Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Match Type: Mutual Erotica Match, with modified Kissing Game Rules. Takes place in an LAW-owned apartment.
Victory Conditions: Pinning the opponent down and forcing them to orgasm in the 69 position. All sexual contact involving the genitalia must be made with the opponent being able to reciprocate. Stripping the opponent nude (with an exception to said nudity being Black Severin's mask) will grant a competitor a grace period of one minute in which this rule is ignored; during this one minute, the opponent must not resist and may not apply any stimulation to the stripper.

Kissing Game rules have been modified in order to grant an additional boon: After landing ten kisses on the opponent's lips, a competitor will be allowed to remove one article of clothing without resistance.
Black Severin
(Note: The pants aren't rolled up at the end.)
Alright. This was bringing Black Severin back to more familiar territory following his loss at the Kings & Queens Tournament. It was something he was of two minds about: On one hand, he really wanted to get back to the Standard matches that he'd begun his career with, and right to work on pushing himself back on track to the Mixed Division Championship. There may be a man holding it, but he was going to have to make his way through a number of women to get at him. He needed to do it right this time. For his fans. For Ryan. And to prove it to himself that he can make it to the top.

It could have been him. He could've been the one to break that barrier. He could've made history as the first man to win a title in LAW, but he let it slip through his fingers. He was almost there. And he wasn't going to forgive himself until he finally pulled it off.

And on the other, it wasn't like this was going to be a night off. Hentai wrestling was still wrestling, and he needed to bring the changes to this too. And when he really thought about it, he realized that it was a better test than a vanilla match would have been. He already hadn't wanted to go too hard against a woman there, but here? Mixing sex with the harsh, demanding physicality that wrestling requires? He was going to have to wake up and face that too.

But there was one problem: He wasn't sure if he really wanted to be mixing sex into the wrestling with the woman that Alix had him booked to face on After Dark this week: Arlise Christiaens. Having seen her interactions with her female opponents in contrast to how she was in her match against Drake Vyril...

With the women, she was affable. With him, she was aloof from the beginning. And it wasn't like he was a bad guy: Severin had looked into him. Before seeing their match together, actually; Bea had come to him to talk about how bad she felt after her own match with him ended the way it did. Her Guerrero tactics had ended up causing a huge misunderstanding. One that she was entirely at fault for, really.

Hell, he would've been pissed if she did that to him too.

Back to the original point. There was some definite ice there. The kicker was the way it ended: Drake did the right thing. He complimented her performance, showed some sportsmanship. Checked in on her. And when it became clear that she wasn't actually into the POW part of the whole thing, he backed off. Whatever fun there was to be had, he wanted reciprocated and mutual.

And in response, she bitched the guy right out of the room. And smiled about it afterwards. Fucking yikes.

It had Severin wondering if maybe he'd been set up for a Hentai match -- one with rules that he drafted up, at that -- with a woman who didn't like men. It's not like LAW is a place that discourages that mentality. It's why he hadn't made himself too comfortable the same way he has in his other bedroom and apartment matches. He wanted to talk with her first. Feel her out.

Maybe it was just a bad night for her. But he was ready to walk if the vibe was wrong. Take it to the main show; get this switched to a Standard bout. No harm, no foul. But he wasn't going out like that in his own damn match.

For the time being, he was hanging out in the
, standing at the window to check out the penthouse view of a snowy New York City. Wine glass filled with fruit punch in hand.

Beautiful. Delicious.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Chrstiaens)

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The floodgates had opened.

Arlise Christiaens squinted at herself in the mirror. She did not miss the innuendo in that statement, given she referred to her first LAW hentai encounter leading to her second. Which would no doubt lead to her third. Her fourth... and so on. Perhaps LAW's new plan for her should have come as an insult to some wrestlers with as much pride as Arlise, but she did find it flattering to have achieved what someone in LAW must have deemed a sex symbol. To have succeeded in that role, finally, lifted her spirits, too. Why complain to anyone?

