Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Match Type: Hardstyle Hentai
Match Stipulations: Victory can only be obtained by scoring an orgasm after a pinfall, submission, or knockout.


New year, new match, new mindset. It was good to be back.

It had been a while, too long, since Asp found herself in a LAW ring, and there wasn’t any real reason for it in her estimation. She suspected it was out of pity from management after the incident with Naga, with them harboring some bad feelings about how she’d been made a POW and carted off to the Baroness’ mansion. That is understandable, given all the dark rumors that circulated the Renaud family name like flies to a fresh kill, but she didn’t blame anyone for that situation but herself. She had accepted the match and its consequences.

Besides, her time with the Renauds had been a notable experience she didn’t wholly regret. But that was a story for another time.

While she appreciated their concern, she needed to get back to the ring more than anything. She was a wrestler now, fully fledged, and that was where she was meant to be - competing, fighting, striving. It was the best therapy she could ask for, especially now that she had been better trained with Sophia’s aid, She was eager to put her newly honed skills to the test, moreso than she ever expected to.

When her
she slipped the ropes with her twin snakes coiled around her arms, she was more than a little surprised by the reaction - apparently, the audience had missed her as much as she’d missed them, a truly welcome development. Asp smiled their way and proceeded down the ramp, twisting and spinning with her usual routine, though she perhaps put in a little extra energy thanks to the excitement. It was a good vibe, and she rode it every steps of the way.

After leaving her babies in a basket near the announcer’s desk, she made her way up the stepped slipped through the ropes, and waved to the appreciative crowd as she strutted towards her corner and took up position. Calm and ready, the Water Serpent had a few quick stretches as she waited for her opponent’s music to start, eager to see if the rumors of her foe were accurate.
Asp, back in action!
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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Asp - Dance of the Serpents

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As Safiyah watched Asp entering the ring, she was trying to calm herself down, sitting cross-legged as she watched the TV in the Gorilla position. On the outside, appearances seem fine, if not a little subdued compared to her normal rambunctious self. Even her outfit showed she was ready for a tough challenge, the kind Asp could present. And with her being a fellow compatriot with a snake theme...that's even better.

On the inside, however, she was having flashbacks. The memories of being upstaged flooded back to her. Where Safiyah was hammered and battered before being subjugated, right where Asp is standing now. When there was no one there to support her after clear cheating, due to ‘boosted ratings’

For a moment, the Azure Cobra’s smile dripped to a frown - a shiver ran up her spine from even the mere thought of it. But right now, Safiyah had shaken the memory’s taunting grasp, wanting to make a good impression tonight. It was a new year. A new match. With new fortunes to come.

That was important because Safiyah hadn’t really hit her stride since she’d come to LAW. The goals and aspirations to reach the top and get champion status were still there, even if they were clashing with her desires to wrestle with the sexiest women. And she has got the latter, to an extent. If Safiyah tried really hard, then there’s something to enjoy with all of her matches…apart from the fact that she just keeps coming up short. Every. Single. Time. Sure, the orgasms are nice and all, but that’s not enough. Safiyah wants to be on top. Safiyah wants to win. And she hasn’t been doing that. Back-to-back failures, no genuine fan following.

And if she doesn’t want that to be the summary of her career, then this must change. Now.

Her music started up soon enough, and she came strutting out to applause. Not as much difference as her debut. The crowd always cheered seeing sexy women grace the ramp and into the ring. Safiyah’s entrance was kind of lacking compared to Asp’s, not as exotic as carrying some snakes, but she could still smile at the audience while her theme played, a natural swing of her hips as she strutted to keep the blood flowing and the slithering motions that just came naturally.
Safiyah, 'back' in action!
She slithered into the ring, rising like a cobra poised and ready. The bluenette’s sultry smile widened as she licked her lips. Man, did she miss the women back in Egypt. Speaking of which…

[“Well, hello there~.”] Arabic. It seems fitting, given the circumstances. Safiyah slowly strutted towards Asp, inching towards her in the corner. [“Now, you say you’re a serpent, but I wonder which one will I get tonight. Hopefully, one with some venom and not defanged.”]
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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Asp liked Safiyah before she even laid eye on her. Before she even heard a note of her music, if she was being honest, though that likely would’ve won her over if the name alone hadn't done so. In truth, she’d been excited from the first moment she heard who her opponent would be: a woman from her home country.

