UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

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UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

'Ursa Major', Mikuma 'KUMA' Sato vs Minerva Darque
Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.

Nervous...Nervous....NERVOUS...Mikuma was sitting in her locker room feeling nothing but the cold chill of the air conditioning unit down her spine as the dreadful hands of anxiety gripped her shoulders. The poor gal was shaking in her fake-fur polar bear-themed boots. Her leg wouldn't stop trembling up and down frantically, already beginning to sweat as she could hear the audience through the WALLS. She could already tell there was a huge crowd out there tonight...all those eyeballs looking at her, watching her...judging her...looking to see if she was worth her salt as a new call-up for LAW. There was no mistaking it...The girl was absolutely PETRIFIED. She hoped her best friend Jiyuu's debut was going a little smoother for her. Despite being a team alongside her frog-loving friend, they were set to debut separately so the crowd, and the higher-ups, could see how they performed on their own two feet. This was fine by both of them, but Mikuma...well...

Mikuma had a TERRIBLE case of stage fright...

There was no way to really oversell that fact. The girl was terrified of large audiences whenever she performed. It was one of the few negatives about her as a professional wrestler. It'd be reasonable for someone to look at her now and underestimate her. No one would blame you...not even the big, plump gal herself. She wanted to become a wrestler alongside her friend to grow more confident. She saw this as a step toward taking control of her life. After years of being the victim of constant harassment and bullying, Mikuma was putting her foot down by choosing this career path. Despite the pain, the trials, the tribulations, and the numerous panic attacks she had along the way, Mikuma had done it...She was a part of LAW...She made it!!! The grandest stage of them all...and all she has to do is go out there and show every audience member why she belongs. She's intelligent, talented, and powerful...she's as bright a star as any talent in that locker room, and it was high time that she proved that. With a series of deep breaths to attempt to quell her anxieties, Mikuma stood up, smacked her cheeks, hyped herself up as best as possible, and marched out of the room, through the halls, and toward the arena, embracing whatever may lay ahead of her...


"...Making her debut, hailing from Osaka, Japan...She is as FIERCE as she is CUDDLY, as POWERFUL as she is CUTE...fighting for a future brighter than any constellation in the sky...standing at 5'3 and weighing in at 196 lbs...URSA MAJOR, MIKUMA 'KUMA' SATO!!!"

To Mikuma's surprise-...things were so much worse than she had imagined...The audience was twice, no, THREE TIMES as big as she expected it to be. What was this, a PPV event?!?! Was this LAW's normal turn-out on a regular basis? The girl almost fainted at the top of the stage, barely catching herself in time before walking down the ramp. Don't freeze up. Don't freeze up. Don't freeze up. Don't freeze up. Don't freeze up. Don't freeze up. She constantly repeated that statement to herself, focusing on the ring and ONLY the ring as a way to compensate. All her usual methods were failing, and she was beginning to struggle. Her thoughts were drowned out by all the relentless crowd chatter...She could hardly breathe as her heart began to pound violently and rapidly in her chest. She controlled her breathing and focused on the corner...HER corner. She climbed the steps and entered the ring, closing her eyes and...breathing, trying to mentally prepare herself...All she could hope for now was that her opponent was at least a TAD easygoing, for her own sake...

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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

In stark contrast to the woman who had already made her way down to the ring, Minerva Darque, sitting in the locker room and finishing sliding on her wrestling gear, felt no such nerves that her opponent did, instead sitting in the darkened room with a smirk on her face! Minerva hadn't had the greatest record so far, but that didn't matter tonight, as the LAW management had granted her a perfect opportunity to correct that little oversight, by giving her an opponent who was having her very first match in the promotion! Tonight was exactly what the goth blonde needed, and as she stood up to leave the locker room, she solidified in her head that this was going to be her moment to make a dominant statement!

She resisted the urge to let out a cackle to herself as she walked through the backstage section of the arena, holding her umbrella with her as she always did, before she had finally arrived at the curtain to the arena! With little delay once she was given her queue, Minerva Darque would step out from behind the curtain and onto the ramp, making her entrance for her match against Mikuma Sato!
The goth woman twirled her umbrella atop her shoulder, creating a dizzying effect as the spiderweb pattern on it spun around and around, all while she walked down to the ring, eyes fixed on Mikuma as a devious smile covered her face! Minerva would arrive at the ring in short order, climbing up onto the apron, folding her umbrella down before slipping inside, setting her prop down on the edge of the ring before turning and stepping towards Mikuma, looking her up and down!

"Well well well... look at you... I wonder, will you scream?" It was certainly an off putting question, and combined with the way Minerva was grinning at her, it was likely Mikuma wouldn't feel any warmth or comfort from her opponent either! Minerva brought up a hand to cover her mouth as she snickered, before slowly backing away, eyes still on her foe as she got ready for the match to begin!

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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Mikuma was having one of the worst times of her life...she definitely should've taken up Jiyuu's offer to accompany her down to the ring...or maybe the offer from that one turtle-themed gal she met the other day when she and Jiyuu were at the gym. It didn't matter now, though...she was all alone, which while it wasn't her preferred state of being when on the verge of a panic attack, it was necessary for her to try and get over her fears now. She was here now...she was in LAW, and this was all happening. This ring, this crowd...ALL of it...it's all part of the 'big leagues' as some would put it. Mikuma NEEDED to get a hang of her stage fright and anxiety. She tried to take deep breaths whenever she could, keeping her composure as cool as possible, thinking happy thoughts, the usual...However, when Minerva arrived on the scene, Mikuma froze up a little at first. The woman didn't seem THAT bad...in fact, she seemed rather nice with a cute gothic theme to her outfit, beautiful blonde hair, and this stylish umbrella...

