Girls under the tutelage of the noble Daiki Higurashi, renowned for his heroism and efforts in fighting evil back in the past as the famous Kyoryu Navy/Talon Charge Ranger. And now, these girls serve him as his friends, beloved ones and will fight for him whether in the AFW-verse or the LAW-verse.
Daiki Higurashi
Ashley McKinzie
Gabrielle "Gabbie" Minato
Amélie "Amy" Minato
Serina Himekawa
Lucy Grange
Sophie Taylor
Nicole Evans
Jocelyn "Jocie" Elliot
Akira Midorikawa
Janis Spencer
Astrid Fönixdottir
About me (Daiki Higurashi):
- Currently learning to write better for RPs, inspired by my favorite RPers back in AFW when I lurked there since 2012 like Tatyina. It may be hard, but I'll eventually get to it. I usually learn by reading old threads in AFW for writing and character inspos
- Always uses Koikatsu for my characters and never wanted to use faceclaims/AI art because I feel better using it
- Only does two RPs per one character. If it's not done yet, I won't RP here, but still accept DM/private RPs
- Used to adopt OCs from AFW because of nostalgia reasons, but now I make my own OCs
- Aside from RPing here and in AFW, I also RP on Discord. Hit me up on Discord by adding me there (IGN: fargusno7930)
- I also own a Multiverse called the Fargus Multiverse and I also write novels and make OCs for fun, mostly non-wrestlers and anime/tokusatsu-inspired. You can find them in my DeviantArt and Pixiv.
May my girls meet yours in the ring one day!