his tongue alongside hers in the passionate connection.

On Senji's end, he could be compared to a reddened wolf, perhaps. All too eager to learn. All too eager to placate, despite the risks. His initial apprehension started to fade as she embraced the two into a warm acceptance. He gave a muffled howl like a canine at Bast finding his rising cock over the pants which covered his shame. It felt firm and tight, locking him into the position. Having mounted her malleable arm, he did the opposite motions she did. When she stroked up, he went down. When she stroked downward, he pulled his hips up in an honest attempt to fuck her hand. At getting a reward, Senji gave a final, firm suckle of her nipple before he pulled away for air. In and out. His half-lidded gaze settled on her upper body to choose a new target. His mouth shot to her abdominals, leaving kisses that were far too soft on each 'rectus abdominis'. Separate muscles, sectioned into six parts. Due to doing so, Senji also had to turn slightly to his left as she continued to pump with one hand and control Imai with the other. Though, this pushed him up against Imai's ribs and belly.
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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

As this went on, Bast tried to ascertain more and more of her partners, wanting to get the best idea of the men who were sharing her. She wanted to get a good feel for what she was working with and what she needed to do—like fighting, in a way—she needed to maintain focus.

Imai, to her mind, was the more experienced one, here. He had patience. He knew where to touch. He knew what to give and when to give it. The man had never struck her as a lothario, exactly, but he was no stranger to the female body, of which she was sure. He handled her with expert touches, meeting her needs and unspoken wants. She was more than willing to let his hands roam as they would, opening herself to him.

Senji, on the other hand, was more newer to things, but he made up for it with energy, of which he had no small amount. Bast tried not to smile too much as she stroked him and he reciprocated her touches, moving in perfect time to meet her rhythm. She picked up the pace with each stroke, faster each time, working him to a quicker conclusion. It wasn’t a matter of if he would pop, but when, and she was thick with anticipation.

A little more, she was sure. Just a little more…

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Only two minutes passed, but to the two it felt far longer in their perception. Sensing their first finale, Bast quickened her approach. On Senji's end, the sour taste in his mouth about not getting a round in succumbed to this new feeling. A pulse of pleasure, that coiled in the very pit of his stomach before churning in the depths of his scrotum. Bast's gloved handjob continued to work. To knead. To coax. Up until it turned FORCEFUL, her fingers then snaked around his covered hardness that much tighter.

The stimulation proved so taxing, that the tension of his throbbing rod pressing against his spats encroached on painful. A vocal compliment sputtered and died in his throat with Senji recoiling to her side as she continued to pump.

This was so much to him! And he could think of few he'd rather do this with. His forehead pressed tightly against her ribs, losing himself in the sensation. A slight drip of fluid warned him of what was to come as Senji promptly gripped his spats on both sides, almost RIPPING them as he sought to avoid releasing INSIDE the clothing. Might interfere with the handjob, but Senji's still coherent enough to maintain some semblance of formal decency. The cold air of the gym tickled his pale member, making Senji quicken in his breaths and hyperventilate.

Senji's waist drove deeper into the socket Bast made, rolling and gyrating his hips like a man possessed. Not quite as refined or precise as someone more experienced. Precum had already began to leak from his tip by this point, the clear fluid spattering on a small section of the octagonal canvas. Then, unexpectedly, he drives DOWN, deep into the imagined folds for the final time! A torrent of spunk erupted from his member while sputtering out in the form of off-white, thin ropes. The climax was quiet unlike the average, where his muscles gave a last tightening as he finally released onto the mat below. The whole of his body remained slackened against the floor, moving as if covered in molasses.