Maybe, just maybe, Mikuma could make a friend?


And amid that thought, Minerva decided to open her mouth and shatter all notions of friendship and good sportsmanship. Mikuma's heart sank into a pit of despair as the spider-themed woman asked quite an unnerving question, leaving the poor bear-themed rookie in utter shock as her face ran a little more pale than usual as Minerva delivered quite the startling shock to her pudgy-figured foe. "S-S-Sc-Ssssscream!?!!?? W-why-...w-w-what're you getting at!? W-who asks that kind of question? I-I'm just here to do my best-...Uwah-!!! You're freaking me out over here!!!" She whined, the nervous jitters getting to her after Minerva backed away in a creepy fashion with that wicked smile and fiendish snicker still looming in Mikuma's head, distracting her as the bell rang and she stood frozen in her corner, unaware of the ringing toll in the background...

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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Minerva's opponent was a nervous wreck. It didn't take the goth woman that long to figure it out, as her unconfident posture had been a big hint, but the thing that really confirmed it was her response to Minerva's ominous words, her foe breaking out into a stuttering mess! Minerva flashed her another sinister smile, before turning around and heading back to her corner, rolling her eyes now that Mikuma was out of sight! The goth woman needed something flashy and spectacular, and an opponent who was already a complete nervous wreck wasn't going to give people tons of confidence in the goth woman to repair her reputation, which is what she looked to do! Ugh, what to do? For now, Minerva figured that her only option was to go ahead and beat Mikuma quickly, making an impression on the much larger woman to make an impression on the LAW audience, and use it to find another opponent to beat!

"Let's get to it, shall we?" Minerva said with a smirk, and as soon as the bell rang, the goth woman would waste no time, as she suddenly turned towards Mikuma and took off into a run, thundering across the ring towards her opponent! Minerva had a plan, and despite it being simple, she was more than ready to stick to it! And that was to rush towards Mikuma as quick as she could and suddenly dive forwards, leaping towards her opponent and trying to throw her shoulder into her to hit her with a spear to start things off!

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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

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Mikuma was COMPLETELY out of her depth when it came to dealing with types like Minerva...people so vexing and mysterious and creepy. It gave the poor young rookie goosebumps as the goth girl wandered off. Mikuma was caught off guard so badly, that she didn't recognize the bell ringing as she was lost in thought, not focusing on her opponent until it was too late. Right out of the gate, Minerva managed to close the gap in a matter of seconds, using that brief moment when the rookie made a fitting rookie mistake of taking her eyes off her opponent for even a second. With nothing to stop her and an opponent too far lost amid her thoughts, Minerva slammed into Mikuma's body shoulder-first, knocking the wind out of the big, tubby wrestler.

Mikuma's state of unpreparedness allowed Minerva to knock her against the turnbuckle, trapping her between the ropes as her back hit the padded buckles in a brutal manner, eliciting a wince of discomfort out of the young girl as her spine began to flare up with a surge of pain. From the front to the back, the bear-themed Joshi-wrestler was being dismantled bit by bit, picked apart by the spider goth with relative ease moments into the match...a sorry display for a debuting talent, leaving much to be desired. Mikuma coughed and groaned, feeling a deep pain in her body after eating a Spear without any defense to cushion the blow, leaving Minerva with nothing but ample opportunities to continue picking apart and playing with her newfound prey.
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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Despite the size difference between the two wrestlers, it seemed that Minerva had managed to catch her foe off guard, and the shoulder that she threw succeeded in driving Mikuma backwards, sending her all the way into the corner with a thump! It gave Minerva a fair bit of confidence, a dangerous thing for the goth woman to have considering how her record generally looked, but now that the feeling was in her head, she was more than ready to follow it, rushing over to the corner where Mikuma was attempting to recover! But as she drew close, she'd actually slow down, until she got right up next to Mikuma, suddenly climbing the ropes to either side, to stand above her opponent, looking straight down at her!

"Stay right there sweetie... I'll make this quick!" Minerva teased, before attempting to suddenly grab hold of Mikuma's arm and jump up, wrapping her legs around the heavyweight's neck before dropping! If she succeeded, she'd land on her upper back, all while holding her opponent's arm and wrenching down on it, having trapped her in a somewhat impressive triangle armbar!

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Re: UnBEARable Darque-ness: Mikuma Sato (D) vs Minerva Darque

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Mikuma groaned, already feeling embarrassed and sorry for herself after being caught off-guard, further spiraling downward as she continued to get lost in her thoughts, serving as her own worst enemy. This momentary flash of self-doubt didn't stop Minerva from continuing her assault, quickly sending up the ropes and teasing Mikuma as she spoke softly, calling her 'sweetie' and making the Bear's cheeks go flush with a tinge of red burning beneath the surface as Mikuma squealed softly, only to be brought down all of a sudden, trapped in an Armbar variation as Minerva lulled her further into her web, applying increasing pressure on the young Joshi-wrestler's neck, shoulder, and arm.

The one benefit of being sent into the corner this early was that it gave Mikuma a chance at escaping situations like these fairly easily. She reached out for the nearest rope and grabbed hold of it as tightly as she could using her free arm, squirming and whining softly as she could feel her trapped arm getting wrenched around and tugged on to an uncomfortable degree, all the while feeling Minerva's legs wrapping around and pressing against her in certain areas. Feeling Minerva's soft, pale-skinned legs against her face had made Mikuma VERY uncomfortable, causing her face to redden up like a tomato as the goth spider queen brought her down in a bent-over position, making the bear-themed wrestler more flustered than ever as she panicked. Eventually, the referee would call for a rope break, threatening to disqualify Minvera should she not let the poor rookie go.
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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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