Two of a Kind

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Re: Two of a Kind

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Indeed, I have.”

Dizzy liked that giggle - it sounded not unlike something that would come out of her mouth: that twinkle, that smile, that shine. Yeah, Shelby had a little bit of a spell on her, and she got the distinct feeling that they were on the same page.

Ideas were starting to take form. Fun ideas. But she didn’t want to go hog wild just yet. Better to build things up.

She spun around and took up Shelby’s place, getting in position to grab her ankles and return the favor. ”So, we’re both hentai wrestlers, then. Newbies. Little embarrassed I missed you, gotta get better at my research.” It probably didn’t help that she tended to ‘research’ bigger women, but she kept that detail to herself. ”How’ve things been going for you so far? Anything crazy?”

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Re: Two of a Kind

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She huffed a little from her position on the floor.

"Geez. If a year of work makes you a newbie, then everyone our age is a newbie."

It was a mix between genuine frustration and a joke. Her annoyance was real, though she'd thrown in that lighthearted tone to try and reassure Dizzy that it wasn't directed at her. Either way, she didn't seem to dwell on it for long. She let her true feelings flash on her face for a moment before her persona swallowed that right up.

She began to do her reps. Doing something with her body would help her get her mind off of the topic. Her form was pretty excellent, all things considered, though she found that her hands often slipped from their hold on her ear. It only took a second to adjust mid-situp, but it was something she'd figure she'd need to address eventually. Now didn't really seem like the time, though. She filed that little reminder away for later.

"I dunno about crazy. Nothing recently, I guess. I s'pose I won that one oil tournament, and I've matched against some other lightweights."

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Re: Two of a Kind

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”That’s what my Mom would say, yeah.” Dizzy kicked herself internally the moment those words came out unbidden, not wanting to mention her Mom when she was in Wooing Mode. Might as well run with it, maybe they’d have some commonality there. ”She’s one of those old-school wrestling types. Put in the work, ran the miles, blah blah.”

Dizzy lit up at the mention of oil wrestling - that did sound familiar, not that she mentoioned. ”The Outmatched thing, right? I think that was getting started when I joined up, never got the chance to really look into it. Definitely gonna have to, now…”

She chewed on her lip for a moment as she admired the sight of Shelby’s abs, going up and down. Nice, taut body.

”Good form.” She whistled her approval, then shuffled forward to make a better anchor and get a better view. ”So you won? Caspita, nice. Oil’s on my to-do list, haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. Does the champ have any tips for me?”

Half a conversation starter, half genuine curiosity.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Thankfully, it seemed like Shelby didn't look too deeply into the mother comment. As someone that had a... complicated relationship with her own parents, she didn't really judge. Again, it wasn't her business, and she wasn't about to change that.

Instead, she focused on Dizzy's focus on her matches. She came up from a sit-up, stopping just long enough to reply.

"Hff... it's slippery. Don't think of it like a normal match, because it's almost impossible to get a good hold of your opponent."

She went down again, completing another twenty reps before stopping again to continue. Glimmering beads of perspiration dotted her forehead as she kept on.

"I'd train my stamina, if I were you. Those usually turn into wars of attrition."

Another twenty, before she finally decided that she'd done enough for now. With a firm yet gentle tug, she pulled her feet away and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She slung one of her arms over her knees as she caught her breath.

"By the way, you wanna hang out sometime? I don't meet other fighters my age a lot." She grinned, a slightly cheekier expression crossing her face. "They're usually old ladies or guys."

As she spoke, her hand went for her towel. She wiped the sweat off her stomach in a much more deliberate motion, adding a little unspoken message of exactly what she meant by hanging out.
Last edited by Flamintree on Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Despite her less-than-professional interest in Shelby, Dizzy did pay attention to her tips on oil and actually valued the input, even if she let her imagination run wild as she received it. Oil wrestling was definitely something she wanted to sink her fangs into it, sooner rather than later, and while she didn’t care too much whether she won or lost, it wouldn’t hurt be at least competent so she didn’t outright embarrass herself.

”My stamina’s not half bad as is, might surprise.” She spoke, but kept her eyes glued to Shelby’s midsection, never taking her eyes off those toned abs. The girl had a great core, she was a tad jealous, had to work on that. ”Especially breath control. Gotten really good at keeping these lungs under control.”

Usually when certain parts of the female anatomy were covering her face.

She sat back and crossed her legs, looking on as Shelby recovered, though she perked up at the mention of ‘hanging out’. Innocent enough words, but paired with the way she was wiping herself, Dizzy wagered she was talking about something a little more intense than, say, kicking back on the couch and playing some Mario Kart.

”I don’t mind older women too much, being honest. But I could definitely do with a little more company around my age.” She leaned in and propped her chin up with her fist. Sì, bella, we can hang.” She barely stopped herself from putting air quotes up at that last word. ”You busy today? I’m all open.”

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Re: Two of a Kind

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Yeah, she could believe that. Dizzy struck her as someone who might have a sleeper build, and she didn't look that bad in the first place. If she had any decent amount of experience, the other woman had probably gone through a lot of impromptu stamina training under her various opponents. She also didn't hate the feeling of being more experienced, almost more worldly, than her partner. Her ego could always use a little boost.

"I'm not busy." She confirmed.