Asp often thought of herself as a daughter of the world, having spent her life trotting the globe with her parents. But Cairo was her home, and while she returned there infrequently through her life, it always held a certain significance to her, a familiarity that she couldn't find elsewhere. There was something about being among those who spoke her way, who had her traditions, who shared her history, that made her feel welcome even among strangers. No matter how far she strayed, home was a place where she could find her footing, and she had been missing it in recent months, even considering a pilgrimage. There may be no need, now. Home had come to her in a small way. In such an enticing package, too.

She could say many things about the woman descending the ramp—an exotic beauty, not unlike herself. Unlike herself, though, she was probably closer to what people thought of when the world ‘Egyptian’ crossed their minds. The dark skin was a stark contrast to her paler tones, to say nothing of her flaming red hair, all remnants of her Greek ancestry. Her looks made her standout in her own homeland, but if Safiyah found them offputting, she was kind enough not to show it. There was only desire in those eyes.

And those eyes…mesmerizing. Safire and gold, shimmering in the light. A rare gem, this one.

It had been ages since she had the pleasure of speaking her native tongue, and Asp would not pass up the chance to do so. [”Greetings.”] She took her time looking over Safiyah’s body up close, making sure the woman noticed that she not only saw, but liked what she saw. [”Aspasia El-Shenawy, but you may call me Asp. The pleasure is all mine.”] She indulged in a deep bow and stepped forward, moving into Safiyah’s personal space, just shy of touching. A bold move, but she kept her smile warm and welcoming.

[”As for my venom...”] She titled her head to side, as if she were contemplating a kiss. [”By all means, see for yourself. Taste.”]
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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Japan is an odd place, a fact constantly brought to Safiyah’s attention.

Since coming here, she had wondered about the need to speak Japanese to get by, and while she knows a few basic words, the culture shock would be tricky to get used to. What was most surprising was that somewhere in Japan held a community that spoke Arabic. Or Masri, the more widely spoken vernacular Arabic there is. She had thought that since coming to the Land of the Rising Sun, there’d be a threat of losing that mother tongue as if learning English was enough of a task. Mind you, Japan isn’t Egypt and it never will be. But at least there’s a place where she could get a slice of home.

If only said place wasn’t six hours away from Tokyo by train.

At the very least, the Azure Cobra could settle with Asp. Such activities that Safiyah engages in are still taboo in those circles. But here is another who shares the same space in the boat they both travel to. Sure, the differences caused by the mixed heritage are…striking, to say the least. But Safiyah didn’t mind that. The crimson locks tied into a voluminous rose-like bun, the alabaster skin, the sharp, almond-shaped eyes. The natural air of poise and control is enhanced by the intricate detailing of her costume and posture. As all snakes should have. Heck, Safiyah’s eyes aren’t what the usual Egyptians have.

As far as Safiyah is concerned, they’re both unorthodox combatants lucky to share the ring tonight.

And both serpents took time to enjoy each other’s bodies. Given that, their attire allowed for some lovely sightseeing. [“Still got the tongue. Nice.”] The Sapphire Serpent was dangerously close to Crimson’s own. Asp steps into Safiyah’s space, so close that they can feel each other’s body heat. Graceful hips almost resting against each other as the abs gently kiss with each inhale. Asp was taller, but that didn’t add to any intimidation factor here. That didn’t seem to be the vibe Asp was going for. Or even cared about, for that matter.

[“Taste?”] Safiyah spoke. The heterochromatic gaze watched as those lips looked even more luscious. [“Why just a taste when I can swallow you whole?”] Not even hesitating, Safiyah darted in with a kiss on those lips. A quick one, similar to a snake, as it strikes a target. In and out.

[“Mmmm…you do taste good Asp. I’ll be sampling some more after I coil around you and squeeze you out.”]

