The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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While playing one of Kyoko's most recent matches on her laptop, she listened attentively to Svetlana mention Jem Holland, who like her is a wrestler who often streams gameplays on her platforms. “Ready? Maybe you mean for you, I'm pretty sure I can beat her.” She joked while sticking her tongue out.

“It would actually be cool to see you two together in a stream, although I'm not much of a video game player myself.... Although...” Snow was about to say that she would like to collaborate with Svetlana in a stream, but it would sound pretty silly for her to mention it. Or so the Swedish actress thought.

“But now that we're mentioning our favorite wrestlers, how about mentioning the ones we don't know? The ones we like the least? You know, in the sense that you'd want to smash her face in?” Snow asked with some mischief as she set her lap top running the video next to her.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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"I don't really hate anyone like that. I imagine I will meet some women who bother me and will earn that sort of ire but right now I haven't met anyone who really gets under my skin in that way. You must have brought this up because there is someone who has earned your scorn?" Svetlana asked looking at Snow. She paused the match, very curious as to what Snow was about to say net and wondering if they had any opponents in common....

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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As soon as Svetlana returned the question, the Swedish actress's head filled with a flood of thoughts. For while fighters like Renee had earned her scorn for what happened with Kaori, there was one woman in particular who at one point had come close to killing her. “Hm...” Snow thought for a second how to explain this to her.

“Well uhm... Before we faced each other in the ring, I was a recent graduate of LAW's Young Lioness program. I thought it would be a good opportunity to show what I was made of, so I told them to assign me a match against some heavyweight woman.” Snow paused briefly before continuing. “My manager commented that it would be a lot for me, and I just told him it would be no big deal, since I like to measure myself against opponents bigger than me.”

“Uhm, it was a few days before they found me an opponent and I was so excited about it that I didn't even bother to research who it was. And then the day came, I walked into the dressing room humming my entrance theme, and there was my next opponent unbeknownst to me.” Snow turned and made a few gestures describing this girl's figure.

“This was Kennedy Lee, a very established veteran heavyweight wrestler. And at first when we introduced ourselves everything was going well, but when I mentioned that I would be her next opponent, she simply sought to provoke me. I thought it was just a formality, some provocation before the match.” Snow paused as she settled back in her seat.

“But she fought back, grabbed me like her rag doll, threw my head against the tables, wiped the floor with me, I tried to defend myself and we went through the backstage door, it was fucking insane. Until at one point he grabbed me by the neck and threw me head first into the ground.” Snow just remembering the pain that thundered through her head at that moment made her shiver. “And I was knocked out just before I got out, but Kennedy didn't stop there. She carried me into the ring on her back and when she got me to the canvas, she applied a modified rear naked choke while I was still unconscious. And the referee couldn't get her off me, I don't know what happened after that because everything was cloudy, the only thing I could see was her face engraved on my retinas” Just remembering the trauma that left her after the encounter made the actress tremble.

“And so... After that I woke up in the hospital, they told me I was about to die. I don't know what that bitch wanted, but if she wanted to stay forever in my subconscious, she succeeded. Because she not only treated me like her toy, she was ruthless to the point where she almost killed me.... And when I went to my next match after recovering, my opponent applied almost the same key to me, and I could only see Kennedy's face reflected in hers before I fainted...”

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Svetlana shook her head listening to Snow describe this Kennedy woman. "She sounds miserable. She is mad that her own life is empty so she takes it out on other women plain and simple." Svetlana said with crossed arms. "She is a bitch. I hope I face her and make her pay for all that. Maybe we can team up against her sometime if someone is willing to tag with her. If not lets make her face both of us." Svetlana said with a smile. "I know that will probably never happen given how she is but we can dream." Svetlana added. "I am really sorry you had to go through all that, it is simply awful.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Snow clenches her fists and frowns angrily just thinking about Kennedy. “I won't rest until I make sure she knows not to mess with me too. I always think about putting her in her place, but I was just a mere rookie back then. Now?” She lets out a raucous laugh, Snow's competitive spirit surfacing to its fullest degree seeming to tremble all around him. But in an instant, this subsided when Svetlana hinted that they could face her together. Svetlana's enthusiasm was infectious and cute at the same time, Snow couldn't help but feel moved, for she didn't really know anything.