She did have a sneaking suspicion about the motivation behind this match, however. Arlise again squinted as she adjusted her new wrestling attire, which she planned to test for the purpose of its likelihood for wardrobe malfunctions. A hentai match struck her as a good opportunity, given no doubt this "Severin" would be planning to relieve her of most of her clothes. Therein lied her suspicions. Arlise did not have a longstanding record of mixed matches, and her one official mixed match had ended with one of the required stipulations of this match - essentially, a 69. It had taken place in a similar setting. It had caused some drama. Her pragmatism toward sex and frustration at her loss had ruffed some prideful, masculine feathers, and ultimately, nothing had come of the match's aftermath.

She wondered if LAW did not wish to see that reenacted, but with the benefits of this "After Dark" program to lower some of the stakes for the redhead. Again... flattering, but not entirely pleasing, as if they wanted to force a "mood."

Regardless, Arlise tried to avoid thinking about it. She had learned to better maintain her focus, so those irrelevant frills and curiosities - and even the nature of the match itself - no longer drained her confidence. She had practiced her trade in a litany of apartment matches. She found herself surprisingly ready as she utilized the last of her few seconds before heading for the neighboring prop apartment to begin her match. She thought she looked quite desirable indeed in the new gear. With a preparatory sigh, she strolled from the dressing room and strolled to the next door.

...She should, this time, be the one to act as the distraction. With that in mind, she wore her sultriest showbiz smile as she knocked first, hoping to draw eyes, and eased her way into the doorway, one curvy leg leading the way.


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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Chrstiaens)

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If there indeed was any intention of replicating the ending of that match, Severin was unaware of it. He just had a booker approach him to discuss a way to jazz things up a little. When he pitched the Mutual Erotica match to Alix, he'd intended for the rules to be left as they were: When things get sexy, there had to be room made for mutual pleasure. Intercourse? Pretty simple. If he started fingering her, he had to let her jerk him off. Oral? Likely to lead to a sixty-nine.

The big-wigs really wanted to see that position. And they had ideas for how to incorporate Kissing Game rules as well: Plant ten kisses on the lips, and you get take something off. Any one article of clothing you choose. And it meshed perfectly with the rule on stripping. Sounded pretty fun to him overall, so he gave the green light.

That they cared for his input at all made him feel like a top guy. He had no real illusions of that, but it was nice. He'd taken another swallow from his glass when he heard a feminine voice that wasn't the referee's.

Here we go.

Of course Arlise would catch the eyes she'd sought on the way in. The referee's, those of the small crew that were finishing up on some final tasks, and you know it, Severin's own when he turned around. It was a matter of fact, like snow being white. Or Goku being stronger than Superman.

Especially when she's rocking an outfit like that. His research revealed that apartment wrestling was her specialty. And yeah, she was certainly dressed for it. And she had a smile that was almost, almost perfect for the occasion. Well, he was sure that it would've been one hundred percent for most others, but not for him.

These days, when he saw a smile, he paid attention to the entirety of it, with some emphasis put on the eyes. The most important pieces, and the things that, when you know to look for it, could make or break the entire thing. It's that final one to complete the jigsaw.

And there was something missing in her assembly; this was a performance. And After Dark's nature had it leaning towards "fake it 'til you make it" nerves over "I don't want to be here, but I'll put up with it" for an explanation: There wasn't a single person on this show who was volunteered for it. Recommended, yes. And they'd all be called in for a meeting. A quick compatibility check, with most, if not all of these meetings being with Alix herself. They'd go over After Dark's mission statement, she'd told him, and go over things that they like or might want to explore, and take it from there.

That's how it went for him. And he trusted that much. The real mystery was what was keeping Arlise's smile incomplete.

Severin's own would be easygoing and friendly. "Yo." He finished the remnants of the Tropicana on the way to her, setting the glass down on a table that was sitting at the side. "I know it's a matter of fact, but I'll say it anyway: You're looking lovely." When the distance between them had been closed, he'd offer her a hand to shake. "Black Severin. Nice to meet you."
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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If Arlise had a watch, she would have checked it.

Seeing the ongoing prep, her sultriness momentarily faded. She hadn't arrived early enough to encounter the preparation for these matches due to her... own preparation. The idea that they had run the clock ahead in her dressing room did occur to her. Nonetheless, she swallowed her surprise, though the full force of her sensuality had certainly failed to come to bear. Too bad, too - her opponent approached her. She could not imagine one of LAW's reliable hands or techs dress wearing a mask for no reason.