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

This would make the second time that Asp started a match off with a kiss, and the audience was anticipating it, looking on with eager eyes and gaping mouths as the two heavenly bodies closed in on each other. With most other matches, this would’ve been an aggressive gesture, two wrestlers getting ready to butt heads like rams on the hell, peacocks strutting, displays of dominance. She and Safiya were playing a much more interesting game, however.

A kiss. Quick, fleeting, but so very fiery. Safiya’s lips with lush and lovely, plush and plump, the kind that Asp would’ve loved to devour with her own, and she found herself savoring the honeyed taste even when they’d parted. The woman had eaten something spicy not long ago, unless her tastebuds were mistaken.

She shivered, sighed, and smiled as Safiyah spoke again, blessing Asp with her native language spoken in dulcet tones. She licked her lips, making sure she didn’t miss a single drop of this woman’s taste, before she responded.

[”I believe I’m more than you can swallow, beloved.”] She dipped forward and took a deep breath, taking in Safiyah’s scent and committing it to memory. Rich and flavorful, like a rare wine. [”But I’m eager to see you try. Let’s begin, shall we?”]

With that, Asp stepped away at the referee’s beckoning and took a safe distance, waiting for the signal. Once the referee’s hand went down, she went on the move, though not at a fast pace. Instead of the usual fevered pacing, Asp began with a slow, strutting stroll around the ring, circling around the ring at a leisurely pace and daring Safiyah to do much the same. She picked up speed every now and then as she kept her foe in the side-eye, but she made no aggressive moves just yet. Waiting. Watching. Curious to see if she could bait her foe to make the first move.

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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So far, so pleasant. Then again, nothing has been surprising about Asp, thus far. Not that it’s a demerit towards the redhead, far from it. Her responses were all that she’d been expecting, brief hints of confirmation that she liked what she saw. It’s a kind of foregone conclusion. You came into this sort of thing with a strong appreciation for the female body.

And Safiyah’s eyes would convey that she likes what she sees in Asp. In truth, despite the inauspicious start, all the ladies she had met had been lovely to be with and lovely to feel too. The only fault was just their personalities. Whereas Asp was just exquisite. Right body, right personality, and from the brief moments the bluenette saw from the archives, the right fighting style. There was a lot to like about Asp, and that was before the bell had rung.

[“Surely you’d know a snake will try regardless.”] Safiyah responded, dipping forward also, staring into her eyes. Indeed, Safiyah had something recently. Koshari is too good of food to stop eating. [“We shall. No hard feelings and all that.”]

Safiyah would meet with Asp in the centre, keeping a respectful distance between the two. Having a few matches under her belt, the Azure Cobra knew the deal by now. Waiting for the referee, then the bell. Her mind had been thinking of all the things she wanted to do on Asp. Things that their home country would consider blasphemy. Luckily, they’re not in Egypt.

Once the hand went down, the bluenette followed Asp’s lead, moving around her opponent, but not so fast. Not so slow, either. Controlled, careful steps, but neither seemed to settle into anything that resembled the usual fighting stance. This match will greatly disappoint anyone expecting a classic, no-nonsense wrestling match because these two wrestlers won’t provide that.

After a few moments of their “dance”, Safiyah is ready to give the crowd something to bite into. A foot would step inside their circle, pivoting around, keeping her eye on her over the shoulder before returning to the usual walk, her hips swaying with each sultry step she took. Safiyah would do so again, the same type of pivot, but where the slightly raised foot didn’t lower to the ground. Instead, the Azure Cobra would spin again, with much greater speed, looking to strike the top of her foot towards the head.

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Asp was quick to make friends - perhaps too fast, to hear her parents tell it. On a few occasions, she tried to befriend those she ought not to have, putting time and energy to appease people who simply would not be appeased. She liked to see the good in people whenever she could, and that way of thinking could lead you down dark alleys if you weren’t careful.

But she had a good feeling about Safiyah. She saw in the woman much that she saw in herself - that sensuality, that poise, that control. It made her wish to know more about the woman outside of the ring, but she pushed such thoughts to the back of her mind and strove to focus. As best she could, with such a beauty swaying before her.

