A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Smother match
Hentai attacks allowed
Attire is panties only

Backstage in a LAW arena, there was a sight so mesmerising that the floor had become soaked with the staff workers drool. That sight, was the bare breasts of one Hiyori Tsukada! The pigtailed girl happily stretched and winked at all the glaring LAW staff. As long as they weren't seeing her pussy, Hiri didn't mind showing them some skin, it certainly made the silly shorty feel good to get such attention.
Hiyori's theme
With her theme beginning to play over the speakers, Hiyori grinned as now she would get that same attention on a much larger scale. The near naked shortstack made her appearance on the grand stage of LAW for the first time and what a first appearance it was! Vigorously blowing kisses to the crowd, Hiyori established herself as a flirty and adorable new face within the lightweight division as her bosom bounced while she performed plenty of fan-service. Despite her practically naked state, the silly shorty happily took photos with fans and handed out high fives until she was finally in the ring.

Now waiting, it only just occurred to Hiyori that she knew nothing about her opponent. Niko was her name. It sounded kinda familiar but the pigtailed girl didn't care enough to think about it long. Whatever the case, Hiyori just cared that Niko had a good sense of humour and was fun to fight. Aside from that, Hiri wasn't particularly concerned with who her opponent was. The only thing for Hiyori to worry about was winning and looking good doing it, of which she already had the second part down!
Last edited by Mysterdio on Mon Dec 02, 2024 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko took a deep breath in preparation for her next match. One that would have her coming out in nothing but a pair of panties. 'Must be that same director from before. Pig.' Niko thought to herself with a bit of a frown, however she would not let it get to her for this bout. After all no better way to shove it to him or other people that underestimated her than succeeding so that's just what she would do!

Stepping out of her dressing room clad just in a pair of red panties and no top she would make her way down the halls of LAW backstage, the previously bustling staff stopping and staring at she did so. Effectively stopping everything that had picked up after her opponent made her way through. Not showing any signs she even recognized them doing so though Niko retained a straight face as her new entrance music started up around the arena causing the fans to cheer.
Strutting out onto the stage Niko would strike a cute pose while allowing a small smirk to come across her face as the fans went into an uproar. Knowing that at least most of the fans had her back was definitely a mood booster for Niko but she wouldn't get distracted. She had one job here tonight and that was to win this match. Coming down the ramp with a confident stride Niko would hop up onto the apron before slipping between the ropes to enter the ring.

Turning to face her opponent and looking her up and down Niko would admit the girl was definitely a looker. Even giving her a run as far as breasts went but she wasn't the type to get jealous easily, and even if the context behind this match wasn't ideal, she would make the most of this opportunity. Approaching the woman Niko would hold her hand out towards her for a hand shake with the woman.

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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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A chipper smile remained on Hiyori's face as she spied her opponent for the night. While all eyes were on Niko rather than the thicker newcomer, Hiyori still took the time to groove a little to the pinkette's theme song, enjoying her music taste. Beyond that, though, Hiri found herself very intrigued by Niko's look. While neither were wearing much of any attire, Hiyori did like her foe's choice in bikini bottoms, not to mention, her hair was really cute, too! All things considered, Hiyori had a good feeling about her opponent, and tonight's match.

Boobs bouncing as she toom a few steps forward, the silly shorty happily accepted her fellow shortstack's handshake. With a grin on her face, Hiyori figured that the pinkette would have a good attitude, so it only seemed right to introduce herself, and joke around a little bit. "Hi! I'm Hiyori! Gotta say, girl, I admire the confidence to walk out here topless with a pretty obviously bigger pair next to you." Spoken with both a sly grin and tone, it sounded a little insulting, but Hiyori certainly didn't mean it particularly seriously.

Sticking her tongue out to add to the exaggerated tone, Hiri put her arms behind her back as the handshake ended, continuing to get herself acquainted with Niko. "Actually, looks like I'm waaaay thicker, overall, but that's fine. I mean the skinnier look makes you look super cute and hot as hell. Even though, I'll totally trounce you in this fight, you're definitely giving me a run for my money in something! Boop." Poking the sweet dream's nose, playfully, Hiyori giggled to herself as she pulled back a little, believing that Niko would be on board with her humour. After all, she was obviously lying. Niko looked like she'd be a great match. Hiyori was in for a tough fight and she knew it. Even if her chest outclassed Niko's, the pinkette easily had the assets to KO the silly shorty if she was caught off-guard! "Seriously though, let's just both kick butt, girlfriend."
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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Making her entrance in full and getting a good amount of cheers as she did so. Entering the ring and facing off with her opponent Niko would look her over just as the girl did the same with her, but before Niko could say anything Hiyori would beat her to the punch, speaking up first. Blinking at first at the seemingly disrespectful words Niko would shrug it off and smile given that's what Hiyori was doing so she assumed she was just trying to break the ice while still being competitive.