She recovered her smile to greet him, and the activity relaxed her enough that she exchanged the pin-up perfection for a more easygoing smile of her own. She scanned him at the same time, however, figuring he wore enough that she would not be... herself. Easily distracted. Just enough of a glance to gauge his stature and strength and recognize the appeal in those thick arms before she tilted her gray eyes up to meet with his brown again as he complimented her and extended a hand.

As she delicately took it, knowing from experience that delicacy tended to resonate a bit more with most men, she glanced around the room. "Thank you. You don't seem the only one who thinks so," she told him in her appealing intermingled accent. Knowing better than to let their company hold her focus for long, however, Arlise peered back up at his mask while he introduced himself. "Arlise. It's a pleasure." Her eyes narrowed with a look of satisfaction, and she reached up to place a pair of fingers at the side of the mask. "Smart jacket. And I do enjoy a good mask."

That, she did not say merely for the appeal - she did think masks added a provocative allure. She had considered wearing one herself, but she knew better than to cover her face.

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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Chrstiaens)

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Severin was expecting to be met with a wall right away. Not an attitude, necessarily -- just a layer of ice. Something that would put her out of reach even though she was right there. Instead, her features eased up and turned into something honest. He believed it when she said it was a pleasure to meet him.

And an appealing accent, indeed. He'd watched enough Jean Claude Van Damme growing up to be able to properly place her as Belgian. There would be a quick, "blink and you'll miss it" flash of surprise in his eyes when her fingers made contact with his mask. It wasn't a big deal to him at all, but he figured that the handshake was probably going to be all the touching she'd want to do until the match started.

It was there now, that last piece of the puzzle. Looks like he'd misjudged her.

"I'm glad the fit's to your liking, m'lady." There was no sarcasm there. The entire outfit, down to the mask, had been made specifically to fit him. It was discounted as a gesture of good will. A testament to how eager Cordelia Manin -- a designer who'd linked up with other wrestlers, including Alix -- was to have him represent the eponymous brand as he goes about his business. But it still wasn't cheap.

He liked it, personally. Felt suave and sophisticated without being uppity. And he'd been wanting to take a dive into the Goth aesthetic for a good, long while, now. But he wanted to be sure about the look that he'd traded that pretty penny for, and so he put out a quick post on Twitter. The reception has been pretty positive.

There were a few comments expressing fears that he was about to make a Heel turn. Apparently, it could be interpreted as a "bad guy" look. He was able to see it too: Looking in the mirror, he could see himself in the role of the main villain's right hand man in an action movie. That made him laugh. Hopefully, he would've been the one that manages to be a huge pain the ass before he goes down.

Severin reached up and took Arlise's gloved hand in his, guiding it up to his lips. He'd plant them right on that golden crown. His expression switched to something more playful. "I aim to please."
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Arlise's meetings with Dr. Takemi had proven useful in more than the more obvious sense - learning that she needed an outlet for pent-up needs and desires. She had learned, too, that others - Dr. Takemi included - had those same desires and needs, that those desires and needs had a place and time, and that, regardless of the previous, that sometimes one could not find the proper time for new needs and discoveries to arise. Arlise merely needed to... mitigate hers arising at the wrong place and time and ensure that she summoned those desires and needs in others.

So she looked for them in Severin and looked to trigger them. The touch did not summon a grand reaction, but she thought it could serve as one step in several meant to have his head in that same fog that obscured her thoughts sometimes. She hadn't consciously had that strategy in her mind the last time she wrestled a man - she could consider it a new advantage. Hopefully. She would not bet everything on that one card, as her mother often liked to say.

But she had him kissing her hand. She appreciated some chivalry. With her ruby red lips lifted in satisfaction, she nodded, and if the preparation had not persisted, she might have tried her hand on that betting card with something bolder to wrest his good sense from him. "That is also acceptable," she agreeably retorted, again casting her eyes on the others in the room. "Is it you who gets to tell them to leave, or do I?"

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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Chrstiaens)

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He couldn't put his finger on what, exactly, but Severin was able to see something going on behind those beautiful greys. Greys. Is she wearing contacts? A question borne of simple curiosity in his mind. Recent matches and segments -- not his own -- have showed him that there are more natural colors out there than he previously believed. Like this one Raven chick. A nasty piece of work that he hoped to never share a ring, apartment, bed, or any close proximity in general with. Has eyes like a werewolf, but according to her profile on the site, they're natural.