Each step was a taste of art, their movements designed to seduce and distract, two goals they exceeded. They kept in time with each step, so close that she wouldn’t have forgiven anyone for thinking they’d practiced this beforehand. But the ball would drop, sooner rather than later…

There? No, no, not there. There was a burst of movement, and Asp moved quickly to keep her opponent in line, but the attack never came. A feint, and one that she nearly bit on. She skipped a bit, winked, then resumed her movement, knowing the real one would be coming her way in a moment.

And there it was, as Safiyah moved her way in a burst of motion, one that the Water Serpent knew she had to commit to. Asp moved in as well, twisting about, a blur of motion, closing the gap with hurried steps, and-


Asp felt the impact, but not with the face she expected. Instead, her kick collided with another kick, either meeting at the same time or so close together that it made little difference. She winced and fell back as the crowd ooed and awed, but she kept her eyes forward, locked and focused.

Again, then. Asp moved in this time, bringing her leg straight up for what would look to all the world like a regular snap kick. Instead, she pivoted, brought it around the side, and turned it into a high roundhouse, once more targeting the face.

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Safiyah moved like liquid fire, every step deliberate, her body a poem written in motion. She could see Asp’s energy, the eager, almost wild pursuit of connection that made her endearing but also, perhaps, a little too trusting. Sure, Safiyah was one to be swayed by charm, though anyone by now would admire Asp’s tenacity, her sharp movements, and the way she danced on the edge of boldness and calculation.

The feint had been her test, a gentle prod to gauge how quickly Asp could react. The way she’d skipped, that playful wink—it almost made Safiyah smile. Almost. But there was no room for amusement in this exchange, no time to entertain an admiration for Asp’s spirited nature. Safiyah was here to dominate, not to be distracted. Not again.

Then the actual attack came, the Azure Cobra adding a bit of a gap in order to bait the Water Serpent into coming in, and from the moment, while spinning, Safiyah saw her biting onto it. She moved swiftly, looking to score a debilitating blow in the first few seconds…only to hear a sharp CLAP of their kicks colliding reverberating in the air, an electrifying sound that sent a ripple through the crowd. The force of the clash vibrated up Safiyah’s leg, a harsh reminder that Asp wasn’t one to underestimate. The crowd’s collective gasp was an undercurrent, drowned out by the focus roaring in Safiyah’s mind.

Her gaze locked onto Asp, unyielding, her sapphire and gold eyes blazing with an intensity that spoke volumes. You want to test me? They seemed to say. Very well.

Safiyah adjusted her stance, her weight balanced perfectly, her arms loose but ready. The crowd’s murmurs faded to a distant hum as she analysed Asp’s next move. Just then, the redhead surged forward, her leg rising in what seemed to be a straightforward snap kick. A lesser opponent might have braced for it and might have focused solely on blocking or dodging.

But Safiyah saw the subtle shift in Asp’s hips, the twist in her shoulders that betrayed the true intent—a roundhouse aimed high, targeting her face with precision. A smart trick, Safiyah thought, a flicker of respect igniting in her chest. One that anyone would fall for after feeling the sting - or bite of the snake.

However, Asp wasn’t the only serpent in this ring.

It all seemed like a flash, but the slithering leg of Asp would suddenly collide with a single foot of Safiyah, raising it high enough. It seemed to move like a shadow, coiling and unfurling in one seamless motion. Her bare foot halted the whip-like kick and its momentum with startling ease. The crowd roared as Safiyah held the younger woman’s leg aloft, the two of them frozen in a tableau of power and defiance. The smirk that graced Safiyah’s lips then was slow, deliberate, and utterly captivating.

[“Faster.”] she murmured, her voice low and rich, carrying just enough for Asp to hear. [“Can’t be all flash and no bite.”]

The Azure Cobra’s foot pushed Asp’s leg in the opposite direction, seeking to knock it askew before her darkly tanned leg swung back in a sweeping curve, targeting to smack the side of Asp’s head in a downward hook, before twisting that foot outward and fired upwards to those precious lips.

