Match Stipulations: Victory can only be obtained by scoring an orgasm after a pinfall, submission, or knockout.
New year, new match, new mindset. It was good to be back.
It had been a while, too long, since Asp found herself in a LAW ring, and there wasn’t any real reason for it in her estimation. She suspected it was out of pity from management after the incident with Naga, with them harboring some bad feelings about how she’d been made a POW and carted off to the Baroness’ mansion. That is understandable, given all the dark rumors that circulated the Renaud family name like flies to a fresh kill, but she didn’t blame anyone for that situation but herself. She had accepted the match and its consequences.
Besides, her time with the Renauds had been a notable experience she didn’t wholly regret. But that was a story for another time.
While she appreciated their concern, she needed to get back to the ring more than anything. She was a wrestler now, fully fledged, and that was where she was meant to be - competing, fighting, striving. It was the best therapy she could ask for, especially now that she had been better trained with Sophia’s aid, She was eager to put her newly honed skills to the test, moreso than she ever expected to.
When her she slipped the ropes with her twin snakes coiled around her arms, she was more than a little surprised by the reaction - apparently, the audience had missed her as much as she’d missed them, a truly welcome development. Asp smiled their way and proceeded down the ramp, twisting and spinning with her usual routine, though she perhaps put in a little extra energy thanks to the excitement. It was a good vibe, and she rode it every steps of the way.
After leaving her babies in a basket near the announcer’s desk, she made her way up the stepped slipped through the ropes, and waved to the appreciative crowd as she strutted towards her corner and took up position. Calm and ready, the Water Serpent had a few quick stretches as she waited for her opponent’s music to start, eager to see if the rumors of her foe were accurate.
Asp, back in action!