Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

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Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Match Type: Hentai
Victory Conditions: Force your opponent to orgasm in order to win.

Keith Fox was nervous. Why was Keith Fox nervous?

As he stood at the top of the ramp, looking down to the ring while the crowd roared and his
played, it occurred to him that, by all right, he really shouldn’t have been. After all, he’d had sex before, more than his fair share. He’d fought before, plenty of times. Hentai wrestling was just putting those two things together. It would be like loving chocolate and peanut butter but then having a problem with a Reese's Cup. Made no sense.

Somehow, though, he was having trouble convincing himself of that, even as he made his way down to the ring and waved to the booing fans, smiling the whole time for the cocky prick image. He’d been watching a lot of hentai matches in the past few weeks as he trained for this encounter, and he was only just scratching the surface with how complicated they could be. This was stepping into uncharted waters, and there was a guarantee he wouldn’t sink.

Probably didn’t help that his opponent was Hawkeye, who seemed more than confident with this match. It didn’t help that she’d beat him last time. Really didn't help that he’d be imagining how she would look naked pretty much since they’d met.

He shook his head as he neared the ring, doing his best to blow off the jitters. Head games, all of it. It was a match, just like any other, and if he stuck to the plan he’d have it in the bag…

…what was the plan, again?

Keith sighed, rolled into the ring, and made his way over to the furthest corner, bouncing on his heels the whole way. He peeled off his t-shirt and threw it out into the audience, much to the fangirl’s delight, figuring he might as well get that out of the way before Hawkeye got at him.
Crazy Like A Fox!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

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Backstage, Riza Hawkeye was feeling VERY confident indeed! From one perspective, she was facing an opponent she'd already proven she could defeat fair and square, and was facing him in a match that, by his own admission, he'd never even been in before. Add in the fact that she KNEW he was attracted to her...hell, that they were both attracted to each other honestly, and she felt very confident that she could win this match too by making the blonde man pop!

From another perspective though, she was extremely curious about how Fox would do in this match. He and his manager had surprised her after their last match with a meeting, where they convinced her to give a shot at "faking" a feud with Steve, the two of them trashing each other on social media, building up a forced animosity with each other, that would culminate in real matches where they'd have to do their best against each other, on the promise that it would build up both of their reputations.

An interesting idea for sure, and Hawkeye knew the trade off could be a big boost to her career, given the legions of fans and fame Keith Fox already had... but she wanted to test him first. Hawkeye took her wrestling career VERY seriously, and if she was going to agree to have multiple matches with Keith, she wanted to know, for a FACT, that he had the drive to try and WIN all his matches, and that he would be showing her more of his obviously athletic talent in these matches, and doing his best.

There was, in her mind, no point in the chance of getting a big feud and lots of attention, if her opponent wasn't going to bring his best, or worse, was just going to be lazy in the ring and not take things seriously.

So this was her test. A hentai match. A match that would take the obvious heat and attraction between them previously and weaponize it. If Keith didn't bring the fight here, if he just tried to breeze through this match, or let himself lose because then he could get a free orgasm out of it, she would know he wasn't worth partnering up with at all!

She put the last touches on her outfit, finishing tightening the hand and foot wraps she was wearing, and looked herself over in the mirror taped to the back of her locker door. Unlike their first match, where she wore her classic military fatigues, sports bra, and vest, for this match, Hawkeye had pads on her knees and elbow, hand wraps around her hands and feet, and instead of baggy pants and a vest, she was clad in an incredibly tight leotard that made a perfect tight fit around her toned body, showing off her curves, her perfectly firm breasts, and especially her incredibly tight and toned ass, the leotard so snug, that Hawkeye couldn't even wear underwear under it, something she bet Keith was going to looooove.

Finally ready, she made her way to Gorilla position, and when her theme began to play, she took a deep breath, before coming out onto the entrance ramp, getting a reaction that, while not massive, still showed she had impressed and turned several fans to her side as a result of her last match with Keith. She posed, saluting the crowd before jogging to the ring, high-fiving various hands in the entryway before sliding under the ropes and entering the ring, standing tall and gazing right at Keith, very eager to see his reaction to her ring gear!