For Imai, she wasn't too off in her assumptions. After an 'unconfirmed' setup, he had a once-in-blue-moon session of teaching BJJ to a partner org's secretaries. While he got through it, and was successful enough to not provoke their wrath, it remained a different kind of battle to the one he was going through now. Imai followed Senji's example in sliding off his shorts, halfway, so that his light-skinned member could roll against her calf. Unlike Senji, Imai slowed down his speed in order to reorient his body and crawl his feet backwards. The purpose of this was to put him in the position of being able to receive a Triangle Choke, with his face staring down between her legs. His right elbow pushed ahead on her stomach to hold himself up, before his mouth dipped below her navel to start the lengthy process of doing his own kissing and suckling centered on the space of chocolate skin below her cage-match-quality shorts. Avoiding her entrance was entirely intentional on his end, stemming from a combination of Imai thinking it's too early, a treatment for somewhere a bit more personal or private, and to get Bast riled up about him being bratty about his subservience.
Last edited by TheLoneWanderer on Mon Nov 25, 2024 6:30 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Bast would never put herself on the same level as LAW’s most notorious sexpots, but she’d recieved her fair share of compliments in her time, partners who lauded her sensual prowess. She didn’t care much for praise, especially with something like this, but that didn’t mean their applause never stuck with her. While she did not intend to touch the hentai division, she suspected she would do better there than many would guess. She also suspected that neither Imai or Senji would disagree on that. The results spoke for themselves.

Senji was the first to pop, and she could feel him rising with each passing second. A slow, steady heat between her fingers. She could feel his breath quickening, his pace rising, and the inevitable occurred all at once. Though she wasn’t much of the type to laugh during sex, she could resist a snickering smile as he humped her hand with furious abandon, driving hard against her inviting hand, as if there was a chance she might pull it away at any given moment.

She did not. Bast held firm, and his patience was rewarded.

Imai, however, was a little more inventive. Needless to say, she was quite aware of where his head was and what that mouth was up to, noting how he avoided a specific interesting area. Her toes curled, her muscles tightened - she liked being teased, she hated being teased, and he was damn good at it. But she wasn’t about to make it that easy on him.

Her legs wrapped around his head and clamped on. Not super-tight, not enough to hurt, but enough to send a message, that he was in for the long haul and that she expected a good job to be done, or else. She lifted her head enough to lock eyes with his, showing him the same fiery focus that she’d displayed during the spar, while she wiped her hand clean on the mat.

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Dark, toned legs sought to lock around the grappler’s tempting neck. They bit into the man's throat. A right arm and a neck captured together made a triangle, and Bast's legs, one knee folded around the other ankle, confirmed it. Though, she gave him a rolling pressure instead of crushing his throat. A gentle warning. Imai's throat made a "HICK"-kind of noise at his shoulder being pressed under his chin a bit. That made it a tad more straining to work between her legs. That said, he returned her fiery expression with one of his own. It was more subdued than hers with furrowed eyebrows, but at least he was paying attention. Imai crawled his legs to his right, allowing him to go to work on her inner thigh. Said work consisted of consummating his claim on the leg itself by sucking at the flesh there. His cheeks inflated and deflating, as his throat billowed air onto the skin. In time, Bast would probably feel an increase in pressure from his teeth, through the shorts, nibbling at the thigh to give her some proper hickeys. Violet in color, but lacking the blood of a laceration.
Defiant Gaze
Senji came down from his high, delighted in all types, by stopping his penetration of her hand. The redhead crawled himself up to rest by Bast's head, resting his chin on her shoulder. The downtrodden length was forced to mash against the floor and had avoided the haphazard puddle of jizz since its owner scooted up to lay down on his partner. As he wasn't old enough to lack youthful vigor, Senji's left arm curled around her chest. This mashed her mounds against his rashguard and the sinewy muscles beneath. He hugged her close to himself, expressing a nonverbal 'thanks' for the treatment she had given him. And even then, it could be assured that Bast had plans on top of plans for more than a simple one-night stand.

Imai, on the other hand, would alternate between two targets now by moving his upper body back and forth. He busied his mouth with inching closer and closer to her second set of covered lips with every kiss. His left hand grabbed at the palm of his right, establishing a gable grip there. The head which encompassed the mouth worked on pressing his scalp, diagonally, against her ankle. Ever so slightly, he would start to weaken the leg lock she had entrapped him within. He wanted to get his space by inching more of it like a jack, as well as playfully annnoooyyy the panther again.

"You should start barking, to go along with that bite of yours."

The 20-year old phenom goaded.
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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Careful. Careful.

