The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

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Knows The Ropes
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The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

Unread post by MapleR »

After Dark. What a funny service he got himself involved in. Negotiations were made explicitly clear before the match was settled. The opponent, how far he was allowed to go, the type of match, everything. It was rare for him to be so involved in the match making process, but it wasn't something Rev could say he HATED. Quite the contrary.

Being this involved was nice. And getting an eyeful of his opponent before the match actually started during the negotiation process was nice too. King D, his name was. What a dreamy body~ Rev grinned to himself, doing some last minute stretching to make sure he was truly ready for his match the hunky specimen. Whistling to himself, he entered the room where the match would be held, looking around as he did so.

The "venue" so to say was quite different compared to massive arena of L.A.W; instead of the rows of bleachers centering on a comfortably large ring, it was a normal sized room with cream colored walls and black mats for cushioning. Instead of a crowd, there were two camera men and a man in corner handling a computer. From what Rev remembered, the two camera men were there to provide two different angles of the action: one keeping a static distance while the other was for catching a more dynamic shoot for the watching audience online. The man with the computer was there to ensure that the stream went smoothly, everything as it should be viewing wise and to keep the chat from getting too unruly.

It was...well. It was definitely different. It was funny, this was arguably more tame than just fighting in the ring normally. And yet Rev, who jerked off and been jerked off, sucked dick and been sucked off, rimmed and been rimmed, and even fucked another man while the two were literally surrounded by horny audience members who teased his opponent's helpless body during the spite of doing about everything and then some more in front of dozens if not hundreds of people he actively see and hear cheer for him...the idea doing sex wrestling for a live streamed audience sent an erotic thrill up his spine. As if this act being more akin to typical porn in how it's produced made it more naughty for him.

...well, regardless, he was just happy to fool around while getting to tussle.

Wanting to take a little peak at the set up before walking into the view of the cameras, Rev looked moved to behind the computer, seeing the title of the stream in bold letters:


The description gave his stats, 204 centimeters and 294 pounds. A few of the commenters even seemed to react to this information, one particular person claiming to not believe it.

Well then, Rev would just have to show off his goods. Taking that comment as his cue, he strolled in front of the camera, a smug grin on his face as he posed for the two cameras, doing a double biceps pose to show off the fruits of his hard labour to the (hopefully) adoring audience. In the back of his mind, he was thinking of his opponent.

Another heel. Heel versus heel matches were always fun. He could already think of all the fun ways he could break his opponent....

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Re: The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

Unread post by DSX93 »

King D
The King was nervous. No, not nervous. He just had those nagging thoughts of this getting out to goddamn everybody. Fortunately, Alix Jacques was a captain who didn't mind meeting with the crew. She'd given him her word that no one outside of the paying customers would see what he was about to do.

After Dark was a new show in LAW, running for a little over a month now. Long enough to have the reviews and comments that would give him the assurance he needed to check that box stating that he was up to face other men in Hentai matches and sign his name on that dotted line. He's talked too many girls into his arms, for either a private meeting or right there for their boyfriends to see. He's been right there with them when they made calls and sent out texts telling family, best friends, or whatever else and told them that they were elsewhere, doing something other than what they really were, sometimes while they were in the middle of getting their cheeks clapped. He's even seen one go and kiss their unsuspecting cuck right on the mouth, like she hadn't just given him that Gluck-Gluck 3000 half an hour ago.

They have a hard time being honest with themselves half the time, so Alix's promise alone meant nothing to him, aside from showing that she wasn't one of those stuck up, bougie types.

He'd still smash, though. Oh, hell yeah, he's always down to smash!

Speaking of, he wasn't expecting to be booked against another man in his very first match. Nor was he expecting the type of man he was set to face. But he did share that one fantasy of his that he'd never gotten to explore before: Standing toe-to-toe with one just like Rev. Bigger? Yes. Physically stronger? That has yet to be seen. But the six inches and nineteen pounds that the guy had on him was enough. The King wanted to wrestle a man just like him down, wear his ass out, and turn him into his cum dumpster. Readily and eagerly assuming the position and begging for every drop.

He was excited for this. But also anxious. He didn't want the audience to see him as anything but a man. As the strong, masculine King he is. He lifted a couple fingers to his mask, testing the adhesive keeping it in place for the umpteenth time. Still good. Good.

Let's get it.

D walked in with all of the swagger of a man who's come and conquered time and time again, with the betting odds being that this was going to be no different. His measurements of 188 cm and 275 pounds were displayed on the stream as the cameras captured his arrival. He gave his pecs a flex for those who tuned in, then pointed a finger at the pink-haired hunk waiting for him on the mats.