"Hey there Fox-boy, we meet again it looks like. You sure your ready for me in a match like this? I mean, I don't want to brag and sound un-humble but..." She grinned, confidence beaming on her face, before she gave a slow turn, letting him see all of her body in the leotard, even giving her tight ass a shake to make sure he paid attention to it, before speaking again. "... But I'm pretty goddamn hot, and I KNOW it. So don't be surprised if I make you cum REAL fast!"


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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Truth be told, Keith wasn’t sure what to expect coming down that ramp. He’d gotten a good look at Riza’s body last time, had a good feel of it up against his own, but that was for a standard match. While he was still a neophyte when it came to hentai matches, he knew a lot of the battle was in the presentation and mind games, so he expected her to be getting into his head before the bell even rang.

Sure enough, he found that to be the case when she emerged from the curtain - Hawkeye was coming his way with looks that could kill.

There likely weren’t too many things that she wouldn’t have looked good in, but the one-piece she’d chosen was particularly fetching, clinging tight and leaving little to the imagination, almost like a wetsuit. It framed her well, and as she came sauntering into the ring, he could already feel it having an effect.

Keith did his best to play it off, approaching her with folded arms and a whistle. ”Yeah, we’ll see. You talk a good game, but it won’t matter what you’re wearing if I get you down first.” He raised her hands and gave his fingers a flex. ”Just wait ‘til you see what I can do.”

He let those ominous words hang briefly, then stepped back as the referee made her way between them. He slipped into his wrestling stance, bouncing on his heels, as he waited for the bell to ring, curious to see how she would kick it off.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sat Oct 26, 2024 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

Oooh, big words, coming from a guy in his first hentai match. Considering Keith had already been nearly drooling over her in their first match, and the way his eyes kept lingering on parts of her body here and now, Hawkeye wasn't exactly spooked.

"Well, hopefully fox-boy, you'll be able to actually get me down and get this outfit off of me. I'll be very disappointed if I win my first hentai match in the LAW league without getting at least a little bit of action myself." She said, with confidence, and perhaps a bit of arrogance, in her voice. The confidence, at least, was intentional. She'd won these kind of matches before, after all. Against men at least, her record in these matches against women was...not as good. But Keith didn't need to know that.

...Then again, she could use the mental imagery of it against him...

Eh. Nah. Stick to the original plan. Beat him up, Beat him off, Beat it back home. After all, there was a new episode of "Shogun" on tonight.

Hawkeye got in her corner, pressing her back against it and enjoying the sounds of the various catcalls and comments that came from the audience. One time, for sure, they made her nervous and awkward. But that was in her rookie years. Since then, she'd gotten more used to it, even came to enjoy the attention, to an extent at least. Still at the moment, in this tight outfit, showing off her toned and powerful legs...she was quite enjoying herself as she waited for the bell to ring.

Once it did, she raised her arms, fingers waggling, as she slowly came out of her corner, face set in determination as she waited for him to come out of his own corner, wanting to start things off slow, try to get him to make the first move!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Oh, you’ll get action.” He gave her a sly, wry wink. ”More than you can handle.”

Keith was so full of shit. He knew it. Riza knew. The referee probably knew it, judging from the side-eye he was getting. That was sort of the game with being an influencer, though. You didn’t get views from being a milquetoast, and you damn sure didn’t get likes. People wanted confidence. Braggadocio. A little cockiness. Keith Fox, daredevil, savant, the best at everything. He didn’t back down from anything, whether it be a plate full of atomic chicken wings or a sex fight against an ex-soldier. He had this.

And so did she, from the looks of things. The woman he saw across the room was full of confidence, looking like she’d done this before…often, even. A grim reminder that he was swimming in uncharted waters, but he wouldn’t let that shake him. The basics remained the same, after all - it was still a wrestling match. The only real difference was what he had to do once he got her down, but that was a bridge he would cross soon enough.

There went the bell—time to go.

Riza came out of the corner slow, moving his way with her arms up, and he mirrored her…at first. His body carried the message that his face did a good job of hiding, showing some hesitation, unsure, trying to lock in on the right target. Strength was his advantage, but not by as much as he’d like, and she had some real speed over him….

Screw it, no time for hesitation. He decided to kick things off with a little mixup, throwing some indirection her way - he juked to her right, then dove to her left, trying to weave behind her and pull her in close for a waistlock.

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

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Keith was so full of shit.

