Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
It had been some time since Cecilia Lombard had last appeared by herself in a LAW match. Her last singles bout had been at Do or Die - a match that had seen her confronted by the Selection in what quickly turned into a desperate struggle for survival, when the Anomaly and his lackeys cornered her in a remote village high in the mountains. In the face of the pressure, she couldn't help but crumble. Ever since, Cecilia had appeared behind the Selection in their promos and made run-ins on their behalf, seemingly under the sway of the Selection and their power. But only time would tell how she would handle herself in the ring as a member of their order - and if she would keep on the same merciless, cold-blooded sadism she had shown before.

The world was about to find out.

"Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! At 5'6, weighing 135 pounds-"

Before the announcer could finish the introduction, a burst of static came through the speakers, and her voice was silenced by a loud, metallic screech, one that caused several in the crowd to cover their ears. The lights abruptly cut, and the arena was plunged into darkness. When the lights came up again, it bathed the entrance ramp in an icy blue - but there, Cecilia came walking down the ramp.
Something seemed...off about her, though. She didn't have the sense of cocky confidence she had shown in her previous matches. Her movements were slow, measured, and careful, and her face was flat and emotionless, with no sight of the smug smile she had shown before. It looked like Cecilia. But there was no doubt that something else was in control here.

Never was that more confirmed than when Cecilia got into the ring. She spoke with a slow, motherly tone, her voice softer and more patient. "My, it's been too long since I was here," she said in an uncharacteristically formal fashion. "I dare say, these people may well have forgotten what it is I can do. Well, that's quite all right. We'll show them, won't we?"

Slowly, the lights began to rise on the ring, where Cecilia stood, that same smile on her face. Only time would tell what she'd offer once the match began...
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Rose's career in LAW had been one of mostly lows, starting out with a promising match, meeting someone she came to develop feelings for, followed by loss after loss, cementing her role in the undercard of LAW. Rose couldn't let it keep her down though, each match was a chance to prove herself, to make her career and chances better, tonight was one of those nights, she was fighting someone who hadn't fought in a while, possibly leaving Rose a chance to steal a win away from someone who was rusty.

Only time would tell, though long term viewers and Cecilia fans saw Rose's situation differently. They thought Rose was as the kids say, "cooked". Rose waited by the curtain, stretching out her arms, waiting for her music. Rose looked a bit nervous, but quickly forced herself to smile as her music started up.

" And her opponent from Brooklyn, New York, standing at 5'7 and weighing 138 pounds... Rose Martinelli !!!"
Rose stepped through the curtain, greeting the crowd with her usual joyful and hopeful attitude, to a mixed response, some people seeing Rose as a lost cause, others still having hope cheering her on. Skipping down the ramp, Rose high fived any fans she still had close enough to the ramp before running right up to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope, and popping right back up to her feet inside of the ring before heading to her corner and turning to face her opponent, the woman certainly looked tough, even rough and dangerous but that wasn't going to cause Rose to treat her with any less respect. "Hi" Rose said nervously, raising her hand and giving her a wave, unsure how the woman would react.
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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By all accounts, this match was the definition of an uphill battle. Rose did not exactly have the reputation that inspired much confidence in her skills, and to make matters worse, she was up against Cecilia Lombard, a woman who was already known as one of the most merciless in LAW. Before, Cecilia had always been out for herself, and she saw everyone in her way as being little more than obstacles to her goals - obstacles she had no qualms about eliminating. Now that she had the influence of the Selection behind her, Cecilia's presence was even more threatening. No one could possibly guess what might happen next - but surely it wasn't going to be pretty.

Rose, to her credit, didn't seem to let any of that get her down. When she got into the ring, she met Cecilia with a cheerful grin and a wave. But the stony look on Cecilia's face didn't change even for a moment. She had no time for pleasantries. In fact, without another word, she took another step closer to Rose and shoved firmly against her shoulders to try and steer her away, and to send her a message of just how little she cared for her.


Seeing that the two women were ready, the bell rang soon after that. Cecilia, though, didn't make a move. She stood where she was, folding her arms and keeping her gaze on Rose to see how she would approach her once the match began.
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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The pink haired undercard always told herself she just had to focus, and try hard to win but at the moment was trying to put on a brave face as her opponent approached her. "H-hey!" Rose protested as Cecilia grabbed her shoulders and shoved her, her back pressing against the turnbuckle. Rose's eyes were momentarily wide with fear as Cecilia backed away back to her own corner.