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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The match wasn’t even a minute, and already, Asp was having the time of her life. While she’d been blessed with excellent opponents in her time with LAW, they had all fought in a straightforward, traditional way. Grapplers from the ground up, experienced and effective, women - and a man - that she would not have stood a chance against only a year ago.

Safiyah, she suspected, was much like her, coming from a background out of combat and slipping into this lifestyle, bringing her style and flair along for the ride. There was art in her movement, theatre in her attacks, and she could only imagine what this fight would look like to the audience’s gleaming eyes.

Their legs clashed, and though the sensation was far from pleasure, it still sent a chill up Asp’s spine, and she smiled despite the pain. This, she wagered, was as close as she would ever come to fighting a mirror image of herself, and the prospect was electrifying. Her eyes locked with Safiyah’s and she responded in kind.

Yes, I do. A quick wink. Here it comes.

Asp came, lashing out with a deceptive kick, testing the woman’s prowess. A lesser opponent would have fallen for the Question Mark kick, but she quickly learned that such a moniker couldn't be applied to Safiyah. She wasn’t too surprised when her move was blocked, but when she saw how it was stopped? Oh, that was a small shock.

Safiyah’s foot. She’d blocked the move with her foot.

There was little time to be impressed, however, as Safiyah sought to take advantage of the situation she’d unconventionally created. Asp leg was knocked away, her trajectory ruined, a move that left her wide open as Safiyah lashed out. She moved her head clear of the first one, but the second came from below and grazed her legs as she backed away, so close she could taste the woman’s honeyed skin on her lips.

Space. She needed more space. Instead of rushing back in, Safiya kept falling away, arching her back and turning it into a flip. Her feet shot out as she retreated, attempting to clip her foe in the face, and her hands barely touched the mat—a perfect backflip, creating space and attacking at the same time.

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Re: Safiyah Neferet vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Dance of the Serpents

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Safiyah moved with a dancer’s grace, her body arching through the air in a seamless display of power and precision. Steps were light as air, her feet barely making a sound as they kissed the canvas. The thrill of the exchange coursed through her veins, setting her pulse alight with a fire she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her heterochromatic eyes locked onto Asp’s, reading the subtle shifts in her stance, the minute changes in her breath, the way she absorbed and calculated every movement. Yes, this one was different. There was no wasted motion in her movements, no hesitation in her strikes—only fluidity, only rhythm.

Most of the women she faced in LAW were predictable in their aggression. Powerful, disciplined, honed by years of rigorous training. They came at her with relentless force, their styles sharp and practised, designed to crush rather than captivate. But Asp? She danced. She painted the air with her movements, fluid and untamed, an artist lost in the beauty of combat. Safiyah recognised the kindred spirit within her instantly. They were two performers, two storytellers, composing their masterpiece in the ring, using limbs instead of brushes, pain instead of ink.

And what a glorious story it was becoming.

There were moments in a match—rare, exquisite moments—when everything else faded into the background. The crowd, the lights, the pressure, the weight of expectations—all of it melted away, leaving only the combatants and the crackling electricity of their movements. Safiyah lived for those moments. And now, as she watched Asp transition seamlessly from her failed strike, her leg knocked askew, into a breathtaking backflip, she knew she was in the midst of one.

The woman’s form was perfection—fluid, graceful, an act of effortless defiance against the laws of gravity. Safiyah saw the strike coming, but even so, she almost admired it too much to move. Almost. A lesser opponent would have found themselves laid out by that kick, too slow to react or too awestruck to care. But Safiyah was neither of those things. She leaned back, just enough for Asp’s foot to brush the space where her chin had been, a whisper of impact that sent a ripple down her spine.

Safiyah would fall back as if the attempt from Asp seemed to achieve its intention. But rather than retreating, the Azure Cobra would kip back up, pushing off her hands to spring up to her feet. Maintaining her momentum, the woman performed a handspring, showcasing her acrobatic skills as she closed in. Then, pushing off the mat, she twisted in the air before aiming to strike her heel downwards onto Asp’s head. As if the god Ptah swings his tool to create a moment of pain should this flying axe kick hit its mark.

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