That detail didn't matter right now. That smile did. It lifted his own, almost in unison. With the demeanor she displayed in her previous mixed match still lingering in his mind -- though not so concerning now -- it felt like a reward. One he got just by being himself. The contrast between his years from puberty on to him being signed onto LAW, and the months that followed; between the bombs, trainwrecks, and abysmal failures, and a string of successes so stellar that one would win him the romance he'd been dreaming of, continued to provide additional content to these moments.

Arlise's prompting turned him towards the few staff that remained of the crew that was present when he got here. He hadn't spied any of them doing anything major, so it was time to make this place theirs for the night.

"Alright, everybody!" Severin began, his voice carrying authority he didn't actually have, but managed to have them at attention anyway. "First of all, I wanna thank you guys for everything you've done to make sure that our stay here's a smooth one. Much appreciated. But!" He would point towards the referee as he continued. "Aside from you, and assuming that there isn't anything major that y'all need to finish up..." He gestured towards the exit. "It's about that time. We can take it from here."

With no major tasks left on their to-do lists, the remaining crew then proceeded to file out. "Good job, and good night."

Going, going, going, going, and...gone. And with that, his attention returned to the redheaded bombshell. Time to get to it.

"Alright, alright, back to the important business. I've got a couple questions for you: First off, this penthouse has got a few places where we can throw down. There's a ring in one room, we've got a mat laid down in another, and last, but certainly not least, there's a bed that feels like a cloud." His lips made a little upturn at the mention of the bed. Tried and true, always being where things got the hottest, even in his other apartment matches. "What's your preference?"
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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And so he did.

Arlise did not consider herself impatient, but she had no desire to linger and wait and let all her preparation for the match go to waste while they tinkered with the room to the point of obsession. She missed the irony of her own usual preparatory time, choosing instead to saunter farther into the room as he spoke to them. While her knowledge of "After Dark" remained limited, she gathered that they as the participants had more sway over the proceedings of a match than on a weekly LAW show given the division's nature. It seemed she had the right of it - she watched, arms folded, as they gathered themselves and departed.

"Thank you," she said to the last few before they closed the door behind them, leaving the two of them alone. Despite all her sensual confidence, the room became somehow smaller with the two of them as the only one occupying it given what activities coursed through her mind as possibilities for the next however long until one of them lost. That possibility - losing - steeled her resolve to avoid letting the moment overcome her... or any moments until she had defeated him.

She leaned on one foot and listened as he presented the possibilities. Her mind and eyes perked up at the mention of mats - her specialty. His countenance certainly perked at the idea of the bed. His desire to find himself there saw her narrow her eyes even through her smile. She did not believe she had the read on him yet, not like she could have read, say, that wrestling prince from the gym during her first weeks at LAW. Confident but cordial. Still a touch overdressed, so she could not gather how intimate that he plotted to become from the outset nor how well he could handle the redhead's own sensuality.

She made her decision, inching toward him again and leaning in to speak, giving him a look at the length of her to avoid any complaints against her proposal. "I can't know what I want until I've thrashed a..." She flipped through her English knowledge for the best word. "...playmate on the mats."

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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Mats. They were going to the mats. He didn't have much trouble reading what her eyes were saying this time when he mentioned the bed: "Don't think you're slick, motherfucker. You're not getting me that easy." It was said much more elegantly in her mind, he was sure. But that was the statement, made before she said a word.

Arlise did a little pose for him as she inched her way closer; gave him a quick showcase. He picked up what she was letting down, casting an appreciative gaze that he wouldn't let linger. It wasn't the kind of showing off that called for straight-up ogling. Severin wasn't let down by her choice. He'd already watched plenty: UItimate Surrender, Tribgirls, Trib Dolls, Evolved Fights, Primal Sexual Domination/Supremacy, and various others prior to coming to LAW, so he knew well that things could get real sexy there too. Might not be as comfortable, but it can and has happened. Besides, this doesn't necessarily mean that they'll be staying there.