Bast knew well how quickly this hold could put someone out, both from the experience of executing it and having it executed upon her. She took care not to put a serious amount of pressure on his throat, stopping well short of what would be needed to knock him but giving enough to emphasize an unspoken point: Imai was not getting out of her legs until she was satisfied. Not until she had what she wanted. This was about subjugation. Dominance.

Judging by the look in Imai’s eyes, he understood. Fiery, but controlled, like a contained forest fire. His mouth went to work, chewing on her thigh and giving it the proper attention, but she wanted it lower still. Her hands ran through his hair and gave it subtle tugs, rewarding his efforts, but incentivizing him to something much more tantalizing.

As he worked, Senji moved in, seeking warmth, and she gladly gave it to him with a nurturing hand, her arm curling around his chin, her fingers idly mussing up his hair. Petting him, rubbing, the idle attention of an owner to her pet, though she thought of him a little more than that. He’d had his moment, had been satisfied, and now she would help ease him down from the high…for now.

She chuckled under her heavy breaths, enjoying the little joke - a bark or two would be cute, but it would ruin the mood. Especially now, as Senji was working his way toward a better target. Her hips began to buck, as if her body itself knew was coming and hoped to hurry it along. She needed release.

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

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Tug. Tuuuuuuugggg.

Imai's blonde tresses draped over his beet red face at the pull of her hand. This, naturally, guided his throat to mash against his arm about halfway. Snagging on his limb promoted a high-pitched grunt, with Imai huffing between Bast's hamstrings. He sunk deeper into the embrace of the canvas, laying on his stomach as his hardness flattened against the floor. Imai compelled his mouth to find the very middle, to finally get her on the road to a riveting climax after making her wait for so long. He tested the waters with his lips in order to test how hard he needed to bite down for her to feel pleasure through the shorts. Imai throated her sex immediately, tasting the tangy musk as he caressed his lips over Bast's second set and tried to insert his tongue to simulate penetrative intimacy. Fast. Passionate. The sweaty grappler clenched at her thighs with his free hand to ground himself. It pawed at her luscious legs, gripping her rock-solid skin hard as Bast squuueeezzzeeeddd to keep her blondie restrained. Not enough to make him black out. Just enough to keep the darkness creeping in on his vision, but not consume him entirely. The euphoria of being choked, one after the other, only increased his arousal.

Senji experienced a more passive activity. That being, where he is patted by Bast as her hands handle his red head. In response, he continued to clutch her chest like a lifeline. This feeling of elation, it was all because of her despite how sloppy it had ended up being. So potent, in fact, that he could not think of anything he regretted. Bast was starting off wonderfully, when fighting and as a lover. Goaded by Imai's triangle experience, he let himself drift off into the memory of the many times Bast submitted him in all his unvoiced favorite positions if he hadn't been able to overcome her in time. Armbars, Triangles, Sleepers, Heaven's Wrath, a Guillotine if he couldn't pop his head out. The entire arsenal....

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Re: Sexual, Sensual Healing (For BlackAkuma)

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

There. Just there. Bast was clenched Imai tight as she felt him go to work beneath, her body tense with expectation. She had waited for this, for what felt like hours but likely had been longer than a couple of minutes. Sex, good sex, had a way of stretching time and compressing it all at once. A single second could go on and on, but then it all came crashing down in a rush at the end, like the buildup of a roller coaster and the sudden drop.

Not that Bast would know; she’d never been on one. But she imagined it was much like that. One day, she would have to find out.

For now, she had her fill of thrilling experiences as Imai’s tongue went to work, his tongue sinking deep and working pure magic. Her eyes closed and her back arched as energy surged through her body, a tingling numbness that spread from her loins all through her body.

”I’m, I’m-”

Bast erupted, spurting out with hot bursts into Imai’s face, gushing in waves. Her body tensed up, giving his skull an agonizing moment of skull-cracking pain, before she unwound all at once, her power fleeing and her muscles relaxing. The hold didn’t come apart, but all the bite was gone, as she flopped on the mat with starry eyes and a gaping mouth. Utterly spent.

”That was good.” She spoke through her heaving breaths and ran fingers through her hair. She didn’t smile often, but she smiled now. That was good.”

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