"Hehe, well I'm nothing if not confident! I'm Niko by the way, that girl that will be kicking those big boobs of yours around!" Niko responded back in an energy matching Hiyori's own. Seemingly that worked since Hiyori matched the energy right back, keeping it up with a bit more playful trash talk before booping Niko on the nose!

"Yeah you are thicker, but the crowd seems to like my skinnier looks and better curves just a bit more, so you'll be getting a run for your money in multiple ways." Niko shot back in a teasing tone towards the girl before getting a determined look at the final thing that Hiyori said. "Trust me, I intend too." Niko said, putting her hands up and readying herself for whatever Hiyori's first move would be once the bell rang!

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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko seemed to respond well to Hiyori's playful teasing. It pleased Hiri to hear Niko teasing her back. A giggle escaped her lips as the pinkette informed that she would be kicking Hiyori's jugs around. It was evident this would be a fun and spirited match. "Oh reeeaaalllyy? That's assuming I don't kick your skin 'n bones butt!" With the bell still not having rung and things not seeming particularly serious, Hiyori took the time to keep up the playful taunting, punctuating her response by leaning in and poking the butt she was referring to.

"Izzat right? Well, i don't know if you know, but I am a former champion. I'd say I've got some sway with this crowd." With a chuckle and a wave, the silly shorty gathered some cheers for herself. Readying herself with a stance of her own, Hiyori smirked, she could tell Niko would be a good friend, and a fun foe. "Oh, you may be quicker, but thicker is what counts in this kinda fight. Hehe." With that, the bell sounded and the fight was on. Rather than rush at the Sweet Dream, Hiri inched closer before locking up with Niko for some grappling, believing she could comfortably overpower her opponent.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko continued to smirk back at Hiyori as she tried taunting her but Niko was more than confident in her own body so no matter what Hiyori said Niko wasn't going to sell it as she rolled her neck in preparation. "If you're a former champion it'll just make it all the more satisfying when I beat you." Niko said confidently before the bell rang out and prompting Hiyori to come in and grapple with Niko!

Smirking at this and the words that Hiyori said Niko would grab hold of Hiyori's hands without fear! "There's more to winning than just size!" Niko would yell out as she pivoted on her feet, pulling on Hiyori's hands while pounding her hips into the woman's stomach, looking to knock her off balance while pulling her forward to send the woman crashing down to the mat with a judo style throw!

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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Widening her eyes competitively at Niko's confidence, Hiyori stretched her leg as she leaned forward at Niko, playing to the crowd while also letting her titties hang low in front of her foe. "Oooo. Fiesty, huh? Well you got a champion's attitude, and body But we'll see about it being better than mine. Heehee~" The silly shorty giggled, playing with Niko some more as she thought the pinkette was pretty cool.

With the bell having rung, the big-breasted girls intertwined their fingers and shoved against each other. Hiyori was the stronger off the two, as evidenced by her thicker body. However, Niko was skilled enough to make up for it by pulling Hiri in and bumping her belly. It caught the former champion off-guard, but she stayed standing. "Ohhhh? You don't wanna try judo on me, Niko!" With a playful taunt, Hiyori turned Niko's move on her but with greater speed and force.
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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko smirked and nodded at Hiyori's rather challenging words, remaining rather non plussed by it. "I can say the same for you!" Niko said, raising her fists in preparation and clashing with the woman before turning and trying to execute a judo throw on her. Only much to Niko's surprise Hiyori would not only block it but fully reverse it onto her instead!

"Whoa!" Niko cried out as she hit the mat, but she wouldn't do so without resistance. Despite the throw Niko would hold onto Hiyori's arm as she descended, intending on using the force and speed she was being thrown with against her opponent, tugging on the arm of Hiyori as she fell and turning her body as she did so, in order to try and send Hiyori over her and down to the mat as well with a arm drag!

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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Hiyori's counterattack seemed to surprise Niko, putting the busty pinkette on her ass with a cry of surprise. A goofy grin found itself on Hiri's face, getting a bit too pleased with herself for giving the fellow pigtailed shortstack some trouble. However, Niko would prove she had plenty skills of her own, keeping hold of the jackpot cutie's arm and dragging her across the canvas in an arm drag. "Oof! Guess you got some skills of your own, huh, Niko?" Hiyori admitted, still smiling.
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Re: A Friendship Formed in Smothers! Hiyori Tsukada vs Niko Tomiji

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Despite getting countered Niko was able to show Hiyori that she wasn't so easily taken out by dragging her down with her using a arm drag. Pushing herself up after and hearing Hiyori's compliment Niko would nod back with a smile. "Hehe yeah, you're pretty good too." Niko said before darting forward suddenly, hoping to catch Hiyori off guard as she was still rising up by lifting her knee up to go for a running knee right to the girl's chest!

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