"One of y'all turn around and get a shot of that man over there." And one of them would obey, while the other kept recording him. "That man ain't ready, baby! Rev Citrus?" He began, beating his masterfully sculpted chest after having misremembered his opponent's name. "First member of the King D Harem, baby! Watch!"

The chat went abuzz with activity as he walked right up and got in his larger foe's face, almost close enough for a kiss. The thought hadn't crossed his mind; Rev's build wasn't one that inspired sensual thoughts in him. Tonight is about establishing who the alpha is, plain and simple.

"Rev Citrus: First member of the King D Harem." Stated as though it were a fact, but it was also a challenge to try to prove him wrong.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

Unread post by MapleR »

Swagger, well crafted jewelry that adorned him, wrestling trunks that hugged his crotch just right, a rugged bearded face, and a body that looked as though it was sculpted from marble itself. Rev, who gave a wolf whistle upon seeing those pecs flex, had to admit, of the handsome men he's faced...

...this King D guy was... definitely up there. The jewelry especially caught his eye. How quaint, going by the color, it honestly looked like it could be made from citrine. Honestly, it was kinda cute...

...and then his opulent opponent opened his mouth. And any and all budding endearing qualities this man might've had seemed to have been snuffed out. Oh this absolute bitch.

Rev only stated silently as his opponent continued his declaration, beating his chest and then getting up right in his face to declare his intents again. The intent to make Rev a member of a growing harem, as though he was some sex god who'd turn Rev into a drooling mess by the end.

And the fucker didn't even get his name right. And the way he looked at him, it seemed as though the attraction was one sided.

Well...who was he to deny a king? If his opponent wanted to be like that, Rev would respond in kind. Taking advantage of how close King D was, Rev reached around and grabbed his opponent's ass, hoping to pull him closer so their upper bodies practically grinded against each other.

Whistling innocently all the while while wearing a cocky grin, Rev eyed the camera pointed directly at the the hand squeezing that ass, giving the viewers an early treat and making it quite clear to those watching at home what he thought about his opponent's declaration, making one of his own. A sign of ownership, of who was the bitch between the two of them. All before the match even started.

Regardless of how his opponent felt attraction wise, Rev would make damn sure to make this mouthy prick moan his name before the day was over.
Last edited by MapleR on Thu Jan 30, 2025 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

Unread post by DSX93 »

Oh, this too big motherfucker right here. King knew exactly what he was doing, and he wasn't going to be outdone. His hands bore down on Rev's muscular cheeks with a hearty clap and some possessive squeezing, his eyes unblinking, carrying the same electricity one would see in Rocky Balboa just before the ringing of the bell that kicked off the final showdown. The sight drove the chat even crazier with activity, with many placing their bets right then and there. The men's online audience would not reach a consensus, however, and they waited with bated breath for the bout to begin.

King's first impulse was to poke at the guy's silence. Use that as a means of asserting more of his dominance. But fortunately, his cool head prevailed, reminding him of Alix's telling of Rev's legit inability to talk. He'd make a pastime of fucking with people every so often, but he didn't touch on any of that.

Instead, he'd take advantage of his hold on his opponent and put his muscles to work on a strong start. A lift and a slam, with him coming down on top.
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"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

Knows The Ropes
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Re: The King's Sculptor, an After Dark Affair

Unread post by MapleR »

Rev would give his opponent this, the muscles clearly weren't for show. He gave a cheeky grin upon feeling his own ass being slapped, the squeeze making him roll his hips and squeeze King's own cheeks in turn.

What an odd battle of dominance, especially one from a man Rev wasn't too sure found him attractive. But Rev wasn't going to complain about being felt up when he himself DID find the other man attractive, and he was only too content to enjoy the feeling of their muscles grinding against each other before the bell even rang.

And then the bell did ring.

And then Rev found himself on his back before he knew it, his opponent seemingly with each lifting him up and slamming him down onto the mats below. Rev was thankful that, compared to the normal ring, the mats offered extra padding. Of course, his back still stung like hell from being slammed down like that.

Gritting his teeth and glaring up at his opponent, reached around and grabbed his opponent by his dreads, yanking on them hard to the side and throwing his weight to the side as well, attempting to force them roll over with Rev being the one on top of King D! If it succeeded, he'd also give his opponent a sharp bitch slap across the face, giving him a pointed look for taking him by surprise.

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