Tag Team eX-citement: Akari/Chie vs X-Posure

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Re: Tag Team eX-citement: Akari/Chie vs X-Posure

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

With the ball still in their court, X-Posure would continue to hold the reigns on this match as Samantha continued to wear Akari down bit by bit, letting loose on the Sea Turtle with a volley of Forearm Strikes against her chest, making her breasts bounce and jiggle with every impact, causing Akari to blush and moan slightly before grabbing her by the head and tossing her over with a quick Snapmare to put her onto the canvas. Once there, Samantha had Akari locked down in a tight hold, the Japanese woman feeling a tight amount of pressure pushing into her spine from Samantha's knee, causing her to wince as her chin was being tugged on as well, slowly wearing her down as she squirmed and struggled, trying to fight back for as long as she could.
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Re: Tag Team eX-citement: Akari/Chie vs X-Posure

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

After the snapmare, Samantha locked Akari in a hold where she pressed one of her knees against her spine while clutching on her chin and yanking her head back. She would try to put as much pressure as possible into the hold, hoping to weaken the Japanese girl.

Of course, Samantha decided that she wouldn't keep her there for long as she would then adjust her hold. She would remove her knee from Akari's spine, though she would maintain her hold on her head as she would wrap her arms around her neck in a sleeper hold. She would then stand up, bringing Akari with her as she would put her into a standing sleeper hold. Due to her height, Samantha didn't straighten her body while subjecting Akari to the sleeper hold, because she'd rather not have her opponent dangle while putting her in the hold.

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Re: Tag Team eX-citement: Akari/Chie vs X-Posure

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari would release stiff grunt after stiff grunt, trying to keep a lid on her reactions as she stifled each cry of pain more and more. She took in deep breaths, trying to keep herself focused and aware, looking for any opportunity to counteract Samantha's hold over her. When the woman stood her back up to complete her Sleeper Hold attempt, Akari took the chance to move closer toward the ropes, seemingly trying to snag one of them for a rope break.

However, this was just a diversion. All she wanted to do was get close enough to ropes before trying to elbow Samantha in the side over and over again, as many times as she could muster in order to wear the woman down and break free. If the Sea Turtle managed to free herself from her lovely opponent's clutches, she'd shove Samantha back a step and quickly run to the corner. In a single leap, she'd ascend to the second rope and bounce off it, flipping through the air for a stylish Springboard Pele Kick, looking to knock the dark-skinned woman down the canvas with a surprise kick to the head!

Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Re: Tag Team eX-citement: Akari/Chie vs X-Posure

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Subjecting Akari to a sleeper hold, Samantha tried to weaken the Japanese wrestler, though it seemed that Akari had something planned. As they got closer to the ropes, suddenly Akari struck her repeatedly at her side with her elbow, causing Samantha to groan before she was forced to let her go.

This allowed Akari to execute her next move, where she used the second rope to launch herself up, flipping in the air to perform a springboard pele kick, hitting Samantha right at the top of her head!


The kick was enough to knock Samantha off her feet, sending her crashing down on the mat. She groaned as she clutched her head, rolling a little to the side. This would leave her vulnerable before the Japanese wrestler.

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