Still, she couldn't fault him for the false bravado. That kind of attitude and personality was basically one of the biggest reasons behind his success, after all. It was still cute though, and the comments just made Riza all the more eager, both to see what Keith would bring to the table, and to, inevitably, prove he was full of it by making him cream himself, a mental image that Riza found quite pleasing.

She didn't bother verbally responding, as the bell rang, and she came out of her corner, eager to see what Keith would do.

And, clever fox that he was, he actually managed to fucking fake HER out right from the get go. He moved to her right, and she, so quickly, followed him, looking to intercept him and grab at him, wanting to immediately go after the zipper on his pants, and the bastard lived up to his name, diving to her left, a feint that the Hawk's Eye caught onto and realized AS it was happening, but was still too out of position to be able to right herself in time, allowing Keith to slip in behind her, his arms locking around her waist!

"Shit! You caught me early!" She half-protested, half chuckled, as she grabbed at his wrists and began jerking her body, trying to squirm out of his grip!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

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Valerie breathed a short sigh of relief when she saw that Kimiko was okay, glad that the smaller wrestler hadn't been seriously hurt. This was a competition, yes, but the absolute last thing she wanted was to be responsible for injuring another wrestler if at all possible. This woman was bright, talented, and she had many good matches left to have.

”Thanks. You were something else, too. Let me help you up.” She extended her hand to Kimiko, wanting to help her get back to her feet so they could both rise simultaneously. As soon as they were standing, she raised her former opponent’s hand and basked in the applause from the audience. She’d earned their respect. They both had.

With that done, she smiled Kimiko’s way and gave her a quick pat on the back, before she headed out of the ring. ”Good job.”

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Was it a little weird for Keith to be this excited about locking in a waistlock?




But screw it, it was an accomplishment, scoring this kind of hold on a seasoned wrestler like this, so he was more than a little pleased with himself. He was still a long ways from actually beating her, much less making her have an orgasm, but hey, the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, and this was a good one. Keep going.

”Not done yet!” Instead of pushing Riza away, Keith went for something more traditional - he fell backwards, dropping on his butt and pulling his opponent over him, dumping her on her shoulders with an O’ Conner Roll. Once she was down, he kicked up legs and sat on top of her thighs, folding her over into a Half Crab.

Normally, that would’ve been a good pinning maneuver, but that wouldn’t help him here. What it would do, however, was put her pussy within easy reach, something he could take full advantage. With a sly grin and a wink to the audience, he reached down and started to pull her garments away…
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Jan 16, 2025 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

"Urgh...cmon...break the gr-WOAH!"

Hawkeye had been distracted, focusing on trying to break the grip around her waist... and admittedly taking a moment to press her barely clad butt against his crotch to tease him, that she didn't anticipate his next move, especially given it wasn't an advanced pinning hold in a match without pins.

She gasped in surprise as she was rolled backwards, her bare legs soon hovering over her body as she ended up rolled onto her back, Keith's much heavier body sitting atop of her, giving him a perfect view of her leotard covered ass!

"N-No way!" She gasped out, feeling the man's hands began groping at her leotard, squirming and trying to buck his weight off of her, though with her position, it was easier said than done, and a second later, she'd feel cool air between her legs as he moved the material aside, exposing her bare and shaven pussy for all to see!

"I'm not gonna cum for you so easily!" She said defiantly, almost as if challenging him, daring him, to try and pleasure her!

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Re: Riza Hawkeye vs. Keith Fox II - Twice Shy

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Was this the wildest sexual position Keith had ever been in?

Yeah, he had to say it was. Not much else could compete, really. He sat there, resting on Hawkeye’s knees to fold her over, while he had her pussy out before him like an All You Can Eat buffet, begging to be dug into. The crowd seemed to find it funny, too, and he felt a little bad for embarrassing her like this. But it was a hentai match, which would only end when one of them made the other orgasm in front of millions of people. A little embarrassment was part of the package.

He smirked back at her when she cried out of his way, unable to hide his fiendish grin. ”Oh?” He slid the fabric away even further. [color=#8000000]“Wanna bet?”[/color]

Though he said that, he didn’t wait for an answer, as he immediately slipped his finger into her pussy and went to work, heating up with quick, steady strokes. She was probably right, there was little chance that a guy like him would win his first hentai match in only a minute, but there was no harm in going for it.

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