The talk of her thrashing him got a chuckle in response. The air he breathed was lighthearted, still, not mocking the notion. He was looking forward to wrestling with her, really. The lady's stronger than she looks; capable of tossing Heavyweights around. He wanted to see how he'd fare, having bulked up to a nice, lean one hundred and eighty-five pounds over the time he'd been away post-tourney. "If it's the mats, the lady wants..." He'd say as stepped to her side, offering her one of his strong arms. He kept it simple: No flexing. No doubt she'd already had guys who were more jacked than he is run that game. And it's probably gotten old, so he'd just play it cool. "Then the mats, the lady gets. Shall we?"

Whether it was arm-in-arm or not, he'd lead her (and the referee) to them. Just down this hallway over yonder. After opening the door, he'd step aside and let her go through first, letting his eyes fall to her backside.

She certainly doesn't slack on her squats! Damn!

It would be a brief assessment. A little nibble for his brown eyes, then he'd bring them right back up. He had the feeling that she might look over her shoulder to make sure that he wasn't being untoward. But can you blame a brother?

It was a very accommodating
(NOTE: Imagine that it's more spacious than this.)
with plenty of mat to roll around in that was surrounded by carpentry and padded walls. There were potted plants perfectly placed for decoration, with a couple cushioned chairs at the side, next to a well-stocked mini-fridge and a desk that was topped with a selection of snacks.

"Alright." He began, stepping towards, but not onto the mats just yet. "Second question: My actual gear is just underneath this." He gestured towards the outer layer he was wearing. "I can get down to it myself, no problem. But given the nature of this match, I thought I'd just throw the option out there: Wanna strip me down yourself?"

Damn bold, he knows. But he wasn't really pushing it. Just crossing over into the deep end. Or so he felt, at least. A real interest check if there ever was one.

With a shrug and an inviting smile on his handsome face, Severin waited patiently for Arlise's answer.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:58 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Red Dread Seduction (Black Severin vs Arlise Christiaens)

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Arlise considered herself funny.

She could concede that, typically, her sense of humor proved so understated that people did not latch onto the... humor portion. As a friend had put it, she possessed good humor but poor jokes. However, she had learned that her pin-up looks and graceful nature ensured that her making boisterous or violent threats earned some laughter. At times, that laughter came because people did not take her seriously. At other times, the laughter came because she could make those threats oh so sweetly. She scrutinized his laughter, but she decided it likely fit in the latter category.

More importantly, he didn't complain. He chose to make chivalric. Regarding the arm he offered to her with far more evident scrutiny but that same good humor, she hesitated. While some of her previous opponents she might have suspected of taking any contact as a chance to leave her sprawled on the apartment floor, he had thus far missed several opportunities to act brutishly or haughtily toward her. She hooked her arm with his in acceptance.

"Be sure to know, I like this arm," she non-menacingly warned.

She strolled in ahead of him after the short walk, hips naturally twisting without her so much as trying to add to the appeal. Her curiosity had her studying the room. For all her love of her apartment's wrestling atmosphere, this room had a certain intimacy too, though she would have preferred a touch less cold cleanli... what was she saying? The less homey the atmosphere, the more likely she could keep her mind focused on the win. She quickly checked herself with a reminder that she should not treat this as a casual, no-stakes apartment match.

His speaking drew her eyes away from the room to him, and she tilted her head as if what he revealed were obvious. "I suspected. That tie would work so easily to choke you," she observed. Of course, she did not consider that her style, but he didn't know that. And the thought might have crossed her mind once in the heat of a match.

She supposed she should have expected the proposal. Her typical reserved smile turned toothy grin, an unspoken, exasperated of course.

She considered it. Given that the distraction of the busy room and their conversation had helped her with her nerves... boldness might benefit her early, and she could do quite a bit to excite him. But some men became handsy quickly, and he might attempt the same. And... oh, she had a far better idea. Simply exciting him did not present the only path to ensuring he started the match in a fog.

She strolled slowly, seductively, toward one of the chairs in the room and eased herself into it. Once there, she crossed a leg, propped her temple against her fingers like a villainess on her throne, and studied him closely, leaving him to wonder if she would call him over to do what he asked.

"You undress for me," she "commanded" with her most authoritative voice.

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