“Yes! She left me with a bad trauma, and made me think more seriously about the promise I made to Harmonia and Molly when I graduated, and that is to become a contender for the lightweight title.... But after what happened with Kennedy, I couldn't help but think about how pathetic I looked... Until I faced you.” She said with a more serene tone.

“I don't know if I've told you this before.... But when Rose Gold quit, I saw an opportunity to go up against the best. Maybe it was crazy, but I thought that if I offered myself as a candidate for the title, maybe I could feel less pathetic. But I did it to show I was strong despite what Kennedy Lee had put me through.” Snow paused briefly and looked Svetlana in the eye's.

“But... All that changed when I faced you.... You helped me overcome the trauma I had.” After saying that she let out a slight sigh. “When we faced each other, I was feeling down and insecure, about how things would turn out after the show I put on with Renegade for being a contender. I didn't think I could be strong enough to be relevant, but facing a girl as strong as you in the ring, and being able to face you as an equal. It made me feel... So much more confident.” Snow brings her legs together and rests her hands on her thighs. “At one point, when you put me in a headlock similar to my previous encounter. For a moment I saw Kennedy reflected in you.... But, after everything that had happened in our encounter, it helped me gain confidence. And I knew that if I gave up at that moment, I would never be able to face Kennedy or even call myself a serious contender... And even though you beat me, instead of making me feel bad, it made me feel very excited! It's thanks to you that I had the strength to measure myself against anyone. And you don't know how grateful I am to you, and it's just magical that you consider me a good teammate!” Snow said with overflowing emotion.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Svetlana was caught off guard by Snows admission. She never imagined she would have that sort of effect on anyone. She was silent a moment before trying to choose her next words.

"I am glad I could help in some way. I had no idea things meant that much when we faced off. I know you can face and beat that woman next time you meet. Just stay focused and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish!" Svetlana said. "It makes me want to face her sometime too."

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Snow nods and smiles at Svetlana's words. "Thank you, Svetlana. Your words mean a lot to me. I'll do my best to stay focused. Oh! We better get everything ready now, we need to eat well for tomorrow. I'll start preparing the ham bread, the chicken and the salad." She stands up and stretches her arms above her head. "Saying that makes me starve, would you like to help me cook too? I think you could use some recipes." She said with a giggle.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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Svetlana suddenly looked less than confident. Cooking was not really her thing. "I can help you, all you need to do is tell me what to do. I have never been onw for the kitchen." Svetlana said hinting at her own anxiety over messing up Snows meal plans.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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“Okay, let’s start with the basic.” Snow said kindly, trying to reassure her. “Tell me what you’re comfortable with. Do you have a favorite dish that you can cook? I can actually make a pretty good borscht.” Snow replied, a little surprised by her own confidence. Svetlana is of Polish origin, so she must have been familiar with this typical dish. “By the way, I don’t think you’ve told me much about your hobbies. What do you usually do besides streaming? You spend hours on end live and that doesn’t seem very healthy to say the least… (“Huff, I don’t know who I am to say that. I also kill myself hours working non-stop…”) She said to herself, realizing how ironic that sounds.

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Re: The World of Pro-Wrestling - Act 1

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"Honestly I know nothing. Just assume I do zero in a kitchen." Svetlana said meaning every word of it. She was hardly one for knowing how to do anything as far as cooking went. When asked about her hobbies she shrugged and looked over at Snow. "The streaming, table top games and trying to come up with scenarios for those games are my hobbies. I love it so I focus any non-wrestling time towards it plain and simple." Svetlana said matter of factly to Snow. Truthfully that was all she really did, and she loved every minute of it.

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