Rose took a deep breath calming herself down, her gaze lowering to her opponent. "I'll show you!" Rose shouted as the bell rang. Rose's feelings were clouding her judgement though, she saw Cecilia just standing in her corner and couldn't help herself. Running towards the woman Rose leaped in the aim aiming to land a body splash to crush Cecilia back in her corner! Though being as reckless as this was it could immediately bite her in the ass.
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Right from the moment the match began, Cecilia was intent on demonstrating where she stood, and where she felt Rose belonged, when she gave her a hard shove. She meant business - and she needed her opponent to know that. If Rose was going to get in her way, Cecilia wouldn't hesitate to tear her down - and if the push to her shoulders wasn't enough to remind her of that, hopefully the cold, merciless glare on her face with which she stared straight through her would be.

When the match began, Cecilia stood where she was, keeping her eyes fixed on Rose as she prepared herself for whatever she might throw at her next. She didn't even need to bother with getting into a stance - in fact, she didn't move a muscle, keeping her back held straight and her eyes fixed ahead on her foe. She didn't even need to ready herself - with her posture alone, she was sending a message that she would be prepared for anything her opponent might possibly throw at her. She was already convinced she had this.

Sure enough, when Rose hurled herself straight toward Cecilia, the dark-haired woman would be ready. Rather than get out of the way, she would simply sweep her foot upward in an arc in front of her, looking to deflect Rose's momentum with a superkick aimed at her jaw!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Rose had made a big mistake before the bell had even rang, she let her emotions take over, making her reckless, clouding her judgement, the reasonable unease she had for her opponent was replaced with a bit of anger and desire to prove she was more than her opponent seemed to think she was. Something that was sure to cost Rose big if she didn't keep her feelings in check.

Running forward Rose's eyes stayed locked with her opponent, the woman wasn't moving, Rose thought she might actually be able to land a big splash to open the match. Jumping up Rose's eyes widened! "AHHHHHHHHH!" the pink haired woman cried out and her head snapped back as Cecilia's boot connected with her jaw with a nasty superkick sending Rose backwards, landing hard on her back, the room spinning around her as she tried to roll onto her side. Rose groaned rubbing her jaw, feeling like she had just gotten hit by a bus.


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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Rose thought that she might be able to gain an early lead in this match by charging toward Cecilia, prepared to tackle her with a splash. But her tactics proved all too predictable. She had overlooked one important factor - Cecilia would be ready for her. As Rose warmed herself up, the dark-haired girl was watching her every move, studying the way she held her body. She knew that she would come toward her - and she would be ready to intercept her, cutting her off at the pass with a hard superkick straight to the jaw!

The whole arena erupted in boos and groans of sympathy for Rose as she was thrown backward and flopped onto her back. But Cecilia had no mercy to show her. Undeterred, she stormed forward to where her opponent had fallen, where she would reach down to grab her head and pull her back up. If she could do that, she'd throw a couple of kicks to Rose's gut, looking to soften her up, before she tucked her head under her arm and fell back to drive her head into the mat with a DDT!
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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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"Uhhhh" Rose groaned, her head feeling worse than a hangover after her opponent's kick had laid her out like a blanket. Rose was too dazed to register the crowd's sympathy, and she wouldn't be given the chance to as Cecilia approached her, towering over her like a storm cloud as the woman reached down and grabbed her.

"Ngggh" Rose let out a groan of protest as she was hulled back up to her feet before her opponent's knee came into play! "AH! AH! AH!" Rose let out as her opponent's knee struck her stomach once, twice, and finally thrice, forcing a bit of air from her lungs with each consecutive hit, causing her to double over, playing right into Cecilia's hands as Rose quickly found her head tucked between the woman's arm! "Wait! AH!" Rose protested as Cecilia through her weight back and spiked the pink haired woman's head into the canvas causing Rose to go limp in her grasp.


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Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Rose Martinelli

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Rose had gone down hard, but Cecilia still had no mercy to show her - not by a long shot. As a matter of fact, all Cecilia cared about now was having an easy target for her to exert her dominance over - and she was going to take full advantage of that, as she hauled the redhead up by the head before ramming knee after knee into her gut! That drove the air out of her lungs - which would mean Rose wouldn't put up much of a fight as Cecilia threw herself backward to ram her head into the mat! Some of the fans booed her cruel treatment of the hapless girl, but Cecilia wouldn't pay them any heed. She had her purpose in this match - she would see to it that it was carried out.

Now that Rose was laying there stunned, Cecilia had free reign to do as she pleased. She rolled herself up onto her knees, then rose to her feet - but only so that she could turn around and cross Rose's legs around one of her own, holding them firmly in place against her knee. Then, she would throw herself to her back to stretch her opponent's leg in a figure four leglock!
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