She'd been taking a short break after winning that one tournament, and her parents hadn't bothered to call her since she moved to Japan. Her winnings and the revenue from her existing videos had been more than enough to keep her satisfied for the past couple weeks. All in all, responsibilities were not a thing she was drowning in at the moment.

"If you're interested, you could visit my place."

Was Dizzy interested in games? Shelby had a bunch of those back at her house, but she couldn't pin down if her new acquaintance would be at all interested in those. Sure, she was primarily inviting Dizzy over for a night of passion, but that didn't mean that all girls would be comfortable with skipping right to that part. She'd need to be ready, just in case.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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How long had that been? Five minutes or so, no more than ten? That had to be a record for when Dizzy went from meeting a potential paramor to getting invited to her place. Granted, being fair, it helped that Shelby seemed to be angling for much the same thing, but even so, it counted in her mind.

Bonus point for Shelby suggesting they go to her place and not insist they come to her apartment. Her mother was out for the day, but she had a bad habit of coming back home far earlier than she said she would, and the exact last thing she wanted was for her to come home in the middle of playtime. While her mom had softened up and given her more freedom after the Alicia incident, that would have been a bridge too far for both of them.

”Oh, I’m super interested. I’m thinking we’ll have all kinds of fun together.” Dizzy threw her body into a roll, tumbling along the mats until she reached her phone, then picked it up and rolled back to her earlier position with it in hand. She sat up and started bringing up her Maps apps.

”Juuuuuuuust let me get cleaned up, pick a few things from my place up, and I’ll be on over.” She handed the phone over to Shelby and made sure to graze her hand as she passed it off - a little touch, just a tease, getting a feel for her skin. ”Mind putting your address in?”

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Re: Two of a Kind

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"I don't mind waiting."

She waved a hand, then paused as something occurred to her. A ghost of a frown crossed her face as she pulled out her own phone and briefly switched it on to check the time. Hm, there was still a little time left before...

"My car's still got fifteen or so minutes left before they charge me for an extra hour of parking. I can drive you there."

Shelby's skin was pretty soft to the touch, and she smirked at the other woman at the contact. Yeah, alright. She could tell what Dizzy was doing. This would be fun.

"Though I adding my number to your contacts couldn't hurt."

She hummed as she quickly added herself as a contact. She held back the urge to name herself something overly flattering and simply named herself "Shelby in Dizzy's phone. With her task complete, she slid the phone back to its owner. If her thumb just so happened to brush against the side of Dizzy's palm as she did so, well... she doubted that Dizzy would have any problem with that.
Last edited by Flamintree on Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Two of a Kind

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Oh, Dizzy caught that smirk. If there had been doubts about where their minds were, that little smirk erased any of it. Soft skin, too, and pleasant to the touch. Was she like that all over? They’d be finding out soon enough.

Dizzy returned that smirk when the phone was returned to her, with Shelby getting a touch herself. It was nice to play these subtle games - so many women in LAW were bold and blatant about this sort of thing, and it wouldn’t have been off base for an encounter like this to end in the showers, if they didn’t just fuck in the middle of the ring. Which could be fun, for sure. Stuff like that was half the reason she came to Japan in the first place. But it was nice to hook up with someone with more patience—a little game. Kept her instincts sharp.

”Sounds like a plan.” She added a kiss next to Shelby’s name on her phone, then popped up to her feet, not even bothering to hide the excitement in her voice. Andiamo, let’s go.”

It took a little trip through town, but the traffic gods smiled on them this day and gave the pair a mostly uneventful trip. Dizzy slipped by her apartment, while her mother was out on errands, saving her the trouble of explaining, and slipped into something a little more comfortable - black boots with matching puffy socks, a leather jacket and white shirt that was just baggy enough to make her chest look bigger than it actually was, and a pleated skirt white and black stripes, one that came up to her mid-thighs. Not quite scandalous, but a stray wind might give Shelby the occasional peek.

She threw a few extras in her purse and rejoined her acquaintance, eager to take the trip back to her apartment. The two passed the time with a little chitchat, and before they knew it…
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Two of a Kind

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The Little Dollie made little effort to hide that she was peering over Dizzy's shoulder to see what her contact name would get changed to. She couldn't help but snicker a little at the little kissy face. Oh yeah, they were gonna have a good night.

Shelby, for her part, didn't bother changing. She felt like her new friend might appreciate the view of her exposed stomach, especially since stray beads of sweat still clung to her torso. That didn't mean that she didn't appreciate Dizzy's outfit, however. Her eyes flickered momentarily over to the other girl's legs. For a moment, she fantasised about what those legs would do to her that night... but there was no sense in rushing things. She would have to be patient, and her reward would be all the sweeter for it.

"Ready to go?"

She asked with a grin. That fantasy would sate her for now. Despite her excitement, she couldn't help but be briefly relieved by the blast of air conditioning in her face once her car was on. She chatted a bit on the way back, but the scenery was a tad... odd. Not in a creepy serial killer way, but more that they were certainly not driving through apartments. Fancy houses dotted the sidewalk as they moved further and further through the richer area of Japan, until at least they stopped at a really nice looking place.

It looked like it had been built for an entire family, but Shelby turned into its driveway nonetheless. The pink-haired girl didn't acknowledge that as she pushed the car door open and stepped onto the well-kept road. She turned expectantly, waiting for Desdemona to follow suit.

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