The booing was even louder now, Skylar rolling her eyes and walking around the ring before looking towards the time keeper's table and reaching her hand out. Nervously, a stagehand walked up and offered a microphone, which was snatched from her hand as Sky addressed the crowd. "Oh don't you people fucking boo me! That match would've been ass anyway!" She said, doing nothing to quiet the chorus of boos, but she didn't care. "I came out here tonight to talk to you folks about LAW's mixed division. Over the years I've been in this company, I've heard about a lot of bitching and moaning about the fact that there's no mixed championship. Bitching and moaning about the fact that the men here are nothing but a sideshow. As if this company wasn't meant to be all about women in the first place, but, whatever. She shrugged. "But to those whiners, I gotta ask... have you seen the men in this company? Most of them are here because A. They wanna touch boobs, or B. They can't get away with beating their girlfriends so they gotta take it out on a girl in the ring. And the very few men here who do take this sport seriously? Well, I hate to break it to ya, they're here because they're not talented enough to make it in WWE, or AEW, or NJPW, or AFW. Hell! They're not even good enough for TNA!" She laughed, the crowd shouting and jeering as she buried every male wrestler in the company. "And for talentless, worthless losers like them, I'd say their own little corner in a women's wrestling company is a helluva lot more then they deserve. But I guess they just couldn't be happy with that, could they?"
"See a little while back, there was this thing called the Kings and Queens Tournament. All those whiners and losers decided to get together and make their own little unofficial championship, and you fucking marks ate that shit up, huh?" She asked. "And that so-called Kings and Queens Championship ended up being awarded to a big redheaded himbo by the name of Oscar Orelash, but not long after that victory, he got attacked or something, don't know don't care. Point is, some shit happened to em, and he had to run crying back to whatever shitty little indie fed he came from for a little while, because he is a pussy and a bitch."
"And y'know I was thinking about all that, and I realized there's nothing really stopping me from making my own belt and declaring myself the champion in his absence. So..." Reaching down, she opened the backpack she'd brought to the ring with her, pulling out a cheap plastic toy replica of the LAW Middleweight Championship and a permanent marker. "I bought this thing here from the merch stand like five minutes ago for about twenty bucks. Feeling this shitty plastic I feel kinda jipped, but I guess that's befitting of what it's getting used for." She dropped the microphone on the ground, and popped the lid off her marker, crossing out the word middleweight on her toy belt and writing 'mixed' beneath it. Dropping the marker, she grabbed the microphone and lifted the belt above her head with one hand."Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the LAW Mixed Championship! A Championship that unlike the Kings and Queens belt, truly represents what the men in this company are worth!" She proclaimed with a smirk. "And to any of the loser men in the back who think I'm wrong about them, please, I implore you, come challenge me, and try to prove me wrong. I would LOVE to beat it into you just what kind of pathetic garbage you really are!"
Dropping the microphone, she brought the belt down to her face and gave it a good long kiss before lifting it high above her head with both hands, a shit eating grin on her face as she took in the hatred the audience threw at her.
The LAW Mixed Championship!