Name: Urdr
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Hair: Blue
Height: 5'2 ft
Weight: 115 lb
Nationality: British
Alignment: Face
Wrestling Info
Fighting style: Urdr is a self-styled Sherlock Holmes so of course it reflects to her fighting style. Using her intellect and analysis, she would try to predict and counter with great effectiveness. That's what she thought.
Strategy: Urdr strategy runs around the fact of her predictions and analysis in order to strike her opponents in effective maneuvers. The only problem is if she can.
Type: Technical
Preferred Matches: Any
Attitude to Hentai Matches: "No." - She never saw Satan, her self appointed Ms. Watts signed for her.
Personality: Urdr is an eccentric girl. Highly intelligent and very cunning for her age. Adopting Sherlock Holmes character to herself, she tends to monologue by herself and ignore everyone. Some would call delusional but some would call her a genius. You never know.
A fan of Sherlock Holmes, Urdr have adopted the man's character to herself. It wasn't not like she isn't an accurate spin of the character. She is highly intelligent and very cunning. She actually works as a Personal Detective as a sidelines after being kicked out of college due to her eccentric antics.
She would later join Mr.Q, not for work but for a private investigation.